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Mini-Research Proposal

An Assignment
Presented in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course

INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Shelley Lyons


Ji-Shawn Pardassie

15 February 2022

Section 1 – Research Questions

1) What are the concepts that shows the evolution theory ?

2) Why did Darwin teachings oppose the creationist view of the evolution theory ?

Focused Research Question

3) What are the misunderstanding of the creationist and anti creationist view of the

evolution theory?

Section 2 – Thesis Statement

The misunderstandings of the creationist and anti creationist view of the evolution theory

are the concepts; natural selection, morphological structures and speciation on organisms

to change over a long periods of time.

Section 3 – Rationale

The area of research is the Evolution theory on both the creationist and anti creationist view,and

the comparison of both sides . The cocepts of the evolution theory are natural selection,

morpholigal structures and speciation,this will be researched, including why does it contradicts

the creationist view on evolution. . Young earth creationism (YEC) states that the earth was

created 6000–8000 years ago and the flood of Noah did happen in the time of the Old Testament,

and Old earth creationism (OEC) interprets the six-day creation which contradicts longer time

periods of the geological age of the earth( Nieminen and Mustonen 2014) . Genetic Code

Evolution and Darwin’s Evolution Theory Should Consider DNA an ‘Energy Code following the

laws of thermodynamics (flow of energy), proving evolution to build up to a nearly singular code

for all living species(Bates.2020). Martin Rothgangel stated that the concept of creation is not

detail, rather creation is spoken of as though the meaning of the term was self-evident while
Christians see the bible as poetic that rather detailed(2019). These concepts are never ending and

misunderstood hence why research is being done to clear this up.

Section 4 – Organizationl Method

The method will be comparison and contrast . This method will be use to explore the

defenitions and concpets of evolution by clearing up misunderstandings ,insults and being

viewed as something bad or even remove some of the barriers that stand between the two

different views . The information gathered from websites and articles will show the misconcepts

and correct them for example, natural selection on organisms,this is the focus question. Micro

evolution happens within a short period of time while macro evolution happens over long

periods. With this, churches can teach some scientific concepts in that can explain the creation

and God’s work and how science consent the evolution theory and correct them.

Justifying which concept is correct science can make it a normal conversational topic in daily


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