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Group names: Ethan Price, Brayden Bacigalupo, Mahika Acharya, Richa Zodge, and Priyanka Mathews

Satirical Illustrations Analysis

Pawel Kuczynski


● Box 1: Type your name

● Box 2: Type the name of the illustration and paste the actual illustration into the box
● Box 3: Individually identify the rhetorical situation (SPACE). Then, identify the specific rhetorical
choices/strategies used (CAT). Remember to support your answers with evidence from the illustration!
● Box 4: Write a clear thesis for the illustration. What choices/strategies contribute to the meaning and
purpose of the artist? Remember what you have learned about good versus better, and if necessary, use
the thesis template on slides 2-3 on canvas.

Student Name: Brayden Bacigalupo

llustration 1:
Rhetorical S: Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish born satirical artist who conveys modern issues,
Situation: norms, trends through political cartoons.
P: The cartoon portrays the current social issue of mass digital consumption.
Pawel Kuczynsiy is representing his opinion towards those that are addicted to
their phones and expresses what happens to those who choose not to fall into the
digital world and stick out above the masses.
C: the world is sucked into the realm of the phone and everyone is so focused on
the little screens in the palms of their hands. Other artists that work alongside
Kuczynski and in competition with him have transferred to digital techniques. He
feels like his art style is starting to end and the artists are disappearing from the
E: the exigence of the Illustration is the constantly changing world and the world
being monotonously addicted to our information and standardised styles of life.
Kuczynski’s feelings towards individuality and the human ability to express is
personified into the crowded sea of people.
C: traits of the massed people that blend into the background signifies the
inability to have individuality in our modern worlds. It also signifies that they are
all connected through their phones and are being walked on top of and controlled
by others. The few that stick out are those that are not on their phones. The same
clothing and facial features but different posture. When holding the phone, the
elongated neck of the characters exaggerates the negative effects of being on the
phone, whereas those who are not on their phones are almost an entire head
A: the title compares the general population to a garden or pasture of grass. As
the person who walks on the heads of the general population is pushing a
lawnmower, the heads that stick above are to be cut off. This title gives the
impression that cutting off those that stick out is as common of a chore as
mowing the lawn or weeding the garden.
T: positional comparison and repetition of the characters in the display perfectly
embodies the sense of the greater mass being copies of the same person as they
have no individual traits. And those that are up above who are doing normal tasks
and have no given facial features as to blame a group of people instead of a single

Thesis: In the illustration “Perfect Garden”, artist Pawel Kuczynski uses repetition,
decaying light color pallet, and focal points to reflect the immersion of today’s
society in a digital culture that confines us more than helps to expand our cultures
as well as influencing our behavior to benefit the higher classes.

Student Name: Priyanka Mathews

Illustration 2:

Rhetorical S: Pawel Kuczynsky, a Polish art satirist who utilizes art to communicate the
Situation: harsh truth about our society.
P: The art presents the idea that the idea of winning is so enticing that people are
willing to kill themselves just to try, even though it’s far more likely that they
would die than actually succeed.
A: The audience is those who relate to the man on the high dive, the people who
have a need to win or kill themselves trying. Those who do not have that same
drive will likely not feel as moved by the piece.
C: Contextually, there is a bit of irony because the artist, Kuczynsky, is such an
awarded artist. According to his website, he has won over 100 awards and
distinctions. This makes him an unlikely candidate to create a work of art
centered on the pain of failure and the struggle to succeed. However, this adds a
dimension to the piece as it shows that even those who do eventually succeed
feel that they are fighting an impossible battle to do so.
E: The exigence of the piece is probably the pressure that Kuczynsky felt to
succeed. More than ever, this pressure to win and be the best dominates
everyone’s life, regardless of career or level of existing achievement. This proves
how prevalent of an issue this is right now.
C: The author uses a plethora of rhetorical choices to visually represent the
pressure to succeed. First of all, the picture is devoid of color save the water and
the person. This gives the impression that the person is living a starkly unfilling
life without any color or happiness save in their impression of success. Even the
window to the outside is completely gray, further emphasizing the truly bare and
depressing life that the person is living. A notable example of this is the life saver
that is also a shade of gray, making it blend into the background. This
communicates that the person does not really see this saviour as an option, with
more of an all or nothing mentality. Secondly, there are almost exclusively
straight lines in the picture with no curves. This again recalls the severity and
strictness of the person’s mentality.
A: This appeals almost exclusively to pathos. Because there is no writing or verbal
communication, there is no way to establish any kind of authority or present facts
or information to have a logic based argument. Instead, the pathos carries the
argument by invoking a feeling in the audience with the rhetorical devices that it
chooses to use, including the lack of color and the lines give an air of desperation
and sadness that appeals to those who see it.
T: The tone of the piece is depressing. The lack of color and ad nature of the
subject matter means that there is an overall low, sad tone to the piece. You feel
forlorn for the character and pity them. Simultaneously, you relate to them and
feel a sense of pity for yourself and really everyone alive.

