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Date: ___________



Respected Sir,

I, _____________________________________________________, residing at
__________________________________________________________________________________________, employee of
Gega InfoTech Private Limited ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Company ” hereby confirm, state
and undertake as under,

1. I abide by the Company’s existing Employment policies and present newly introduced and
implemented “Work from Home” and other policies during the present COVID 19 Epidemic/
Outbreak in India.

2. I hereby confirm that due to Work from Home policy adopted by the Company, I will put in
the mandated office hours required for me from Home.

3. I hereby acknowledge receipt of company’s equipment’s (1 no. Computer with all accessories
thereof / 1 no. Laptop with all accessories thereof), which is let out to me, free of charge, for the
temporary period of COVID 19 Epidemic/ Outbreak.

4. I hereby acknowledge receipt of all the Company’s intangible Software and Data along with
the company’s equipment’s, which is let out to me, free of charge, for the temporary period of
COVID 19 Epidemic/ Outbreak.

5. I hereby undertake to use Company’s hardware, software, tangible, intangible property so let
out to me with proper and utmost care and concern.

6. I hereby undertake to maintain full confidentiality with respect to Company’s software,

clients, work assignments, data, and assignments / work assigned to me and / or done by me.

7. I hereby undertake to return all the Company’s hardware, software, tangible, intangible
property including all of company’s equipment’s (1 no. Computer with all accessories thereof /
1 no. Laptop with all accessories thereof), which is let out to me, free of charge, for the
temporary period of COVID 19 Epidemic/ Outbreak.

8. I hereby declare and state, that nothing in above arrangement of handing over Company’s
equipment’s and software’s for Working from Home will cause, mean, or deem to have
transferred or assigned any right, title, interest, claims in the Company’s properties unto or
upon me, in any way.

9. I understand that I must return the Company’s equipment’s and software within 3 days of the
Company recalling or demanding back the same, irrespective of whether the present “Work
from Home” Policy is continuing or halted by the Company.
10. I hereby confirm and undertake that I shall return all of the Company ‘s equipment’s,
Software and data back to the Company within maximum 3 days from the declaration of the
END of the “Work from Home” Status / Policy and that the equipment’s and software will be
returned in proper working order.

11. I hereby declare that I am aware that I (Employees) may be held financially responsible for
any lost or damage to the property of the Company so let out to me.

12.  I hereby declare and undertake that I indemnify the Company from any loss, damage,
breakage, theft, or detriment to any of the Company’s assets in any way, whatsoever.

13. I understand that failure to return the Company’s equipments / assets on DEMAND /
RECALL, will be considered as theft by me and may lead to criminal prosecution by the
Company. I understand the Company may file F.I.R. for theft of Company’s assets with the Police
Department, Mumbai.

14. I have signed, declared, and given this Undertaking of my own free mind and free will,
without any coercion, pressure, or force, whatsoever.

Assets Tag with Brand Name Serial number Configuration Remark





Sign: __________________________________________________

Name: _________________________________________________

Employee Code: ______________________________________

Department: __________________________________________

Place: ___________

Assigned By: _______Rishi Pawar_______________________________


Sign: ______________________________________________

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