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Subject: English Literature Grade: 9o Topic: Act 4- Midsummer Night’s Dream Act 4 Scene 1

1) While Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia and Helena sleep in the woods so that the love
potion spell can be undone, Titania enters the woods with her fairies and Bottom with
his donkey’s head. King Oberon follows them but he is invisible.

2) Titania is in love with Bottom. She caresses him and compliments him. Bottom also asks
Titania’s fairies to do a lot of favors for him. Titania’s fairies willingly agree to complete
the errands.

3) Robin enters the scene and he and Oberon secretly mock Titania for loving Bottom.

4) Oberon tells Robin that he met Titania earlier; he asked her for the Indian boy and she
agreed to give him up.

5) One of Titania’s fairies carried the little Indian boy to Oberon and Oberon has now
decided to undo the spell of the love juice.

6) Oberon also tells Robin to take off the donkey’s head off of Bottom. Oberon tells Robin
that this will all be a dream for everyone who wakes up from the spell of the love juice.

7) To take away the spell of the previous love juice, Oberon applies another flower juice on
Titania’s eyes. This flower juice will make Titania return to her original self.

8) Titania now wakes up and tells Oberon that she has just had a bad dream in which she
had fallen in love with an ass.

9) Oberon shows her the “ass” (Bottom) she once “loved” and Titania cannot understand
how it all happened.

10) Oberon asks Titania to command her fairies to play music so that Bottom would fall in
deep sleep. When he wakes up, he will return to his original self.

11) Titania and Oberon dance to music. They are now friends. King Oberon tells her they will
also dance at Duke Theseus’ wedding. He also tells her that Demetrius/Helena and
Lysander/Hermia will also get married alongside the Duke.

12) Titania, Oberon and Robin exit the scene.

13) When Titania, Oberon and Robin exit, Theseus, Egeus and Hippolyta enter the woods.

14) They are on a hunt for Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander who have run away
from home.
15) They found them sleeping in the woods.

16) A horn is blown to wake them. They awake and kneel before the Duke.

17) The Duke commands them to stand and Lysander attempts to explain to the Duke how
they arrive in the woods. He confesses that they have run away to escape the law in

18) Egeus is upset. He wants Lysander to be punished for running away with his daughter.
He also wants him to be punished for trying to spoil his plans to have Demetrius marry
his daughter.

19) Demetrius also joins in and try to explain to the Duke how they arrive in the woods. He
tells the Duke that he followed Hermia and Lysander who secretly planned to run away.
He also confesses that Helena is in love with him and she decided to follow him.

20) Demetrius confesses that he no longer desires Hermia but somehow he has come to
love Helena. He tells the Duke that he wants Helena; he loves her and he will always be
true to her.

21) After hearing the explanations, Duke Theseus overrides Egeus’ wish to have his daughter
marry Demetrius. He tells him they will marry alongside him in his upcoming wedding
ceremony. It will be one big, happy celebration.

22) Theseus, Hippolyta and exit the scene.

23) Demetrius, Hermia, Lysander and Helena all questioned what just happened. They all
thought they have just had a bad dream. They followed the Duke to the temple.

24) Bottom wakes up and he too thinks he has been dreaming. He exits.

Act 4 Scene 2

1) After Demetrius, Helena, Lysander and Hermia exit the scene to follow the Duke to
partake in their wedding ceremony, Quince, Flute, Snout and Starveling enter the scene.
2) Quince asks for Bottom.
3) The other men think that Bottom has been kidnapped.
4) They are worried that if Bottom does not show up, the play that they have been working
on will be ruined.
5) While the men are concerned for Bottom, Bottom shows up.
6) The men want to know what happened to Bottom and Bottom proposed to tell them;
however, he quickly refuses to tell them. Instead, he directs their attention to play that
they have been preparing for Duke Theseus’ wedding.


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