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TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp.

Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

The Role of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan in The Community Development

Planning of Minangkabau, Indonesia

Ardieansyah1, Elvira Mulya Nalien2, Ira Meiyenti3*, Ilham Sentosa4

Governance Institute of Home Affairs West Sumatera, Jl. Raya Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh
Km. 14, Baso 26192, Indonesia1,2
Governance Institute of Home Affairs, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Km. 20, Sumedang 45363,
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, 1016, Jl. Sultan Ismail, Bandar Wawasan, Kuala Lumpur 50250,

ardie.hafizh@gmail.com1, elviranalien@gmail.com2, irameiyenti@ymail.com3*

*Corresponding author Received: Ferbruary 18, 2020

Ira Meiyenti Revised : October 08, 2020
Governance Institute of Home Affairs Accepted: December 18, 2020
Email: Available Online: December 25, 2020

Tungku Tigo Sajarangan holds a vital role in the deliberation process of the development in the
Minangkabau community, regardless of the lack of synergy. This study aims to analyze and
describe the position of this customary institution in the development planning of Bukik
Batabuah Nagari in Candung District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province. The qualitative
methods used in the data collection were semi-structured interview techniques comprising 20
informants, as well as field observations and documentation. Subsequently, the results showed
that there was synergy from the perspective of individual and behavioral dimensions. Although
this synergy was not observed from the position dimension, especially the Cadiak Pandai
element, it can still be overcome by mutual control. Concerning the dimensions of the
relationship with other parties, Tungku Tigo Sajarangan remains active and participates in
providing recommendations and opinions. This activity was observed even though no village
regulation came from the Bamus Nagari initiative in implementing the village administration.
Consequently, it was concluded that Tungku Tigo Sajarangan has played an active role in the
planning process for the development of Bukik Batabuah Nagari. Also, the research
recommended that the leadership system should act as a civil society to participate consistently


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

and supervise the policies of the Bukik Batabuah Nagari government, with good synergy and
coordination between all related elements.
Keywords: Role Theory; Tungku Tigo Sajarangan; Nagari Development; Development Planning

Tungku Tigo Sajarangan memegang peran vital dalam proses musyawarah pembangunan di
masyarakat Minangkabau, terlepas dari kurangnya sinergitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kedudukan lembaga adat tersebut dalam perencanaan
pembangunan Nagari Bukik Batabuah di Kecamatan Candung, Kabupaten Agam, Provinsi
Sumatera Barat. Metode kualitatif yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah teknik
wawancara semi terstruktur kepada 20 informan, serta observasi lapangan dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya sinergi dari perspektif dimensi individu dan perilaku.
Meskipun sinergi ini tidak dilihat dari dimensi kedudukan, khususnya unsur Cadiak Pandai,
namun tetap dapat diatasi dengan saling mengontrol. Terkait dimensi relasi dengan pihak lain,
Tungku Tigo Sajarangan tetap aktif dan turut serta memberikan rekomendasi serta opini.
Kegiatan ini terpantau meski tidak ada peraturan desa yang berasal dari inisiatif Bamus Nagari
dalam menjalankan pemerintahan desa. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tungku
Tigo Sajarangan berperan aktif dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan Nagari Bukik
Batabuah. Selain itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar sistem kepemimpinan yang
berperan sebagai masyarakat sipil dapat berpartisipasi secara konsisten dan mengawasi
kebijakan Pemerintah Nagari Bukik Batabuah, dengan sinergi dan koordinasi yang baik antar
semua elemen terkait.
Kata Kunci: Teori Peran; Tungku Tigo Sajarangan; Pembangunan Nagari; Perencanaan

INTRODUCTION system tries to unite customary (KAN)

West Sumatra Province has several and departmental leadership through
social privileges evidenced by an the Wali Nagari. This is a form of
intense matrilineal descent system leadership dualism in a Nagari forum
(Pratama et al., 2017) in the and is the lowest government structure
Minangkabau tradition. This tradition, of the West Sumatra province (Hidayat
along with the adherence to Islamic & Sidik, 2018). Therefore, it opens up a
teachings, gives birth to life practices substantial opportunity for Tungku Tigo
based on customs and syara’ or Sajarangan to execute a role in
religion. Furthermore, these two development again (Yulika, 2012). This
elements encourage the practice of policy was established by Regulation
governance based on Nagari (Putra, Number 9 of 2000 concerning Basic
2008) with the motto Adat Basandi Provisions for Nagari by the regional
Syara’ Syara’ Basandi Kitabullah. This government of West Sumatra Province.
motto, which means “Custom based on It applies to all cities or districts in West
religion, and religion based on Al- Sumatra, except for the Mentawai
Qur’an,” has become the framework Islands Regency (Safitri, 2008), and
for the Minangkabau philosophy aims to minimize the development
(Fardius, 2017). The Nagari government


