Moonwise May 2011

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MAY 2011



Each night our minds take us on incredible jour- The first thing you should do upon waking,
DREAM JOUR- 1 neys in our dreams. Some people may wake up and whether it be in the middle of the night or in the
not remember a thing, while others will wake up won- morning , is reach for your journal. Below where
dering why they were giving a speech naked or why you recorded the information from the day be-
they dreamed their teeth were falling out. While we fore, write out all that you can about your dream.
shuffle through our morning routines, some of these Do not worry too much about the timeline of a
dreams will quickly fade from our memories, while dream if you remember something after it should
MONTH others are so vivid that we can remember them for have been written. If you should wake up and
many years to come. find that you do not remember your dream, just
ANNOUNCE- There are many methods of dream interpretation. write “no recall” in the space where you would
MENTS One of the simplest and best is methods of all is a write a dream.
dream journal. They require little effort to start, and Once you get all that you can remember about
their simplicity makes them great tools for recording the dream out, take a break and don’t look back
all kinds of dreams. Below are some ideas that can over it for a while. Wait until the evening or later
help you get started keeping a dream journal of your in the afternoon before you try to interpret the
own. symbols. Read back over the dream and try to
The first thing you’ll need to do is choose your ma- figure out what the symbols mean. On the facing
terials wisely. A notebook and a fast pen are pre- page is where you will write the interpretations of
ferred. Pick a notebook that you feel drawn to write in, symbols, so that one page has the details of the
either a fancy journal or a composition book. For this day and the dream, and the facing page has the
example, we will use a standard spiral-bound note- meanings.
book. Remember that dream recording gets better
How you choose to organize and record your with practice. The more you do it, the more de-
DID YOU KNOW? dreams is entirely up to you. However, there are struc- tails you will remember. This method also offers
tured methods that can help you to draw lines be- you a dream dictionary inside your journal. If you
We have a coupon
tween the dream you recorded and the symbols you dream of something that you have dreamed of
box! Take or leave a
coupon before and interpret. Open your notebook to the first page and before, you can turn back to that symbol’s place
after each event. We turn it so that the back is facing you. in the journal. While there are dream dictionaries
would also appreciate Before you go to bed, record the date and any sig- on the market, some may have slightly different
coupon donations as nificant events of your day, and any medications meanings to different people.
you’ve taken before you went to bed. You can even Dream interpretation is a personally rewarding
We have brought back
record things like the moon phase, weather, any art. By seeing where your mind takes you when
the “Free Cycle.” health concerns, anything that you believe may be you sleep, you can see what’s on your mind and
Bring your unwanted important to how you sleep and what you may dream what symbols or messages your unconscious
items and give them about. mind is trying to tell you. Pay attention to the
away! Don’t spend too long on this; Once you finish, out world in your dreams and it will show you things
the journal and pen aside, very close to your bed, and you wouldn’t normally see while awake.
have a good night’s sleep.


For this month I had difficulty picking a savory item to give! I kept trying to think of
something that I had made recently that I could pass along to you. Unfortunately,
as of lately I have been making dinners and my lunch from packages and boxes.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my Lean Cuisines. They are convenient and taste good.
The problem was I kept hearing my Nana in my head saying “Love does not come
from a box, it comes from taking the time to make something homemade and spe-
cial!” The recipe is from Campbell’s and I got it from their cookbook. It is also
quick and easy but it is mostly homemade. I hope you enjoy!

The baked item is what I made for the Yule Ball and very few of them came home
with Chris and I. I got the recipe from my “Taste of Home Cookie Cookbook.” Most
of the recipes can be found on their website and all of the recipes that I have
made have turned out great!


