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What is the ideal gas law?

 Ideal gas molecules do not attract or repel each other. The only interaction
between ideal gas molecules would be an elastic collision upon impact with each other
or an elastic collision with the walls of the container. ...
 Ideal gas molecules themselves take up no volume.


The ideal gas law has four variables in it: moles, temperature, pressure, and volume. In this
lesson, we will practice using the ideal gas law to calculate pressure, temperature and volume of

What Is the Ideal Gas Law?

Breathing is something our bodies have been doing since we were born. We can calculate the
pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of gas we inhale and exhale. Before we do a
calculation involving breathing, let's learn more about the ideal gas law.
First off, what is an ideal gas? In physics and chemistry, scientists derive equations for perfect-
case scenarios because, it many cases, situations are so close to ideal that we can assume they are
ideal. An ideal gas is a gas where the gas particles are in a giant container bouncing into and off
each other when they collide, like microscopic billiard balls. Also, the gas's temperature and
kinetic energy (energy of motion) are proportional.
The ideal gas law relates pressure, volume, the molar amount of the gas, and its temperature. It's
given by the equation:
PV = nRT, where

 P is pressure of the gas in atmospheres (atm).

 V is volume of the gas in liters (L).
 n is the amount of gas in moles.
 R is the ideal gas constant 0.08205 liter-atmospheres-per-mole-Kelvin (L⋅atm / mole⋅K)
 T is the temperature of the gas in Kelvin (K).

Let's go through some examples using the ideal gas law.

Example 1
5 moles of nitrogen gas is in a 100 liter fixed cylinder at 300 Kelvin. What is the pressure of the
It's often a good idea to rearrange equations to solve for the variable being asked about. In this
case, we need to get the equation in the form of P = . . . We'll do that after we organize the values
we'll need.
 P = ?
 V = 100 L
 n = 5 moles
 R = 0.08205 L⋅atm / mole⋅K
 T = 300 K

Alright, so let's begin with formula PV = nRT and change that appropriately so it now is P =
nRT/V. Now we can plug in the values to determine the pressure. We get:

Example 2
A 50 L sealed cylinder contains 100 moles of helium gas. Its pressure at 273 K is 44.80 atm.
What is the change in pressure when the gas is heated to 500 K?
This problem is a ''before and after'' scenario. We need the change in pressure (ΔP), which is the
initial pressure subtracted from the final pressure (Pf - Pi). As before, we'll organize the values
we'll need.

 Δ P = ?
 Pf = ?
 Pi = 44.80 atm
 V = 50 L constant
 n = 100 moles constant
 R = 0.08205 L⋅atm / mole⋅K
 Ti = 273 K
 Tf = 500 K
Notice that we don't have initial and final subscripts for the molar amount of gas and volume.
This is because the number of moles of gas doesn't change. The volume of the gas can't change
either because it's a sealed cylinder. The only things that can change are the temperature and
pressure. Plugging in the numbers is next and we get:


What is Combined Gas Law?

The combined gas law is the law which combines Charles’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law and Boyle’s
law. It’s an amalgamation of the three previously discovered laws. These laws relate one
thermodynamic variable to another holding everything else constant. The interdependence of
these variables represents combined gas law which states that the ratio between the product of
pressure-volume and temperature of a system remains constant.

Combined Gas Law Formula

Combined gas law can be mathematically expressed as
k = PV/T
P = pressure
T = temperature in kelvin
V = volume
K  = constant (units of energy divided by temperature)
When two substances are compared in two different conditions, the law can be stated as,
PiVi/Ti = PfVf/Tf
Pi = initial pressure
Vi = initial volume
Ti = initial temperature
Pf = final pressure
Vf= final volume
Tf = final temperature
Example 1
The initial volume of the gas is 5L and final volume is 3L Calculate the final pressure of the gas,
given that the initial temperature is 273 K, the final temperature is 200 K, and initial pressure is
25 kPa.
According to the given parameters,
Pi= 25 kPa
Vi = 5L
Vf = 3L
Ti = 273K
Tf = 200K
According to combined gas law,
PiVi/Ti = PfVf/Tf
Substituting in the formula, we get
25 x 5 / 273 =  Pf x 3 / 200
Therefore, Pf = 30.525 kPa
Example 2
Determine the volume of a gas given Vi = 3L, Ti = 300K, Tf = 250K, Pi = 35 kPa and Pf= 50 kPa
Given Parameters are
Pi = 35 kPa
Vi = 3L
Ti = 300K
Pf= 50 kPa
Tf = 250K
According to given parameters, we have an equation
PiVi/Ti = PfVf/Tf
Substituting in the above equation, we get
35 x 3 / 300 = 50 x Vf / 250
Therefore, Vf = 1.75 L

Notice that we don't have initial and final subscripts for the molar amount of gas and volume.
This is because the number of moles of gas doesn't change. The volume of the gas can't change
either because it's a sealed cylinder. The only things that can change are the temperature and
pressure. Plugging in the numbers is next and we get:

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