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According to the answer of my 15 respondents in Sta.

Margarita Hilongos, Leyte

for those who encountered young parents in the said barangay.

In the first question which is have you ever

encountered partners living in Sta. Margarita Hilongos,

a g e b eca m e p a ren ts
no father male female
Leyte who became a young parent at a young age? If yes age 19
age 18
what are their ages? Base on their answers most of the age 17
age 15
females who became a young mother in the said barangay
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

is at the age of 15 to 19. In my 15 respondents 4 said they

encountered young mothers at the age of 19, 4 also at the age of 15, 3 at the age of 16, then 2

each at the age of, 17 and 18. On the other side also for the males who became a young father,

most of their answers are at the age of 15, 17, and 19. 4 of them said that they encountered a

young father at the age of 19, 5 at the age of 17, 4 at 15 and 2 of them answers no father which

means there are 2 of my respondents who encountered a single young mother and base on their

answers the two ladies are both at the age of 17.

c a us e o f be c o ming a In the second question which is all about the cause of

y o ung pa r e nt
becoming a young parent? All their answers are because
early relationship

drunk of early relationship.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

c o me s i n t o t he mi nd o f
t h e b o y a f t e r k n o w in g
In the third h is g o i n g t o b e a y o u n g question which is all about what comes
fa the r
into the mind of the boy after knowing his going to be

a younglet the baby live father? 13 of my respondents said that

abort the baby
the first thing suicide comes into their mind is to let the baby
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
live. One of their reason is because they are blessing but most of their explanation is because

they enter that kind of situation therefore, they are already ready about the consequences of their

action. 1 answered abort the baby his explanation is because the boy is not yet ready to have a

baby and the other one answered he denied that he is the father and he will never accept the baby

because of the reason that he is shy of his situation.

c o me s i n t o t h e m i n d o f In the fourth question which is all about what comes

the g ir l a fte r kno w ing
s he 's g o ing to be a y o ung into the mind of the girl after knowing she’s going to
other mo the r
let the baby live be a young mother? 12 of my respondents said that
abort the baby
the first thing comes into their mind is to let the baby
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

live. Most of their explanation is because they want it

and its their choice plus it’s a blessing and they don’t want to commit another sin and they need

to accept it for it is their flesh. 3 answered abort the baby because they are afraid that their parent

will get mad at them, they are also afraid about the judgement of others and because of shyness.

In the fifth question which is all about how did the boy felt after knowing he is going to be a

young bo y fe lt a fte r kno w ing he father? 6 of my respondents answered that

is g o ing to be a y o ung
fa the r
the boy is other shy. Base on their explanation they felt shy
of what shy might others will say and there’s a big
tendency 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that they will experience of their

explanation is because they are not fully ready about the situation they entered. For the 3 who

answered happy their reason is because it’s a blessing and their newborn baby give them more

inspiration to live their lives with purpose. 4 answered regrets most of their explanation is

because they are not yet ready to be a young father and to build a family. 1 of my respondents

answered happy at the same time disappointed her explanation is because at first the boy really
felt happy but later on the boy didn’t care for the baby anymore. and the other 1 is happy and at

the same time shy. He didn’t write his explanation anymore.

In the sixth question which is all about how the boy felt after knowing she is going to be a young

mother?8 of my respondents answered that the girl is shy. Most of their explanation is because

they are not yet ready to be a mother at a young age plus they think more on what people will say

if they find out. 3 answered happy their explanation is because they will become a mother and

they will have a baby that will give them inspiration. The 3 answered regrets their reason is

because they are not yet ready to be a young mother and they don’t know how to be a good

mother. 1 said happy at the same time shy. Again, he didn’t write his explanation.

In the seven question which is all about what happened to their life after becoming a young

parent? 10 of my respondents answered that their life became more meaningful all their answers

is because they believe it’s a blessing and it give them inspiration. 2 answered nothing good

happened and they both have the same explanation that because of that kind of situation they

stopped their schools. 2 said useless their answers are they don’t have any idea. and 1 said that

their situation pushes them to be poorer because they don’t have money for milk and rice.

In question eight which is do you think they enjoy the life of being a young parent? 6 of my

respondents answered sometimes their explanation is because they don’t have any idea of being a

mother and being

a mother is not easy. 3 answered rarely their explanation is because most of the people look at

them and underestimated them then other said it’s because they haven’t enjoyed their teenage life

and suddenly they will become a young mother. 2 said very much and their explanation is
because it’s a blessing and their babies give them happiness.2 also said not at all their

explanation is because they don’t finish their study yet they don’t have enough money to sustain

their babies and also they say their situation doesn’t suit their age. And 2 again said they don’t


In question nine which is do you think they are proud of their situation? 7 of my respondents

answered sometimes their explanation is because they think that they just made a big mistake

and they regretted because maybe if it didn’t happen then maybe right now they are already

embracing success. 3 answered very much because they say it’s a blessing and they faced the

consequences of their action bravely. 3 also said not at all their explanation are because some are

still studying they don’t have work they can’t sustain the needs of their baby plus their situation

doesn’t suit their age. 2 answered rarely their reason is because that what they had seen and they

said that it is also because of their situation they experienced judgements.

In question ten which is do you think they still had enough time to their selves since their baby

was born? 8 of my respondents answered sometimes one said because they give their obligation

to their parents and the rest said because most of their time will go to their baby. 6 of my

respondents said not at all their explanation is because all of their time will be on their baby and

only 1 said always her explanation is because it depends on them if how will they manage their


In question eleven, do you think the situation of the young parents had effect on the life of their

parents also? 14 of my respondents said yes. They used different words in explaining but

generally they are all telling that their parents are obliged to care and support their children since

they are still young and they still need the guidance of their parents 1 said it depends on the

In question twelve, do you think teenage pregnancy cases in Sta. Margarita Hilongos Leyte had

an impact on the growth of the said barangay? 12 of my respondents said yes they use different

words to explain their answers but all in all they are saying it’s because every person in the

community is a part of the growth of the place they also said that most of them instead of going

to school and later on get profession which will do help the economy of the place they will be

busy taking care of their babies and will going to decide to stop school and they also answered

that the number of teenage female who got pregnant at young age will increase and there’s a

tendency that the newly teenage females will follow what they had observed. 3 said no because

they said that not all are the same some became successful even if they became a young mother

at a young age.

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