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24/01/2011 2000 Audi TT Coupe

2000 Audi TT Coupe

Trim Levels, Colors and Available Options

Ava ilable Trim Le ve ls: 180 hp fwd / 180 hp qua ttro
Ava ilable O ptions: Premium Package:17 inch 6 spok e alloy whe e ls (180 m ode ls only), 17
inch 5-spok e forge d a lloy whe e ls (225 quattro only), 225/45 17
pe rform a nce tire s, Xe non high inte nsity discharge he adlights with autom a tic
se lf le ve ling, he ate d front se a ts
A udio package: Bose pre m ium sound syste m with four spe a k e rs in door,
two 2-way re a r spe ak e rs, ce nte r spe ak e r in dashboard, a nd 4 channe l 175
W a tt a m plifie r, 6-disc CD cha nge r
Guidance package: Audi na vigation syste m , Motorola hands fre e ce llula r
te le phone
TT cloth with le a the r se at surfa ce s

Ava ilable Ex te rior C olors: Brilliant Black / Am ule t R e d / R ave n Bla ck pe arl e ffe ct / Lak e Silve r m e ta llic
/ De se rt Gre e n pe arl e ffe ct / Aviator Gre y pe arl e ffe ct / De nim Blue pe arl
e ffe ct

Technical Specs
Engine/Engine Design
Mode l: 180 fwd 180 quattro
Type : Four cylinde r inline , turbocharge d, cha rge d air inte rcooling
Bore : 3.18 in. (81 m m )
Strok e : 3.40 in. (86.4 m m )
Displa ce m e nt: 107 cu. in. (1781 cc)
C om pre ssion R atio: 9.5:1
Horse powe r (SAE Ne t): 180 @ 5500 R PM
Torque : 173 ft. lbs.@ 1950-4700 R PM
C ylinde r block : C ast Iron
C rank shaft: Forge d Ste e l, 5 m a in be arings
C ylinde r he a d: Alum inum alloy
Valve Train: DO HC, be lt drive n, hydraulic lifte rs
Firing O rde r: 1-3-4-2
C ooling System : W ate r-coole d, therm ostatically controlled ra diator fan
ME 7.5 Motronic with e le ctronic m ulti-point se que ntial fue l inje ction, hot film
air m ass se nsor, solid state dire ct ignition with m ultiple coils, dua l k nock
Fue l/Ignition Syste m :
se nsors w/cylinde r se le ctive k nock control and fully adaptive controls,
e le ctronic throttle control
Em ission Syste m : Dual 3-way ca talytic conve rte rs w/ dual ox yge n se nsors

Type : Front whe e l drive qua ttro a ll-whe e l drive
Transm ission: 5-spe e d m anual transm ission
Ge ar R atios: Ma nual Ma nua l
1st 3.300:1 3.818:1
2nd 1.944:1 2.105:1
3rd 1.308:1 1.345:1
4th 1.034:1 0.972:1
5th 0.838:1 0.970:1
R e ve rse 3.060:1 4.630:1
Final Drive 3.938:1 3.316:1

Type : R ack & pinion, se rvotronic - ve hicle spe e d variable powe r assist
R a tio: 15.6:1
Turns (lock -to-lock ): 2.8
Turning circle (curb-to- 34.2 ft. (10.45 m )…/00-ttcoupe.shtml 1/4
24/01/2011 2000 Audi TT Coupe
MacP he rson strut (gas charge d) with 3-point lowe r control arm , dire ctly
couple d sta bilize r, ne gative roll radius
Torsion-be a m ax le
with tra iling a rm s,
stabilize r ba r,
se parate coil spring P aralle logra m m ulti-link inde pe nde nt, stabilize r ba r,
R e ar:
and shock a bsorbe rs coil spring/chock absorbe r (gas charge d)
(ga s cha rge d), toe
corre cting a x le

Anti-lock brak e syste m (ABS), vacuum powe r assist, with a sbe stos-fre e
Se rvice brak e :
linings, dual diagona l circuits and electronic re ar brak e pre ssure proportioning
Front, size a nd type : 12.3 in. (312) - Disc 12.3 in. (312) - Ve ntilate d disc
9.1 in. (242 m m ) -
R e ar, size and type : 9.4 in. (239 m m ) - Solid disc
Solid disc

Wheels & Tires

W he e l size : 7j x 16, cast a lum inum , five spok e de sign
Tire size : 205/55 16 sum m e r pe rform ance radial

Ma te ria l: Fully ga lva nize d (both side s) ste e l, alum inum hood
C orrosion prote ction: Multi-ste p anti-corrosion proce ss

