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Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

By MasterCard & CrescentRating
Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015
(MTSI 2015)

By MasterCard & CrescentRating

29th September 2015
Table of Contents

Muslim Travel Shopping Market overview (4)

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015 overview (6)
MTSI 2015 Results (9)
Shopping Expenditure and Behaviour (10)
Dining Expenditure and Behaviour (16)
MTSI 2015 Criteria Overview (21)
MTSI 2015 Scores (24)

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015


About CrescentRating
CrescentRating is the world’s leading authority on Halal travel. The company uses insights,
industry intelligence, lifestyle, behaviour and research on the needs of the Muslim traveller to
deliver authoritative guidance on all aspects of Muslim / Halal travel market to organizations
across the globe.

Formed in 2008, CrescentRating services are now used by every tier of the tourism industry
globally, from government bodies and tourism agencies to hospitality service providers, to
inform how they can meet and serve the needs of the Muslim traveller. Its vision is to lead,
innovate and drive growth through practical and deliverable solutions for the Halal travel
market, one of the fastest growing segments in the travel & tourism sector.

CrescentRating’s services include rating & accreditation, research & consultancy, workshops
& training, ranking & indices, destination marketing, event support/partnerships and content
provision. HalalTrip and Muslim Travel Warehouse are sister companies of CrescentRating
Pte. Ltd.

About MasterCard
MasterCard is a technology company in the global payments industry. MasterCard operates
the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial
institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and

MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities - such as shopping,
travelling, running a business, and managing finances - easier, more secure, and more
efficient for everyone.

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

Muslim Travel Shopping Market
The Muslim population is currently the second-largest in the world and is projected to
become 26.4% of the world’s population by 20301.The majority of the Muslim population
come from some of the fastest growing economies such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and
the Gulf countries. Muslim consumers are an increasingly important segment for businesses
across all sectors and are projected to be one of the largest consumer segments. Their
preference for products and services are influenced by their faith based requirements and
therefore this particular segment has a set of unique needs. This is clearly illustrated by the
accelerated growth witnessed in the Halal Food, Islamic Banking and Muslim-friendly lifestyle
sectors during the last decade.

According to the MasterCard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index 2015 (GMTI 2015),
the Muslim Travel market was worth $145 billion in 2014, with 108 million Muslim travellers
representing 10% of the entire travel economy. This is forecasted to grow to 150 million
visitors by 2020 and 11% of the market with an expenditure projected to grow to $200
million. The growth of this Muslim travel market has contributed for increased demand from
this segment in accommodation, dining, shopping and other related sectors.



108 million visitors 150 million visitors

$145 billion $200 billion


MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

The Muslim travel market and its various subsectors have become one of the biggest markets
within the Muslim consumer space. This market is mainly fuelled by the typical Muslim
consumer who is now younger, educated and with a larger disposable income which has
precipitated an increased propensity to travel.

The Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015 (MTSI 2015) will facilitate better understanding of the
shopping and dining behaviours of the growing Muslim travel segment. The Index will provide
insight to travellers, destinations, travel services and investors across a number of criteria to
understand the shopping and dining behaviour of Muslim travellers. MTSI 2015 will also help
businesses and service providers to boost their attractiveness of shopping and dining services
aimed at this travel segment.

The MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Shopping Travel Index 2015 (MTSI 2015) looks at
in-depth data covering 40 international cities, creating an overall index for Muslim Travel

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

Muslim Travel Shopping Index
(MTSI) Overview
In March 2015, The MasterCard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) was
released as the premier index to monitor the overall performance of the Muslim travel
market. GMTI stands as the most comprehensive research that has been released on the
Muslim travel market with data covering 100 destinations across the world.

Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015 (MTSI), another joint effort by MasterCard and
CrescentRating, aims to analyse the behaviour and expenditure on shopping and dining by
Muslim travellers, based on the performance of 40 main international shopping destinations.
In addition to monitoring the performance of top Muslim travel shopping destinations, this
index provides insights to the behaviour and preference of Muslim travellers shopping and
dining. The Index will be an invaluable source of information for destinations and shopping -
dining services on how to attract this significant segment, which has its own unique needs
and preferences.