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

impact of globalization by the return of the poor coordination between Niniak

informal figure roles (Putra, 2008). Mamak, the Alim Ulama or religious
This study is unique due to the scholars, and the Cadiak Pandai before,
roles of customary institutions in the during, and after the implementation of
implementation of the formal the development planning
government system. Based on a socio- deliberations. Another problem was the
cultural view, informal Nagari figures discontinuity of Tungku Tigo
have an essential contribution to the Sajarangan, which hindered future
development planning process that still development plans in Nagari. Based on
takes into account the prevailing preliminary information, Alim Ulama
customs. Therefore, the socio-cultural and Niniak Mamak often criticized this
structure of the Minangkabau government during the deliberation
community synergized with (Nagari Secretary, personal
development in Nagari (Putra, 2008). communication, April 29, 2019).
The leadership of the Bukik Although human development was the
Batabuah Nagari government is most important element in promoting
assisted by Tungku Tigo Sajarangan, “Nagari Membangun,” and not
especially during the Nagari Musbang, “Membangun Nagari,” the
also known as Musyawarah government’s focal point was more
Pembangunan or Deliberation of concerned with infrastructure
development. Deliberation and development planning.
consensus strive to solve various The lack of separation between the
problems in Minangkabau. However, it Nagari administration in West Sumatra
is not uncommon for one of the Tungku Province and culture has made the
Tigo Sajarangan elements, particularly research on the Minangkabau
the Cadiak Pandai, to pay less attention customary institution Tungku Tigo
to the advice of Alim Ulama and the Sajarangan attractive. Also, the
social control from Ninik Mamak, function of each element can run
especially in the current millennial era. properly if they understand and
Besides, both Parik Paga Nagari, practice the traditional values and
along with Kandung Bundo were Islamic laws, as stated in the philosophy
insensitive and inactive and created of Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi
opportunities for fraud in the Nagari Kitabullah (Kosasih, 2014). This study is
government administration. This fraud expected to generate a new model
particularly occurred in the financial from Putra’s research related to the
sector and was related to the use of village development planning
information technology and program mechanism by involving all formal and
targeting inaccuracies. One of the informal elements. Putra described that
causes was a lack of understanding of the Tigo Sajarangan Furnace System
the traditional philosophy of Adat integrates with the formal leadership at
Basandi Syara’ and Syara’ Basandi Nagari, while this system is a moral and
Kitabullah. This case was also proof of social force at the district and provincial


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

levels. Consequently, they were asked found. These issues include the lack of
for their opinions and suggestions in the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan’s role in
the implementation of development development planning from a physical
and regional policymaking (Putra, perspective, and an absence of
2008). coordination with formal leaders, as
Furthermore, the research by well as the lack of contribution of
Zukriman and M.Saleh Lubis’ examined thoughts, energy, and community
the perceptions of the Tungku Tigo responsibility (Kurniawan et al., 2020).
Sajarangan reference group on Islamic The previous research listed above
bank products in West Pasaman. It analyzed the existence of Tungku Tigo
resulted in the existence of a role in Sajarangan’s planning from various
providing opinions for the products aspects. However, the contrast with
offered (Zukriman & M. Saleh Lubis, this present study lies in the object,
2014). This result is similar to another locus, and research method. This study
research, which examined the focuses on the role of the Tungku Tigo
existence of the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan in Nagari development
Sajarangan’s role on different topics, planning in Bukik Batabuah Nagari
specifically about aspirations in locus via analysis with the role concept
handicraft creation (Andeska et al., indicator proposed by Biddle in 2013. It
2017). is also centered on the development
Subsequent research was compiled deliberation process, which shows the
by Gani (2006) on “Tungku Tigo optimal role of the Tungku Tigo
Sajarangan”: Analysis of Group Sajarangan Furnace. Hence, it will give
Communication Patterns in the rise to a new Nagari development
Interaction of Government Leaders in planning mechanism model that
West Sumatra. This study described involves both formal and non-formal
and analyzed from the perspective of government elements, such as Tungku
communication of the Tungku Tigo Tigo Sajarangan.
Sajarangan leadership in Minangkabau. The role is influenced by both
A study by Fatimah (2011) also intrinsic and extrinsic social
elaborated on this leadership role from circumstances and is a form of behavior
a historical perspective. expected of a person in certain social
Meanwhile, Kurniawan et al. situations (Kozier, 2008). According to
conducted research related to this Biddle, it is a series of formulas that
leadership titled “The Effectiveness of limit the expected behaviors of certain
the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan Leadership position holders (Biddle, 2013).
in the Development of Kenagarian Biddle divides terms in role theory
Lingkuang Aua in Nagari.” The results of into four groups (Shaw et al., 2000).
this study indicated that the First is the people that take part in
effectiveness of this leadership in social interactions, which consists of
Nagari’s development planning was not the elements of the actor and target,
optimal, and several problems were and also the behavior that appears in


