Week 6: FS1 NAME: Maidy M. Cabason Course: Beed Iii

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FS 1


Lesson 2. Engagement of Parents and the Wider School Community in the
Educative Process 

Processing. Read carefully and answer the following questions. 

A. What are the benefits in engaging parents and members of community in
the implementation of the school programs? 

Family and community involvement in schools is associated
with improvements in students' academic achievement, higher attendance
rates, and improved quality of school programs, as well as improved student
behavior and school discipline.
B. Identify strategies that promote positive relationships with parents and
members of the community including mechanism to ensure their full support
to school programs. 

Recognize that all parents, regardless of income, education level, or cultural
background, want to be involved in their children’s education and want their
children to do well in school.
Link family and community engagement efforts to student learning.
Create initiatives that will support families to guide their children’s learning
from preschool through high school.
Develop the capacity of school staff to work with families.
Focus efforts to engage families on developing trusting and respectful
Embrace a philosophy of partnership and be willing to share power with
families. Make sure that parents and school staff understand that the
responsibility for children’s educational development is a collaborative

C. What is the important of having PTA meeting?

PTA creates the village that helps to raise our kids and strengthen our
community. PTA links families to important school and community
information. PTA tracks local, state and national policies every day so we can
advocate for what's best for our students, families and schools. A parent–
teacher conference, parent–teacher interview, parent–teacher night or parents'
evening, is a short meeting or conference between the parents and teachers of
students to discuss a child's progress at school and find solutions to academic
or behavioral problems. They keep parents informed about how the school
works, what's coming up and any issues teachers have come across. This helps
the school to improve and ensures that parent's voices are heard - a win-win
situation. But the main reason for PTA meetings is to improve the learning
environment for students, ensuring that they learn to as higher standard as
Reflection. Complete the following statements. 
A. I realize that learning environment both give and gets from families and the local
B. I believe that teacher should build a good relationship with parents and the wider
community to improve the learning environment.
C. I feel that bringing parents into the equation provides a fresh insight on
improvements that are needed and processes they feel are outdated or need to be put
in place. PTA meetings are a forum where these concerns can be voiced and you are
privy to these insights.
D. Being a professional teacher requires flexible scheduling like weekend and
evening opportunities to accommodate parent schedules. Inviting community
members to visit schools, to talk with students in the classroom, and to advocate for
teachers. Creating a school climate that encourages family and community

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