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Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28: 113–117, 2003.

© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


The role estrogens play in sex differentiation and sex changes of fish

Masaru Nakamura1,2 , Ramji K. Bhandari1 and Mikihiko Higa1

1 Sesoko
Station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, 3422 Sesoko, Motoobu, Okinawa
905-0227, Japan; 2 CREST, JST, Shibuyaku, Tokyo, 150-0002, Japan

Key words: aromatase, aromatase inhibitor, bipotency, estrogen, sex change, sex differentiation

Using genetically controlled all-female and all-male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), the role steroid hormones
play in the sex differentiation was analyzed histologically, ultrastructurally, immunohistichemically and experi-
menntally. The results strongly suggest that endogenous estrogen acts as an ovarian inducer, and that the lack
of steroid hormone including androgen is important for testicular differentiation. Moreover, the roles of steroid
hormones in protogynous sex change of three-spotted wrasse (Halichoeres trimaculatus) and saddleback wrasse
(Tharassoma duperrey) were examined. The results strongly support the hypothesis that the endogenous estrogen
plays an important role in protogynous sex change.

Introduction mones play an important role in protogynous sex

In teleost fish as well as in other vertebrates, gon- In this paper, we will review the overall importance
adal primordia are formed during ontogenesis. Sub- of estrogens in the process of gonadal sex differ-
sequently, they differentiate into either ovaries or entiation in gonochoristic tilapia and sex change in
testes. Morphological differences between ovaries and protogynous wrasse.
testes become apparent during this process. This pro-
cess is so-called gonadal sex differentiation. Recent Differentiation of steroid-producing cells during sex
experiments with genetically controlled all-female and differentiation
all-male tilapia such as Oreochromis niloticus have
The results of experiments with a wide variety of
provided important information about the role endo-
fish species (see Yamamoto 1969; Schreck 1974;
genous sex hormones, especially estrogen, play in
Yamazaki 1983; Hunter and Donaldson 1987; Pan-
sex differentiation. In addition to gonochorism, vari-
dian and Sheela 1995; Peferrer 2001) suggest that, in
ous types of hermaphroditsm are known: protandrous
general, exogenous estrogens and androgens induce
hermaphrodites, protogynous hermaphrodites, and
sex reversal from the genetic gender to the pheno-
multiple-sex-changing fish. These phenomena well
typic gender. The accumulated evidence strongly sug-
show how the sexual characteristics of fish contrast
gests that endogenous sex hormones play an important
with amphibians and even more strikingly with those
role in natural sex differentiation, as hypothesized by
of higher vertebrates. We have studied the role sex
Yamamoto (1969). However, the point in time dur-
hormones play in protogynous sex changes in the
ing the process of differentiation and development of
Hawaiian wrasse Tharassoma duperrey and the three-
gonads at which steroid hormone biosynthesis begins
spotted wrasse Halichoeres trimaculatus using the
is as yet unknown, because at this time the gonads
methods of histology, immunohistochemstry, and mo-
are still too small to detect chemically. In general,
lecular biology (Nakamura et al. 1989; Morrey et al.
sex hormones are produced by two types of special
1998). Our results show that endogenous sex hor-
cells: (1) the steroid-producing cells (SPCs) local-
ized in the thecal layers surrounding oocytes in the

