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ADMISSION NUMBER: BDS/1/00900/3/2011

UNIT TITLE: Student to insert unit title as appropriate e.g. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE

UNIT CODE : Student to insert unit code as appropriate e.g. BDS 207


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The Process Involved in Writing a News Release.

A consistent stream of relevant news can help a brand stand out and also help gain

journalist mindshare over time. As such, this is where the press release comes in. A press release

sometimes known as a news release id a concise document that informs the press and other

media sources about something noteworthy you have done. It’s usually provided to journalists

and editors, who might utilize the information to generate a news story. A good press release is

one that has some bit of qualities designed to shock someone and make them curious to read

more. Therefore, writing a press release to announce major company news can help firms thrice,

but it’s just as vital to do it correctly. Here’s a step by step guide to writing an eye catching press


First, the press writing process involves coming up with press release news. In this

particular step, one should concentrate on the part of the story that is most likely to spark the

readers interest. Normally, stories turn into news because of their importance, emotions, impact

and timeliness. Many a time, the more people get involved in the story, the more newsworthy the

story becomes, and the more people affected. Therefore, it is worth noting that news should be

whats new, and time is of great importance. So what’s news today automatically won’t be news

in a few days unless sparked with a few changes.

Secondly, another important process of writing news release involves making an

irresistible headline. Many journalists believe that the title is the most significant element of a

news piece. Therefore, just like writing the perfect title of an article or published work, setting up

an eye-catching headline is the very first step in ensuring the success of the press release. As a

result, one must ensure that the title is clear, concise, and delivers the story in brief in like four to

eight words. Most importantly, a headline should be very interesting, keeping in mind that
reports get a lot of releases in a single day. As such investing the time in writing a compelling

headline is very key.

Thirdly, the writing process also involves focusing on how to release the news value to

the press. Focusing on this during the writing process is essential since it is through this point

that reporters, analysts, influencers, and the audiences get inclined in sharing the specific

announcement. Therefore, it is important to tell them upfront on why they should care. A good

way to ensure this involves refining the first paragraph to answer who, what, why, where, and

how questions of the new launch, update or development to be released. For instance, the first

line should sound as Najib Balala WHO presented masters certificate for the first time WHAT at

this week’s WHEN spring graduation ceremonies in Kenya WHERE.

Once one has already established the setting, the process should also focus on bringing

out the facts with a statement that reporters may use to provide context of the announcement and

assist build a picture of how the specific news affects the industry, the landscape, and client base.

This can only be achieved through the use of quotes. Usually, the relevance of the release

progress is highlighted by quoting relevant figures and authorities. Quotes to be used should help

to frame the story and stress the main point of the announcement.

Another essential step while writing the release involves providing valuable background

information on the subject. This specific step is usually included in the very last paragraph of the

news release statement. The essence of this part in the writing procedure offers details that are

meant to strengthen the narrative, for instance, some of the innovative or noteworthy ways unto

which the party involved developed the news at hand or either the future implications of the

announcement. An important strategy to achieve this is through newsjacking, a process that

relates the press release to a trending topic, making it valuable to the readers.
Lastly, after all the above steps are achieved, the summary part should take place. In this

part of the writing process, a description of what the company does, link to the company’s

homepage early on. It is always important to ensure every name in the release is associated with

the title and the company too.

How me as a Public Relations Person can ensure the success of an annual general meeting.

Public Relation entails delivering the correct information to the proper places and people

in order to create a brand’s reputation. The strategy tends to be a promising field with its own set

of technology and a wide range of application. A well thought-out public relations plan

establishes a positive image that lasts for a long time and assures consistent business success. An

effective strategy cannot be devised in a single day, therefore it is necessitates extensive planning

and preparations centered on determining target customers, their interests, and needs, as well as

effective communication.

Assuming I get assigned the role of chairing an annual general meeting of a company, I

will ensure I create, maintain, and protect the organization’s reputation, enhance its prestige and

present a favorable image. Generally, as an individual with public relation knowledge, I will

engage with the businesses on how we can improve the company’s image in the challenging

fields. First, as a public relations individual, I will ensure I effectively use national and emotional

symbols as well as catchy slogans. Through this I will introduce them to the background

information on the company, as well as its skills and competitive advantages. Secondly, be ahead

of competitors in predicting events and timely organize actions that have an emotional impact on

the public.
Consequently, I will also advise them of the tactics of winning client’s agenda through

excellent marketing methods. I will also advise them that when these strategies are applied

appropriately, public relations can make a company giving it the power to overcome almost any


When there is anything significant that marketers would like to share with consumers,

prospective customers, the local community, or other audiences, public relations provides an

effective toolkit for creating attention. PR specialists establish contacts with reporters and writers

who cover the company, product category, and industry on a regular basis so that they may alert

media organizations to breaking news. As such, I believe these skills can greatly impact the

meeting leading to its success.

Explain any four characters that may affect an organizations community relations


The numerous approaches firms employ to build and maintain a mutually beneficial

relationship with the communities in which they operate are referred to as community relations

programs. Building local community relationships might be an organization’s most crucial

communication efforts, but it is frequently disregarded. As such, obtaining and retaining public

consent in today’s world of public skepticism is difficult. In organizations today, managers are

advised to start community outreach programs in regions that align with their organizational

culture. For instance, a corporation that manufactures cloths may consider adopting a refugee

camp and donating to them clothes. Initiatives like this can help a company’s image in the eyes

of the general public.

Usually, the success of community relations is heavily reliant on organizational culture,

value of public relations, and organizational structure. The formal structure of an organization

can often indicate how much participation there is in decision-making. The decision-making role

is kept in the hands of a few top managers in organizations with highly centralized and formal

structures. Because their insulated structures are slower to adapt and rely on external

surroundings, such hierarchical systems frequently have problems dealing with dynamic external

settings. Because organizational culture may actively shape an organization's management style

and employees' day-to-day actions, companies must be sufficiently dispersed to allow for

participatory cultures. Therefore, the values that support participatory decision-making must be

present for great public relations.

Second, in order to gain a strategic management role in the organization, the public

relations function must show its value to management. An organization's public relations should

assist it in coping with the uncertainty. The public relations function performs a key duty for the

business that is specific to its function when it offers information and input regarding stakeholder

needs and expectations. When this particular role is focused on developing, maintaining, and

repairing connections with key stakeholders who are needed to help the organization succeed, it

becomes much more critical to the organization. When the job is simply PR and media relations,

the outputs may be viewed as less important and disposable as finances become tighter.

Third, the formal structure of an organization can often indicate how much participation

there is in decision-making. The decision-making role is kept in the hands of a few top managers

in organizations with highly centralized and formal structures. Because their insulated structures

are slower to adapt and rely on external surroundings, such hierarchical systems frequently have

problems dealing with dynamic external settings. Finally, the structure of a public relations
agency varies greatly from one firm to the next, but it is founded on a consultation relationship

with the client.

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