5 Upper Limb MCQ Final

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Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by

Five suggested answers or completions. Select the BEST answer(s) in each case.

1. In development of the upper limb

A. the limb originally projects at a right angle to the 8. The anterior muscles of the arm
body A. are original ventral muscles
B. the thumb develops on the preaxial border B. are original dorsal muscles
C. the little finger develops on the preaxial border C. are flexor muscles
D. the thumb develops on the postaxial border E originated chiefly on the radial side of
E. its original position remains unchanged
9. The posterior muscles of the forearm
2 In ossification of the clavicle A. pronate the forearm
A the body is formed from two centres B. arise chiefly on the radial side of the arm and
B the process is typical of membranous bone formation forearm
C epiphyses are not formed C. extend the wrist and digits
D epiphyses are present at birth D. flex the wrist and fingers
E centres appear during the fifth or sixth foetal weeks E. assist supination of the forearm

3. The bony prominence at the top of the shoulder with 10. The nerve which innervates the posterior muscles of
which the clavicle articulates is the the free limb is the
A coracoid process of the scapula A. musculocutaneous
B acromion of the scapula B. median
C spine of the scapula C. ulnar
D head of the humerus D. radial nerve
E conoid tubercle E. long thoracic

4 In the forearm, the bony projection behind the elbow 11 The arterial stem to the upper limb is the
is the A. axillary
A. distal end of the humerus B. brachial
B. head of the radius C. subclavian
C. olecranon D radial
D. coronoid process E. ulnar
E. upper end of the ulna
12 The superficial vein which runs up the radial side of
5. The skin of the upper limb is predominately the limb is the
innervated by the A. cephalic
A. third and fourth cervical nerves B. basilic
B. first through the fourth thoracic nerves C. axillary
C. eight cervical nerves D. median forearm
D. fifth cervical through the first thoracic nerves E. radial
E. second through the fifth thoracic nerves
13 The right clavicle
6. The girdle of the upper limb is constituted A. has a medial curve with the concavity directed
by the posteriorly
A. clavicle B. has the acromion on the medial end
B. humerus C. has a lateral curve with concavity directed backward
C. sternum D. shows an impression on the inferior surface of its
D. scapula medial end for attachment of the costoclavicular
E. radius ligament
E. has the conoid tubercle on the sternal end
7. The primary centres of ossification for the upper
limb occur during the 14. The clavicle
A. fourth foetal week for the humerus A. is seldom fractured
B. fifth or sixth foetal weeks for the clavicle B
C. tenth foetal week for the radius and ulna C. has ossification completely typical of cartilage
D. eighth and ninth foetal weeks for the body of the bones
scapula D during the tenth foetal week
E. tenth foetal week for the carpals E. none of the above