ovary, and (2) Leydig cells in the interstices among in the gonads around the time of ovarian differenti-
cysts of spermatogenic germ cells in the testis. The ation and that this estrogen plays an important role
ultrastructural characteristics of SPCs include mito- in ovarian differentiation. In contrast, immunopositive
chondria with tubular cristae, well-developed smooth reactions were not observed in the gonads of undif-
endoplasmic reticulum, and free ribosomes (Lofts and ferentiated and differentiating testes of genetic males.
Bern 1972). The differentiation sequence that takes Weakly positive cells first appeared after testicular dif-
place in SPCs during the process of gonadal sex dif- ferentiation, except for aromatase. Stronger positive
ferentiation was determined ultrastructurally in the reactions were seen in the testes just before the onset
tilapia O. niloticus (Nakamura and Nagahama 1985 of spermatogenesis. Thus, it is less likely that ster-
and 1989). Recent observation using genetically con- oid hormones, including androgen, have significant
trolled female and male tilapia showed that SPCs function in testicular differentiation.
differentiate in the area around blood vessels in the
undifferentiated gonads in genetic female, but not in Effects of aromatase inhibitor and estrogen
genetic male. This research showed that SPCs ap- antagonist on sex differentiation
pear initially around the time of sex differentiation.
To further clarify the role of endogenous estrogen in
In addition, it showed that in amago salmon SPCs
sex differentiation, the effects of aromatase inhibitor
differentiate in the ovary at the onset of ovarian dif-
ferentiation (Nakamura and Nagahama 1993). These (AI, Fadrozole) and estrogen antagonist (Tamoxifen)
on genetically controlled all-female tilapia was ex-
ultrastructural observations support the hypothesis that
amined. All fish treated with AI at 200 and 500 µg/g
endogenous steroid hormones play an important role
in sex differentiation. diet from 8 DAH to 22 DAH had well developed testes,
suggesting that AI masculinizes genetic females by in-
Expression of steroidogenic enzymes hibiting aromatase activity (Nakamura et al. 1999). AI
blocks the conversion from testosterone to E2 in fish
It is impossible to determine from ultrastructural study ovaries (Afonso et al. 1999), and it effectively induces
what steroid hormones are produced by SPCs in the masculinization of genetic females of the chinook sal-
gonads around the time of sex differentiation. Steroid mon Oncorhynchus tshawitisha (Piferrer et al. 1994).
hormones (estrogens and androgens) are synthesized In contrast, when fish were treated with both AI and
by several steroidogenic enzymes from cholesterol in E2 they had normal ovaries. Tamoxifen at doses of
the gonads. In the past few years, cDNAs encod- 1–10 mg/g diets were geven to fry from 8 DAH for
ing some steroidogenic enzymes have been cloned 150 days. Although most fish treated with Tamox-
and their sequences were determined (Nagahama ifen at 1 mg/g diet had ovaries, apparent delay of
et al. 1995). Based on these sequences, researchers development of oocytes and delay of ovarian cavity
synthesized peptides and then generated four spe- formation were observed. All fish treated with Tamox-
cific antibodies against steroidogenic enzymes (cho- ifen at 2 mg/g diet had gonads both with testicular
lesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450, 3β- tissue and ovarian tissue. All fish treated with 5 and
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, cytochrome P45017α- 10 mg/g diets were died by the end of treatment. From
hydroxylase/17,20 lyase, and cytochrome P450 aro- these results, it is concluded that estrogen antagon-
matase) that are essential for the biosynthesis of ist, Tamoxifen, had potency to induce masculinization
all major sex steroid hormones, including estrogen in the gonads of genetic female. Taken together, the
and androgen (Kobayashi et al. 1996; Morrey et al. above experiments support the hypothesis that endo-
1998). Aromatase is the critical enzyme that must be genous estrogen induces ovarian differentiation, and
present in order to biosynthesize estradiol-17β (E2) that the lack of estrogen biosynthesis during ovarian
from testosterone. Using these antibodies, differenti- differentiation may lead to testicular differentiation.
ating gonads of genetically controlled all-female and
all-male tilapia O. niloticus were stained immunohis- Effects of androgen on sex differentiation
tochemically. Immunopositive cells against all anti- On the basis of the absence of steroidogenic enzymes
bodies appeared first in the undifferentiated gonads at the time of testicular differentiation, it has been as-
of genetic females. A further increase in the number sumed that endogenous androgen does not play an im-
of immunopositive cells accompanied ovarian devel- portant role in natural testicular differentiation. Des-
opment. This evidence suggests that E2 is produced pite this fact, it is well known that exogenous androgen

