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1. The fibula

a. has two borders

b. has four surfaces

c. is associated with weight bearing

d. has the tibial nerve wound around its neck

2. The metatarsus

a)2nd has a sesamoid bone

b) 1st is d largest.

c)5th has a large tuberosity

d)the head articulates with cuneiforms and cuboid

E)the base articulates with the phalanges

3. The quadriceps femoris

a. Act on two joints

b. Are weak estensors of the knee

c. Have common tendon insertions

d. Supplied by obturator nerve

e. form the bulk of the posterior thigh

4. The muscles of the os coxae include all except

a. Piriformis

b. Obturator internus

c. Superior gemellus

d. Inferior gemellus
5. Adductor hiatus

a. Contains femoral nerve

b. Contains femoral artery and vein

c. Contains vessels and nerve

6. Foot drop is as a result of the damage to which of the following nerves

(a)femoral nerve

(b)obturator Herve

(c)common fibular nerve

(d)saphenous nerve

7. The following are branches of the sacral plexus EXCEPT...

a. Nerve to piriformis

b. Posterior cutaneous nerve

c. Perineal nerve to S3

d. Perineal nerve to S4

e. Pelvic sphlanchic nerve

8.The tibial part of sciatic nerve supply

A. Peroneus longus

B. Peroneus brevis

C. Popliteus

D. Pectineus brevis

E. Tibial anterior
9. The dorsal cutaneous innervation of the dorsum of the foot.

a. Superficial fibular nerve

b. Deep fibular nerve

c. Crural nerve

d. Anterior tibial nerve.

Then T/F

Regarding the femoral artery, the profunda artery artery femoris supplies the anterior compartment of
the thigh

10. The following are associated with triangle of auscultation except

A. Rhomboid major

B. latisimus dorsi

C. Teres major

D. Trapezius

E. Platysma

11. All these arise from common extensor tendon except?

A. Extensor carpi radialis longus

B. Extensor carpi radialis brevis

C. Extensor digitorum

D. Extensor digitorum minimi

E. Extensor carpi ulnaris

12. The nerve supply to the serratus anterior is _

13. The superficial fibular nerve supplies which of these

a. flexor digitorum longus and hallucis longus

b. fibularis longus and brevis

c. fibularis tersius

d. extensor digitorum longus

14. Which of the following nerves is not associated with the periosteum?

a. Ulna nerve

b. Radial nerve

c. Median nerve

d. Anterior interosseous nerve

15. The quadriceps femoris muscles;

a. all acts across two joints

b. Are weak extensors of the knee

c. Have common tendon of insertion

d. Are supplied by the obturator nerve

e. Form the bulk of the posterior thigh

16. The plantar aponeurosis;

a. supports the longitudinal arch of foot

b. Protects the foot from injury

c. Divides the sole of foot into compartments

d. Has all these features

17. The serratus anterior is supplied by;

a. Axillary nerve

b. Radial nerve

c. Long thoracic nerve

18. Triceps coxae:

a. Obturator internus

b. Piriformis

c. Superior gemellus

d. Inferior gemellus

19. The metatarsals ;

a. Each has a base that is distally located

b. Each has a head that articulates with either cuneiform or cuboid

c. The 2nd has a sesamoid bone

d. The 5th has a large tuberosity

e. The 1st is the largest

20. what muscles performs dorsiflexion?

21. The anterior crural muscle :

a. Are innervated by deep common fibular nerve

b. All take origin from the same bone

22. the seratus anterior is supplied by what nerve

A axillary
B thoracodorsal nerve

C dorsal scapula nerve

D long thoracic nerve

E lateral pectoral nerve.

