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Analytical essay

Political and public service announcements (PSA) advertisements analysis

Political adverts and public service announcements (PSA) are important messages relayed to the

public conveying particular information without forcefully instilling it to the public. The goals of

these adverts are many and varied but for political adverts it are specifically aimed at influencing

voters to have interest to a particular party and leader. The PSAs are aimed at creating awareness

and if possible diverting their attitudes which is certainly negative. There are many topics that

can be taken into consideration in these adverts most frequent include health social media or

multimedia and security. Ability to possess a purpose is very crucial for adverts in politics and

PSA. A good PSA must base it purpose at campaigning for awareness to the public. Ability to

instill knowledge and inform the general public is seen in all adverts. In Kenya, the green belt

movement first aimed at educating the public on the importance of trees.

Slogans which possess catchy words prove essential for political ads and PSA. Statements that

are in line with cultural practices and current affairs are used. In safety adverts, things like terror

attacks are taken into credit. To reach the hearts, prunes to make in use are very important (Feng

pg. 204). Many slogans are designed to make the general public responsible for most issues that

need change. In many slogans pronouns for individuals like "i" and “you" are used.
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To be sparky, PSA use victims to reach victimized public. The use of prisoners to inform those

in gangs and illegal businesses to stop because they will end up in the same scene (Olson pg. 60).

In security adverts, people who have faced attacks can be used to inform those who have not

taken safety measures to take them as soon as possible before facing the music.

Political adverts, mostly aimed at influencing voters, may use attack adverts. Careful analysis of

the opponents and identifying their weaknesses so that they build on them. The latter works to

influence the voters to find a better option. Political adverts may use promising statements to

attract voters. The promises whether fulfilled or not are objected at influencing voters to vote for

them so that they can win seats and fulfill their ambitions. Political adverts have some basic

requirements that are met within it to be appealing (Grant pg. 13). A most recent photo of the

individual vying for any seat is one of them. Another thing that is met within it is the slogan, a

powerful statement that is the main objective of the leader and the party that the leader is

nominated with.

Politicians through showing their stand in issues affecting the people win a lot if they show a good stand.

In the United States of America in the 2020 elections President Joe Biden won over former President

Donald Trump because of different stand on particularly corona pandemic. While Mr. Trump just saying

"it is what it is", President Joe Biden elaborated on how he would work with health officials to fight the

pandemic. This strategy in political adverts is very important.

A lot of influences have been discovered with adverts therefore regulation is very necessary. A

advert that displays national cohesion and is stipulated within social values and is updated with

issues affecting the society at the time it is made always win (Fossen pg. 317). To pull crowds
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and potential voters politicians form movements that are made in a way that they project

solutions to the challenges and issues that look influential.

A PSA and political advert essentially are designed with a lot of care because of their influence.

A good PSA must aim at educating and improving the awareness of the public. Ability to possess

educative statements and catchy statements become the basics of such adverts. Political adverts

on the other hand must be designed beautifully to have a powerful impression so that voters

could be caught in plenty.

Work Cited

Feng, William Dezheng. "Political advertising and public service advertisements." Social issue

of advertising (2017): 201-214.

Fossen, Beth L., Girish Mallapragada, and Anwesha De. "Impact of political television

advertisements on viewers’ response to subsequent advertisements." Marketing Science 40.2

(2021): 305-324.

Grant, Wyn, and Angelia Wilson. "Disciplining Politics: The PSA at 70." Political Insight 11.2

(2020): 11-14.

Olson, Christine, et al. "Producing PSAs on consumer culture: youth reception of

advertising." Critical Studies in Media Communication 36.1 (2019): 58-74.

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