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The Zeitgeist Movement

Knowledge Base
1) Defining the goal

1.1) The theoretical framework

The first purpose of ZMKB (Zeitgeist Movement Knowledge Base) is the

gathering of all knowledge pertaining to the subject The Zeitgeist
Movement in one central point. The goal is to create an extensive
theoretical framework.This framework can then be used as informatory
reference point for all new members of TZM or to educate the existing
members. A final purpose of this theorectical framework is to get an
overview of al data that needs to be verified and falisified, as discussed in
the next section...

1) Inform and educate potential members.

2) Educate the existing members.

3) To create an overview of all information that needs to be verified

and falsified

1.2) The scientific framework: verification and falsification

The second purpose of ZMKB is to verify and falsify all data gathered (in
the theorectical framework) about The Zeitgeist Movement. This will be
accomplished by the use of preexisting scientific data to either
corroborate the speculative notions of TZM or to either prove the notions

This process of falsification and verification can then be used for two

1) The creation of valid information unbound to speculative notions

which can be used during argumentation.

2) The creation of a realistic image of the basic principles of TZM. In

other words, in what measures can the theoretical framework really
come into existence...

1.3) Definition of scientific data

When we talk about scientific data we mean: information from realiable

sources that uphold a given set criteria to be considered valid in current
day society. Some examples of reliable sources are for instance: Google
scholar, scientific books, published scientific articles,..These reliable
sources also have to meet certain criteria to be accepted like: the
inclusion of a reference list, fixed formats (abstract, introduction, methods,
analysis, conclusion),...

1.4) Kuhn and paradigm shifts

ZMKB is created upon Kuhn’s theory of paradigm shifts. Kuhn predicts that
theories who receive a lot of verification (to be proved correct) and little
falsification (to be proved incorrect) will continue to exist while ideas with
little verification and a lot of falsification cease to exit because they yield
little proof of correctness. As a theory continues to exist it will cause a
paradigm shift, a change of perspective within the people in a society.

The goal of ZMKB is thus the collection of verifying and falsifying data. If
the concepts of TZM prove to be high in verification and low in falsification
they will be perceived by the community as correct and will thus create a
change of perspective within these people.

Note that ZMKB is only interested in the gathering of data. The spread of
this objective data to the general population is under the complete control
of the activist division of the TZM movement.

It is time to shed all speculative notions and use valid sources for
argumentation if we are to be taken seriously.
2) Practical application

In this section we will discuss the practical application of our goal. In order
to gather the most information possible which can then undergo
verification and falsification we will use the internet as a medium. To be
more specific the goal is the creation of a website where all viable
information can be stored, accessed, downloaded and uploaded.

Subsequent paragraphs contain a rough outlining of what this website

should contain and the nature of it’s organizational structure.

For easier comprehension it is advisable to refer to the flowchart found on

the last page.

2.1) The theoretical framework

As discussed in the chapter ‘defining the goal’ the theorectical framework

is to create a central point which contains all information about TZM. This
will be realized through the means of a database which is independent of
the database used for verification and falsification discussed in the
following paragraphs. The reason that these are seperated is to preserve
the integrity of the latter database. The theoretical framework is laden
with speculative notion and therefore would comprimise the integrity of
the objective nature of the latter database.

The goal of the theoretical framework is to inform and educate new

potential members and the education of existing members, because of
this difference the theoretical framework needs to exist in two

2.1.1) Dimensions of the theoretical framework

This first dimension of the database also known from this point on as the
‘the dimension of general overview’ contains a general overview of the
most basic principles and understandings of TZM. It is aimed at informing
and educating new and potential members. As to not overwhelm these
potential members condensed, clear-cut, and to the point information will
be offered.

The second dimension of the database also know as ‘the in depth

dimension’ is aimed towards the extensive education of preexisting
members, to offer them a full and complete understanding of every
discipline and subject in utmost detail.

2.2) Elements of the theorectical framework

This section discusses the basic overview of this database. In order to

create an efficient system a database needs to contain certain elements

1) Titel
2) Description
3) Key words
4) Rating
5) Comments
6) Discipline element
7) Subdiscipline element
8) The theoretical source

2.2.1) The titel

As previously stated the theoretical framework will form a theoretical basis

which one can then verify or falsify. The main question you have to ask
yourself then is can we verify and falsify every single detail of every article
ever written about TZM ? The answer is no, this would be far to tedious a

In order to work as efficient as possible all information in the theoretical

framework needs to be condensed into key questions. These questions can
then be used as the title for the database concerning verification and
falsification (the scientific framework).


TZM has an article that claims the society of the future will make use
of solar power which is stored in the theoretical framework. We cant
hen extrapolate certain key question which need to be verified or
falsified for instance:

Is solar power possible?

Will the energy output be sufficient?

Once an article is condensed into key questions these will be posted a

page upon the website pending verification or falsification dicussed in
subsequent paragraphs

and thus a title is created...

2.2.2) The description

The description will contain a summary (max 150 words) of the article.

2.2.3) Key words

Every article in te database will have to be summarized using nothing but

key words in orden to offer people an efficient way of searching through
this database.

2.2.4) The rating system

The worth or value is to be determined by the members based on certain

criteria, yet to be defined.

