Lesson 1

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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the meaning of science.
2. Differentiate the classification of science.
3. Illustrate the classifications of science.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Science and its branches
b. Reference: ELTSTM-7 pages 4-5
c. Materials:
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Classroom Management
B. Activity
The students will think of what they want to become and choose an adjective to
best describe it. Reflect on how their ambition related to science. On a short bond paper
they will illustrate how their ambition related to science.
C. Analysis
 What is your ambition?
 What image did you draw to relate it in science?
 Why did you choose it? How it is related to science?
 What is meant by “Everything we do is related to science?”
D. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss:
 Science – comes from the Latin word scientia means “to know”. Science is a
systematic attempt to establish knowledge that helps explain natural and physical
phenomena through objective means – refer to the manner by which knowledge is
obtained. It employs skills such as measuring, analyzing and observing and


Pure Science Applied Science Technology

Life Science Physical Science Earth Science

By means of recitation:
o How is science classified?
o How can you describe pure science? Applied science? Technology? Give
examples for each kind.
E. Application
How do the three classifications of science relate to each other?
IV. Generalization
Based from the lesson, the students will answer the following questions:
 What is Science?
 What are the classifications of science?
 Differentiate the classifications of science
V. Evaluation
Illustrate the classifications of science and its meaning.
VI. Assignment
Give examples of branches of science and write it in your note book.

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