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Task 1: The Report

With the rapid advancement of technology, the internet is increasingly becoming a one-

stop shop for consumers to meet the majority of their needs. Many consumers use the internet for

personal reasons every day, but do they notice the advertisements, banners, and, most

importantly, their memory value? The objective of the research was to establish the scope and

awareness of internet advertising, as well as the reliability of internet advertising through

recollection and the relationship between internet advertising and purchase decisions. The

research was conducted through a case study design on consumer behavior among the American

University of the Middle East students. Both primary and secondary data were be used during

data collection. A stratified selection method was used to choose 100 study participants.

Consequently, questionnaires were used to obtain the primary data. The qualitative data was

evaluated using content analysis, whereas the quantitative data was studied using descriptive

statistics in SPSS. The study hopes to discover that online advertising is effective in terms of

reach and awareness generation. As a result, it hopes to demonstrate a link between online

advertising and customer purchasing decisions. The keywords in the research included social

media richness; media vehicles,; influenced performance; interaction process, consumer behavior

stages, and advertisement effectiveness. On the other hand, five research resources used during

the research study enabled us to develop a strong argument, theory, and analysis. They included;

 ALESSA, A.A., ALOTAIBIE, T.M., ELMOEZ, Z. and ALHAMAD, H.E., 2021. Impact

of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurship and Consumer Behaviour: A Case Study in Saudi

Arabia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(5), pp.201-210.

 Alhaimer, R., 2021. Fluctuating Attitudes and Behaviors of Customers toward Online

Shopping in Times of Emergency: The Case of Kuwait during the COVID-19

Pandemic. Journal of Internet Commerce, pp.1-26.

 Sama, R., 2019. Impact of media advertisements on consumer behaviour. Journal of

Creative Communications, 14(1), pp.54-68.

 Veybitha, Y., Alfansi, L., Salim, M. and Darta, E., 2021. The Impact of Stress During the

Covid 19 Pandemic on Online Buying Behavior: A Meta-Analysis Study. The

International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW), 3(2), pp.263-273.

 Alajmi, M.A. and Said Ali, M., 2021. International students’ university decision quality:

The effect of online environment quality, information-task fit, perceived usefulness and

social influence. Information Development, p.02666669211049107.

Task 2: Challenges Faced

Conducting and writing the research study was a complex undertaking process to us that

required a lot of time and effort. It also required a significant amount of research work and

extensive background knowledge. First, according to STUDENT ONE NAME, the lack of

sufficient resources in the library was a big challenge. She found herself spending a lot of time

searching for the relevant books that we needed for the research, hence this contributed to the

delay in completing the project. Second, STUDENT’S TWO NAME major challenge was on

finding the study participants. The majority of the students he approached had no interest and

were unwilling to participate in the study.

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