Starting Your Own Hospital

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Welcome to our

Submitted By:-
Tarun Kumar
Rakesh Kumar
Sagar Yadav
Mhod. Kafeel
Ankit Tomer

Starting your own Hospital is not just about

having a dream; it’s about fulfilling that
dream and making it come true with help of
all the important things you will need to
keep in mind when starting fresh.
Why Hospital Business Only?
One day when I was watching TV, what I saw, was amazing (Shocking). Amount of
money spent by people on their health in India is about 30% of their total income.
In today world
Where the life is to fast, to busy people do not have time to think about their
health except think about their work. In the world where large population like to
eat outside of home like fast food junk food etc instead of taking vitamin food.
Where a child prefer cola instead of juice. Today taste is given more preference.
They do not go to the Gym and don’t do Yoga so the result of all these people falls
ill, they suffer from many diseases. Today people are not so strong internally this
can be said by simple example.
Example: - when season change most of the people fall ill. So then I thought why
not to open up a hospital in this situation.
Things that we need to remember when launching our new brainchild.

1. Basic Budget for Hospital

2. Basic Money Management for Hospital
3. Finding the Perfect Hospital Location
4. Patna Population Status
5. Naming of Your Hospital Rightly
6. Creating a Logo to Market Your Brand
7. Infrastructure Requirement
8. Map of Floor
9. Each Floor Structure
10.Infrastructure And Construction Time
11.Importance of Licenses and Permits for Hospital
12.Strategies for Hospital Development
13.Target Market
14.Hospitals growth strategies
15.How We Promote Our Hospital
17.Computerized Pictures
18.Why People Will Choose Us?

Starting any business or project one has to analyze the total budget required to
run it successfully.
The total budget for our hospital will be 180 Cr. Which is divided into different
purpose as shown in this below table?

Total Budget 180 Crores

Purpose Approximate Amount (In crores)

Infrastructure 90.00
Latest Equipment 40.00
Recruitment 0.50
Ambulance 3.00
Marketing 5.00
Other Expenditure(Salary + electricity etc) 40.00
Food Expense 1.50
Total 180.00

90 Crores will spend on building a huge infrastructure for our hospital

40 Crores will spend on Machinery and latest equipment.
0.5 Crores will be spend for the purpose of recruiting the best staff for our
hospital i.e. Doctors, peon, nurses and security guards etc.
3 Crores will be spend on the Ambulance and vehicle.
5 Crores will spend on best Marketing for hospital.
40 Crores will be spend on other expenditure like Salary of staff and
electricity bill etc.
1.5 Crores will be spend on food for the Staff and patient.
Basic Money Management for Hospital
After analyzing the total budget required. One needs to find out the financial
sources to get that money. The finance for our hospital would be arranged by 5

Total Budget 180 Crores

Sources of money:-

Sagar Mohd.Kafeel Ankit Rakesh Tarun

30 Cr 30 Cr 30 Cr 30 Cr 30 Cr

150 Cr
Bank Loan
30Cr + 180 Cr
Finding the Perfect Hospital Location
Location plays a very important role in setting up a business and helping it
flourish. Whether it’s a retail business or an eatery or even a home based
business, an easily accessible and easy to find location will attract more
customers than a hard to find and reach location.
If you are considering starting a Hospital business, you must have heard the
term location more than a few times as it is considered one of the most
important factors. Location should be on the top of your list to do thing as
putting your business in the proper location can be the single most important
thing needed to catch the consumers’ attention.  Sometimes, location is even
more important than the product you are offering as you cannot tell customers
about your product or service unless you get them through the door!
Thus, combined with a winning product, finding the perfect location can make
or break your business. This guide brings you a collection of some of the most
essential points you need to consider when finding the perfect location for your