1=AB; 2=AE; 3=B; 4=CE; 5=D; 6=AD; 7=BD; 8=AC; 9=BCE; 10=D; 11=C; 12=A; 13=AD, 14=E
“See that you don’t make others suffer the way you have suffered. Be kind to all, inconsiderable of their faith,
Ethnic grouping or region. Let them be qualified for help only by the fact that they need it”.
-- Dr Muslim Goodheart.
Anatomy MCQs: Upper Limb._____________
E. internal thoracic nerve
15=BC, 16=ADE, 17=AE, 18=C, 19=BC, 20=AC, 21=B, 22=CD, 23=AB, 24=D, 25=AC, 26=BC, 27=BD, 28=AB, 29=ABD, 30=DE
15. The sternoclavicular joint
A. has one large synovial cavity 23 The pectoralis major arises from the:
B. contains an articular disk A. medial third of the clavicle
C. contains two separate synovial cavities B. lateral part of the length of the anterior surface of the
D. has no attachment to the first rib sternum
E. permits only elevation and depression movements C. cartilages of only the first three ribs
D. aponeurosis of the rectus abdominis
16. The acromioclavicular joint E. lateral third of the clavicle
A. is weak and small
B. has no articular disk 24. The pectoralis major inserts on the
C. has a thick joint capsule A. head of the humerus
D. is protected by the acromioclavicular ligament B. floor of the intertubercular groove
E. dislocation is less frequent than clavicular fracture C. lesser tuberosity
D. crest of the greater tubercle
17. The coracoclavicular ligament E. medial lip of the intertubercular groove
A. consists of trapezoid and conoid ligaments
B. Is located at the sternal end of the clavicle 25. In the structure of the insertion of the pectoralis
C. resists independent downward movement of the major the
clavicle A. clavicular and upper sternocostal parts form an
D. resists upward movement of the scapula anterior lamina
E. resists independent anteroposterior movement of the B. lower portion of the muscle forms an anterior lamina
clavicle or scapula C. fibres of lowest origin insert highest
D. fibres of highest origin insert highest
18. On the scapula, the subscapular fossa is located E. tendon of insertion passes anterior to the anterior
A. on the dorsal scapula above the spine border of the deltoid
B. on the dorsal scapula below the spine
C. on the costal surface 26. The lateral pectoral nerve
D. laterally to hold the head of the humerus A. is accompanied by the medial pectoral nerve
E. just beneath the acromion B. runs deep to the clavicular head of the pectoralis
19. The scapular notch C. is accompanied by the pectoral branch of the
A. appears on the lateral scapular border thoracoacromial artery
B. is found on the superior scapular border D. innervates the pectoralis minor
C. is covered by the superior transverse scapular E. supplies pectoralis major with fibres from C8 and T l
D. is located on the medial scapular border 27. The pectoralis minor muscle
E. is found on the upper border of the glenoid cavity A. inserts on the acromion
B. is covered by the clavipectoral fascia
20. The supraglenoid tubercle C. is perforated by the medial pectoral nerve
A. is located on the upper border of the glenoid cavity D. is perforated by the thoracoacromial artery
B. serves as an attachment for the triceps muscle E. arises from the sixth and seventh ribs
C. Provides attachment for the long head of the biceps
D. is a place of attachment for the deltoid 28. The action of the pectoralis minor is to
E. is a place of attachment for the coracobrachialis A pull the coracoid process downward
B downwardly rotate the scapula
21. The intertubercular groove of the C. abduct the humerus
humerus D. adduct the humerus
A. lies medial to the head of the humerus E. upwardly rotate the scapula
B. houses the tendon of the long head of the biceps
C. houses the tendon of the long head of the triceps 29. The action of the pectoralis major is
D. serves as a point of insertion for the deltoid A. adduction of the limb
E. is also called the sulcus of the ulnar nerve B internal rotation of the limb
C. abduction of the humerus
22 The cutaneous nerve supply of the pectoral region D. flexion of the arm
includes the E. external rotation of the humerus
A. axillary nerve
B. long thoracic nerve 30. The chief arteries of the pectoral region are the
C. twigs of the supraclavicular nerves A. subscapular
D. lateral & anterior cutaneous branches of intercostal B. axillary
nerves C. anterior thoracic
2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
A single act of good is worthier than a multitude of bad / wicked actions. Offer even a smile if that is the only thing you can afford
