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Directorate General of Shipping


Welcome JEGATHEESH E (Monday 07/03/2022 03:03 PM)

Payment Details
Thank you. Your Payment has been successfully received with the following details. Please quote your
Transaction ID and Payment reference number for any queries relating to this request.
Transaction Name : CoC Revalidation Application
Transaction ID : 1738809
Application No. : COCRVE/MMD(C)/2022/4722
Application Date : 07-MAR-2022
Fees ( ) : 5000.00
Bank ID : AXG
Payment Reference No. : WAXG0960515606
Transaction Date and Time : 07-03-2022 16:34:34
Payment Status : Success

Print Acknowledgement

1 of 1 07-03-2022, 16:35

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