Status of people
Uppe Lowe
r r
15% 25%

This graph is showing the Bihar population status that means 25% people in
Bihar lies in lower class families, 60% people lies in middle class families and
15% people lies in upper class families.
Check Your Area Demography
Checking out your area demographics will help to determine if you have chosen
the right location for your business. Demographics will include the age group of
the people living in a particular area, their average income and household etc.
that will give you an idea if they can afford the product or service you are
Along with this, also check out the neighborhood traffic generators, such as
other retailers that draw people to the area, industrial or office parks, schools,
colleges and hospital complexes. Apart from this, also take a look at the both
highway and foot traffic to see how much people would be visiting your
establishment in a day and if it would be the perfect location to base your

Check out Your Competition

According to many experts, the best place to locate your business is as close to
your biggest competitor as you can make it. Others say that you should be as
far from competition as possible. However, both these cases have their pros
and cons and it depends on the entrepreneurs on what they want to do.

Easy to accessible
This place is very easy to find because it is just 2 km. away from national
highway. This area is fully developed and well maintained so every one can
reach there easily.

Easy to find location

This place is very famous in Bihar and every one tells us about this place. So it is
easily to find location and easily to reachable.

On basis of all the above research we found our location in GANDHI MAIDAN
Patna (Bihar) which full fill our all the questions.
Our Location……

Gandhi Maidan (Patna, Bihar)

Why Gandhi Maidan?

It just 2 km away from national Highway No.30,

There is no such other good private hospital (Except 1 govt. hospital),
Huge population live there,
It’s a sub urban as well as rural area,
Patna’s population is about approximate 14 lakh.
Patna Population Status

Upper Lower
15% 25%

Naming of Your Hospital Rightly
As contrary to what people think and say about a business name and what role
can it play in its establishment; a business name is a very important feature as it
not only reflects your brand and makes it memorable, but it is also very
important when it comes to making a business a legal entity.

Importance of a Business Name

Name is very essential when it comes to making business a success. The right
name can make your organization talk of the town while the wrong name can
doom it to failure. Using your brains, it is your duty to put all your efforts and
come up with the best name for your business just as you did for starting it.
The business name should communicate your business message more
effectively to the clients so that by just knowing the name, they can know what
you are selling or offering. The name should also reinforce the key elements of
your business.

How Can It Help Your Business?

Naming your business rightly not only makes it popular and memorable among
the clients, but it also helps to establish it as a professional entity instead of a
non-serious body. Whether it’s a shop business, a home business or an online
one, a name can greatly help in its success and progress.
Creating a Logo to Market Your Brand
Logo is the visual representation of everything that your business stands for.
Whether it’s an illustration or a symbolic idea, it goes a long way in fostering
your business image and helps people recognize your company with mere
mention of its name.  Where you are not available to speak on behalf of
your business and what it can do for the customers, your logo acts as a silent
representative and speaks volumes about what it can do for them.

Types of Logos to Market Your Brand

Font based logos such as those of IBM and SONY that use letter fonts with
such a twist that makes them look distinctive and makes them memorable
Illustration logos that use pictures to show what a company does such as a
house painting company using paint brush in their logo with name
Abstract graphic logos that use an abstract art to represent a company with
or without the company name such as Nike 

Infrastructure Requirement
After deciding budget, location, naming and logo the next thought came in mind
that what will be the infrastructure of the hospital.
We require 50,000 Sq. ft area for our hospital out of which. 30,000 sq ft area will
be use for building purpose, 30,000 sq ft area will be use for basement parking
purpose, 18,500 sq ft. area will be use for green lawn, 1000 sq ft area will be use
for cafeteria and 500 sq ft area will be use for Dumping ground.
The whole area will be allocated for different segment as shown in table.