Thesis: In the visual “Success,” Polish artist Pawel Kuczynsky uses a muted color palette
and straight lines to communicate the idea that although our society is
completely focused on success, that is not always a viable option and will usually
lead to more harm than good.

Student Name: Ethan Price

Illustration 3:


Rhetorical S: Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish born political satirist and philosopher who has won
Situation: over 140 prizes and distinctions. He uses satire to create thought-provoking
illustrations on social, economic, and political issues. His masterpiece “HATERS”
shows pigs on a keyboard stomping over it’s keys, breaking it and making it dirty.
P: The purpose of this visual is to represent haters’ point of view and conditions as
they type hate into existence. It is also to console those who have been affected
by hate to understand that they weren’t the cause for hate rather there were
many other factors creating it that didn’t have anything to do with them. It is kind
of like investigative journalism regarding what people don’t see when they are
A: The audience is people who have been affected by haters and are still vengeful
towards haters instead of ignoring them. It is for people who need more
understanding of others to heal wounds gained on the internet. It is for people
who haven’t been cyberbullied but will be in the future so that they may take the
bullying with a grain of salt.
C: Now days, with 95% of teens online, many accessing the internet on their
mobile device, cyberbullying is prevalent. It affects 37% of people between the
ages of 12 and 17. It doesn’t only affect teens, it affects adults and children under
12 now that literal babies are getting electronic devices now. With that being said,
there needs to be more moderation over what is said on the internet. That isn’t
coming anytime soon so people need ways to deal with it internally which is
where this cartoon comes in showing them the ins and outs of how cyberbullies,
or pigs, operate.
E: The author was prompted to make this because of the growing problem of
cyberbullying. As technology becomes more prevalent in today’s world, more
cyberbullies come online and more people come online to be cyberbullied. The
author wants to make his impact on others and the world by creating art helping
people gain more understanding regarding cyberbullying and helping people
cope with it better.
C: There is what looks like blood spatters all around the keyboard. This is
symbolic of how online hate creates figurative wounds, lasting trauma or
bitterness towards the world. And it is being done by people who don’t know
what they are doing. Pigs don’t have as developed brains as humans. This alludes
to the fact that haters don’t know any better and aren’t intelligent.
A: The pigs are displacing the keys which represents how the internet is being
abused and how it’s intended purpose isn’t being reached and instead is being
scorned through cyberbullying. Through composition lines, the linearly displaced
keys say, “F*ck, you.” This shows just how extreme the language used in
cyberbullying is. Extreme language being language that can hurt, wound and hurt
others. It may even hurt the cyberbullying through regret and their negative
legacy being left on the world.
T: The pigs don’t have any eyes which alludes to the fact that people
cyberbullying don’t think about what they type before they type it. This also
shows that they are not educated, they don’t know any better, and they don’t see
the effects of their actions. This also shows that they can’t see the effects of what
they are saying on others because they are communicating through a computer
screen. It is worth mentioning that being on devices can limit one’s eyesight so
maybe the author is trying to point to that as it relates to cyberbullying. I guess
what I’m trying to get to is that the cyberbully has been online for a large amount
of time and they feel fatigue and regret from that so they take that anger out on
others through cyberbullying.

