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S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Template


Date Item No. Drawing/ Clause/Spec Ref Tender Query (English) Discipline Tender Query Response Responsible Issue Date

Architecture/ Civil/
25.09.2018 1 Drawing # or Doc or Clause # Question? Queries Response Open - Leave blank- - Leave blank-

For 5% of concrete pour volume, the temperature records are to be

- In specification document the concrete temperature is
recorded and submitted. No concrete pouring of should be allowed at
above 35 degrees centigrade (ᶿC) on rising thermometer or
ambient temperatures more than 35 degrees.
above 40 degrees centigrade (ᶿC) on a falling thermoter, it
04.05.2021 1 S.10.3 Civil/ Structural Secondly, during curing, as per the concrete specification cl.5.7.4, for pile Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
means concrete temperature is 38 degrees centigrade could
caps, contractor shall ensure that the temperature differential between
be placed in the borehole? - Is it mandatory to
the inner and outer surfaces shall not exceed 20°C and the peak
measure the temperature before casting concrete?
temperature shall not exceed 70°C.

Due to for casting concrete we using tremie pipe so we not

04.05.2021 2 S.10.3 Civil/ Structural Acceptable. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
use vibrator during casting concrete.
In this specification slump of bored pile is 17,5 ± 2,5cm but
04.05.2021 3 S.10.1 in our experience we use slump 18 ± 2 cm. Is it allowed to Civil/ Structural Acceptable. Trial mix is still required. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
use slump 18 ± 2 cm?
There is inspection of pile excavation, what kind of test/
04.05.2021 4 S.10.1 inspection that will be done? Is it koden test? and how many Civil/ Structural Yes, koden test to all piles. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
piles which conducted koden test?
- Regarding rock coring, when do we conduct the point load
test? Is it during boring works or after completion of boring
works? And we have not yet received soil investigation
report especially boring log.
- Due to we have not received soil investigation report then
we are not sure that boring work be found bedrock level or Based on preliminary Soil Investigation data (SI), no rock is anticipated,
04.05.2021 5 S.10.1 Civil/ Structural Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
only hard soil? thus the queries are not relevant.
- If the boring works be found hard soil, must the boring
works still socketing?
- What is mean that probing of bedrock shall be carried out
along the proposed wall line at intervals?(please explain the
detail of work)
Regarding rebar material testing, how tons for 1 set testing
1 set of test per 50 tones. Each set should consist of 3 bending and 3 tensile
04.05.2021 6 S.10.1 sample? and how many quantity of bending and tension test Civil/ Structural Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
for each type of rebar diameter?
Backfilling of empty bore hole after completion casting
04.05.2021 7 S.10.2 concrete using sand or lean concrete. Could we backfill bore Civil/ Structural Bored soil material is acceptable. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
hole using bored soil material?
What is axial load test system for preliminary test pile and
04.05.2021 8 S.11.2 Civil/ Structural We recommend kentledge method of testing. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
working piles? (Kentledges or Reaction Pile)
There is standard penetration test, so is it our scope of works Yes it is. SI borehole to be carried out exactly at test pile position as
04.05.2021 9 S.11.2 Civil/ Structural Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
or not? specified on the foundation drawing.

For initial 20m, VWSG to be spaced at 5m intervals (4 gauges per level).

For subsequent depth, VWSG to be spaced at 2.5m intervals (4 gauges per
If preliminary test pile using instrumented test pile, please
04.05.2021 10 S.11.2 Civil/ Structural level). Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
give us the quantity of VWSG and tell-tale each pile
For initial 20m, tell-tale extensometer to be spaced at 5m intervals. For
subsequent depth, tell-tale extensometer to be spaced at 2.5m intervals.