LAND AREA 50000 Sq. Ft
PARKING AREA(Basement) 30000 Sq. Ft
GREEN AREA 18500 Sq. Ft

Map of Floors
Each Floor Structure

There will be six floors in this hospital project, one basement for parking, garden
area, dumping area etc.
There will be a cafeteria for staff and visitors.
There will be green lawn for morning and evening walk.
There will be a separate dumping ground.
There will be a 1600 car parking area.
Each floor will have 1 general ward, 5 semi-private wards, 3 private wards, 2
operation theaters, 1 laboratory, 1 conference hall, 1 rest room.
The structure of general, semi-private, private ward shown in table below.

Category Total Ward in No. of Bed in No. of No. of

each Floor each ward Visitors bed Washroom
General Ward 20 20 5 5
Semi Private 5 6 3 3
Private Ward 3 1 1 1
Infrastructure & Construction Time
Construction Period - 2 Years
Project Type – Eco Friendly
Computerized Pictures:-
Importance of Licenses & Permits for Hospital
You will have to contact your city's business license department to find out about
getting a license that gives you the permit to operate a business in that city in
exchange for a fee.
When you will file for a license application, the planning or zoning department will
make sure your area is zoned for the purpose you want to use it for and that there
are enough parking spaces to meet the necessary codes.
Fire Department Permit
You might need to get a permit from local fire department if you use any
flammable materials in your business or if your premises will be open to the
public. While in some cities, you will have to get this permit before opening,
in other areas you will just have to schedule periodic inspections to ensure
fire safety regulations.
Air and Water Pollution Control Permit
You will need an air and water pollution control permit if you burn any
materials, discharge anything into the sewers or waterways, or use products
that produce gas. Environmental protection regulations also require that
you to get approval before doing any construction or beginning such
operation. You will have to check out with your state environmental
protection agency regarding nay such permit.
Health Department Permit
You will have to obtain a health department permit if you plan to sell food,
either directly to customers as in a restaurant or as a wholesaler to other
retailers. This permit depends on the size of business and amount and type
of equipment you have and in some cases, health department will even visit
your facility before issuing a permit.
Strategies for Hospital Development
Strategies for business development are of utmost importance to each and every
business organization and play a crucial part in its growth.  In a world full of hard
competition, each business is constantly trying to come up with new and different
ways to achieve maximum growth, sales, profits and stay ahead of its competitors.

Strategies to find out the goals are being achieved or the targets are
being set:-

What are the Hospital’s primary objectives?

What kind of costumer’s are you targeting?
What are the Hospitals growth strategies?

What are the Hospital’s primary objectives?

For any business to run successfully firstly it should have primary objective. We will
also have a primary objective.
Our primary objective is to take into consideration the local people to have their
belief on us, to have faith of people on us. Then we will take larger section of
people into account.

What kind of costumer’s are you targeting?

Now when a producer produces a product or a businessman establishes his

business he has some target market for which he produce his product.
Now in our case our target market will be middle and upper class. The reason for
this is in front of you in form of chart.
We choose middle and upper class because for lower class people there is a
government hospital. Now one can say why middle and upper class cannot have
their treatment in government hospital. This is because we all know that the
attitude of government hospital doctors is very casual, they take very long time to
treating a patient, in the mean time patient can be die in front of hospital gate.
Upper Lower
15% 25%


Hospitals growth strategies

No one can open any project just by looking at the past and present. One has to be
at the top one should have to power to analyze future or one should make
strategies keeping in thought the future.
Like a human being having different stages of life like birth, growth, maturity,
death same as every product goes through a multiple phases and process where
they meet different opportunities & difficulties.


Introductory Stage
Introduction: In this introductory stage the patient will be less as compared to the
other hospital. This phase willPRODUCT
run continuously for few years.
Competition: There will be less competition as there is no such good hospital.
Marketing: We have to market more our product because customers have to be
promoted to try the product. To promote the hospital we have to advertise in
newspaper, T.V, and hording on roadside.
Profit: In the first year profit will be less because of fewer patients and less
charges. If we raise our charges it will affect negativity in our hospital.
Service: our main focus would be on to give best service to our patients.