induces the masculinization of genetic females. To ex- males, arom immunopositive reactions were observed
plain this discrepancy, the effect of methyltestosterone in the follicle cells around yolky oocytes in developed
(MT) on the expression of steroidogenic enzymes dur- ovaries. This positive reaction disappeared in the gon-
ing sex reversal was examined (Nakamura et al. 1999). ads just after the onset of sex change, indicating sharp
MT at 50 µg/g diet was administered all-female fish, decrease of arom in the follicle cells. Interestingly, the
starting from 8 DAH, for 22 days. All treated fish follicle cells also showed 11β-H immunopositive re-
were found to be male with normal testes, indicat- actions, which again disappeared in the ovary during
ing sex reversal. During sex reversal, the expression the early phase of sex change. In the mid-transitional
of steroidogenic enzymes was examined immunohis- stages of sex change, 11β-H positive reactions were
tochemically using antibodies against steroidogenic observed in the interstitial cells which increased in
enzymes. Immunopositive cells against steroidogenic number gradually with progress in sex change. SCC-
anti-bodies including aromatase were not observed in immunopositive cells were observed in the gonads at
the gonads (testes) of fish treated with MT during all stages of sex change.
sex reversal. It may be concluded that the exogen- Changes in the expression of Arom and 11β-H dur-
ous androgen, MT, directly or indirectly suppresses ing sex change correlated with the change in serum
the expression of steroidogenic enzymes at the time level of estradiol-17β (E2) and 11-ketotestosterone
of ovarian differentiation. The decrease in estrogen (11-KT) (Nakamura et al. 1989). The E2 levels were
biosynthesis due to the inhibition of the expression high in the female phase, but suddenly dropped sim-
of steroidogenic enzymes may induce testicular dif- ultaneously with the onset of sex change. It then
ferentiation of genetic females. In the experiments maintained low levels during the transitional and male
in which fish were treated with AI and MT, appar- phases. The 11-KT levels increased gradually from
ent differences were observed in the expression of the mid-transitional stage of sex change, concomit-
steroidogenic enzymes during sex reversal. These dif- antly with the expression of 11β-H. In order to confirm
ferences suggest different mechanisms by which AI whether the rapid drop of E2 at the time of onset of sex
and MT lead to a similar outcome, that is, sex reversal change causes sex change or is simply a coincidental
of genetic female. In either case, estrogen cannot be event, we examined the effects of AI on females. AI
produced in the both treated gonads of genetic fe- treatment resulted in a decrease of serum E2 levels in
males at the stage of ovarian differentiation; testicular females.
differentiation occurs instead (Nakamura et al. 1999). Finally, all female fish treated with AI changed sex
to male which had developed testes and produced act-
The role of estrogen in the process of sex change in ive spermatogenic germ cells within 6 weeks, while
fish fish in the control group showed no changes. E2
compensation in AI treatment suppressed sex change,
It is well known that considerable numbers of tele- indicating that AI induces sex change through estro-
ost species change sex from male to female and vice gen depletion (Higa et al. this issue). These results
versa in the adult phase. However, the physiological strongly suggest that the E2 drop at the onset of sex
mechanisms underlying the sequential hermaphrodit- change is a causative factor for sex change. Moreover,
ism are still unclear. The saddleback wrasse, Thalas- in the protogynous grouper Epinephelus merra, com-
soma duperrey, is a protogynous hermaphrodite which mencement of sex change was observed when serum
change sex from female to male. During this sex E2 levels were below the threshold levels (Bhandari
change, they show complete transformation of gonad et al. 2003). One mg AI implanted into the female
from ovary to testis, in which no testicicular tis- groupers induced complete sex change in two and a
sues are present in the female ovary (Nakamura et al. half months, in which mature testes developed with ac-
1989). We examined the role sex hormones play in sex cumulation of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules
changes of the wrasse with a variety of methods. (Bhandari et al. 2004).
In the first method, we immunohistochemically
characterized changes in the amount of expression of Bipotency of germ cells and somatic cells after sex
three steroidogenic enzymes during sex change. The differentiation
three enzymes were cholesterol side-chain cleavage
cytochrome P450 (SCC), P450 Aromatase (Arom), In general, it is easy to induce sex reversal by treat-
and P450 11β-hydroxylase (11β-H). In mature fe- ing fish with sex hormones around the time of sex

