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Brayden, Mahika, Rishab & Richa

Apple “Think Different”

Campaign Analysis

Because images and print ads are static, different and subtle
analysis skills are required. You must try to understand all
elements of the rhetorical situation and how every little tiny
choice contributes to the purpose. Very subtle connotations
are important to recognize for this type of visual analysis.

Each person in your group should choose a different poster

from the “Think Different” Ad Campaign. Complete part 1 on your own and
complete part 2 as a group.

Part 1:

1. In the left column, brainstorm everything you literally see in the

ad--people, colors, clothes, size of images, fonts, lines, etc. Consider
even the smallest details.
2. In the right column, describe the effect of each choice. What
connotations does each choice hold? What is the effect on the
audience? The impact? Pay close attention to how these choices lead
to the purpose.
3. Based on your brainstorm, write a short thesis that addresses the
purpose, choices, and effect. Follow the suggestions from the thesis
4. Write a body paragraph about ONE of the choices in your thesis.
Follow the suggestions from the commentary video.

Paste Advertisement:

What do you notice? What is the effect?

I notice the familiarity of this The effect of utilizing a prominent

picture as it is one of the most figure such as Albert Einstein
recognizable pictures of one of the promotes a certain message by
most recognizable people on the Apple and their campaign motto fo
planet. The focal point of the image think different, with Einstein being
is also recignizable with it on his one of the smartest people in
face and thats the first thing you human history and his
notice in the picture advancements and discoveries
ahead of his time.

Write a thesis (purpose + choices + effect)

In this clever ad campaign crafted by Apple, Albert Einstein characterizes

one of the most reconizable symbols of thinking different and utilizing
such a prominent figure conveys a deeper and overall larger message
about what Apple is and what they do.

Write a body paragraph about ONE of the choices

Albert Einstein represents a symbol, a symbol of intelligence and

notoriety. The inclusion and use of Albert Einstein in the Apple Think
Different campaign was a smart decision because of the characteristics
he has and the ideals that apple views within him as important. Albert
Einstein also shares ideals similar to Apples iconic founder Steve Jobs
with both being visionaries of the future and being intellectuals and
leading contributors to their respective time. The “Think Different”
campaign ties in directly with the idea associated with Einstein with
thinking outside of the box.
Name:Brayden Bacigalupo

Paste Advertisement:

What do you notice? What is the effect?

Lens is not multi angle, lens focus is The effect is one of great focus on
on Cesar Chavez. His working show the accomplishments of Cesar
this is a live action photo and is not Chavez’s work and demonstration
posing. The majority of the other of humility. Him being the focus
people are posing, but in his from the lens blur of the
speech to rebuild america, he talks background as well as him not
about everyone doing work and looking into the camera gives a
putting stuff in together, and this powerful message of him working
photo shows him working. and pushing through hard “work” or
his rebuilding of the american
Write a thesis (purpose + choices + effect)

Cesar Chavez’s portrait photo for the Apple “Think Different” campaign
demonstrates his work in the rebuilding of the American dream by using
a lens focus with blurred background highlighting his attributes as well
as having action photo of work while ignoring the camera which
demonstrates his focus and determination for the greater good.

Write a body paragraph about ONE of the choices

The lens focus on Cesar Chavez is an important characteristic of the

work as it affects not only the lighting cues of the background and
directs the focus of the image to the foreground with Chavez in it, but
also creates definition within the patterns on his shirt, tools he is
carrying, and his facial features. The tools he is carrying are put over his
shoulder which directs the focus to the shirt which holds the primary
pattern of the photo. The downward gaze is far from the viewer and
shows the determination of Chavez and his work ethic. The creation of
the foreground focus and deletion of background noise and distractions
hugely affects the photo’s ability to narrate the struggles and focus of
Chavez’s work in the equal rights movement.

Name: Mahika Acharya

Paste Advertisement:
What do you notice? What is the effect?