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

interactions. This includes indicators, Minangkabau custom. This individual

such as expectations about the role, has the art of motivating people, which
norms, form of behavior, assessment, is called Anak kemenakan, meaning “to
and sanctions. The third group is the achieve common goals” (Azwar et al.,
position of people in behavior, where 2018).
the concept indicators include shared Development is a process of
traits, common behavior, and reactions change for the better in all aspects of
of people to them. Finally, the community life. Huraerah defined it as
relationship between people and a process of changing the values in
behavior, which includes concept people’s lives towards a better plan and
indicators, such as similarity criteria, sustainability for society welfare
degree of interdependence, and a (Huraerah, 2008).
combination of the degrees of these The theory used for the
two indicators. operationalization of the concept was
According to Nurcholis (2011), a the role theory by Biddle (2013). It was
village is an area inhabited by several applied as a descriptive and evaluative
residents that mutually interact based framework for the actions and
on kinship, political, social, economic, behaviors of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan,
and security interests, and which, with including the Alim Ulama, Ninik
growth, can become a legal community Mamak, and Cadiak Pandai. Then, it
unit. Meanwhile, Kansil defined it as an was described, according to the social
area of legal unity, where people in leadership positions they hold in the
power hold self-government and reside Minangkabau culture in Bukik Batabuah
(Kansil, 2002). Nagari. These positions are determined
Minangkabau leadership is known by several social aspects, including the
as Tungku Tigo Sajarangan and entails norms, demands, and rules in the
several elements. These elements Nagari environment. They are also
include Alim Ulama or religious determined by the role in planning the
scholars, which refers to an individual development of Bukik Batabuah Nagari.
with a high position, especially in This research is expected to
fostering, maintaining, and controlling improve previous studies and add
the faith and morals of the government novelty to scientific development,
and Nagari children (Ismawati, 2017). especially in Nagari. The purpose was
Another element is the Cadiak Pandai, to analyze and describe the role of the
which is an individual that is considered Tungku Tigo Sajarangan in the
clever or an intellectual and has a role Development Planning in Bukik
in society (Marpuah, 2014). This Batabuah Nagari, Candung District,
individual is in charge of providing Agam Regency.
solutions to problems in the
community. The third element is the
Ninik Mamak, a customary leader that
understands the ins and outs of


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

METHODS Tungku Tigo

The research method used was c. Community
descriptive qualitative with a deductive reaction toward
Tungku Tigo
approach, where the thinking paradigm
began from general statements to People and a. Similarity
generate specific arguments (Sugiyono, Behavior Criteria
Connections b. Degrees of
2019). Data collection was performed Interdependence
through semi-structured interview c. Combinations
techniques, moderate observation, and of Degrees of
Similarity and
review of related documentation. The Interdependence
researchers conducted the interviews Source: Biddle (2013)
with 20 informants consisting of the
Head of District, Wali Nagari, Secretary, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and the Head of Affairs, which In analyzing the research results, a
related theoretical framework, which
comprised three people. It also
was the role concept proposed by
included the Head of Section, also
Biddle in 2013, and scientific literature
consisting of three people, and eleven
were used. The framework includes
members of the community comprising
four dimensions, which are the person,
the Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN), and
and behavior in the role, the position
the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan. Then, the
dimension of the people’s behavior in
data were analyzed using the the role, alongside the relationship
Triangulation Technique, while the dimension of people and behavior.
validity was checked by emphasizing Meanwhile, these dimensions were
the internal validity test, external explained in two sub-topics, which are
validity reliability, and objectivity the existence and the role of each
(Burhan Bungin, 2006). The following is Tungku Tigo Sajarangan element in
the scope of research operations. Nagari government development.
Table 1: Concept, Dimensions, and
Indicators A. The Existence of Tungku Tigo
Concept Dimen- Indicators Sajarangan
sions Based on the dimension of the
The Role of People in a. Actor
Tungku Tigo Role b. Target
people in the role, Tungku Tigo
Sajarangan in Behavior In a. Expectations Sajarangan consists of three (3) actors,
Minangkabau Role about roles namely Niniak Mamak, Alim Ulama and
Community b. Norm
c. Behavior form
Cadiak Pandai.
Planning in a role Niniak Mamak is also known as
Concept: The d. Assessment Penghulu and Datuak. This individual is
and Sanctions by
Role ( Biddle,
Tungku Tigo
a customary leader that maintains,
Sajarangan guards, supervises, manages, and
Position and a. Traits of performs the intricacies of the customs.
Behavior of Tungku Tigo
He is the leader and protector of his
People in
Role b. The behavior of people or their descendants