2.2.5) The comment system

Here anyone can post any comments about the featured article.

2.2.6) the discipline element

This section of the database will determine where the article belongs
within its respective disciplinary field, for instance: psychology, biology,
fysics, architecture, ...

2.2.7) the subdiscipline element

This is basically an extension upon the discipline item. The goal is to

create subsections within each discipline, for instance psychology exists
out of: social psychology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology,...

2.2.8 The theoretical source

This element of the database is created simply to view or download the file
which the article(s) in the database pertain to.

Rudimentary image of the theoretical framework database:

titel description key words discipline subdisciplin comments ratings the

element e element theoretical
article1 question of of Psychology Social of of press to
form theoretical theorectical Psychology theoretical theoretical view or
concept concept concept concept download
article 2

article 3

article 4


2.3 search procedures of the theorectical framework

With the elements of the database in place one can create efficient and
effective search methods through this database.

2.3.1 searching by description and key terms

Similar to Google all one has to do is type in a word or a combination of

words and the articles with most relevance with these words will be
shown. This will will be displayed in the same form as the table shown

2.3.2 searching by discipline

All one has to do here is to click on one of the discipline elements, one will
then be able to choose if he/she wants to see all articles relevant to this
discipline or if he/she wants to refine his search by choosing an additional
subscipline out of the subdiscipline elements.

2.3.3 advanced search options

In this search method one can use a combination of any of the elements of
the table (title, description, key words, discipline element,...) with as a
result having database tailored to the specific needs of this person.

2.2) The scientific database

The scientific database which is completely independent of the database

concerning the theoretical framework, will use the exact elements and
search methods as the theorectical frame work. There are only two
differences and that is the inclusion of two new elements namely the
verification element and the scientific source element. The use of the first
element is to determine if the article which is either falsified or verified,
and the use of the second element is to view or download the actual
scientific file from which you gained your knowledge to either verify or

Note that description, key words, ratings and comments are now no longer
aimed towards the article from the theoretical framework but towards the
scientific article which is now going to verify or falsify this theoretical

1) Titel
2) Description
3) Key words
4) Rating
5) Comments
6) Discipline element
7) Subdiscipline element
8) theoretical source

9) The scientific source element

10) The verification element

Rudimentary image of the scientific database

Titel descriptio key discipline subdiscip comment rating theorecti scienti rating verific
n words elements line cal fic ation
source source eleme

article 1 question of of psycholo social of of click to click of v or f

form scientific scientic gy psycholo scientific scientific view or to scienti
article article gy article article download view fic
or article
article 2

article 3

article 4

article 5

2.4) Pending pages

2.4.1 analysis pending page

When an article is uploaded by someone it is posted on the analysis

pending page. The person uploading the file is obligated to fill in a
subject,description, a discipline element and a subdiscipline element.
The analysers then click on an article they which to analyse and it get
excluded from the page so no two people can analyse the same article at
the same time. Once the file has been analysed ea. it has been given a
titel, description, key words, and been assigned to a discipline and sub
disciple, then it is permanently deleted from the analysis pending page
and gets entered into the theoretical framework.

2.4.2 verification pending page

Once data enter the theoretical framework, the title (in question form)
automatically appears upon the verification pending page. Similar to the
analysis pending page one can then click on a title in question form on the
verification pending page to verifiy it. Once it has been clicked it gets
excluded from the verification pendng page so no one verifies the same
question twice. When one has verified the question ea. found a scientific
artical proving the question correct or false it enters the scientific
database. One has to add the scientific source (upload the scientific
article) and add the verifification element

2.3) Uploading of data

2.3.1) Uploading of theoretical data

Uploading of theorectical data is pretty straight forward. If one finds an

article pertaining to the TZM movement on can then upload it onto the
pending analysis page .

2.3.2) Uploading of scientific data

In order to upload scientific data one needs to find a scientific article

pertaining to the title that is stated upon the proof pending page in
question form. Then one can click the question on the proof pending page
and upload the file containing the scientific article proving or disproving
the question. When one clicks the link on the proof pending page you also
have to fill in: description of the scientific article and the key words.

2.4) Quality control

In order to make sure all data that enters each database is up to

standards, there will be two point of quality control: before an article
enters the theoretical framework and before an article enters the scientific

2.5) Membership

2.5.1) Joining the website

When one wants to become a member of the website one has to fill in
certain fields. We will not be limited to a username and password, this to
ensure we have a sufficiatory amount of information we can use for future

Following questions will be asked during subscription:

1) first name
2) last name
3) profession
4) diploma/degree
5) interests
6) e-mail
7) telephone number
8) place of residence

all fields will be optional except for username and password

In order to know the number of active members the amount of logging in

of different memebers will be measured.

2.5.2) joining a function (within a dicipline or within a subdiscipline)

When one wants to do a function all he/she has to do is click a button to

say they join an will then be granted all the capabilities of said function. all
functions are discussed in the organisational structure section. You can
also specify if you want to do this function in each discipline or only in
some disciplines (or even subdisciplines). You will then only be granted full
capabilities of the function within a specific discipline.

2.6) Organisational structure

2.61) The functions within the system

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