Training Program 2

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Companies place importance on employability skills in their potential employees

because they have always been necessary for valuable and well-functioning
employees. This is the reason why understanding our workplace strengths is important.
It is a key component of self-awareness and career control. Our degree and experience
may be sufficient to qualify for a job today, but we will need soft skills to be successful in
most professions. Knowing our strengths and how to develop them can help us discover
jobs that we enjoy while also allowing us to refine our skills in the areas that are most
important to our career path. We can make job choices that will better enable us to
achieve and continue building our strengths by reflecting on our strengths and
assessing how we can apply them in our everyday life.

I. Introduction
There is one crucial aspect of preparation that you must understand, it takes
time. You can't get ready for something big in a day. In fact, bigger opportunities
require bigger preparation. Consider the level of preparation required to compete
in the Olympics. It is also similar to preparing yourself for your future career. In
today's world, there is a lot of truth about careers. Some people may have known
what they wanted to do as a child and it has proven to be a good fit for them, but
this is rarely the case.

The program of Junior Philippine Institute of Accounts (JPIA) together with Jose
Rizal University with the cooperation of the faculty, dean, and the Human
Resources Development Management Service (HRDMS) helps to facilitate the
event to be conducted.

The theme of Webinar “Preparing for opportunities and success:

Recognizing the strengths and skills for future career” seeks the opportunity
for students to engage in learning different techniques and styles in order to
overcome their difficult moments as well as to succeed in acquiring their desired
job. In this program we will share interesting topics that cultivate the needs of
students while having a delightful time. Though it may appear like working while
a student is a bad idea, it may be a better way to prepare kids for “the real world.”
Students may become responsible if they work for the things that they want to
get and need.We must work hard in order to achieve our goals. By thinking on
our strengths and examining how we might apply them in our everyday lives, we
may make work choices that will better enable us to attain and continue to
enhance our strengths. Determine our strengths to plan how to achieve our
goals. By embracing our fears, we can transform our weakness into a strength.

II. The general objective

The object of “Preparing for opportunities and success: Recognizing the
strengths and skills for future career” aims to share various employability
strategies and styles among students.
1. To prepare students for their future careers
2. To teach the importance of employability skills to the students
3. To assist students in recognizing their strengths and limitations
III. Participants
The participants of this training program are the 4 th year students under Business
Administration and Accountancy or BAA (Bachelor of Applied Arts) of Jose Rizal

IV. Coverage
The training programs cover the following specific topics:

● Introduction to Career Readiness

● Sample behaviors for career development
● Identifying key strengths and skills in choosing your career
● Presentation of Mock Interview

V. Physical setup of the training room

The Jose Rizal University of Business Administration and Accountancy uses
Zoom as a meeting platform. Each member looks for ways to find their productive
connection and a conducive place for training.

Network Layout

● Group of maximum 500 students

● Accept all the incoming participant via zoom meeting
● Allow the mentor/educator to navigate freely inside the zoom features
● Visual aids are used in the facilities.
● Allow the students to participate in question & answer session with appropriate

VI. Material and Equipment needed

1. Personal Desktop / Laptop / Cellphone
2. Internet connection
3. Camera
4. Headset with microphone
5. Visual Aids
6. Poster and Invitation
7. Certificates for participants
8. Registration and evaluation forms using Google Forms

VII. Expenses

Expenses and Honoraria

Expenses and Number of Resource
Honoraria Total
Honoraria Speaker / Participants

Resource Person’s
2 ₱3,000.00 ₱18,000.00

(Facebook, Twitter, 3 ₱5,000.00 ₱15,000.00

Poster Making 2 ₱2,750.00 ₱5,500.00

Webcam 2 ₱4,000.00 ₱8,000.00

Microphone 2 ₱750.00 ₱1,500.00

Total ₱48,000.00

VIII. Activities

1. Pre-webinar
2. During Webinar
3. Post-webinar
Date Time Activity Resource Person

10/18/2021 1:00 pm Assembly

Ms. Mae Kimberly

1:10 pm Opening Prayer

1:15 pm National Anthem

Ms. Gianne Biescas

1:20 pm Introduction of the Program and

Mr. Sean Castor

1:30 pm TALK: Introduction to Career

2:40 pm Break

Ms. Mae Kimberly

2:50 pm Ice Breaker

Ms. Meriam Matabalao

2:55 pm TALK: Sample behaviors for
career development

4:00 pm Closing Message and Synopsis

Date Time Activity Resource Person

10/19/2021 1:00 pm Registration and Assembly

Ms. Mae Kimberly

1:10 pm Opening Prayer

1:15 pm National Anthem

Ms. Gianne Biescas
1:20 pm Introduction of the Program and

Mr. Sean Castor

1:30 pm TALK: Identifying key strengths
in choosing your career PART 1

2:40 pm Break

Ms. Mae Kimberly

2:50 pm Ice Breaker

Ms. Meriam Matabalao

2:55 pm TALK: Identifying skills in
choosing your career PART 2

Ms. Gianne Biescas

4:00 pm Closing Remarks

Date Time Activity Resource Person

10/20/2021 1:00 pm Registration and Assembly

Ms. Mae Kimberly

1:10 pm Opening Prayer

1:15 pm National Anthem

Ms. Gianne Biescas

1:20 pm Introduction of the Program and

Mr. Sean Castor

1:30 pm Presentation of Mock Interview

2:40 pm Break
Ms. Mae Kimberly
2:50 pm Ice Breaker

Ms. Meriam Matabalao

2:55 pm Presentation of Mock Interview

Ms. Gianne Biescas &

4:00 pm Closing Remarks and Giving of
Ms. Mae Kimberly

IX. Evaluation


“Preparing for opportunities and success: Recognizing the strengths and skills
for future career”
Date: October 18 - 20, 2021
Resource Speaker: Mr. Sean Castor Malabad and Ms. Meriam Matabalao

Directions: We appreciate your help in evaluating this program. Please indicate your
rating of the presentation in the categories below by putting a check mark (✓) on the space

4 – Strongly Agree 3 - Agree 2 - Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

1. Seminar Title
4 3 2 1

1.1. Relevance of the Theme

1.2. Extensive of Information

1.3. Applicability or usefulness

1.4. Appropriate for intended audience

1.5 Conveyance of the theme

2. Set-up

2.1. Appropriate background and set up of the


2.2. Clear audio and video of presenters

2.3. Visual aid materials are readable

2.4. Training Materials were appropriate for the

subject matter

2.5. The moderators are friendly and meeting

our needs during the training

3. Program Management

3.1 Program goals/objective are relevant

3.2. Program was well paced within the allotted

3.3. Content was organized and easy to follow

3.4. The speakers encouraged participants to

interact and participate

3.5. The course outline was communicated and


4. Target Objectives

4.1. Assist to prepare for future career

4.2. Learned about the importance of employability


4.3. Recognize strengths through this webinar

4.4. Recognize limitations through this webinar

4.5. Learned employability styles and strategies

5. Resource Speaker

5.1. The topic is clearly presented

5.2. Clarified content in response to questions

5.3. Knowledgeable in content areas

5.4. Uses appropriate and effective visual aids

5.5. The presenter was engaging and dynamic

What aspects of the training could be improved?


Do you recommend this training program?




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