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

throughout tradition (Datuk Mangkuto Also, there are the Cadiak Pandai
Basa, 2000). elements, which are a group of people
Niniak Mamak in Bukik Batabuah is that are highly regarded and qualified
known as Hindu Nan Tengah Limo in terms of knowledge, making the
Puluh Angku Tigo Baleh. In the community always believe in what they
grouping, the Niniak Mamak is based say and do. They are intelligent people
on the nature of what is called the that can solve complex problems and
grouping of the gadang tribe, which have professional skills to support their
include: economic life. In Minangkabau, they
are also assigned to draft laws or make
Table 2. Gadang Tribe Grouping regulations.
No Tribe Total The next indicator of the person in
1 Gadang Koto Padanglanggundi 6 clans the role dimension is the target.
Consequently, the target of Tungku
2 Gadang Koto Surau Tribe 6 clans
Tigo Sajarangan’s role in the
3 Gadang Pisang Dilurah Tribe 6 clans
4 Gadang Pisang Kandanglaweh 6 clans
development planning of Bukik
Tribe Batabuah Nagari is success in all fields,
5 Gadang Tujuah Buahparuik Tribe 7 clans both through formal and non-formal
6 Gadang Tigoalua Tribe 4 clans processes. This corresponds with the
7 Gadang Sikumbang Jantan Tribe 5 clans results of the research conducted by
8 Gadang Sikumbang Silubuak Tribe 5 clans Putra (2008) that the Tungku Tigo
Source: Wali Nagari Materials in the Competency
Assessment at the Provincial Level of West Sumatra,
Sajarangan system integrates with
2020 formal leadership. It refers to the moral
and social forces that are asked for
According to the Alim Ulama Bukik their opinions and suggestions in the
Batabuah Nagari (Alim Ulama Bukik implementation of development
Batabuah, personal communication, planning and regional policymaking at
September 25, 2019), Ulama is part of the district and provincial levels.
the leadership process in West Sumatra However, the entire development
that is in charge of fostering the process starting from planning, the
ummah. It is limited to spiritual implementation of development, to the
viewpoints and all life aspects, evaluation that will be performed by
including the political, economic, socio- Nagari, is determined by deliberation to
cultural, intellectual, and emotional reach consensus by involving all the
aspects that have Islamic nuances. Tungku Tigo Sajarangan elements.
Some come from Nagari children that
do not live in Nagari Batabuah but B. The Role of Each Tigo Sajarangan
foster friendship with other Nagari, Furnace Element in Nagari
which are called Ulama Nagari. Hence, Government Development
they continue to participate in solving The role of each Tungku Tigo
problems in Nagari Batabuah with Sajarangan element in the
Islamic syara’ or religion. development of the Nagari government
can be observed in several dimensions.


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

These dimensions are behavior in the norms under the Minangkabau

role, position, and behavior of people culture’s philosophy of “Adat Basandi
in the role, as well as the relationship of Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah.”
people and behavior. The form of behavior in the Tungku
The dimension of behavior consists Tigo Sajarangan’s role is a mouthpiece
of indicators of expectations about the for the village community to convey the
role, norms, and forms of behavior, as Nagari deliberation activities to the
well as assessments and sanctions by government. Apart from Putra (2008),
the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan. In the Gani (2006) also conducted research
Minangkabau customs, a solution to a that explained the group
new problem must be sought by communication patterns in the
conducting deliberations. With the interaction of government leaders.
Cadiak Pandai element, the leadership However, the results of this present
of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan can study have several differences in
accommodate all changes and communication patterns from the
globalization, along with the research by Gani and Putra. The
advantageous development of development mechanism (Plh Wali
information technology in the era of Bukik Batabuah Nagari, personal
the Industrial Revolution 4.0. It is also communication, October 11, 2019),
the hope of the Bukik Batabuah Nagari which comes from below and is driven
people regarding the role of Tungku by the Bukik Batabuah Nagari
Tigo Sajarangan in solving problems community, can be described as
related to the influence of current follows:
developments. These developments Figure 1. planning mechanism in the
are implemented with the nagari
consideration of Alim Ulama, which
refers to the Al-Quran, hadith, and Wali Jorong
Wali Jorong Batang
Wali Jorong Wali Jorong
Batabuah Koto Kubang Duo Koto Gobah
even the fatwa of the ulama. Baru Panjang

