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Stress and Anxiety






Stress and Anxiety

Stress is any condition that results in physical, emotional, as well as psychological strain.

Stress is ones’ body's reaction to anything requiring your attention or action. Everybody is

subjected to some degree of stress. However, how you react to stress has a significant impact on

your general well-being. My reaction to the video is that we have to control our stresses since it

affects our ideal homeostatic balance. Most of the time we turn on our stress response since we

feel we are about getting to be stressed. Anxiousness is brought by the much anticipation we

have in thinking that we will get stressed. Stress is brought about by the past experiences we

have had which might have frustrated us or just like zebras it is brought by the psychological

torture we have when we anticipate something bad is going to happen in our life. I support this

perception since in our day to day life we tend to experience these stresses which leads to us

having anxiety.

After interviewing my family members and sharing with them what I had been feeling in

the last two years, my experiences and perception towards some aspects in life they told me that I

might be suffering from anxiety and depression. After some further research about anxiety and

depression I found out that depression is a period of grief or apathy that lasted nearly 2

consecutive weeks and therefore is severe enough to affect with daily activities. Depression is

neither an indication of infirmity or an unfavorable personality. It is a significant public health

problem as well as a medical illness that is treatable. I concurred with them after the research

since of late I had been feeling losing interest in life, fatigue, chronic pain, insomnia and lost

interest in things that used to amuse me which I saw were the signs of depression and anxiety.

This might have been brought about due to the anxiety and anticipation of how my future would

unveil which had been always in my though each and every time.

I researched and got a government article that talked about depression, anxiety, & Stress

among medical students in their final year. The aim of the study sought to ascertain the

frequency of prevalence of depression, stress, as well as anxiety among final-year medical

students. The medical school environment as a whole is frequently regarded as extremely

stressful, having a detrimental effect on not only academic achievement but also on students'

physical health as well as psychosocial well-being (Kumar, 2019). Globally, there is growing

concern about the psychological well-being of students, particularly medical students. According

to some, they are more prone to depression & anxiety. Additionally, a difference in sadness and

anxiety levels has been documented between students attending public & private medical

schools. Medical students worldwide, including Canada and Malaysia, have reported increased

levels of stress and sadness. However, anxiety and stress have received scant attention among

Pakistani medical students. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which final-

year medical students experience anxiety, stress, and sadness.

Numerous factors, including academic pressure, highly competent classmates,

impediments to achieving their desired specialty, as well as the transitional period from being a

student almost to being a physician, all have a significant impact on their psychological health.

Other reasons contributing to medical students include excessive expectations from oneself,

family members, and teachers, as well as being instructed to bear responsibility for well and lives

of patients (Kumar, 2019). The aforementioned issues, coupled with the fact that academic

studies require a significant amount of time, prevent students from extra-curricular activities like

pursuing their hobbies. In the long run, this increased stress level among medical students can

have a number of negative consequences, including decreased academic performance and a


lower quality of life. All of these factors may contribute to medical students having higher levels

of sadness and anxiety when compared with the general population from same age group.

I engaged with my family members and we discussed on ways students, their parent and

teachers can use to help reduce the stress levels in the students. After the discussion we saw that

regular exercise is one of the safest ways to let off steam. Students can include exercise in their

schedules by performing morning yoga, walking or cycling to campus, or revising for tests with

a buddy while walking on a treadmill. Beginning today and maintaining a consistent exercise

regimen throughout your life will help one live longer as well as enjoy life more. Progressive

muscle relaxation is another excellent stress reliever that may be utilized before tests, before bed,

and at other times whenever stress has you physically tensed up (PMR). This technique entails

tensing and releasing all muscles simultaneously until the entire body is relaxed. With practice,

you can develop the ability to instantly remove stress from your body. This is especially

beneficial for students because it may be customized to aid in relaxing attempts prior to sleep in

order to achieve deeper sleep, which students always can use, or even to relax as well as reverse

test-induced panic prior to or during a test.

Additionally, we discovered that a balanced diet can either enhance or deplete mental

vitality. A balanced diet can be used as a stress management approach as well as a study aid.

Improving overall diet can help you avoid mood swings, lightheadedness, and other diet-related

symptoms. Clutter can result in increased stress, less productivity, and even financial loss. Most

students live in a congested environment, which might have a detrimental effect on their scores.

One technique to alleviate stress is to maintain a minimalist, peaceful study place free of

distractions & clutter. This can help alleviate stress, save time searching for misplaced goods,

and foster more favorable roommate relationships. Additionally, it can assist students develop a

good attitude toward their study topic, which aids in exam preparation and stimulates additional

studying. It is worthwhile to make the effort.

To improve on longevity and health as per the study above about stress I to take measures

that will help me avoid stress or relieve from stress whenever they encounter one since there are

negative adverse effects that come along with being stressed. Among the measures I am going to

take is getting enough sleep. Inadequate sleep and overworking leads to one experiencing

chronic stress which might alter with the level of concentration of an individual. Regrettably,

operating in a nap state significantly disadvantages you. I am less productive, learning becomes

more difficult, so it might even become a safety hazard behind wheel. On my therapy schedule I

planned to be sleeping at a minimum of eight hours a day to ensure I stay away from stress.


Kumar, B., Shah, M., Kumari, R., Kumar, A., Kumar, J., & Tahir, A. (2019). Depression,

Anxiety, and Stress Among Final-year Medical Students. Cureus, 11(3), e4257.

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