23. Which of these does not Pierce the clavipectoral fascia

A. Lateral pectoral nerve

B. Lateral pectoral artery

C. thoracoacromial artery

D. cephalic vein

24. These Muscles have relations to Triangle of auscultation except

a) platysma

b) rhomboid major

c) latissimus dorsi

d) scapula

e) levator scapulae

25. Which does not arise from the sacral plexus

a. Nerve to piriformis

b. Pelvic splanchnic

26. The Hip bone ;

The iliac crest gives attachment to the gluteus minimus

The greater sciatic notch is between posterior inferior iliac spine and ischial spine

The ischial tuberosity has no muscle attachment

The whole of acetabulum is articular

27. The costocoracoid membrane is pierced by which of the following except;

a. Cephalic vein
b. Thoracoacromial artery

c. Lateral pectoral nerve

d. Lateral thoracic artery

28. Which doesn’t come from the sacral plexus in the lower limb:

a. S3

b. S4

c. Nerve to piriformis

d. Pelvic sphlanic nerve

29. Lower limb deep veins :

a. not prone to varicosity

b. Have very few valves

c. Usually have a single vein

d. Commonly used as vascular graft

e. Are prone to venous thrombosis

30. Below the pectoralis minor fascia is

a. cribriform fascia
b. fascia lata
c. costocoracoid membrane
d. suspensory axillary ligaments
31. Protraction is the movement
a. anteriorly
b. posteriorly
c. laterally
d. medially
32. One of the following is the line of action of the deltoid muscle
a. abduction 0-90 degrees
b. adduction 0-90 degrees
c. abduction 15-90 degrees
d. adduction 15-90 degrees
33. Which of the following is not a floor of the popliteal fossa
a. popliteus muscle
b. popliteal surface of femur
c. popliteal surface of tibia
d. posterior ligament of the knee
34. Which of these carpal bones in the snuff box cause tenderness when fractured
a. hamate
b. capitate
c. styloid process of radius
d. scaphoid
35. Which of the following is not associated with the periosteum of bone

a. Anterior interroseous

b. Radial

c. Ulnar

d. Median


36. Adduction is movement away from the body in the coronal plane

Fracture of distal 2cm of radius

37. Colles fracture

38. Dinner fork deformity

39. Wrist bent towards radial end

Axillary artery

40. Begins from the lateral border of Teres major

41. Axillary artery is divided into three by pectoralis major

Signs of Colles fracture

42. Wrist drifts to the radial side

43. dinner fork deformity

44. shorter radial bone

45. Carpal tunnel syndrome

46. Axillary artery is a continuation of aorta

On bone markings,

47. An example of elevations are grooves and fovea.

48. Adductor canal transmits femoral vessels and saphenous nerve

49. Palmaris longus is always constant

50. In anatomical position, The ankles are 45cm apart from each other

Common site of fracture of the clavicle

51. Junction of the middle and lateral thirds of clavicle

52. lateral end

53. Medial end

54. Midpoint of clavicle

Dimpling in the skin observed in the breast is probably due to

55. Shortened Cooper's ligament

56. Excessive lymphatic drainage

57. necrosis of fibrous tissue

58. What muscles does the tibial nerve supply

Parona space

59. Rectangular space above the wrist

60. Continuous with the midpalmar space

61. Synostosis is an obliteration of suture or syndesmosis.

The pectoralis fascia

62. invests the pectoralis minor

63. Blocked lactiferous ducts

64. below the pectoralis minor is the suspensory ligament of axilla

Sub acromial bursa and shoulder joint:

65. known as sub-acromial - subdeltoid in certain individuals

Tenderness of anatomical snuff box is due to

66. Radial styloid

67. Trapezium

In anatomical position

68. Head facing upward with the eye gazing at the ceiling

69. The hands on the side of the body

70. Where is the Thenar space located?

71. mention the muscles involved in dorsiflexion

The following nerves supply the serratus anterior

71. radial nerve

72. median nerve
73. long thoracic nerve
74. pectoral nerve

Signs of colors fracture

75. Wrist drift to radius

76. dinner fork deformity

77. shorter radius or so

The quadriceps femoris muscles;

78. all acts across two joints

79. Are weak extensors of the knee

80. Have common tendon of insertion

81. Are supplied by the obturator nerve

82. Form the bulk of the anterior thigh

83. Common carotid artery Bifurcation

84. Brachial plexus (T2, C4, C5)


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