- Picasso is looking straight at The effects of these choices make

the camera the image look darker and on a
- The Apple logo is the only serious side. The little speck of
thing printed in color, with the color on the right does a lot once
rest being black and white someone notices it like the rest of
- The “Think Different” is white the image is black and white. The
- His face is covering the main focus of the poster is Picasso,
poster and having him be the focal point
- Dull background, plain places emphasis on his
- Focus on his hand importance. Having a black and
- He has a serious facial white photo of him is the opposite
expression, which looks like of what he paints. The moods of his
he could be thinking hard or paintings are strongly influenced
is scared by their colors.

Write a thesis (purpose + choices + effect)

In Apple’s 1990’s vintage campaign, “Think Different”, the producers
emphasized the beauty and creativity that emerges from the most simple
scenarios, utilizing a well-known artist, as well as by making Picasso the
main focal point to inspire and encourage viewers to invest in their items.

Write a body paragraph about ONE of the choices

The poster of renowned artist Pablo Picasso in the “Think Different”

campaign illustrates the significance of individuality. In this poster,
Picasso is the main feature, where he is staring straight into the camera
with a plain background and a plain shirt. Through a simple image,
Picasso can convey so many emotions just like how he does with his
paintings. He was free to express himself through paintings and
sculptures. He depicted all facets of life, both light and dark as well as its
sufferings, joys, and pleasures. By having Picasso being the main focus
point, it prompts the audience to see the true value of a person within
themselves. Through the picture, we are reminded to reflect on the strong
character of the icons we respect and admire.

Name:Richa Zodge
Paste Advertisement:

What do you notice? What is the effect?

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were The effect is that these people were
one of the most famous actors of one of the most famous people at
this time, As they were in the show this time, as people loved their
called “I Love Lucy”. Which was a show “I Love Lucy” people decided
very famous show at this point of to buy more apples, or it got more
time. They both were making kissy viewers. As people see their favorite
faces towards each other as in the actors/actresses in an ad they tend
show they are married. Husband to look more into that product as
and Wife in the show as well as real they want to be like them.
life. I also noticed how put together
they both look, Lucille’s hair is up in
a neat hairdo as she is wearing a
nice checkered shirt with pearls
and Desi is wearing a suit as his
hair is nice and gelled back.

Write a thesis (purpose + choices + effect)

In this Apple advertisement, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were shown as
they both were both famous for their show “I Love Lucy”, As the “Think
Different” was used in the ad, Steve Jobs said “you always had to be a
little different to buy an Apple computer” so the purpose of this ad was to
promote apple products, as people admire them as a couple both in the
show and in real life, they see them in a ad together and want to look
more into what they are shown in as well as to be different than everyone
else but the same as Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. As she is dressed so
perfectly, the pearls and curls put up hair and as he is in a nice suit and
gelled back hair. Appeared to be in love, as they are in the show and in
real life. The effect could be that people see how perfect they both look
and that by buying an apple product you could be different, or have a
perfect lifestyle like them.

Write a body paragraph about ONE of the choices

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were used in this commercial to boost the
popularity of Apple for more people to buy their products. As these two
actors' lives seem so perfect, people want to have their life as that makes
them look more into these products so their outcome comes out like this
as well. As they both look very put together and “in love”, as they are in
love in the show and real life, people view these posters or buy to
promote this as well as show they love these actors in general.

Part 2:

Finally, zoom out from your individual ad to see how the campaign works
together as a whole. Take notes in the box below on how all advertisements
in the campaign (the body of work) contribute to the overall purpose. How
do they work together? Make a statement.

● All the people used are inspirational, and the posters celebrate
some of the worlds honored visionaries.
● Draws viewers attention by placing emphasis on the individual
● Creates an emotional bond with the audience
● The simple color on the Apple logo on a black and white surface
makes all the posters the unite in similarity

Every poster in the campaign has an inspirational figure, a black and

white color scheme and a colored Apple logo in a corner, contributing to
the sense of innovation and unity that the company is trying to spread.

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