For you should never underestimate the good effect it may have on a person going down.
Anatomy MCQs: Dedicated to all medics in ABU, Zaria. *
D. thoracoacromial
E lateral thoracic
31=B, 32=C, 33=DE, 34=A, 35=ABE, 36=CE, 37=AB, 38=ABE, 39=BD, 40=BE, 41=CE, 42=C, 43=D, 44=BD, 45=D
31. The medial wall of the axilla is the D arises from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus
A. teres major E is the highest branch of the medial cord of the
B serratus anterior brachial plexus
C. pectoralis major
D. subscapularis 39 The thoracodorsal nerve
E. pectoralis minor A. is a branch of the medial cord of the brachial plexus
B. innervates the latissimus dorsi
32. The central structure of the axilla is said to be the C. innervates the subscapularis
A. lymph nodes D. is a branch of the posterior cord of the brachial
B. subclavian artery plexus
C axillary artery E. innervates the coracobrachialis muscle
D. axillary fascia
E. posterior cord of brachial plexus 40. The axillary nerve
A. innervates the teres major
33. The brachial plexus is formed by the union of the B. passes through the quadrangular space
A. dorsal rami of cervical nerves C5-C8 C. is accompanied by the anterior humeral circumflex
B. ventral rami of cervical nerves C 1 -C7 vessels
C. dorsal rami of cervical nerves C1-C5 D. innervates the biceps brachii muscle
D. ventral rami of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth E. innervates the teres minor muscle
cervical nerves
E ventral ramus of the first thoracic nerve 41. Erb-Duchenne paralysis results from
A. lesions affecting the lower part of the brachial plexus
34. Which of the following is (are) true of trunks of the B. lesions involving C8 and T 1
brachial plexus? C. lesions involving the upper part of the brachial
A upper trunk from C5 and C6 spinal nerves plexus
B. middle trunk from C6, C7 and C8 spinal nerves D. lesions involving nerves C7 and C8
C. lower trunk from C7, C8, and T l spinal nerves E. lesions involving especially nerves C5 and C6
D. upper trunk from the suprascapular and lateral
pectoral nerves 42. The axillary artery
E. lower trunk from medial pectoral & subscapular A. is continuation of the subclavian beginning at the
nerves second rib
B. has the lateral thoracic-artery as its first branch
35. The lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus C. has three parts as related to the pectoralis minor
A. represent the anterior divisions of the plexus D. is anterior to all portions of the brachial plexus
B. have branches going to the 'anterior limb muscles E. usually has the subscapular artery as its lowest
C. are formed from the union of posterior divisions branch
D. have branches going to posterior limb muscles
E. are united across the front of the axillary artery 43. The axillary artery becomes the brachial artery at the
E posterior cord of the brachial plexus A. lower border of the pectoralis minor
B. lower border of the pectoralis major
36 The posterior cord of the brachial plexus: C. upper border of the teres minor
A. lies lateral to the axillary artery D. lower border of the teres major
B. gives off the musculocutaneous nerve E. lower border of the deltoid muscle
C sends a branch to the deltoid
D. originates the lateral pectoral nerve 44. The axillary vein
E. gives rise to the upper subscapular nerve A. is a direct continuation of the cephalic vein
B. is a direct continuation of the basilica vein
37 The musculocutaneous nerve C. changes its name at the lower border of the deltoid
A. diverges from the lateral cord D. changes to subclavian vein as it crosses the first rib
B. usually originates from nerves C5-C7 E. lies close to the brachial artery
C. innervates the triceps muscle
D. is a branch of the median nerve 45. Trapezius attaches to all the following except
E. innervates the pectoralis major muscle A. superior nuchal line on the occipital bone
B. ligamentum nuchae
38 The medial pectoral nerve C. spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra
A innervates the pectoralis major D. medial third of the superior surface of the clavicle
B innervates the pectoralis minor E. acromion of the scapula
C arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3
The best among people is that who is most useful to others. Judge your success in this life
NOT by the extent of your material acquisition. Nay it should be measured by the amount of good
Done to others ——— man and beast alike.
Anatomy MCQs: Upper Limb._____________
B. lateral border of the acromion