Thesis: In the visual, HATERS, artist Pawel Kuczynski shows many pigs gathering around
and stomping on a keyboard displacing keys and creating blood spatters around
it. Said pigs have no eyes and they look like they have been rolling in mud.
Kuczynski uses symbolism in the blood spatters, composition lines displaying a
hateful message with the displaced keys, and allusions in the pigs’ anatomy in
order to give the audience more empathy and compassion for the “hater,”
ultimately moving people who have and will be cyberbullied to give less weight to
what the cyberbully says and realize that the hatred being spewed has nothing to
do with them and more to do with the bully.
Student Name: Mahika Acharya

Illustration 4:

Rhetorical S: Powel Kuczynski, a Polish political art satirist, created the drawing Control.
Situation: P: The author is trying to inform the viewer how games like Pokemon Go have
total control over humans even when the purpose is to make people go outside
and take walks. This medium helps accomplish the author's purpose by showing
the negative effects of digital apps.
A: The intended audience are users of the app, which has a target audience of
young boys. The man in the image looks like a young person as well. The impact
of the color scheme makes the audience feel more depressed. The audience's
background impacts the message because they all experience the control the
game has on their lives.
C: The context in which this drawing was made was when Pokemon Go became a
global success. He drew this in a response to the mass addiction that came with
this new app. The popular consensus in 2016 for anyone engaging in pastime was
being hooked on Pokemon Go. Most people are able to recognize Pikachu and
connect it to the current fad.
E: This message matters in the moment of creation for the speaker because this
global phenomenon has taken over the media. The author was likely moved to
create the artifact because it affects his environment and people around him. He
mustve realized the tradgedies of addiction and wanted to convey it through a
C: The author uses a dull color scheme throughout the photo but puts emphasis
on Pikachu by leaving him colored as well as the saddle. Just like how humans use
saddles to control horses, Pikachu (which represents the app) does the same for
humans. The young man also has an elongated neck that bends over to focus on
his phone which symbolize horse-like features. The boy isnt paying any attention
to his surroundings other than his phone, showing how hooked people are that
they do care about anything else.
A: The creator intends to appeal to the audience by using an emotional appeal to
make the audience feel pity for users. It evokes the sadness of media
consumption towards youth. The popularity of the app has so many downsides
that people need another perspective to realize it.
T: The general tone of the message is more solemn and upsetting. This is shown
through the gray scale, and the odd body proportions of the young boy. We see
that the tone conveys a serious situation and touches on a global problem. People
are going to pity this boy and get a more depressing feel.

Thesis: In his drawing, Control, political art satirist Pawel Kuczynsky utilized a bland color
scheme and places emphasis on the fictional creature Pikachu in order to make
media users realize how mobile games such as Pokemon Go control every aspect
of users life, even when the goal was supposed to be positively impactful.

Student Name: Richa Zodge

Illustration 5:

