Research Day Report Form

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STUDENT ID:2020121033 STUDENT NAME: Ji-Shawn Pardassie


SEMINAR TOPIC: Three years in and counting: Navigating the interdisciplinary implications of
Covid 19

PRESENTER(S): Dr. Cerise Hunt, Dr. Apryl Alexander, Dr. Godfrey St. Bernard, Dr. Lois Georg,
Dr. Claudette Mitchell

1. Summarize the presenter’s most important points. (5 marks)

 How covid affect us positively academic wise: by remote learning and thinking out of
the box to access education. What seem impossible years ago was now possible.
International students can sit at home and attend classes without travelling.

 Citizens are still recovering over effects of covid; even though things are getting back to
normal, citizens are still recovering over the loss of jobs, loss of a family member and
still adjusting to change.

 Problems that rose due to the Pandemic: Some students don’t have access to devices
and internet that allow them to drop out of school and this can affect the education for
future generations.

 Can’t go back to normal; because students have already adapted to the new learning
environment for example; having jobs and attending online school

 How covid 19 affect students at home- some female students went through domestic

2. What types of evidence or information does the presenter use to support his or her points? (4
There is no evidence of the information.

3. Is this evidence convincing, factual, controversial, one-sided, etc. (3 marks)

The evidence were one sided since the presenters mostly spoke about their research and what
they think about Covid 19
4. Comment on the presenter’s method of communicating information (speech, ppt., charts,
drama, etc.). Was it an effective method? (3 marks)
The presenters use the method speech in this session since it is a discussion session. The session
felt more interactive and it cause me to think.
STUDENT ID: 202121033 STUDENT NAME: Ji-Shawn Pardassie

COURSE NUMBER & TITLE: Director, Of ice of Minority Health and Health Disparities,

Maryland Department of Health, Baltimore, USA

SEMINAR TOPIC: Data Driven Policy Formulation and Implementation


PRESENTER(S): Noel Brathwaite

1. Summarize the presenter’s most important points. (5 marks)

 It was important to have access to health coverage especially during the Covid 19
 40% covid deaths are link to health insurance gaps
 Covid 19 hit the Latin American 3x more than the whites and have the fastest growing
gaps in health insurances
 8.1 % of the Hispanic race has uninsured health
 Construction workers has the largest uninsured workers in 2018

2. What types of evidence or information does the presenter use to support his or her points? (4
Dr. Noel Brathwaite used websites data such as Maryland and Health care and statistical
graphs to portray his evidence on how Health Insurance Gaps affected Covid 19 patients.

3. Is this evidence convincing, factual, controversial, one-sided, etc. (3 marks)

The evidence was factual because he used websites data such as Maryland and Health care, and
statistical graphs and charts to present.

4. Comment on the presenter’s method of communicating information (speech, ppt., charts,

drama, etc.). Was it an effective method? (3 marks)
Dr Brathwaite speech was clear and well explain. His graphs complement to his explanation and
his charts was useful in my learning because I’m a visual learner.
STUDENT ID: 2020121033 STUDENT NAME: Ji-Shawn Pardassie

COURSE NUMBER & TITLE: School of Social Sciences

SEMINAR TOPIC: Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance among University Students: A
Phenomenological Study

PRESENTER(S): Arielle Jobe, Naomi Palmer & Stephanie Murphy

1. Summarize the presenter’s most important points. (5 marks)

 The restorative theory- sleep helps restore body tissues (brain & body) and body
functions(chemicals) adequately
 Most undergraduate students get 5 hours of sleep. Students get most sleeping hours at the
beginning of the semester due to the increase workload coming to the end of the semester.
 Male & Female Sleep Differences: Male get less sleep and wake up earlier than females;
Females get better quality sleep.
 All night studying is not effective because they won’t be able to function afterwards.
 Sleep Coping Mechanisms: Listening to music, prioritizing relaxing time, staying ahead of the

2. What types of evidence or information does the presenter use to support his or her points? (4
The presenters did a survey on College students and used statistical articles to support their

3. Is this evidence convincing, factual, controversial, one-sided, etc. (3 marks)

The evidence was convincing to prioritize sleep to get better performance because I can relate
to getting less sleep coming down to end of the semester.

4. Comment on the presenter’s method of communicating information (speech, ppt., charts,

drama, etc.). Was it an effective method? (3 marks)
The power points contained the definitions and facts of their research in a short point form so I
can easily read and pay attention while the presenters speak. The presenters spoke in a quick
manner that made me want to pay attention more to every detail they were saying.

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