12 HUMSS Socrates Problems Encountered On The Services Offered in The Selected Barangay Health Centers

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Chapter 1


Situational Analysis

Health center is one of the functional and helpful needs in a barangay. This is

the place where people go to provide their special needs specially health problems.

Health center is a building or establishment housing local medical services. It is a

community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive,

culturally competent, high quality primary health care services.

Health centers also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental health,

substance use disorder, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or

cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services. Health centers deliver care

to the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing

homelessness, agricultural workers, residence of public housing, and the nation’s


Health care is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention,

diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, illness, injury, and other physical and mental

impairments in people. Health care systems are organizations established to meet the

health needs of targeted populations. It deliver high quality, culturally competent,

comprehensive primary care, as well as supportive services such as health education,

translation, and transportation that promote access to health care.

Health Center Program is the New Access Point (NAP) funding opportunities

are intended to provide operational support for new service delivery sites under the health

center program to the help of the nation’s under served communities and vulnerable

populations by expanding access to affordable, accessible, quality, and cost-effective.

If there are health center program, health services also looks at the organization

of health care, the financing of health care, access to health care, the quality of health

care, and it is very important because it is not only wanting those effective treatments, but

the right people to be able to use of them, have them available and for them to be

affordable (Dr. Nick LaRocca).

World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting countries in moving towards

universal health coverage through improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their

health service delivery systems that are safe, accessible, high-quality, people-centered and

integrated are critical moving forwards universal health coverage.

In the Philippine, the report’s notes, the level of per-person health care

spending is one of the lowest among Southeast Asia major economies. There are places in

the country that is still lacking of support in complement of health care assistance.

There is an increase in the development oh health center in Bauang, La Union.

Buildings are fully-developed and the rooms are well-ventilated and accessible to anyone

who needs immediate health care. Facilities, equipment, and medical supplies are

financed by the government and well provided. Health workers are enough to attend the

patients who seek medical help. Trainings and seminars are provided by the government

for them to be equiped and knowledgeable in their work. The barangay health volunteer

also known as barangay health worker is a category of health care providers in the

Philippines. They provide services such as first aid, maternal care, children care,

diagnosis and basic health care.

This study aims to determine about the Problems Encountered in Selected

Barangay Health Centers. On the other hand, health centers will be the first track of the

people to seek help about their health issues and problems. The health workers will be

more dedicated to do their duties and responsibilities in the barangay. Additionally, the

people will be responsible and aware how to solve their personal health.

Framework of the Study

This research was also guided by the following theories and concept:

Environmental Health Theory (Parkes, Panelli & Weinstein 2003) states

that converging themes from the fields of environmental health, ecology and health, and

human ecology highlight opportunities for innovation and advancement in environmental

health theory and practice. In this commentary it outline the role of research and applied

programs that integrate biophysical and social sciences with environmental health

practice in order to address deficiencies in each field taken on its own. New opportunities

for environmental health protection and promotion are outlined based on the three

converging themes: integrated approaches to research and policy, methodological

acknowledgment of the synergies between the social and biophysical environments, and

incorporation of core ecosystem principles into research and practice. These converging

themes are discussed in relation to their implications for new types of intervention to

achieve health gains across different spatial and temporal scales at the interface between

biophysical and social environments.

Thus health promotion compasses the importance of promoting health

prevention, protection and safety of an individual health issues.

Health Promotion Theory (Parker, Baldwin & Salinas 2004) states that the

field of environmental health promotion gained new prominence in recent years as

awareness of physical environmental stressors and exposures increased in communities

across the country and the world. Although many theories and conceptual models are

used routinely to guide health promotion and health education interventions, they are

rarely applied to environmental health issues. This article examines show health

promotion theories and models can be applied in designing interventions to reduce

exposure to environmental health hazards. Using the Community Action Against Asthma

(CAAA) project as an example, this article describes the application of these theories and

models to an intervention aimed at reducing environmental triggers for childhood asthma.

Drawing on the multiple theories and models described, a composite ecological stress

process model is presented, and its implications for environmental health promotion


In the application demonstration of skills and knowledge on health, it is

important that health workers, staffs, and volunteers should have the empowerment of

knowledge and skills. Therefore, empowerment theory is applied.

