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Andha Yug is considered to be one of the most significant plays of the post-independence India.

The Mahabharata represents the Indian political, social, and cultural scenario closely. Over the
last hundred years, it has been translated into several languages. Moreover, smaller incidents
and anecdotes have inspired many literary creations. Andha Yug is a play by Dharamvir Bharati,
one of such literary creations inspired by the Mahabharata. Published in 1953, Andha Yug may
be a very significant post-Independence play. In the history of Indian drama, it is a landmark.
Written just a few years after the Partition, it meditates upon the difficult phase of the
holocaust which destroyed the lives of many people. The play brings the very fact into the light.
Such as independence, peace, and prosperity cannot be achieved by the means of war or
division. Wars cannot resolve effectively the essential existential problems of human lives.
Dharamvir Bharati, a renowned Hindi poet, author, playwright, and social thinker of India. He
wrote ‘Andha Yug’ which is a 1954 anti-war play, written in Hind. It has been the primary play of
20th century India. Set within the Judgment Day of the good Mahabharata war, the five-act
tragedy written within the years following the 1947 partition of India atrocities, as an allegory
to its destruction of human lives and ethical values. It is a metaphoric meditation on the politics
of violence and aggressive selfhood which with the help of war dehumanized individuals and
society. Thus both the victor and therefore the vanquished lose eventually.
Andha Yug highlights the perils of self-enchantment in an anti-war allegory. It explores the
human capacity for moral action, reconciliation, and goodness in times of atrocity and divulges
what happens when individuals succumb to the cruelty and cynicism of a blind, dispirited age.
The story hints at the perils that await a society that turns away from its culture of wisdom and
instead succumb to the logic of the instant which will be easily swayed by emotions.
When considered deeply, Andha Yug is actually an anti-war play. It undoubtedly deals with
other themes like spiritual blindness and subsequent degeneration before the arrival of mythic
Kali Yug, dehumanization during a holocaust, blurred boundaries between right and wrong in
critical times, the meaninglessness of life, justification of violence within the name of faith, etc.
Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the anti-war sentiments occupy the central place within
the play. In addition to the massacre in battles, there is a huge fatal accident of the good
Mahabharata war.
(Add details from the ‘metaphor of blindness’ answer)

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