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Which one of these preliminary SPARC T7 server installation steps are in the

correct order?
Review the SPARC T7 documentation, review the server specifications and site
requirements, and take safety and ESD precautions. (*)

39. What piece of equipment is required when installing a SPARC T7-2 and SPARC
T7-4 server into a rack?
Lift (*)

hich three of these T7-2 server components are CRUs?

DVD drive (*)
Memory riser (*)
Disk backplane (*)

What is found on the EIS-DVD? Select all the apply.

Selected Oracle/Sun Software (*)
Scripts that assist during the installation (*)
Tools to help verify the quality of the installation (e.g. ORAS/CLI) (*)

52. What is the primary goal of the Installation and Configuration of Oracle
Hardware and Software step in the EIS methodology?
System acclimatization, installation, and basic configuration (*)

53. Why do the EIS Standards recommend that external cables between Oracle
hardware, such as servers, storage devices, network devices and ports be clearly
For ease of maintenance it should be unambiguously clear from the label on each
cable, where the cable has to be attached (*)

54. What are Oracle Standard System Installations (OSSI)?

Installation Services sold by Oracle Advanced Customer Support (*)

55. What are three items in the EIS Site-Audit Report are documented for all
Oracle hardware?
Operating Environment and Cooling requirements (*)
Facility Power requirements (*)
Access Route requirements (*)

Name three of the problems that EIS was created to overcome?

Inconsistent installations: Customers buying identical servers for two locations
were dismayed to find different patch levels, firmware versions etc. (*)
Lack of formal agreement with customers as to outcome of an installation (*)
Poor communication/use of Best Practices (*)

57. What should you do if you believe you have found an error in an EIS
Follow the feedback method on the last page of every checklist: email SUPPORT- (*)

58. You are assigned to an installation project in France in February to install

5 new SPARC T5 servers. The servers, in their original packaging, are sitting in
the customer�s loading dock with a temperature of 8 degrees C (46 degrees F). The
customer�s data center is 20 degrees C (68 degrees F). What is the recommended next
step in acclimating these systems? Mark for Review
Move the systems (still packed) into a room with a similar environment to the data
center (*)

59. Assuming a SPARC T5 Server installation on which you install Solaris 11, what
EIS documentation, at a minimum, is it recommended that you bring to support you in
the installation project? Mark for Review
EIS Installation Checklist for SPARC T5 (*)
EIS Installation Checklist for Solaris 11 OS (*)

60. Which two EIS documents are most useful during the Installation and
Configuration of Oracle Hardware and Software step?
Installation Configuration Plan (*)
EIS Checklist (*)

What are two activities that take place during the System Test step of the EIS
On Solaris-based systems, Oracle's Explorer Data Collector will be run and the
results evaluated with ORAS/CLI from the EIS-DVD (*)
Tests specified in the Test Procedures Plan Plan will be carried performed (*)

62. What should you do with the EIS checklist when an installation project is
Remove the EIS checklist and other confidential Oracle Intellectual Property from
the customer datacenter (*)

63. What is the purpose for the Operational Handover step in the EIS Methodology?
Documents the installation and configuration of Customer's system(s) (*)

64. According to the EIS methodology, when issues are uncovered during the Site-
Audit, who should be notified?
Installation coordinator if applicable (*)
Customer point of contact (*)

65. Which four documents are included as part of the Operational Handover?
Site Audit Report (*)
Test Procedures Plan (*)
Installation and Configuration Plan (*)
System Documentation (*)

Why should you use the EIS methodology to guide your installation process?
Using the proven EIS methodology will provide step-by-step installation guidelines,
help guarantee a quality installation, make your life easier, and ensure customer
satisfaction (*)

67. What is the main purpose of the EIS methodology?

To use best practices, standards, methodologies and continuous process improvement
to ensure consistent, efficient, supportable and high quality product installations
globally (*)

68. What three documents are typically used as part of the EIS Planning and
Preparation stage in the installation process?
Installation and Configuration Plan (*)
Site Audit Report (*)
Test Procedures Plan (*)

69. Name two functions for the EIS-DVD during the Installation and Configuration
of Oracle Hardware and Software step in the EIS methodology?
Provides installation assessment and diagnostic tools (*)
Contains required patches and firmware for most installations (*)

70. Why is the rate of temperature change when acclimatizing systems such an
important factor as described in the EIS methodology?
Variations in temperature should not exceed the approved gradient of approximately
2� C (4� F) per hour, because ignoring this may could lead to long-term damage
(hair-cracks) on the boards (*)