Ingredients: Top with the chicken. Season Trim It Down: Use Camp-
1 can (Campbell's® Condensed the chicken as desired. Cover bell's® 98% Fat Free Cream
Cream of Chicken Soup (Regular the baking dish. of Chicken Soup instead of
or 98% Fat Free) regular soup and use low fat
Bake for 1 hour or until the “If you roll the
2 1/2 cups water cheese instead of regular
chicken is cooked through
1 cup uncooked regular long-grain and the rice is tender. Top cheese.
white rice dough with
with the cheese. Let the cas-
1/2 tsp. onion powder Mexican: In place of onion
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
serole stand for 10 minutes.
powder and pepper use 1
Stir the rice before serving.
2 cups frozen mixed vegetables teaspoon chili powder. Sub- paper and then
4 skinless, boneless chicken Tip: To try it Alfredo, substi- stitute Mexican cheese blend
breasts halves tute broccoli flowerets for the for Cheddar. the plastic rap, it
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar vegetables and substitute
cheese (I use low fat) 1/4 cup grated Parmesan for Italian: In place of onion pow- is easier to
Directions: the Cheddar cheese. Add 2 der and pepper use 1 tea-
Heat the oven to 375°F. Stir the tablespoons Parmesan spoon Italian seasoning, remove and
soup, water, rice, onion powder, cheese with the soup. Sprin- crushed. Substitute 1/3 cup
black pepper and vegetables in a kle the chicken with the re- shredded Parmesan for does not stick.”
2-quart shallow baking dish. maining Parmesan cheese. Cheddar.


Ingredients: 1/4 cup butter, softened dough into a 2-in. diameter roll;
2 cups confectioners' sugar wrap in plastic wrap*. Refriger-
1 cup butter, softened 2 tablespoons milk ate for 1 hour or until firm.
1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar 1/2 teaspoon peppermint Unwrap dough and cut into 1/8-
2 ounces unsweetened choco- extract in. slices. Place 2 in. apart on
late, melted and cooled
Green food coloring, optional ungreased baking sheets. Bake
1 egg at 400° for 7-8 minutes or until
1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions: edges are firm. Remove to wire
2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
In a large bowl, mix, cream, racks to cool.
1 teaspoon baking soda butter and confectioners' In a small bowl, combine frost-
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
sugar. Add the chocolate, egg ing ingredients. Frost cookies.
1/4 teaspoon salt and vanilla; mix well. Store in airtight containers.
Combine the dry ingredients;
Frosting: gradually add to creamed Yield: about 6 dozen.
mixture, beating well. Shape
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 Page 3


Historically, cilantro is among the world’s name of the person they wish to attract.
oldest spices and said to be one of the They also say that they mix Coriander
first spices to arrive in America. This fresh with Cumin Seeds, Periwinkle Leaves and
flavorful feathery flat leaf herb is also re- Magnolia Leaves and sew them into the
ferred to as Chinese parsley or coriander mattress to promote faithfulness and
leaves. The entire plant [leaves, stalk, marital fidelity. Also, Coriander, along
seeds, even the roots] is edible and worth with Flax Seed, Angelica Root, and
singing its praises but, it’s the coriander Golden Seal Root, are carried in a con-
seeds that are the focus and our herb of jure bag to prevent headaches and ward
the month. off diseases.

Coriander seed is actually the dried fruit Coriander is primarily used in modern
of the coriander plant. It’s used as a medicine as a flavoring agent in medi-
spice and has a refreshing, earthy-lemony cines and as a stomach soothing addition
scent. I like to open the jar and inhale; it to more irritating compounds.
smells so delicious! Coriander seed is
one of the most popular of all the spices For upset stomach and flatulence relief,
used in Indian cuisine, plus is an essential chew on Coriander seeds or drink a tea
flavor covering broad culinary territory in made from the seeds.
“Coriander seed
recipes from African, Asian, Latin Ameri-
can and Middle Eastern kitchens. For relief from the pain of rheumatism, is one of the
pound the seeds and combine with hot
most popular of
Coriander seeds are believed to be Lucky water or tea to make a paste, then apply
to the affected area. Oatmeal may be the all spices
in three different ways, for drawing new
added to this mixture to produce the de- used in Indian
love, to bring about fidelity in marriage,
sired consistency.
and as a charm against illness. To use cuisine.”
Coriander seeds for love-drawing, folks
mix the seeds with other love-herbs and
carry them in a red flannel bag with the


It is a key ingredient in Indian curry powders, curry dishes,

and garam masala.
It is used as a pickling spice.
It has been prescribed as a digestive for thousands of
It helps relieve indigestion and nausea.
It has antibacterial properties.
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