46=A, 47=BDE, 48=E, 49=ABC, 50=AE, 51=CD, 52=BD, 53=ABD, 54=E, 55=E, 56=AC, 57=ABCD, 58=BC, 59=ABE, 60=CE
46. The trapezius has all the following actions
except C. lateral border of the scapula
A. downward rotation of the scapula D. the scapular spine
B. upward rotation of the scapula E. head of the humerus
C. retraction of the scapula
D. elevation of the scapula 54. The uppermost part of the musculotendinous
E. depression of the scapula (rotator) cuff of the shoulder is the tendon of the
A. deltoid
47. An injury to the thoracodorsal nerve would probably B. teres minor
affect strength of which of the following movements? C. teres major
A. external rotation of the arm D. subscapularis
B. internal rotation of the arm E. supraspinatus
C. adduction of the scapula
D. extension of the arm 55. Which of the following muscles receive fibres from
E. elevation of the pelvis posterior branches of the brachial plexus through fibres
derived from C5 and C6?
48. An injury to the dorsal scapular nerve would A. teres minor
probably weaken which of the following movements? B. deltoid
A. upward rotation of the scapula C. supraspinatus
B. abduction of the scapula D. infraspinatus
C. adduction of the arm E. all of the above
D. depression of the medial border of the scapula
E. none of the above 56. The shoulder joint formed by the glenoid cavity of
the scapula and the head of the humerus has muscles
49. The serratus anterior muscle related to it in which of the following ways?
A. arises from the upper eight or nine ribs A. coracobrachialis, anteromedially
B. inserts on the medial border of the scapula B. long head of the biceps, laterally
C. inserts on the inferior angle of the scapula C. long head of the triceps, posteromedially
D. is innervated by the accessory nerve D. deltoid, medially
E. has its strongest insertion at the superior angle of the E. short head of the biceps, anterolaterally
57. The musculotendinous (rotator) cuff of the shoulder
50. A complete injury to the long thoracic nerve would joint is formed from which of the following muscles?
result in A. subscapularis, anteriorly
A. weakness of scapular protraction B. supraspinatus. superiorly
B. weakness of scapular adduction C. infraspinatus, upper posteriorly
C. weakness of downward rotation of the scapula D. teres minor, lower posteriorly
D. loss of abduction of the humerus E. deltoid, anterior, posterior and superior
E. marked winging of the scapula
58. Downward displacement of the humeral head is
51. Which of the following muscles act to rotate the prevented by the
scapula upwards? A. transverse humeral ligament
A. levator scapulae B. coracohumeral ligament, when the arm is by the side
B. rhomboids C. musculotendinous cuff when the arm is abducted
C. trapezius D. glenoid labrum
D. serratus anterior E. glenohumeral ligaments
E. pectoralis minor
59. From the lower part of the brachial plexus, C7 or
52. An injury to nerve segments C7 and C8 would lower, comes innervation for the
probably affect which of the following muscles? A. extensors of the shoulder
A. trapezius B. adductors of the shoulder
B. latissimus dorsi C. flexors of the shoulder^
C. rhomboids D. abductors of the shoulder
D. pectoralis major E. internal rotators of the shoulder
E. serratus anterior
60. The head of the radius articulates with the
53. The deltoid originates from the A. trochlea of the humerus
A. lateral third of the' clavicle B. medial epicondyle of the humerus
4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
A single act of good is worthier than a multitude of bad / wicked actions. Offer even a smile if that is the only thing you can afford
For you should never underestimate the good effect it may have on a person going down.
Anatomy MCQs: Dedicated to all medics in ABU, Zaria. *
C. capitulum of the humerus B. ulnar
D. proximal row of the carpal bones C. radial
E. radial notch of the ulna D. musculocutaneous
E. long thoracic
61=B, 62=ABC, 63=BCD, 64=BC, 65=E, 66=DE, 67=DE, 68=CD, 69=BD, 70=AB, 71=AC, 72=ACD, 73=E, 74=ACE, 75=CD
61. The biceps brachii muscle inserts on the 69 The brachial artery
A. coronoid process of the ulna A. has the median nerve medial to it where it becomes
B. radial tuberosity the brachial artery
C. head of the radius B. is a direct continuation of the axillary artery
D. olecranon of the ulna C. has the median nerve lateral to it at the elbow
E. ulnar tuberosity D. has the profunda brachii artery as its first major
62. The deep fascia of the arm E. continues on the posterior forearm
A. is called brachial fascia
B. includes a lateral intermuscular septum 70 The triceps brachii muscle
C. includes a medial intermuscular septum A. extends the forearm
D. divides the arm into four compartments B. extends the arm
E. is loose over the triceps muscle C. abducts the arm
D. flexes the arm
63. The cephalic vein E. upwardly rotates the scapula
A. lies on the medial side in front of the elbow
B. lies first on the lateral side of the front of the elbow 71. The anconeus muscle
C. lies in the groove lateral to the biceps A. originates on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
D. passes in the groove between the deltoid and B. is innervated by the ulnar nerve
pectoral muscles C. acts to produce slight abduction of the ulna as the
E. continues into the axilla as the axillary vein forearm is pronated