Engine O il: 4.8 U.S. quarts (4.5 lite r)
14.5 U.S. gallons (55
Fue l Ta nk : 16.3 U.S. gallons (62 lite r)
lite r)
C ooling Syste m : 7.4 U.S. quarts (7 lite r)

Exterior Dimensions
W he e lba se : 95.4 in. (2422 m m ) 95.6 in. (2429 m m )
Front Tra ck : 60 in. (1525 m m ) 60 in. (1525 m m )
R e ar Track : 59.6 in. (1513 m m ) 59.3 in. (1507 m m )
O ve rall le ngth: 159.1 in. (4041 m m )
O ve rall W idth: 73.1 in. (1856 m m )
He ight (unloade d): 53 in. (1346 m m )
Ground Cle a ra nce : 4.4 in. (113 m m )
C urb W e ight: 2910 lbs. (1320 k g.) 3131 lbs. (1420 k g)
W e ight Distribution
62/38 60/40
(front/re a r %):

Interior Dimensions
Se a ting C apa city: 2 plus 2
Front Le g room : 41.2 in (1047 m m )
R e ar Le g room : 20.2 in (512 m m )
Inte rior Volum e front: 41.2 cu. ft.
Inte rior Volum e re a r: 17.7 cu. ft.
13.8 cu. ft (24.2 w/
Luggage ca pa city: 10.8 cu. ft (18.6 w/ re a r se at folde d)
re a r se at folde d)

0-50 m ph (0-80 k m h): 5.5 se c 5.5 se c.
0-60 m ph (0-100 k m h): 7.4 se c 7.4 se c
1/4 Mile : 16.1 se c. 16.1 se c.
Top e stim ate d spe e d: 130 m ph (203 k m h) - Ele ctronica lly lim ite d for North Am e rica

Fuel Economy
C ity: 22 m pg 20 m pg
Highway: 31 m pg 29 m pg
C om bine d: 25 m pg 23 m pg

