Kids Church: Lesson For

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Kids Church

LESSON FOR: November 14, 2021 – Week 2 of Series

Money & Me – Stewardship

POWER TRUTH: God has blessed me to be a blessing.

POWER VERSE: God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more
than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:8 CEV

OBJECTIVE: At the end of the series, the kids will understand that God blesses us to honor
Him and so that we can also be a blessing to others.


Parables are stories or illustrations that Jesus used to help people understand who God is and
what His Kingdom is like. For the second installment of our Money & Me series, we will look at
the Parable of the Three Servants and see what we can learn about our
topic on Stewardship.

Race with water glass

Materials: glasses, water, obstacles

Are you ready for game time?! We are going to play a similar game to the one we played in
Rizal Re-Creation a few months ago. Each player will have a glass of water and have one
minute to go around the garden (through some obstacles) while trying not to spill a drop. At the
finish line, we will compare their glasses side by side. The player with the most water still
inside their glass, wins!

Congratulations, teacher! You were very good in making sure that you didn’t spill any water.
You really took care of the water entrusted to you. Our lesson today is about taking care of
things that are entrusted to us.
Luke 19:15-26 ICB
Jesus was sharing a parable to His listeners. He told them about a prince who was going to be
crowned king. His coronation was going to be in a faraway place and before He left, He
entrusted some bags of money to his servants. He told them to put the money to good use and
make it grow.

LUKE 19:15-26 CEV 15  “But the man became king. When he came home, he said, ‘Call those
servants who have my money. I want to know how much they earned with it.’
“The first servant came and said, ‘Sir, I earned ten bags of money with the one bag you gave
me!’  17  The king said to the servant, ‘Fine! You are a good servant. I see that I can trust you
with small things. So now I will let you rule over ten of my cities.’
“The second servant said, ‘Sir, with your one bag of money I earned five bags!’  19  The king
said to this servant, ‘You can rule over five cities.’
“Then another servant came in. The servant said to the king, ‘Sir, here is your bag of money.
I wrapped it in a piece of cloth and hid it.  21  I was afraid of you because you are a hard man.
You even take money that you didn’t earn and gather food that you didn’t plant.’  22  Then the
king said to the servant, ‘You evil servant! I will use your own words to condemn you. You said
that I am a hard man. You said that I even take money that I didn’t earn and gather food that I
didn’t plant.  23  If that is true, then you should have put my money in the bank. Then, when I
came back, my money would have earned some interest.’
“Then the king said to the men who were watching, ‘Take the bag of money away from this
servant and give it to the servant who earned ten bags of money.’  25  They said to the king, ‘But
sir, that servant already has ten bags of money!’  26  The king said, ‘The one who uses what he
has will get more. But the one who does not use what he has will have everything taken away
from him.

Jesus told this parable to teach us that we are to be responsible with the things He has
entrusted to us. Also, God calls us to do things excellently. Using and taking care of what we’re
given to the best of our ability is called stewardship.

POINT: I will take good care and put to good use what God has entrusted to me.

God has blessed us with a lot. We have food, clothes, shelter, money, and many others. He
expects us to be responsible with our blessings and even use them for good, like the two
servants in our story. How do we do that? Let’s say you received some money for your
birthday. Would it be wise to spend it all on an expensive toy? Probably not because it may
break or there may be a better toy in a few months and your money would all have been gone.
A better way would be set aside your tithes, put a little in your savings, and the rest can be
spent wisely by blessing others or you can use it for yourself by spending it on something that
has value.

In the parable, the third servant did not put the money to good use. He just hid it. The king
instead took away the money and gave it to the servant who already had a lot of money. That
seemed unfair, huh? But it wasn’t! Instead of the money being put to good use, it just collected
dust! So it went instead to the servant who already had a lot because he knew how to use it
properly and make it grow.
Jesus taught this parable in order that we can use our blessings for good, like using it to serve
God so others will also get to know Him like we do. As we take care of our blessings and put
them to good use to serve God and His people, God will bless us.

POWER TRUTH: God has blessed me to be a blessing.

POWER VERSE: God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more
than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:8 CEV


In the Bible, Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. It is the shepherds’
responsibility to take good care of their sheep. Jesus indeed took good care of us. He willingly
lay down His life for us, His sheep, so that we could be reconciled back to God.


Lord, we thank You for the wonderful blessings You have given us. We acknowledge that all
our blessings come from You. Help us to take care of the things that You have blessed us with
and to put them to good use in serving You. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

Paper Wallet

Materials: Colored paper, glue, colored markers or stickers

Instructions: Follow the instructions in this video: (credit to

Tonni art and craft for the craft idea). Design your wallet with drawings or stickers.

Spiel: Nice wallets! You can put your paper money in there to keep them in one place and
safe. Let your paper wallets remind you that we need to take care of the money or blessings
that God has given us. That is called stewardship. We will take good care of the blessings that
God has entrusted to us and also use them to serve Him and His people. As we do so, God
will reward us with more.

Huddle Question: What is one valuable thing in your possession and how do you take care of

Family Con: If you had ten thousand pesos, how will you use it?

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