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Gahnzelle Eidref Ferreria March 7, 2022 Monday 9:00am – 10:30am

1st Year BSCE Prelim Exam GED 101


Essay type test. Answer the following questions briefly in two to three sentences only. 10 points each.

1.Why does the fox wanted to be tamed?

He wanted the little prince to tame him because he wants to have a meaningful life. he told the prince
that he has a monotonous life of hunting chickens and get hunted by men. That's why he wanted the
prince to tame him, because he sees that it will be as if the sun came to shine on his life.

2. The imagery of water is used in the Little Prince to represent the life-giving force, whether it is
physical or spiritual. What then does this thirst quenching-pill represent?

The thirst-quenching pill is sold by the merchants, this pill should be taken once a week and when you
take it you can save 53 minute of his life and you would feel no need of anything to drink. So, these
thirst-quenching pills represent the way in which we erroneously feed our thirst with things that don't
give us life.

3. What moves the pilot so much about the little prince whom he carries in his arms across the dark

The thing that moves the pilot so much about little prince is his loyalty to a flower. The image of that
rose shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep. He sees the prince
as a fragile treasure that he needs to protect.

4. Why does the pilot think he was dreaming when he finds the well?

The pilot felts like dreaming when he sees the well because it's far from what he expected. The well
looks like a village well and does not look like another well in Sahara.

5. What sound does the well in the desert make?

When touched the rope and set the pulley to working. The well moaned like it’s an old weathervane
which the wind has long since forgotten.

6. Does the pilot wonder about the little prince, the flower, and the sheep? Why?
Yes, the pilot was worried about the prince, rose, and the sheep because the prince got the poison from
the snake, and he was so weak to protect the rose from the sheep. He was worried because the rose
was so important to the prince and the prince might not be able to protect it anymore.

7. What tells about the Little Prince in your life today? Its symbolism and why. (Minimum of seven
sentences) 15 points

if I were to compare my life to the little Prince, I would be the little Prince, and my family, loved ones,
and my friends would be the fox and the rose. I would be the little prince because I decide and see
things not just using my brain but also my heart and that is why I look up to the little prince especially in
his quotation " the most beautiful things in the world cannon be seen or touched, they are felt with the
heart ". on the other side, my family, loved ones, and my friends are like a fox because we all have
differences but if I tame them or gave love to them, we always have each other, and they are also like
flowers because they are the important people in my life that's why I value the time we spent on my
rose or my loved ones that makes them so important. In addition, the Little Prince is smart but also has
its limitation but is curious to know things better. The little prince always finds a way to solve his
curiosity. Aside from being curious and always finding an answer, Little Prince is like me because he is
very friendly and most of the time, he is happy even if the situation is complicated, in myself I also take
it seriously. Along with that process, I just choose to be happy and follow what I think is right because, in
the end, I will be the one who will be affected by my decisions.

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