Could we change from external casing to double geogundle

04.05.2021 11 S.11.2 Civil/ Structural Acceptable. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
for eliminate skin friction?
Please give us soil investigation report especially boring log TT PM/ TT CM/ RED/
04.05.2021 12 S.11.2 Civil/ Structural To be provided later after the submission Closed 7-May-21
this project MAVERICK
S1a - Instruction and Condition of Tendering
05.05.2021 13 Is the project duration included the PTP and pile testing? General Yes Closed TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
Key Milestones

S1a - Instruction and Condition of Tendering

RFP Response Requirements
No, please provide us the signed soft copy using the electronic signature in
One (1) copy of hardcopy submission and one (1)
05.05.2021 14 Should the electronic copy be scan copy with signature? General pdf. Please provide us the excel file for "Section 7 - Preliminaries", Closed TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
electronic copy saved in USB shall be submitted in
"Section 8 - Bill of Quantities" and "Section 9 - Final Summary"
a sealed envelope and labelled as per the invitation
to tender.
S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Template


Date Item No. Drawing/ Clause/Spec Ref Tender Query (English) Discipline Tender Query Response Responsible Issue Date

Architecture/ Civil/
25.09.2018 1 Drawing # or Doc or Clause # Question? Queries Response Open - Leave blank- - Leave blank-
S1a - Instruction and Condition of Tendering
RFP Response Requirements
Tenders will close on the Tender Closing Date.
Does it mean the starting date of project will be delayed?
Tenders will be required to remain valid for one
Could you give late starting date? That is because that we No intention to delay on the starting date of project. This is client's
05.05.2021 15 hundred and twenty (120) days from the Tender General Closed TT CM 11-May-21
must consider the influence of material market price requirement for having tender validity of 120 days.
Closing Date (“Tender Validity Period”) stipulated
movement and weather condition.
in the Invitation to Tender and no tenderer may
withdraw his tender within the Tender Validity

S1a - Instruction and Condition of Tendering

Fixed Price Remeasurement Proposal
Does it mean fixed rate and quantity should be calculated
05.05.2021 16 As part of your response to this RFP you are to General Quantity will be based on actual works on site. The Unit Rate is Fixed Closed TT CM 7-May-21
based on site actual?
provide a “Fixed Price Remeasurement” proposal
using Excel.

S1a - Instruction and Condition of Tendering

Pricing How if the bill of quantities as provided is not same with
05.05.2021 17 General Please provide a separate line items in "Any Other Works" section Closed TT CM 7-May-21
All items from Part 7 to Part 9 shall be priced in design drawing?
accordance to bill of quantities as provided.
S1a - Instruction and Condition of Tendering Do tenderers offer rate for all items from Part 7 to Part 9 Yes, unit rates shall be included PPh and at the Final Summary shall be add
05.05.2021 18 General Closed TT CM 11-May-21
Price to Include included PPh and PPN? with PPN.
Please notice the detail requirement on insurance for works
S4.2 - Particular Condition of contract and contractor's equipment, insurance against injury to Further details on the insurances to be procured by the Contractor will be
05.05.2021 19 General Closed YONDR/ CMS 7-May-21
Clause 18 Insurance persons and damage to property, and insurance for provided by way of a tender addendum no 1.
contractor's personnel.
S4.3 - Appendix to Contract Further details on the insurances to be procured by the Contractor will be
05.05.2021 20 Is insurance not included in the scope of piling contractor? General Closed YONDR/ CMS/ TT CM 7-May-21
Insurance provided by way of a tender addendum no 1.

The successful tenderer (i.e. the Contractor) will be required to provide an

Is it required that tender provide the specimen the official
S5 - Schedule D - Specimen of Advance Payment Advance Payment security in the form set out in Schedule D when the
05.05.2021 21 form provided by bank? Or the sample issued for previous General Closed YONDR/ CMS/ TT CM 7-May-21
Security Contract is signed. Tenderers are advised to check with their issuing banks
whether they will be able to provide such security in the form prescribed.

