Final Project OB

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Organizational Behavior

1. Introduction
Organizational behavior is a course which involves wide range of topics including motivation
and leadership along with organizational design which are related with the different
behavioral aspects with a company. Different perspectives from diverse disciplines including
psychology, politics, and sociology are lined with exploring the behavior of people within a
company. There have been different contribution with the exploration of complexity of
overall activities of a person. As the current situation is quite demanding in nature when it
comes to arranging and handling people the importance of organizational behavior is
increasing day by day. The organizational behavior involves the thinking, feeling, and the
actions of people which are required to be properly handled in order to manage the overall
organization in a proper way. Within the organizational behavior management process all the
employees are involves in the process of organizing, managing, being organized, and being
managed as it is a process of identifying the different consequences of the problems and
solutions for bringing the ultimate change within the organization. Organizational behavior is
very important when it comes to the success of a company as it is actually a person who
performs all the tasks within company and his behavior at workplace brings changes in his
performance at workplace which is directly linked with overall performance of company.
Behavior of every single employee as well as overall groups and teams working within
company plays a sufficiently great role in increasing the overall performance (Chandra,
2016). Einstein et al. (2016) in their study illustrated that there is a direct link of
organizational behavior with the overall performance of a company as behavior develops the
working of a person at workplace due to which their productivity at workplace gets effected.
Due to this the overall performance of company gets effected as employee need a
motivational behavior at workplace in order to do their work whereas a negative
organizational behavior negatively motivates the employees eventually leading to decrease in
overall performance of company.

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