Standard Features
Te chnical: • 1.8 lite r turbocharge d DO HC 180 hp 4-cylinde r e ngine with dire ct ignition,
inte rcoole r, e le ctronic turbo boost re gulation, 5-valve s pe r cylinde r (180 m ode ls only)…/00-ttcoupe.shtml 2/4
24/01/2011 2000 Audi TT Coupe
• 5-spe e d m a nual tra nsm ission with synchronize d re ve rs ge a r, dua l m a ss flywhe e l
(180 m ode ls only)
• Front whe e l drive (180 fwd only)
• "quattro IV" - pe rm ane nt a ll-whe e l drive syste m , include s Ha lde x coupling (quattro
m ode ls only)
• Antilock brak e syste m (ABS) with e le ctronic diffe re ntia l lock (EDL) a nd e le ctronic
re a r brak e pre ssure re gula tion
• ASR (Anti-Slip R e gulation) full tim e traction control (180 fwd only)
• 2-side d fully ga lvanize d body a sse m bly with a lum inum hood
W he e ls / Tire s / • 7j x 16 5-spok e cast a lloy whe e ls with 205/55 16 sum m e r pe rform a nce ra dial tire s
Suspe nsion / (180 fwd only)
Ste e ring: • MacP he rson struts (gas charge d) front suspe nsion with 3-point forge d lowe r control
arm , ne ga tive roll radium , dire ctly couple d sta bilize r bar
• Torsion be am re ar ax le with tra iling a rm s, stabilize r ba r, se pa rate coil spring a nd
shock a bsorbe rs (gas charge d), a nd toe corre cting ax le bushings (180 fwd only)
• Pa ralle logram m ulti-link inde pe nde nt re ar suspe nsion (qua ttro m ode ls only)
• Ra ck a nd pinion powe r ste e ring with quick ra tion
• Tilt a nd te le scopic (m a nual) adjustable ste e ring colum n
Ex te rior: • 2.5 m ph (US fe de ra l sta nda rd) inte grate d bum pe rs in body color
• Re tractable high pre ssure he adlight washe rs inte grate d in front bum pe r
• Body color outside m irrors
• He ate d windshie ld washe r nozzle s
• Alum inum door sill trim with TT logo
• Alum inum fue l fille r door
Ex te rior lighting: • Body contoure d 3-wa y he adlight a sse m bly with e llipsoid low be am a nd fog lights,
polycarbona te he adlight le nse s
• Da ytim e running lights for C a nada using front fog lights
• Ba ck -up lights inte gra te d in both ta illights
• W hite side turn indica tor lights in front fe nde rs with a m be r shine -through bulbs
Inte rior lighting: • Inte rior light console in he adline r with fade -in & fade -out fe a ture , tim e de la y and
autom a tic switch-on whe n k e y re m ove d from ignition switch
• Front re ading lights
• Va nity m irrors in sunvisors
• Re ar cargo are a light built in the trunk lid
C om fort and • Autom a tic clim a te control with sun se nsor, dust and polle n filte r
C onve nie nce : • Powe r windows with: P owe r re te ntion whe n ignition shut-off (until door ope ne d);
O ne -touch up a nd one -touch down fe ature for both windows; P inch prote ction
(re ve rse s window a t force . 100 nm ); C om fort close and ope n with k e y in drive r door;
W indows autom a tically open and close slightly when door ope ne d and close d to
assist door ope ra tion and window se al
• Powe r re a r de ck lid re le ase button in ce nte r console
• Fue l fille r door re le a se button in ce nte r console
• Ele ctronic cruise control with coast, re sum e a nd shut-off fe a ture
• Ele ctric re ar window de fogge r with a utom atic shut-off fe ature
• Ele ctrica lly a djusta ble outside m irrors with de fog fe ature
• Powe r ce ntral lock ing syste m (doors, de ck lid a nd fue l door, with se le ctive unlock ing
(e nable s unlock ing of a single door or all doors), plus: conve nie nt ope n & close
fe a ture for windows; m a ste r switch loca te d in ce nte r console
Se a ting: • Two sport se a ts with individual m anual he ight adjustm e nt
• 50/50 split-fold re ar se a t with articula te d folding se at ba ck s, accom m oda te s
childre d from approx im ate ly 6 to 12 ye ars old, 51 to 59 inche s tall (130 to 150 cm )
Inte rior: • Va lcona le athe r se at upholste ry, including door pane l inse rts
• Le a the r shift k nob and alum inum surrounding
• Alum inum trim on ce nte r da shboa rd ve nts, shift le ve r k nob a nd ba se , k ne e
bolste rs on ce nte r console , door re le ase ha ndle s, ra dio cove r, glove box cove r
• Four tie -down e ye le ts in re a r ca rgo a re a
• Front floor m ats
• 3-spok e le a the r sport ste e ring whe e l with alum inum ce nte r trim ring
• Re m ovable re ar ha t she lf
• Two alum inum cup holde rs in ce nte r console
• Stora ge she lf unde r glove box
Instrum e nta tion • Ba ck lit instrum e nt cluste r with autom atic brightne ss control; including: Ta chom e te r,
a nd Ele ctrica l e le ctric spe e dom e te r, fue l gauge ; te m pe rature ga uge , digita l clock with da te ; coola nt
Equipm e nt: te m pe ra ture ga uge , oil te m pe rature gauge , a m bie nt te m pe rature gauge
• Digital odom e te r with trip odom e te r a nd se rvice inte rval indicator
• Anti-the ft ve hicle alarm syste m with blink ing the ft de te rre nt lights on front doors
and ve hicle m onitoring se nsors, de fe at switch for inte rior se nsor loca te d in ce nte r
• W indshie ld wipe rs with 4-position inte rm itte nt control
• Conce rt AM/FM ste re o casse tte radio with: RBDS (Ra dio Broadcast Displa y Syste m )
displa ys radio station ca ll le tte rs and othe r inform a tion; GALA (Gradua te d Audio Le ve l
Adjustm e nt) varie s volum e ba se d on ve hicle spe e d; CD Change r ope ra tion capability
• 80-W att syste m with four spe ak e rs in doors, two 2-wa y re ar spe ak e rs, and C D
cha nge r pre wiring
• Drive r inform ation display with outside te m pe rature display plus 5-function trim
com pute r, ve hicle auto che ck syste m , radio display, a nd pictogram for ope n door and
de ck lid
• Pre -wiring for Motorola hands-fre e ce llula r te le phone (include s m icrophone ,
ante nna a nd transce ive r brack e t
• R a dio a nte nna inte gra te d in re a r window glass
Safe ty: • Drive r a nd front passe nge r ne x t ge ne ration a irbags supple m e nta l re stra ints
• Thorax (che st) side and he a d airba g supple m e nta l re stra ints locate d in front se ats
• Front 3-point safe ty be lts with autom a tic pre -te nsione rs, he ight-a djustm e nt a nd
be lt force lim ite rs…/00-ttcoupe.shtml 3/4
24/01/2011 2000 Audi TT Coupe
• Two re a r 3-point safe ty be lts with autom a tic lock ing re tractor (ALR)
• Ce ntral lock ing with sa fe ty unlock (autom a tica lly unlock s doors and switche s off fue l
pum p upon airba g de ploym e nt)
• Re fle ctors in re a r of doors
• Lock ing he a d re straints for front se a ts
• First Aid k it loca te d in storage com partm e nt be hind ne x t to right re ar se a t
• Em e rge ncy wa rning triangle locate d in re a r ca rgo a re a

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