For Phase 1 position please refer to red box (Grid AP to AG), for block a
building position please refer to blue box (Grid AP to AA)

Could you provide the completed key plan which can clearly
05.05.2021 22 S5 - Schedule H - Piling Scope Demarcation show the block A building and Phase I building position General Closed TT CM 7-May-21
S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Template


Date Item No. Drawing/ Clause/Spec Ref Tender Query (English) Discipline Tender Query Response Responsible Issue Date

Architecture/ Civil/
25.09.2018 1 Drawing # or Doc or Clause # Question? Queries Response Open - Leave blank- - Leave blank-
Is Phase I part of block A building?
If it is correct, the volume of Phase I is around more than
60% of block A building. However, 150KV substation and Yes, phase 1 is part of Block A Building. Yes Confirm on the schedule, full
S6 - Schedule H - Piling Scope Demarcation
05.05.2021 23 phase I building should be finished 3.5 months after General Block A should finish 7 months after the commencement date or 3.5 months Closed TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
commencement date. And full block A building should be after the completion of phase 1 building and 150 kv Substation
finished 7 months after commencement date. Please confirm
this schedule.
S5 - Schedule I - GIIC Estate Regulations
05.05.2021 24 IV. Construction requirement - item 5 Is temporary fencing and gate tenderer's work scope? General Temporary fencing and gate are not part of the piling contractor's scope Closed TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21

S5 - Schedule I - GIIC Estate Regulations

IV. Construction requirement - item 9
Does it mean that the tenderer not only move the soil
Buyers/the contractors shall follow the regulation
disposal to pointed area by GIIC, but also level and compact
for soil disposal which requires Buyer/ the Please refer to schedule E "Estate Regulation". Access road is not part of
05.05.2021 25 it under their requirement? Also the access road should be General Closed YONDR/ TT PM 11-May-21
contractors to keep always clean the road and your scope of works. Access roads will be provided by Other Contractor
tenderer's responsible?
grade the disposal at the location and the access
Please notice the detailed requirement on soil disposal.
road is responsible by the buyer/the contractors if
S5 - Schedule I - GIIC Estate Regulations
IV. Construction requirement - item 11
Does it mean that the tenderer cannot use the clean water Yes the tenderer cannot use the clean water provided by GIIC water supply
05.05.2021 26 For construction period, clean water and electricity General Closed YONDR/ TT PM 11-May-21
provided by GIIC water supply system? system
shall be provided
by The Contractor.

Please make clear description. Add the necessary and Please rephrase your queries. Deviations List is need when there are items
05.05.2021 27 S5 - Schedule K - Bidders Deviations List additional works item and its cost which excluded in the General in the BOQ are different from the specifications or drawings and all this Cost Closed TT CM 7-May-21
BOQ? need to be part of your BOQ

Please rephrase your queries. Exclusion List is when you excluded some of
05.05.2021 28 S5 - Schedule L - Bidders Exclusion List Please make clear description. General Closed TT CM 7-May-21
the works highlighted in the "Drawings" and "Specifications"

The successful tenderer (i.e. the Contractor) will be required to provide a

Is it required that tender provide the specimen the official
S6 - Schedule E - Specimen of Performance Performance Security in the form set out in Schedule E when the Contract is
05.05.2021 29 form provided by bank? Or the sample issued for previous General Closed YONDR/ CMS/ TT CM 7-May-21
Payment Security signed. Tenderers are advised to check with their issuing banks whether
they will be able to provide such security in the form prescribed.

S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification According to bore piling specification and drawing, all piles
Based on preliminary SI data, no rock is anticipated, thus the query is not
05.05.2021 30 S11.2 - Drawings are entering-rock pile. Please confirm the depth for entering Civil Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
Rock Coring rock.

S10.1 Project Bored Piling Specification Based on preliminary SI data, no rock is anticipated, thus the query is not
05.05.2021 31 Is the load test for rock material requested at all piles? Civil Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
Rock Coring relevant.
S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification
Section 2.5
05.05.2021 32 Backfilling of Empty Bore - on completion of Please confirm the material for blind boring. Civil Contractor to propose. Please also refer to tender queries no.7 above Closed RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
concreting, the remaining empty bore shall be
backfilled with sand or lean concrete unless
S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification
Please confirm the work scope of cutting off pile head.
Section 2.6 - Stripping pile head and bonding Cutting off pile head is part of piling contractor's scope. Soil excavation TT PM/ TT CM/ RED/
05.05.2021 33 How about the foundation soil excavation before cutting off Civil / General Closed 11-May-21
S8 - Bill of quantities before the cutting off pile head will be part of General Contractor Scope. MAVERICK
pile head? Also this soil disposal works?
Cutting off pile head

