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Time management entails reducing stress and being productive every day.

The media influences us a lot, and I’ve read a post about "time management" which says that you can’t
manage your time well if you’re bombarded with a lot of responsibilities and uncertainties that might
ruin your time setting or managing. Well, this makes sense since a lot of us are put in situations where
we come across as being unable to follow the task we need to do on our to-do list, and aside from that,
we are not all privileged individuals, we also have experienced a situation where we didn’t expect to be

Moreover, at least for our everyday lives, we could be a productive individual, and here are some tips
that might help us be efficient day after day.

 Handle time SMARTLY

Here are some SMART goals that will help us organize our "to-do tasks" to be efficient the whole day.






This is a common goal to be established, but the question is, are we doing it in our time frame? So if
you’re feeling stressed about managing your time, perhaps this is the best day to apply it.

 Set your mind to it. Make an organizer planner.

If you’re fond of art making, this would be fun for you. However, if you’re not that artsy person, at least
you’re an organized person. Decide to write down an important task to be completed in the coming
week or month, so you'll know what to do next and won't waste your valuable time on frivolous
activities. Then put it in a place where you can easily see it and it will be your reminder every day. You
can also put it in your phone calendars or set an alarm for every task that you should do.

 Do it now, enjoy later.

Procrastination is a toxic habit that kills our time for nothing. If you want to watch the Netflix movie
series, play a mobile game, stroll down the mall and chill, sleep the whole day, etc., Always assure that
you’re already done doing your supposed to-do tasks and responsibilities in your work or school work
papers and activities. It isn't wrong if you want to stop and chill for a while, but see to it that you’re done
doing the stuff that you need, for there’s nothing more pleasurable than chilling without being chilled
about what to accomplish afterward.

 Take your time, stop for a while

Do not overwork yourself to the point of compromising your valuable time. You can still be productive
every day without stressing yourself too much. If your body craves a nap, give it one. If you want to
breathe fresh air, go for a walk and just gaze at the sunset or the stars and moon, then pamper yourself
for it. Even a busy day can be a waste of time, so assess yourself and your work to see if it is costing you

 Stress reliever is the key

What’s your stress reliever? You should have it if you don’t have it. You’re in control of yourself, and
stressing too much without having a stress reliever leads to an emotional, physical, mental, and even
spiritual breakdown. Relieve yourself if workloads are too much; give it to yourself; take care of yourself
because your body and whole being are the temple of the Lord, and the Lord doesn’t want you to
overuse or destroy it.

The tips that are stated above are just one of the things to consider to have a productive day. Whatever
works for you is all valid to consider, but if you want to change some inappropriate habits that might
lead you to procrastination and unproductivity, you should eradicate them now and start a new one for
your own good.

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