Empowerment Theory (Zimmerman 2000) states that empowerment is both

a value orientation for working in the community and a theoretical model for

understanding the process and consequences of efforts to exert control and influence over

decisions that affect one’s life, organizational functioning, and the quality of community

life (Perkins and Zimmerman, 1995; Rapport, 1981; Zimmerman & Warchausky,1998). A

distinction between the values that underlie an empowerment approach to social change

and empowerment theory is necessary. The value orientation of empowerment suggests

goals, aims, and strategies of implementing change. Empowerment Theory provides

principles and framework for organizing our knowledge. The development of

Empowerment Theory also helps advance the construct beyond a passing fad and

political manipulation.

Figure 1 presents the research paradigm of this research study. This is

composed of of the IPO Concept (Input, Process, Output). The input variable includes the

services offered in the selected barangay health centers, problems encountered in

barangay health centers, effect of problems encountered in terms of: facilities,

equipments, medical supplies, and staffs. Nevertheless, the process variables involves

surveys and questionnaires to the respondents of selected barangay health centers. The

last is the output variables which will be an Info-graphics that contains data that was

gathered in the research study.


1.What are the
services offered in the
selected barangay 1. Generating ideas
health centers? 2. Formulating the
a. first aid; research title
b.maternal care 3. Assertaining the
c. child care problems encountered
d.diagnosis in selected Barangay
e. basic health care Health Centers
4. Distinguishing the
2.Problems effect of problems
encountered on the Information
encountered in selected Education Campaign
services offered in Barangay Health
terms of: Material in the form
a. facilities; of Info-graphics
5. Analyzing of
b.equipment; concerning the
Research Topic
c.medical supplies; problem encountered
6. Determing the
and Srategies to be used in in selected barangay
d. staff the problems health center.
encountered to the
3.Effects on the selected barangay
problems encountered health centers
on the services offered 7. Making and
in terms of: distributing of
a. facilities; questionaires
b.equipment; 8. Gathering Data
c.medical supplies; 9. Analyzing Data
and 10. Interpreting Data
d. staff


Figure 1. The Research Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this research is to determine the Problems Encountered in

Selected Barangay Health Centers.

Specifically, this research study sought to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What are the services offered in the selected barangay health centers?

2. Problems encountered on the services offered in terms of:

a. facilities;
b. equipment;
c. medical supplies; and
d. Staff

3. What are the effects on the problems encountered on the services offered?

4. What Information Education Campaign (IEC) material can be developed to give

solutions to the problem encountered?

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the research study, the following terms are

operationally defined.

Child care. The child care services program subsidizes child care for low-income

families, promoting long-term self-sufficiency by enabling parents to work or attend

workforce training or education activities.

Equipment. Medical equipment is used for the specific purposes of diagnosis and

treatment of disease or rehabilitation of diseases or injury.

Intervention. Intervention is the action or process of intervening.

Health officers. They are the one who implement laws and regulations that secure health

and ensure safety; ensure qualified public and personal health care staff.

Medical supplies. Medical supplies are use usually understood to mean articles which

are low-cost, disposable, and use high enough volume

Maternal care. Maternal health is the health of woman during the pregnancy, childbirth,

and the postpartum.

Staff. Medical staff are licensed physicians who are approved and credentialed to provide

health care to patients.

Principles. A fundamental theory or position that serves as the foundation for a system of

belief or for a chain of reasoning.

Chapter 2

The methodology presents the tools and techniques in gathering needed data to

answer the problems. The problems encountered in selected Barangay Health Center

survey was conducted on varied set of populations. This main object of this research is to

know the problems encountered in selected Barangay Health Center.

Research Design

The research design is intended to provide an appropriate framework for a

study. A very significant decision in research design process is the choice to be made

regarding research approach since it determines how relevant information for a study will

be obtained; however, the research design process involves many interrelated decisions

(Sileyewe 2019).

This study will use the descriptive research design. It used to describe the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being study. In other words

descriptive research primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment

without focusing on “why” a certain phenomenon occurs. It gives answer to those

questions and deeper understanding and knowledge into the problem.

Sources of Data

The sample population of the selected barangay health centers are the

foundation of the gathered data that was being collected.

There were 120 respondents of selected barangay health centers which was

divided into six different barangays: Calumbaya, Payocpoc, Central West, Cabalayangan,

Carmay, and Sta. Monica.