Rhetorical S.The creator of this piece is Pawel Kuczynsky and he created this cartoon called
Sittion: “The satirist of our time”
P: The purpose the cartoon is trying to inform the viewer is how we are addicted
to our phone. It shows how some humans see phones as a need like food. This
child here is starving holding bread as this human here is arching as the child
holding a phone. The purpose is showing us that we choose to ignore those who
are in need of actual things as we are in “need” of our phones as well as how we
are all the same as the child and man are arching the same. It is informing us
about the world out there are how its different for other people, it helps them
think for the future to help in general.
A:The intended audience for this cartoon are people addicted to their phones, for
people who can’t seem to get off their phones because it’s a “need” for them.I
think it’s to show that there are people in this world that are in need of actual
things such as food and that we are so addicted to a device that we can’t seem to
see or that we simply forget.
C: The place of this cartoon seems to be in a busy crowd.I also think it’s in two
different places. As the left seems to be stuck on a phone, a busy crowd only
paying attention to one thing as the right is stuck all alone holding a price of
bread. The context behind this cartoon is that when smartphones came out, our
generation was addicted to a small device. Forgetting everything around us.Our
generation also always says we are in “need” of a cell phone when truly we aren't,
it's just that we are so addicted.
E: The message behind the cartoon was created to show that there are people
out there in real need of food and water. To show that we are addicted to a small
device and that we should look up from it and see the world out there and what
we can do to help.
C:The author uses a dull color scheme throughout the photos but the bread is the
one thing standing out. I think the author does this to show that this child does
really need this price of bread.I also think that there are so many people like the
left in the back to show how many people there are addicted and it’s not just one.
How the color difference in the skin color is to show how rich america is compared
to a third world country. As well as the posture, these two men have the same
posture as they both are looking down at something
A:The author intends to appeal the audience with emotion.To show
how starving this young child is looking at this piece of bread.To show how
addictive smartphones are and how we should look up and see the world around
us today to help other in actual need
T: The tone of this message is depressing. As the whole color scheme is dull and
bland . I think the author did this to make the piece of bread stand out.To show
the reader that there are so many other like us addicted to a small device when
there are so few out there in actual need of food and that we could help.As well as
the boys body how skinny and how you can see his bones, that creates pity on the
child.As well as how that they both have the same posture showing we are all the
same but some are in need of helping more than others.

Thesis: In his drawing “The Satirist of our time” he uses a dull and bland color scheme but
makes this price of bread stand out. To show others that everyone desires
something but others truly need it more and that we should help them instead of
just looking for it.
Student Name: (We only had 5 people in our group)

Illustration 6:

Rhetorical S:
Situation: P:


Final Step:

Choose ONE thesis to expand on in a body paragraph. Together, use the suggestions on slides 4-6 on canvas to
analyze ONE of the choices/strategies.
● How does the particular choice/strategy contribute to the meaning and purpose of the artist?
● Slides 10-11 can help with transitions and rhetorical verbs. Please put the group illustration, thesis,
and body paragraph on the last page of the document.
(Group paragraph is below)


Thesis: In the visual, HATERS, artist Pawel Kuczynski shows many pigs gathering around
and stomping on a keyboard displacing keys and creating blood spatters around
it. Said pigs have no eyes and they look like they have been rolling in mud.
Kuczynski uses symbolism in the blood spatters, composition lines displaying a
hateful message with the displaced keys, and allusions in the pigs’ anatomy in
order to give the audience more empathy and compassion for the “hater,”
ultimately moving people who have and will be cyberbullied to give less weight
to what the cyberbully says and realize that the hatred being spewed has
nothing to do with them and more to do with the bully.

Body Paragraph: The dirty pigs and blood splatters in this illustration are symbolic of those who
hurt other people on the internet and the pain that they illicit. The blood
splatters around the keyboard are symbolic of how online hate creates figurative
wounds, lasting trauma or bitterness towards the world. What’s more, the pigs
themselves are not untouched by the blood splatters, indicating that they too
are hurt by what they are doing to others. The only thing that is
still clean of the blood is the keyboard, as the mechanism that is used to make
others feel pain feels no pain of itself; it is merely a tool that is being misused.
This is further supported by the keys that are pulled out of the keyboard, as that
is of course not how you use a keyboard. The pigs are also symbols, representing
the ineptitude of those who are the “Haters” referred to in the title. Pigs are
often seen as rough and unknowing, proving that the “hating” is being done by
people who don’t know what they are doing. Pigs don’t have as developed brains
as humans. This alludes to the fact that haters don’t know any better and aren’t
intelligent. The pigs are dirty which symbolize the fact that they may have been
mistreated at home or that their opinion really doesn’t matter. It also shows how
they have dirty minds, that they are not careful, and they have a negative view
on the world. They are essentially reflecting their problems onto others because
they feel bad about themselves. Symbolism has been used to help people
experiencing cyberbullying to empathize with their haters helping them realize
that they are not responsible for others’ hate.

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