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Republic of the Philippines


City of Naga


A/Y 2021 - 2022

NAME: IBO, Janine Ivy O. COURSE&SECTION: BDT 3A DATE: 02/15/22

1. What is Proportion? Give ex.

Proportion is the "Law of Relationships." states that relations between parts of the

same thing or between different things of the same group should be satisfying. So,

proportion can be defined as the comparison of dimensions or distribution of forms and

is the relationship in scale between one element and another or between a whole

object and one of its parts. Differing proportions within a composition can relate to

different kinds of balance or symmetry and can help establish visual weight and depth.

The smaller elements seem to recede into the background while the larger elements

come to the front.

2. Practical Problems in Proportions? If there are problems, give the definite solution.

There are three practical problems in proportion which confront us in everyday tasks.

These are:

(1) How to achieve arrangements which will hold the Interest.

(2) How to make the best of given sizes and shapes.

(3) How to judge what sizes may be successfully grouped together.

There are definite means by which to solve these problems:

(I.) In order to achieve arrangements which will hold the interest one must know

how to create beautiful space relationships.

(2.} In order to make the best of given sizes and shapes one must be able to

produce a semblance of change in appearance, if it is desirable.

(3.) In order to judge what sizes may be grouped together successfully, it is

necessary to grasp the underlying significance of scale.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Naga


A/Y 2021 - 2022

NAME: IBO, Janine Ivy O. COURSE&SECTION: BDT 3A DATE: 02/15/22

3. How to divide Space in 2 Intersecting parts. Give ex.

Dividing space into more than two parts by means of lines or objects presents three


(1) All the spaces may differ.

(2) All the spaces may be alike.

(3) There may be a variation in some of the spaces and repetition in others.

4. Define Greek Oblong.

The Greek oblong, the standard for good proportion. The ancient Greeks, after

years of beauty worship, arrived at the point where nearly everything they made

exhibited good spacing. The oblong which they used us the bawls of their space

divisions is sometimes called "The Golden Oblong/' and it is recognized as the standard

for fine space relationships. This Greek oblong measured approximately two units on the

short side and three on the long side.

5. What are the effects of Line in Proportions?

A vertical movement makes an object look taller and more slender, and a

horizontal movement has the opposite effect.

6. Define SCALE.

Scale, in this sense, means that the proportions of all the elements that have

gone into that structure have a consistent, pleasing relationship to the structure and to

each other.

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