Growth Stage
It will take to 1 to 2 year to reach the growth stage.
Introduction: Patient will increase as till now more people know about us.
Profit: profit will increase because of the increase in number of patients and
increase little bit in charges according to the market.
Charges will increase: now to have run hospital properly we need money. So we
will increase little bit charges.
Completion: now the competition will be increase because of few other hospitals
would come up. So to sustain we have to work hard and keep our patient satisfied
by charging appropriately. Now this stage will goes to till next 10to 15 years. By
this time we would be having huge profit coming.

Maturity stage
After 10 to 15 year of successfully run our hospital will reach to its maturity stage
where we will rule.
Cost increase: After making a brand name we will increase our charges in future
price of everything will increase.
Number of patient: at the stage everybody knows us will and therefore large
number of patient will come to us for treatment as they would have faith on our
Infrastructure size: after successful run, the floor of hospital will be increase and
different new department would be include as per the requirement if the time.
Profit increase: as number of patient reaches to its peak and some price increase
we will have large amount of profit.

How We Promote Our Hospital

The purpose of promotional ideas is to ensure that call to action is clearly
conveyed to the viewers and the materials selected guarantee success. when its
tome to select promotional ideas, it is important that you put thought into the
choices you are making to ascertain that the medium and materials you use help
you succeed and the promotional idea works till its last.

Types of promotional Ideas:-

Print Media: Print is a great way to target a niche market as a large number of
people still reply on the newspapers and magazines to keep them updated about
the world. A local or national newspaper or magazine is an inexpensive and an
effective means to reach your target market depending upon the size of market
and the size of your advertisement.
Broadcast: Broadcast is the next popular means for advertising your business and
no media outlet reaches people more than television or radio. However, while TV
might be the best way to market your new business to the world, yet it is not very
cost effective and can cost you a lot more than you bargained for as TV
advertising is very expensive and mostly afforded by top brands especially during
the prime time.
Directory: Advertising in telephone directories and yellow pages is still a great
way to market your business. According to a research, directories are still the
most popular means of looking for a service among people even in this day and
age of communications as they are the easy way to find someone you need.
Outdoor Advertising: Outdoor advertising ranges from the signs that you see on
the bill boards to business benches, subways, trains and airports to elevators. It is
not easy to identify the return on investment from outdoor advertising but it
really works in some cases if you target the right people.  There is no other
cheaper way to reach your audience that outdoor advertising but it is also
important to determine if this is really the right medium to promote your
Online Advertising: A very popular and growing medium, online advertising is
very profitable. Internet advertising is not so expensive like broadcast or print and
it is also easy to check out how much profit it is getting you thanks to the
numerous tools that can monitor site traffic.  From banners containing your
business address and information to email marketing and search engine
marketing, there are numerous ways to advertise your business online for best
return on investment.  
In our hospital there will be several departments for several diseases like other
Our department would be:
Department of Cardiology
Department of Cancer
Department of Minimal Access Surgery
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Orthopedic
Department of Eye Care
Department of ENT
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Department of Diabetes & Obesity
Department of Respiratory System
Department of Urinary
Why People Will Choose Us?
Neat & Clean
Total Patient Caring
Latest Machinery
Free Ambulance
Highly Qualifies doctors team
Visitor Doctors team
No Good Private Hospital
Highly Trained Ambulance Staff
World class communication Infrastructure
Fully Equipped advance cardiac life support ambulances
State- of art emergency response and management system
Common emergency telephone number-XXXXXXXX
SMART Multispecialty Hospital
Why it is SMART?

It is SMART because of its partners.

It Means….

S - Sagar Yadav (M.D Cancer & Neuron Surgeons Department)

M - Mohd. Kafeel (M.D Diabetes & Obesity Department)

A - Ankit Tomer (M.D Eyes & ENT Department)

R - Rakesh Kumar (M.D Orthopedic Department)

T - Tarun Kumar (M.D Heart Department)

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