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I. Executive Summary

- This proposal is for our value customer to serve them a sweet and nutritious food that
will enjoy not only for children also for the adults. We the researcher will convey on the
production and serving of your affordable Pie with different variations of flavours. The name of
the business is Pie-radise because of the variations and the taste that surely our customers feels
like in a vacation of happiness. We came up the idea of bringing it to a business that offers
affordable yet delicious snack. This business will not market not just people who loves Pies. The
business is located at Ibaba St. Barangay Bignay, Valenzuela the target market of the study are
students, adults, and passer by surrounding area.

II. Market Description

a. Market Segmentation

- All through the city, everyone craves that suit in their taste buds but most of it was the
taste of sweet. Our group choose in this product to provide the request for all ages, that can
afford and fit for those who really love this product. Those are the middle strand those people
were children and old really love this. And also, to the youth that want to try a new food. This is
fair enough and respected for everyone. those are wanted to invest this product.

b. Product Positioning

- Our branch is located in most visited and crowded places where all ages are passing

c. Market Targeting

i. Primary Market

- Our target is grade school to college student from School or anyone that near of
our Store.

ii. Secondary Market

- Next target are parents of the children and senior citizen.

III. Product Description

a. Benefits

- Naturally pies are calorie dense, the fruit filling provides nutrients, fiber and
antioxidants. For instance, blueberries, pineapple, peaches are antioxidant superstars. They are
rich in vitamin C and manganese, it also great source of fiber and provide a fair amount of
vitamin E. Fiber is important when working to maintain a healthy weight every day because it
helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Antioxidants are natural defenders in the body that
prevent or repair damage to cells, tissues and DNA (the blueprint for cell production) caused by
free radicals (harmful unstable substances). These harmful substances can lead to various
diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. So, enjoy fruit desserts (of course, in
moderation!) to receive a variety of health promoting nutrients.

b. Uses

- It can be eaten at breakfast, Lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and midnight snack

c. Features

- This is made of flour and sugar for the crunchy golden-brown outside and fluffy inside
wrapper, mango, peaches and sugar for sweet and soft filling.

d. Innovative Features

- Most common ways of cooking for peach mango pie are frying we will try to cook in
bake or air frying as a new style. Instead of puff pastry we use lumpia wrapper and for adding
choices, we include also the variation flavours like macapuno, strawberry, blueberry and

IV. Pricing Strategy

a. Computation Pattern

Store Equipment and tools

Items Unit Price Total
Cashier 2 10,995 21,990
Table and Chair 4 4,000 16,000
Oven 2 1,665 3,330
Air Fryer 2 1,179 2,358
Kitchen Towel 10 65 650
Store wall décor 10 145 1,450
Item Quantity per production Unit Price Amount
Daily Monthly per month
Peaches 3000g 90,000g 525/ kg 47,250
Mangoes 2000g 60,000g 200/ kg 12,000
Ube yam 1000g 30,000g 149/ kg 4,470
Strawberry 800g 24,000g 195/ kg 4,680
Pine Apple 800g 24,000g 82/ kg 1,968
Apple 2,000g 60,000g 147/ kg 8,820
Blueberry 400g 12,000g 215/ kg 2,580
White sugar 2,000g 60,000g 56/ kg 3,360
Cornstarch 400g 12000 g 30/ kg 360
Salt 6g 180 g 25/ kg 4.5
Puff Pastry 750g 22500 g 485/ kg 10,912.50
Cinnamon Powder 50g 1500 g 80/ kg 120
Water 5,000ml 150,000ml 45/ L 6,750
Egg 60pcs 1800 pcs 310/ tray 18,600

Utilities expenses Amount Monthly Annual Cost

Rent 5,000 5,000 60,000
Electric bill 7.96 / hr 4,800 57,000
Water bill 2.18 1,500 18,000

Sold per Pcs. Price Discount (peso)

1 pc. 30
3pcs. 85 5
6pcs. 175 5
10pcs. 295 5

b. Include Justification for your pricing consideration

- In this product we use every 3 kilo of peach mango mixture and the 2-kilo puff pastry it
yields for 25 pieces. The price for the product by computing the cost of ingredients and the
number of yields is 30 pesos and we sum up the price growth is 5 pesos. That is afford for budget
and make sure that the food is really delicious and not totally waste of money.

V. Distribution Strategy

a. Identify the channel and area of Distribution

b. Include Justification for the choice of channel and areas for distribution

- Recently this mall is open and located at Bignay, Valenzuela everyone comes here to eat and
buy some clothes, furniture and material, we also want to advertise and be able to sell our
product affordable and accurate to the taste of customers. so, it is possible that we can sell more
than the expected number of products to be sold per day, and they can also spread to other
acquaintances how delicious and popular this product is.

VI. Promotional Strategy

a. Includes Items for promotion such as portable advertisement, publicity/public relation

and sale promotions.
b. Consider the position of the new product in the product life cycle stage

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