64. Branches of the radial nerve are the D. acts to supinate the forearm
A. superior lateral brachial cutaneous E. acts to pronate the forearm
B. Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous
C. posterior brachial cutaneous 72. A complete transverse fracture of the distal inch of
D. intercostobrachial the radius with the distal fragment displaced dorsally
E. medial brachial cutaneous A. is known as a Colles' fracture
B. results from forced flexion of the wrist
65 All muscles supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve C. results in a "silver fork deformity"
A. cross only the elbow joint D. is the most common fracture of the forearm
B cross only the shoulder joint E. most frequently occurs in conjunction with a fracture
C cross both the shoulder and elbow joints of the ulna
D flex the elbow
E none of the above 73. The proximal row of carpal bones includes the
A. trapezium
66 The biceps brachii muscle B. trapezoid
A. has a long head originating from the coracoid C. capitate
process of the scapula D. hamate
B. has a short head originating from the supraglenoid E. scaphoid
tubercle of the humerus -
C. inserts into the ulnar tuberosity 74. Motions essential to the combined
D. acts to supinate the forearm movement of thumb opposition are
E. acts to abduct the humerus when the arm is A. internal rotation
externally rotated B. extension
C. flexion
67 The brachialis muscle D. external rotation
A. flexes at both the elbow and shoulder E. adduction
B. supinates as well as flexes at the elbow
C. pronates as well as flexes at the elbow 75 Superficially placed arteries of the hand, the palmar
D. has only the action of flexing the forearm digital arteries
E. is sometimes innervated by the radial nerve A. are of less importance than the dorsal digital arteries
B. run along the dorsal aspect of each side of the digit
68 Which of the following nerves send branches to the C. run directly behind the digital nerves
muscles of the arm? D. are protected from pressure during gripping with the
A. median hand
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
The best among people is that who is most useful to others. Judge your success in this life
NOT by the extent of your material acquisition. Nay it should be measured by the amount of good
Done to others ——— man and beast alike.
Anatomy MCQs: Upper Limb._____________
E. give off no branches E. transverse fasciculi

