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Material Science &Testing


 UNITS: 10
 LECTURES: Mon. day, 9.5-11.30, Room _Lecture halls
 LECTURER: Dr. Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
 ASSISTANT LECTURER: Eng. Fatma , Eng. M.Assem
1. Term works: 20 % (20)
2. Quizzes : 20 % (20)
3. Oral Exam : 10 % (10)
4. Final Exam : 50 % (50)
 References :
➢ Callister - Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction
(Wiley, 2007).
➢ Smith any edition (Engineering materials)
➢ Strength of materials Hand book
Engineering Materials
 Materials are probably more deep-seated in our culture
than most of us realize.
 Transportation, housing, clothing, communication,
recreation, and food production, virtually every
segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one
degree or another by materials.
 Historically, the development and advancement of
societies have been intimately tied to the members’
ability to produce and manipulate materials to fill their
 In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the
level of their materials development (Stone Age,
Bronze Age and Iron Age). 2
Classification of Materials
 Solid materials have been conveniently grouped into three
basic classifications:
 Metals,
 Ceramics, and
 Polymers.
 This scheme is based primarily on chemical makeup and
atomic structure, and most materials fall into one distinct
grouping or another, although there are some intermediates.
In addition, a fourth class is suggested, the composites,
which are combinations of two or more of the above three
basic material classes. Another classification is advanced
materials - those used in high-technology applications, like
semiconductors, biomaterials, smart materials, and nano
engineered materials. 3
Bar-chart of room-temperature density values for
various metals ceramics, polymers, and composite

Bar-chart of room-temperature stiffness for
various metals, ceramics, polymers, and
composite materials

Bar-chart of room-temperature strength (i.e.,
tensile strength) values for various metals,
ceramics, polymers, and composite materials

Properties of Materials:
 Another alternative to divide materials is according to their properties. One goal of materials
engineering is to select materials with suitable properties for a given application, so it makes
sense to divide materials this way. Just as for classes of materials, there is some overlap among
the properties, so the divisions are not always clearly defined.
 We can summarize the properties of materials in the following:
 Mechanical Properties
Elasticity and Stiffness – Plasticity – Strength – Brittleness or Toughness – Fatigue
 Electrical Properties
Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity
 Magnetic Properties
Paramagnetic properties – Diamagnetic properties – Ferromagnetic properties
 Dielectric Properties
Polarizability – Capacitance – Ferroelectric properties– Piezoelectric properties – Pyroelectric
 Optical Properties
Refractive index – Absorption, reflection, and transmission – Birefringence (double refraction)
 Corrosion Properties
In the following we apply the above mentioned properties on the metals and alloys. In general,
all metals fall within two categories, ferrous or nonferrous.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 8
The properties of some materials are directly
related to their crystal structures.
Significant property differences exist between
crystalline and noncrystalline materials having
the same composition.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 9

Periodic Table of the Elements

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
What are the characteristics of
Some characteristics of metals are:
1. Good conductors of heat
2. Good conductors of electricity
3. Are ductile/malleable
4. High tensile strength
5. Usually lustrous/shiny ‫المع‬
6. Atoms of most metals have few electrons in their
outer energy level
7. Most metals are solid at room temperature
8. Insoluble in water
9. They lose electrons ‫تفقد اإللكترونات‬
10. High melting point

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 11

Metallic Crystal Structures
• Tend to be densely packed.
• Reasons for dense packing:
-Typically, only one element is present, so all
atomic radii are the same.
-- Metallic bonding is not directional.
-- Nearest neighbor distances tend to be small in
order to lower bond energy.
- The “electron cloud” shields cores from each
• They have the simplest crystal structures.

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 12

Simple Cubic Structure (SC)
• Rare due to low packing density (only Po has this structure)
• Close-packed directions are cube edges.

• Coordination # = 6
(# nearest neighbors)

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 13

Atomic Packing Factor (APF)
Volume of atoms in unit cell*
Volume of unit cell
*assume hard spheres
• APF for a simple cubic structure = 0.52
atoms atom
a 4
unit cell 1 p (0.5a) 3
R=0.5a APF =
a3 volume
close-packed directions
unit cell
contains 8 x 1/8 =
1 atom/unit cell

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 14

Body Centered Cubic Structure (BCC)
• Atoms touch each other along cube diagonals.
All atoms are identical.

ex: Cr, W, Fe (), Tantalum, Molybdenum

• Coordination # = 8
2 atoms/unit cell: 1 center + 8 corners x 1/8
Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 15
Atomic Packing Factor: BCC
• APF for a body-centered cubic structure = 0.68


Close-packed directions:
R length = 4R = 3 a
atoms volume
unit cell 2 p ( 3a/4) 3
3 atom
3 volume
unit cell 16
Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
Face Centered Cubic Structure (FCC)
• Atoms touch each other along face diagonals.
--Note: All atoms are identical; the face-centered atoms are shaded
differently only for ease of viewing.

ex: Al, Cu, Au, Pb, Ni, Pt, Ag

• Coordination # = 12
4 atoms/unit cell: 6 face x 1/2 + 8 corners x 1/8

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 17

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty
Atomic Packing Factor: FCC
• APF for a face-centered cubic structure = 0.74
maximum achievable APF
Close-packed directions:
length = 4R = 2 a
Unit cell contains:
6 x 1/2 + 8 x 1/8
= 4 atoms/unit cell
atoms volume
unit cell 4 p ( 2a/4) 3
3 atom
3 volume
unit cell
Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 19
Hexagonal Close-Packed Structure (HCP –
another view)

Dr.Eng. Maher Rashad El-Sadaty 20


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