S10.1 Project Bored Piling Specification

Contractor to allow for depth of 3.3m from existing ground level to
Section 2.6 Stripping pile head ad bonding Please provide the existing ground elevation recoding and
05.05.2021 34 Civil approximate pile cut off level. The top of pile cap is approximately at the Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
S9 Bill of quantities detail of elevation top pile.
existing ground level.
Cutting off pile head

S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification Please confirm the test method. The maximum test pile
05.05.2021 35 Civil Yes for piles more than 50m. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
Section 3.0 - Integrity testing of pile length is 50m. If more than 50, CSL test is applied.

S10.1 Project Bored Piling Specification Which part will be test for integrity test? Top part with rebar
05.05.2021 36 Civil Full pile. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
Section 3.0 Integrity testing of pile cage or full pile?

S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification Any requirement on coring test? What is the test number?
05.05.2021 37 Civil Contractor to allow for 5% of piles. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
Section 3.0 - Integrity testing of pile Please confirm it.
S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Template


Date Item No. Drawing/ Clause/Spec Ref Tender Query (English) Discipline Tender Query Response Responsible Issue Date

Architecture/ Civil/
25.09.2018 1 Drawing # or Doc or Clause # Question? Queries Response Open - Leave blank- - Leave blank-
As the load test capacity for PTP is 3 times of work load, so
the work pile can no be used as PTP. Any detail design on
S10.2 - Project Bored Piling Test Specification Kentledge method recommended. Location to be decided.
05.05.2021 38 preliminary test pile and anchor pile? Where is the location? Civil Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
S11.2 - Drawing SI required nearby PTP as specified on drawing.
Do tenderer do new soil investigation nearby the preliminary
test pile?

Please confirm if both compression and tensile test should be

05.05.2021 39 S10.2 - Project Bored Piling Test Specification performed for PTP and work pile? What is the design tensile Civil Only compression test specified and required. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21

05.05.2021 40 S11.2 - Drawing What is the PDA test number for each capacity? Civil 15 per type. There are 4 types and thus 60 altogether as specified on drawin Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
05.05.2021 41 S8 - Bill of Quantities How about the test for PTP? Civil Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
6000kN & 9000kN as specified on drawing.
How about the reaction system for pile test? Included in the
05.05.2021 42 S8 - Bill of Quantities Civil Kentledge method recommended. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
pile test or add another new item?
Is the length of rebar cage length half of pile whatever the
05.05.2021 43 S11.2 - Drawing Civil Yes. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
pile length
Please give detail description on specification of rebar (both
05.05.2021 44 S11.2 - Drawing Civil ALL REBAR to GRADE BJTS 420 B to SNI2052-2017. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
main rebar and helical link).
Please explain. How to calculate the steel content? By
05.05.2021 45 S11.3 Drawing - Notes 6a Civil Yes by weight (kg) Closed TT CM/ RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
About over filling height for bore pile diameter 1200, it is
05.05.2021 46 S11.2 - Drawing - Notes 8 Civil Yes agreed Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
better no less than 1m. Please suggest.
S11.2 - Drawing - Notes on Pile Load Test (PTP) Piles above the cut off level to not contribute pile capacity. Hence the pile
05.05.2021 47 Please give clearly explain on this. Civil Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
No. 5 needs to be debonded using casing or some other material
15 per type. There are 4 types and thus 60 altogether as specified on
S11.2 - Drawing - Notes on Pile Load Test Civil / Quote
05.05.2021 48 Drawing show PDA test 60 piles, but 35 piles in BOQ. drawing. 30 nos on the block A building and 30 nos on the substation. The Closed TT CM/ RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
(Working Pile) B Template
revised quantity will be reflected in the revised BOQ in Addendum no.1

S11.2 - Drawing - Notes on Pile Load Test As all pile need do PIT test, the pile need pour until platform Civil / Quote Yes unless at certain areas excavation to a lower platform level is done.
05.05.2021 49 Closed TT PM/ RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
(Working Pile) C elevation consider the project duration. Please suggest. Template Contractor to plan accordingly.