76=C, 77=BCE, 78=A, 79=ABD, 80=BCD, 81=BD, 82=ABC, 83=CD, 84=BE, 85=ABE, 86=C, 87=D, 88=B, 89=A, 90=BC
76. A cutaneous nerve of the forearm which is an
independent branch from the medial cord of the brachial 83 The brachioradialis muscle
plexus is the A. arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus
A. posterior antebrachial cutaneous B. acts over both the elbow and wrist joints
B. lateral antebrachial cutaneous C. is innervated by the radial nerve
C, medial antebrachial cutaneous D. is a flexor at the elbow
D. superficial radial E. extends at the wrist joint
E. common digital
84 The muscle forming the anterior boundary of the
77. The palmar aponeurosis "anatomical snuff box" is the
A. has no muscle attachments A. extensor pollicis longus
B. includes transverse fasciculi B. abductor pollicis longus
C. has slips united by the superficial transverse C. extensor indicis
metacarpal ligament D. extensor carpi radialis longus
D. has only slips to index and little fingers E. extensor pollicis brevis
E. sends septa to deep transverse metacarpal ligament
85 The radial nerve
78 The central compartment of the palm of the hand A. innervates all the extensors of the wrist
contains B. becomes the posterior interosseous nerve
A. most of the tendons, nerves and vessels of the hand C. Innervates the abductors of thumb
B. mostly palmar aponeurosis D. is entirely motor in function
C. the thumb muscles E. has "wrist drop" resulting from its injury
D. the hypothenar muscles
E. the flexor retinaculum 86 Which muscle has no bony attachment of insertion?
A. flexor carpi radialis
79 The flexor retinaculum at the wrist B. flexor carpi ulnaris
A. covers the carpal canal C. palmaris longus
B. serves as an attachment for muscles of the thenar D. flexor pollicis longus
eminence E. extensor carpi ulnaris
C. is attached to the lunate bone on the ulnar side
D. is attached to the scaphoid and trapezium on the 87. All of the following belong to the superficial layer of
radial side flexor muscles of the forearm except the
E. has both median and u-mar nerves passing deep to it A. pronator teres
B. flexor carpi radialis
80 Muscles arising from the lateral epicondyle of the C. flexor carpi ulnaris
humerus D. pronator quadratus
A. are predominately flexors E. palmaris longus
B. are innervated by the radial nerve
C. are predominately extensors 88. The thin cruciform portion of each digital sheath
D. include the supinator muscle A. is located over the bodies of the proximal and middle
E. include the pronator teres muscle phalanges
B. is located over the interphalangeal joints of the
81. The extensor retinaculum | fingers
A. serves for attachment of intrinsic hand muscles C. forms the anular part of the sheath
B. is attached to the lateral border of the radius D. forms the short vinculum
C. is attached to the scaphoid bone E. transports blood vessels
D. is a thickening of the posterior antebrachial fascia
E. typically has only 4 compartments for tendon 89. The flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
sheaths A. flexes at the metacarpophalangeal joint
B. flexes at the proximal interphalangeal joint
82 Which of the following are parts of the C. flexes at the distal interphalangeal joint
structure of an extensor tendon attachment of the D. is innervated by the ulnar nerve
fingers? E. arises from the lateral humeral condyle
A. the extensor hood
B. lumbrical and interosseus muscle attachments 90. The common interosseous artery
C. three tendinous bands A. is a branch of the radial artery
D. the transverse carpal ligament B. is a branch of the ulnar artery
6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
A single act of good is worthier than a multitude of bad / wicked actions. Offer even a smile if that is the only thing you can afford
For you should never underestimate the good effect it may have on a person going down.
Anatomy MCQs: Dedicated to all medics in ABU, Zaria. *
C. divides into the anterior and posterior interosseous
D. gives off the ulnar recurrent artery
E. participates in the superficial palmar arch
96. Interossei muscles
A. all pass ventral to the deep transverse
metacarpal ligaments
91. All of the following structures pass deep to B. all have insertions entirely into the extensor tendons
the flexor retinaculum except the C. of both dorsal and palmar groups are three in number
A. flexor digitorum superficialis D. extend at the metacarpophalangeal joints
B. ulnar artery E. none of the above
C. median nerve
D. ulnar nerve 97. At the elbow joint the
E. flexor carpi radialis A. quadrate ligament is a part of the fibrous capsule
between the ulna and the radius
92. The lumbrical muscles B. annular ligament surrounds the ulna
A. have no bony attachment C. oblique cord arises from the radial tuberosity
B. are completely innervated by the median nerve D. ulnar nerve passes behind the lateral epicondyle
C. arise from the tendon of the flexor digitorum E. head of the radius in adults is easily displaced
D. insert into the tendon of the extensor 98. The wrist joint is formed by articulation of the
digitorum profundus A. distal end of the ulna and the triquetral bone
E. extend at the metacarpophalangeal pint B. radius and ulna with the proximal row of carpals
C. radius and the ulna with the scaphoid
93. The thenar eminence muscles D. radius and the articular disk of the ulna with the
A. include the adductor pollicis muscle scaphoid, lunate and triquetral bones
B. are completely innervated by branches of the E. radius with the capitate and hamate bones
median nerve
C. include muscles which extend the thumb 99. In a complete lesion of the median nerve
D. include the opponens as the chief rotator of the at the wrist, without anomalous innervation
metacarpal A. a drop wrist results
E. if paralyzed, cause an "ape hand" B. a claw hand results
C. opposition is lost
94. Muscles of the hypothenar eminence are D. abduction of the thumb is lost
innervated by the E. abduction of the fingers is lost
A. median nerve
B. ulnar nerve 100. A lesion of the ulnar nerve at the wrist
C. radial nerve usually results in
D. median and radial nerves A. a claw hand
E. median and ulnar nerves B. an ape hand
C. loss of finger abduction and adduction
95. The radial artery D. atrophy of the thenar eminence
A. gives rise to the princeps pollicis E. loss of adduction of the thumb
B. gives rise to the common digital arteries
C. forms the major part of the deep palmar arch Good Luck In All Your Endeavour Especially
D. gives rise to the palmar metacarpal arteries As You Let The Knowledge Flow. The Joy Of Life Is
E. forms the major part of the superficial palmar arch Indeed In The Act Of Sharing.
So, Let Us Share The Knowledge.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7
The best among people is that who is most useful to others. Judge your success in this life
NOT by the extent of your material acquisition. Nay it should be measured by the amount of good
Done to others ——— man and beast alike.
Anatomy MCQs: Upper Limb._____________

91=BD, 92=AD, 93=DE, 94=B, 95=AC, 96=E, 97=A, 98=D, 99=CD, 100=ACE

8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
A single act of good is worthier than a multitude of bad / wicked actions. Offer even a smile if that is the only thing you can afford
For you should never underestimate the good effect it may have on a person going down.

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