Local Boutique Problem Solution

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Design A (x) Design B (y) Total

Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution 4 3

Contribution/Revenue per gown 1200 1600 9600maximum sales for the gowns

Constraints Inequality Right Hand Side (RHS)

Cotton 3 2 <= 18
Silk 2 4 <= 20
Wool 1 0 <= 5
for the gowns

18 s1=0 All of the available cotton will be used. So the slack varaible 1 will have a value
20 s2=0 All the sik materials will be used. So the slack varaible 2 will have a value of 0.
4 s3=1 Only 4 sq m of the 5 sq m wool will be used. So the value of the third slack varia
ack varaible 1 will have a value of 0.
raible 2 will have a value of 0.
he value of the third slack variable is 1.
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Local Boutique Problem Solution.xlsx]Sheet2
Report Created: 7/20/2020 4:00:38 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0 Seconds.
Iterations: 2 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Max)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$D$3 Contribution/Profit per gown Total 9600 9600

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$2 Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution Design A (x) 4 4 Contin
$C$2 Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution Design B (y) 3 3 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status
$F$6 <= ACTUAL VALUES 18 $F$6<=$E$6 Binding
$F$7 <= ACTUAL VALUES 20 $F$7<=$E$7 Binding
$F$8 <= ACTUAL VALUES 4 $F$8<=$E$8 Not Binding
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Local Boutique Problem Solution.xlsx]Sheet2
Report Created: 7/20/2020 4:00:38 PM

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase
$B$2 Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution Design A (x) 4 0 1200 1200
$C$2 Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution Design B (y) 3 0 1600 800

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase
$F$6 <= ACTUAL VALUES 18 200 18 2
$F$7 <= ACTUAL VALUES 20 300 20 16
$F$8 <= ACTUAL VALUES 4 0 5 1E+030
Allowable Range of Optimality Range of values for which the optimal solution will be the same if objective coefficient valu
Decrease LL UL
400 800 2400 The local boutique can change the price of the Design A gowns between P800 and P2400 wi
800 800 2400 The local boutique can change the price of the Design B gowns between P800 and P2400 wi

Allowable Range of Feasibility Range of values at which the shadow price will apply for every 1 unit change in the RHS.
Decrease LL UL
8 10 20 If 2 additional sq m of cotton will be added to the materials, an increase of 2(P200)=P400 wi
4 16 36 If the silk materials will be decreased by 3 sq m, the maximum sales will be decreased by 3(P
1 4 infinity Increasing the wool material will not effect any change on the sales.
e if objective coefficient value is changed.

between P800 and P2400 without changing the optimal solution of (4, 3).
between P800 and P2400 without changing the optimal solution of (4, 3).

1 unit change in the RHS.

ncrease of 2(P200)=P400 will be added to the maximum sales.

ales will be decreased by 3(P300)=P900.
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [Local Boutique Problem Solution.xlsx]Sheet2
Report Created: 7/20/2020 4:00:38 PM

Cell Name Value
$D$3 Contribution/Profit per gown Total 9600

Variable Lower Objective Upper

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit
$B$2 Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution Design A (x) 4 0 4800 4
$C$2 Decision Variables/ Optimal Solution Design B (y) 3 0 4800 3

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