Conversely, Niniak Mamak provides a

view of Minangkabau customs, which Rapat Internal
Badan Permusyawaratan Nagari (Bamus Nagari)

follow the philosophy of Islam.

Pelaksanaan Musyawarah
Based on indicators of the norms, Pelaksanaan
Pembangunan Nagari
Niniak Mamak plays a role in ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

maintaining the values of the Lembaga Pemberdayaan

Masyarakat Nagari (LPMN)
Pemerintah Nagari
Bukik Batabuah

Minangkabau culture. This leader also

reminds Alim Ulama and Cadiak Pandai Potensi Nagari

of the unwritten customary norms and NAGARI (KAN)

values in the Bukik Batabuah Nagari
Government policies. Meanwhile, Alim Pengawasan
Sources: Putra Research Model (processed by
Ulama synergizes customary values, as Sumber: Diolah oleh Peneliti, 2019 (Hasil Modifikasi Model Penenlitian Ramli Putra, 2008)
researchers), 2020
Gambar 1
well as the implementation of village Mekanisme Perencanaan dalam Nagari

governance with Islamic religious


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

The mechanism can be explained (RAKORBANG), both at the sub-district

through several steps. First, the and district levels.
deliberation of this development Finally, supervision of the Bukik
planning begins with an internal Batabuah Nagari development
meeting of the Nagari Consultative implementation is performed by
Body, also known as Bamus Nagari. This elements of the Nagari community and
meeting compiles all proposed the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan, which are
development programs of the tribes in members of the Kerapatan Adat Nagari
each jorong in Bukik Batabuah Nagari. (KAN).
It corresponds with the hopes and The assessment and sanction
needs of the community, including indicators explain that Tungku Tigo
physical infrastructure, economic, Sajarangan and KAN provide advice and
socio-cultural, and human resource direction regarding violations or
developments. The results of the problems related to customary norms,
consensus agreement on development religion, and the implementation of the
proposals or programs are then village government. These suggestions
conveyed in the deliberation or and directions come from Niniak
MUSBANG. Mamak through the views of
In the second step, the formulation Minangkabau customs, Alim Ulama
results become the basis for the with Islamic religious norms, and
development implementation. The Cadiak Pandai via statutory regulations.
results, which present as development Therefore, the existence of supervision
planning, are conveyed to all elements in the social life in Nagari Bukik
involved in the deliberation. Therefore, Batabuh supports each other.
Nagari directs the planning, at least one The next dimension are the position
year ahead, until the implementation is and behavior of people in roles. It
executed by the government and the consists of indicators of traits and
Nagari Community Empowerment behaviors owned by Tungku Tigo
Institute (LPMN). Sajarangan, as well as community
The third step involves the reactions.
collection of potential migrants The characteristics that must be
scattered in several regions while the possessed by Niniak Mamak are
government and the community shiddiq, which means truth and
empowerment institutions perform honesty, because all problems are
their responsibilities. For this reason, handed over to this leader. Also,
organizations of nomads were formed tabligh is another characteristic, which
in each area. means to convey orders and
Then, the results of the prohibitions that must be known and
MUSBANG formulation are submitted practiced by the people. Amanah,
to the nomads’ organization and sub- which refers to trust, honesty,
districts for inclusion in the Regional truthfulness, straightforwardness, and
Development Coordination Meeting not being deceitful or hypocritical, as