differentiation, but it is difficult or impossible to in- The present study demonstrated that treatment with
duce sex reversal after sex differentiation. The main an aromatase inhibitor was sufficient to induce func-
reason for such a loss of capability is thought to be tional sex reversal of fish after completion of ovarian
the loss of bipotency of germ cells and somatic cells differentiation. This result shows that both germ cells
after sex differentiation. In protogynous sex change and somatic cells in developed ovaries still have sexual
of wrasse, testicular structure could not be identified bipotency long after the period of sex differentiation.
in female ovaries. Thus, it is not yet known whether Artificial sex reversal of gonads after sex differenti-
testicular tissue originates from cells with bipotency. ation was only possible with AI treatments, but not
Alternatively, differentiated testicular tissue, which is MT. These results show that the low levels of estro-
difficult to distinguish from ovarian tissue, is present gen, which are less than the threshold value in the
in the ovary. Thus, it is essential to know the bipotency ovary after sex differentiation, induced masculiniza-
of germ cells and somatic cells in order to analyze the tion of germ cells and somatic cells. It was not a direct
mechanism of sex differentiation and sex change. In an androgenic effect on the gonadal differentiation.
attempt to clarify the mechanism of sexual plasticity There is no visible testicular tissue in the ovary
in fish, the effects of MT and AI on the differentiated of the female phase of two protogynous species of
ovary were examined in tilapia. AI at 200 µg/g diet wrasse. Thus, the origin of testicular tissue which
and MT at 50 µg/g diet were given to all-female, 4– appears during sex change is not yet known. In ex-
5 cm fish for two and half months. In fish treated with periments in which individuals of gonochoristic tilapia
MT, we observed ovaries with degenerated oocytes but were artificially reversed after ovarian differentiation
with no testicular tissue. In contrast, all fish treated by treating them with AI, it was shown that bipoten-
with AI had hermaphroditic gonads with both ovarian tial germ cells and somatic cells are present in the
tissue and testicular tissue. Testicular tissue with sper- ovary after sex differentiation. Low levels of estrogen
matogenic germ cells at various stages was distributed resulting from AI treatment stimulated testicular dif-
around the outer periphery of the ovigerous lamellae. ferentiation in the ovary of tilapia. Likewise, a rapid
Moreover, clusters of Leydig cells, which are the site drop of E2 was found at the time of onset of sex
of androgen production, were seen in the testicular change in the wrasse, and sex change was induced
tissue. Sperm ducts were also differentiated in the tis- by AI treatment. These results support the hypothesis
sue near blood vessels and in the wall of the ovarian that testicular tissue, which appears at the time of sex
cavity. At four months after the end of the treatment, change, originates from germ cells and somatic cells
AI-treated fish showed the nuptial coloration of male with bipotency are present in the ovary of the wrasse.
secondary characteristics on the body surface and had However, the mechanism by which low levels of estro-
male territorial behavior. They mated with normal gen induce masculinization of germ cells and somatic
females and produced offspring (Nakamura M., un- cells in the gonad after sex differentiation and during
published data). This shows that it is possible to induce sex change are still largely unknown.
functional sex reversal of the gonads after sex differ-
entiation, and that germ cells and somatic cells in the
ovary after sex differentiation retain bipotency for long Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by CREST, JST
(Japan Science Technology Corporation), the Min-
Discussion istry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology
(14042103), and the Japan Society for the Projec-
On the basis of ultrastructural and immunohistochem- tion of Science (14360114). Special thanks are due
ical observations, and experiments with AI, Tamox- to Drs Y. Nagahama and T. Kobayashi, National In-
ifen, and MT, there is no doubt that estrogen biosyn- stitute for Basic Biology, for providing antibodies for
thesis occurs in the undifferentiated gonads of genetic the immunochemical identification of steroidogenic
females and that estrogen acts as an ovarian inducer. enzymes.
In contrast, the lack of steroid hormones, includ-
ing androgen, plays an important role in testicular

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