About boring and slurry quantity, does it include the bind

05.05.2021 50 S8 - Bill of Quantities Quote Template Yes Closed TT CM 7-May-21
05.05.2021 51 S8 - Bill of Quantities About concrete quantity, does it include over filling height? Quote Template Yes Closed TT CM 7-May-21
05.05.2021 52 S8 - Bill of Quantities For PTP, it should be poured until platform. Please suggest Quote Template Yes Closed TT CM 7-May-21
Please kindly confirm regarding tender closing date. Inside
the Letter of Invitation for Piling Contractor Services, it's
05.05.2021 53 Letter of Invitation for Piling Contractor Services & General The "Tender Closing Date" is 18 May 2021 Closed TT CM 7-May-21
written May 10th. But inside the S1a Instructions and
S1a Instructions and Conditions of Tendering
Conditions of Tendering, it's written May 18th.
After we checked this drawing, we get quantity of bored pile
05.05.2021 54 S.11.2 in day 1 piling package is 688 nos but in the BOQ is only 678 Quote Template Please explain how you derive with 688 nos. Please recheck. Closed TT CM 7-May-21
05.05.2021 55 S.11.2 Preliminary test pile, is it un-used pile or used pile? Civil/ Structural Un-used Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Template


Date Item No. Drawing/ Clause/Spec Ref Tender Query (English) Discipline Tender Query Response Responsible Issue Date

Architecture/ Civil/
25.09.2018 1 Drawing # or Doc or Clause # Question? Queries Response Open - Leave blank- - Leave blank-
Phase 1 building (Grid AP to AG) is part of Block A building. Block A
building is the day 1 piling package. Please refer to red box below for phase
1 building area and blue box for Block A building

In instructions tender, there is key milestone regarding

completion works of phase 1 building & 150kV substation
05.05.2021 56 S.11.2 General Closed TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
and full block A building but in design drawing only 150kV
substation and day 1 piling package. (Please explain it)

Please inform us, elevation of ground surface when heavy

05.05.2021 57 S.11.2 Civil/ Structural Query unclear. Please explain further Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
equipment works.
Please confirm, working hours for drilling and concreting, 24
06.05.2021 58 Working Hours General Please refer to Shecule I - GIIC regulation Closed YONDR/ TT PM 11-May-21
hours or only 12 hours?
Is it permissible to start the main pile (permanent pile)
06.05.2021 59 Test Pile General It is not acceptable. Contractor has to wait for the PTP results. Closed RED/ MAVERICK 7-May-21
without waiting for the preliminary test results
After we have surveyed on site there is no fencing so site
06.05.2021 60 S.11.2 General Fencing and Project Gate are not part of your scope of works Closed YONDR/ TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
fencing and project gate is our scope of works or not?
Who is responsibility to site preparation works (site clearing
06.05.2021 61 S.11.2 General Site preparation is not part of your scope of works Closed YONDR/ TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
and compaction)? (Contractor or Employer)
Access road from main road into the site, is it be our scope
06.05.2021 62 S.11.2 General Access road is not part of your scope of works Closed YONDR/ TT PM/ TT CM 7-May-21
of work or not?
S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Responses
Some items which marked with red color above still not General / Quote Tender Queries are responded in partial. Some queries are not closed
10.5.2021 63 Tender Queries Responses No.1 (ISSUED, Closed TT CM 11-May-21
closed, please recheck it. Template because we are still working on the responses
Tender Queries Responses No.1 (ISSUED, Contractor to include PPH in the unit rate. PPN shall exclude in the unit rate
Please reconfirm if the unit rate is offered exclusive PPH 3% General / Quote
10.5.2021 64 20210507) and contractor to add the PPN at the final summary. Please refer to revised Closed TT CM 11-May-21
and inclusive PPN 10%. Template
Item No. 18 "Section 9 - Final Summary" in Tender Addendum No.2