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

well as fathanah, which means being customary adage, tagak samo tinggi,
knowledgeable and intelligent, are duduak samo ranah, which means
other characteristics (Putra, 2008). “standing at the same height, sitting at
Meanwhile, the Ulama play a larger the same low.” It denotes that Niniak
role in building faith, piety, and even Mamak, Alim Ulama, and Cadiak Pandai
morals. Alim Ulama is like a light are all at an equal position. Hence, they
emanating from a torch flame to help have the same right to express their
the Nagari people to know the opinions, according to their respective
concepts of halal and haram, rights and expertise, both at internal and at
falsehood, as well as what is Bamus Bukik Batabuah Nagari activity
permissible and prohibited. Conversely, meetings.
the Cadiak Pandai element has The degree of interdependence
leadership characteristics that analyze between Tungku Tigo Sajarangan with
and solve problems with knowledge. the Bukik Batabuah and the village
Giving sanctions for a problem or community, as well as the relationship
violation is based on the applicable between one element and another, are
laws and regulations. Hence, this leader very close. Also, the linkages with the
must know attitudes, ethics, as well as Nagari government system are visible
behaviors, and be clever in solving from the role of Tungku Tigo
problems with proper analysis based on Sajarangan in the development
laws and regulations. planning process. Although no Nagari
Although the response from the regulation comes from the Bamus
community to the role of Tigo Nagari’s initiative, Tungku Tigo
Sajarangan Furnace in the development Sajarangan is active and participates in
process was very positive, and the providing suggestions and opinions for
results exceeded what was originally the jorong in Nagarai Bukik Batabuah.
planned, some persons oppose it. Each element of society, the Nagari
Besides, a discrepancy also exists government, and the Tungku Tigo
between the elements in the Tigo Sajarangan have similar criteria,
Sajarangan Furnace, especially with the according to their respective portions
clever Cadiak. However, they can still and duties. Consequently, the
control and remind one other. realization of the good and
The last dimension is the independent Bukik Batabuah Nagari
relationship between the people and government, along with the creation of
behavior with the indicators of effective governance is due to mutual
similarity criteria, interdependence support and cooperation between
degree, as well as a combination of elements.
both indicators. None of the elements
of the Tungku Togi Sajarangan consider
themselves as higher than others, that
is, the three elements stand equal. This
is according to the Minangkabau


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

C. Obstacles in Implementing the which must be supported by qualified

Roles of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan science.
Another intriguing finding in this Another factor is that the role of
study was the several obstacles Alim Ulama in Bukik Batabuah Nagari is
affecting the roles of Tungku Tigo quite difficult due to the easy access to
Sajarangan elements, which was also articles and videos from YouTube.
discovered in research by Kurniawan et Hence, some people consider the
al. It provided an analysis of several perspective of the Alim Ulama as
problems, including the lack of Tungku conventional and deem themselves as
Tigo Sajarangan’s role in the Nagari more correct since they obtained all
development planning from a physical their materials from the internet.
perspective. Other problems are an Consequently, people do not wholly
absence of coordination between the and fully consider the advice given by
Tungku Tigo Sajarangan elements and the Alim Ulama.
the formal leaders, as well as a lack of The third factor concerns the
contribution of thoughts, energy, and dual role of the Cadiak Pandai, which
community responsibility towards involves the provision of a scientific
development. Furthermore, the perspective and the function as a
analysis of this research found the government official. This duality occurs
causative factors for the less optimal as most of these leaders become
roles of the elements. These factors government employees, either as civil
include the existence of several servants or contract workers. Hence,
obstacles related to the Niniak Mamak they are faced with two choices at
element, including age, indications to every traditional event, to either be
prioritize personal and/or group present as the Cadiak Pandai or as a
interests, as well as limited education. government employee. The absence of
The age factor is highly influential since Cadiak Pandai in several traditional
the state initiated by Niniak Mamak is events shows the lack of this role in
no longer following the development developing Bukik Batabuah Nagari.
priorities in Bukik Batabuah Nagari.
Also, indications of the prioritization of CONCLUSION
personal and/or group interests were The roles of Tungku Tigo
discovered. Some of these leaders Sajarangan, which includes the Niniak
prioritize their original jorong instead of Mamak, Alim Ulama, and the Cadiak
contributing to a broader level, i.e., as Pandai, are considered active in the
Bukik Batabuah Nagari. Furthermore, development planning process of Bukik
the strong experience owned by the Batabuah Nagari. This participation
majority of Niniak Mamak is not transpired through the submission of
comparable to their formal education suggestions and opinions at the
level. Most of these leaders only attain internal meeting of the Bamus Nagari.
upper secondary level education, and However, the existence of each
this affects their view of the Nagari, element is more visible in their


TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan Vol 12, No. 2, 2020, pp. 141-155
Website:, e-ISSN 2686-0163, p-ISSN 085-5192
Faculty of Government Management, Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)

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