Table 1 shows the total population of the selected barangay health centers.

There were 120 respondents (medical workers and the residents) distributed into the

following barangays: Calumbaya, Payocpoc, Central West, Cabalayangan, Carmay, and

Sta. Monica.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Selected Barangay n

Calumbaya 20

Payocpoc 20

Central West 20

Cabalayangan 20

Carmay 20

Sta. Monica 20

Total 120

After the sample population was taken from each barangay, the researchers also

applied the simple random sampling and the cluster sampling. The list of all names of

barangay was given a specific number of respondents and randomly picked until the total

sample population was complete.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The questionnaire is the main instrument for collecting data in survey research.

Basically, it is a set of standardize questions, often called items, which follow a fixed

scheme in order to collect individual data about one or more specific topics. (Lavrakas


Some questions in the questionnaire was based from the health services offered

in selected barangay health centers, the problems encountered in selected barangay health

centers in terms of: facilities, equipment ,medical supplies and staff, , the effects on the

problems encountered in selected barangay health centers in terms of: facilities,

equipment, medical supplies and staff, and what are the possible solutions on the

problems encountered in selected barangay health centers. The remaining questions is the

researcher’s self-administered questions that were evaluated by credible individuals.

The questionnaire aims to find out the possible solutions to the problems

encountered in the selected barangay health centers in terms of: facilities, equipment,

medical supplies and staff will be appended. Respondents are offered a set of answers

they have to choose from.

The dissemination of questionnaire will take place in selected barangays in

Bauang, La Union, specifically to the barangay of:Calumbaya, Payocpoc, Central West,

Cabalayangan, Carmay, and Sta. Monica wherein the target subjects are the problems

encountered in selected barangays, health centers with the respondents of each barangay.

Analysis of Data

To analyze the data on the services offered in the selected barangay health

centers, weighted mean, frequency count and rank will be used.

To analyze the data on the of problems encountered in terms of facilities,

equipment, medical supplies, staff in the selected barangay health centers, weighted

mean, frequency count and rank will be used.

To analyze the data on the effects of problems encountered in terms of

facilities, equipment, medical supplies, staff in the selected barangay health centers,

weighted mean, frequency count and rank will be used.

Data Categorization

To elucidate the mean score respondents, the following descriptive equivalent

was used.

To describe the equivalence of mean ranges that shows the corresponding

delineation of each range.


3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

2.51-3.25 Agree

1.76-2.50 Disagree

1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

Name:(optional) ________________________________________

A. Choose your answer from the choices below. Put a check on the box.

What are the health services that are offered in your barangay?

First Aid

Maternal Care

Children Care


Basic Health Care

Other(please specify)

B. Indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements by

checking your response using this scale:

4- Strongly Agree 3-Agree 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

Problems encountered in terms of Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Facilities Agree Disagree

The Health Center is well constructed

and well ventilated.
The Health Center is conducive for the
The Health Center in our barangay has
enough space for the patients.
The Health Center in our barangay is
The Health Center in our barangay has
a Comfort Room.
Cabinets for medicines and medical
supplies are well organized.

Problems encountered in terms of Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Equipment Agree Disagree

The weighing scale inside the Health

Center is functioning well.
The beds are enough for the patients.
Barangay officials provides chairs and
tables for the patients.
There is a wheelchair for patients who
are PWDs.
There is nebulizer for patients who
have asthma.
Cabinets are spacious for more
supplies of medicines.

Problems encountered in terms of Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Medical Supplies Agree Disagree
There are enough and appropriate
medicines in the barangay.
Injections were given using glass
syringes with reusable steel needles
There is a first aid kit inside the
Health Center and is enough for
emergency purposes.

Problems encountered in the Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Health Services Agree Disagree
The staffs knows how to use the
First Aid Kits.
Maternal Care is being applied to
women who are pregnant.
There is scheduled medical check-up
for children.
There is scheduled medical check-up
for all residents of the barangay.
There is a program/seminar for the
resident’s awareness for their basic
health care.

Problems encountered in terms of Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Staff Agree Disagree

The workers are approachable and

The medical staffs are well-
mannered when talking to their
Staffs are always present especially
when needed.
The staffs are knowledgeable in
terms of their duties.


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