S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification

In S10.1, a set of three cubes / cylinders shall be taken for For piling and pile cap, each set shall consist of 3 cubes / cylinders as per
2.2 - (C) - Concrete testing
10.5.2021 65 every 10m3. In S10.3, each set shall comprise six cubes / Civil / General the bored piling specification. For ground floor, refer to Project Concrete Closed RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
S10.3 - Project Concrete Specification
cylinders. Please confirm the exact samples for each set. Specification, i.e. 6 samples per set.
Clause 6.1.1 Work test cubes / cylinders

10.5.2021 66 For your reminding, please provide soil investigation data. Civil SI will be provided later after the submission Closed TT PM/ TT CM 11-May-21

S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification If the air-lifting work is used for clean hole, is it necessary to
10.5.2021 67 Civil Yes Closed RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
2.7 - Drilling Fluid and Soil Tests test the slurry from the bottom of pile before concreting?

About grouting work at coring hole and CSL pile, is it used

S10.2 - Project Bored Piling Testing Specification
10.5.2021 68 for filling the hole only or also improving the soil at bottom Civil / General Filling the hole Closed RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
Clause 24 and 26
the pile?

S10.1 - Project Bored Piling Specification As mentioned above "contractor to allow for depth of 3.3m
Section 2.6 - Stripping pile head and bonding from existing ground level", it is much better that the cutting Civil / Quote Yes. The cutting off pile head is after the general contractor excavate the
10.5.2021 69 Closed TT CM/ RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
S8 - Bill of quantities pile works is started after general contractor excavate the Template foundation
Cutting off pile head foundation. Please confirm it.
S5 - Schedule M - Tender Queries Template


Date Item No. Drawing/ Clause/Spec Ref Tender Query (English) Discipline Tender Query Response Responsible Issue Date

Architecture/ Civil/
25.09.2018 1 Drawing # or Doc or Clause # Question? Queries Response Open - Leave blank- - Leave blank-
The pile in main building block A shown in drawing is 686
nos, but 678 nos in BOQ. Please confirm. What is the
meaning of revcloud in the drawing shown as above? Any
revised there? Please also reconfirm if the helical link will
use diameter 16 rebar.

The qty measured is 678nos for main building and 56 nos for 150kv
Substation. Please recheck.

S8 - Bill of Quantities Civil / Quote Cloud in the drawings is only to indicate the changes from R0 drawings to
10.5.2021 70 Closed TT CM 11-May-21
S11.2 - Drawing Template R1 drawings. In the RFP document, the tenderers have received the R1

Helical rebar will use dia 16mm rebar.

How about the quantity of concrete paid to contractor? By

actual pour amount or calculate the quality of concrete based
on over filling height 1m plus pile length (from top pile The contractor will be paid based on the quantity of concrete based on over
Civil / Quote
10.5.2021 71 S8 - Bill of Quantities elevation to actual elevation of boring bottom)? filling height 1m plus pile length (from top pile elevation to actual elevation Closed TT CM 11-May-21
Consider the project duration and blind pile length, the of boring bottom)
concrete should be poured until existing ground elevation.
How about this additional concrete material?
As all piles is poured until existing ground elevation, it does
not matter with PIT, CSL, and coring, but please consider if
For static load tests (Preliminary Test Pile and Working Test Pile), full
anchor length 1m is enough for PDA and Load test. If not Civil / Quote
10.5.2021 72 S8 - Bill of Quantities delamination is required to eliminate skin friction. For PDA tests, proposal Closed RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
enough, the pile for both PDA and Load test need be pointed Template
to delaminate 1m is acceptable.
out in advance. Otherwise, the additional rebar and material
for eliminate skin friction become bigger.

Is the instrument installed along the full pile length or only

the part with rebar cage? If full pile, how about the cage?
Tender Queries Responses No.1 (ISSUED,
The sensor should be placed at the interface of 2 different Instrumentation required for full length for PTP. Cage to be full length for
soil type. So, install it as the requirement or need adjust / PTP. Installed just as per requirement.
10.5.2021 73 Item No. 18 Civil Closed RED/ MAVERICK 11-May-21
add based on soil condition? Initial 20m refers to the depth from the top of pile not bottom of pile.
S10.2 - Project Bored Piling Testing Specification
What is the exact meaning of " initial 20m" and " subsequent
Clause 27
depth"? Should be from top pile to bottom pile?

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