What are two cautions that should be acknowledged when acclimatizing a system?
The maximum positive or negative temperature gradient that is permitted for multi-
layer<br>boards is approximately 2� C (4� F) per hour. (*)
Avoid unpacking items inside the computer centre (dust/dirt contaminating filters
etc.) (*)

72. What is the primary purpose of the�Basic Solaris� standard?

Defines a method for achieving a consistent installation for Oracle Servers with
Solaris OS (*)

73. What are three types of configuration information typically documented in an

Installation Configuration Plan?
System host names (*)
IO cards and controllers (*)
Boot Disk Layout (*)
General and Management Network Configuration (*)

74. If the customer has asked for some customization of their installation, how
is testing for that accomplished? Choose all responses that apply.
Testing above and beyond the Covered System Tests are at the sole discretion of
Oracle and/or the Partner installer (*)
Additional tests can be inserted into the Test Procedures plan (*)

75. What are the four key points covered in each test topic of the Test
Procedures Plan?
Objective (*)
Test Result (*)
Outcome (*)
Method (*)

When should the Site-Audit be performed?

As soon as possible, and certainly prior to delivery of the system (*)

77. When should you review deliverables and why?

Ideally EIS deliverables would be reviewed at the very start of an installation
project, as they clearly define scope, roles and responsibilities, and project
deliverables (*)

78. Who is involved in the Project Initiation phase?

Oracle Installation Coordinator or Project Manager (if applicable) (*)
Customer point of contact (*)
Partner point of contact (*)

79. What are the two primary objectives for the Installation Configuration
Planning step of the EIS methodology?
Tests that will be performed during the Systems Testing will be defined. (*)
Oracle/Partner and Customer will determine and mutually agree upon the hardware and
software installation requirements which will be documented in the Installation and
Configuration Plan (*)

80. What are two statements that are true about EIS checklists?
EIS installation checklists are intended to guide the installer through the
installation in a logical and consistent manner (*)
Checklists are intended as guidelines for properly trained installers and are NOT a
substitute for appropriate product training. (*)

What tasks occur during the operational handover phase of the EIS methodology?
Collate the EISdocV4 documents pertaining to this customer installation, and
product documentation for handover (*)
Document the serial number for the system(s) installed, as well as any comments
pertaining to the installation (*)

82. Which three statements are true about EIS?

EIS evolved from the field, is sustained by those closely involved with the field,
and is intended to assist the field (*)
EIS is a methodology designed to address issues before, during and after the actual
hands-on installation of Oracle systems (*)
EIS stands for �Enterprise Installation Standards� (*)

83. What two activities are accomplished during Installation Task Planning step
in the EIS Methodology?
Organization of the team who will actively work the Installation (*)
Communicate schedule for installation to the customer (*)

84. Which three responses are true regarding EISdoc v4?

Is available on the partner Enterprise Installations Standards web page and on the
Is an OpenOffice-based set of documentation that includes planning for
installations of Oracle equipment and some software (*)
Contains documents matched to the steps in the EIS Methodology (*)

85. Why are EIS deliverables relevant for Partner installations too?
EIS deliverables describe the amount of time, materials and deliverables are in
scope for a standard installation (*)

What three typical activities are done during the Project Initiation phase of the
EIS Methodology?
Details about the customer are determined and documented (*)
Details about the project are identified and documented, for example, is this a
single system installation or a complex, multi-product installation (*)
The EIS Site-Audit is scheduled (*)

87. What four tasks are typically happening at the EIS Planning and Preparation
stage in the installation process?
Identify Installation team � Oracle Installation Coordinator, Project Manager,
Customer Point of Contact, others as needed (*)
Notification of Customer Installation project (*)
Compile EIS planning documents (*)
Begin work on Project Schedule (*)

88. What do EIS deliverables define?

EIS deliverables give a high level description of the scope of the EIS activities
for each product or product family (*)

89. Which four objectives are primary goals for an EIS Site Audit?
Determine installation needs for the System, including such assessments as: the
suitability of access routes to the installation location, such as doors,
elevators, floor strengths and ramps (*)
Determine the floor weight load capacity at the location where the System will be
installed (*)
Determine the environmental conditions at Customer's site including temperature,
humidity, cleanliness and such other assessments as are determined to be necessary
in Oracle's sole discretion (*)

90. What should partners do before first using ESISdocV4? (Select two)
Review the Openoffice presentation on EISdoc V4 found on the EIS Planning &
Documentation web page (*)
Review the �EISdoc V4 Getting Started Cookbook� and �Success with EISdoc V4
Cookbook� (*)

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