It will help destinations and tourism services to better benchmark the shopping and dining
services they offer and use the detailed analysis in the report to improve processes to cater to
Muslim travellers. In addition, travellers will also have the information to make educated
choices for shopping and dining when planning trips.

MTSI uses a comprehensive set of metrics that includes suitability as a shopping destination,
Muslim friendly services and facilities and ease of travel that contribute to the overall score of
each destination.
Muslim Travel Shopping Index
(MTSI) 2015 – Metrics

Shopping Destination

I. Overall shopping expenditure by visitors
II. Muslim visitor shopping expenditure

Muslim friendly services and facilities at the

destination 40%
III. Halal Dining Options and Assurance
VI. Ease of Access to Prayer Places
VII. Airport services and facilities
VIII. Accommodation Options

Ease of travel to the destination

III. Ease of Communication
VI. Visa Requirements
VII. Safe Travel Environment

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

MTSI 2015 report looks at 40 main cities which include 15 OIC destinations and 25 non-OIC
destinations. The Index is envisaged to be updated on an annual basis and will feature more
cities in its future releases.

City Country
Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
Amman Jordan
Amsterdam Netherland
Antalya Turkey
Bali Indonesia
Bangkok Thailand
Barcelona Spain
Beijing China
Berlin Germany
Cape Town South Africa
Doha Qatar
Dubai United Arab Emirates
Guangzhou China
Hong Kong Hong Kong
Istanbul Turkey
Jakarta Indonesia
Johannesburg South Africa
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
London United Kingdom
Malacca Malaysia
Manama Bahrain
Marrakech Morocco
Milan Italy
Moscow Russia
Mumbai India
Nairobi Kenya
New York United States
Paris France
Pattaya Thailand
Penang Malaysia
Phuket Thailand
Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Rome Italy
Seoul South Korea
Shanghai China
Sharjah United Arab Emirates
Shenzhen China
Singapore Singapore
Sydney Australia
Tokyo Japan
Muslim Travel Shopping Index
(MTSI) 2015 Results
40 main international cities were covered in the MTSI shopping Index - of which Dubai
topped the ranking with a score of 79.5. Malaysia, which is rated as the number one
destination for overall Muslim travel according to the GMTI 2015 Index, secured the second
spot for its capital city, Kuala Lumpur with a score of 73.3. This is followed by Singapore,
another Asia-Pacific destination at 71.6.

A significant highlight of the MTSI Index results have been that two non-OIC destinations,
namely Singapore and London have been able to secure a rank among the top 5 destinations.
This reveals that Muslim travellers are now adventurous and welcoming of new experience of
shopping and dining in different destinations. Therefore, although OIC destinations have an
advantage due to having Muslim friendly environment, Non-OIC destinations can successfully
compete by proactively catering to this segment.

The top 10 OIC destinations in the MTSI 2015 are:

Rank MTSI Rank City Country Score
1 1 Dubai United Arab Emirates 79.5
2 2 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 73.3
3 5 Istanbul Turkey 64.2
4 6 Antalya Turkey 61.2
5 7 Manama Bahrain 59.6
6 8 Doha Qatar 59.5
7 9 Riyadh Saudi Arabia 59.3
8 10 Bali Indonesia 58.2
9 11 Penang Malaysia 56.9
10 12 Sharjah United Arab Emirates 55.3

The top 10 non-OIC destinations in the MTSI 2015 are:

Rank MTSI Rank City Country Score
1 3 Singapore Singapore 71.6
2 4 London United Kingdom 64.7
3 13 Paris France 52.7
4 14 Bangkok Thailand 51.1
5 15 New York United States 49.9
6 16 Barcelona Spain 46.6
7 17 Seoul South Korea 43.5
8 18 Phuket Thailand 41.8
9 19 Cape Town South Africa 39.4
10 20 Hong Kong Hong Kong 39.0

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

Shopping Expenditure and
According to the GMTI 2015 Index, the total expenditure of Muslim travellers amounted to
$ 145 billion. MTSI 2015 reveals that shopping expenditure of total Muslim travellers
amounted to $ 36.3 billion, while $ 26.1 billion was spent on dining.

In the top 40 cities covered in the MTSI 2015, the total expenditure of Muslim travellers
visiting these cities amounted to $ 36 billion in 2014. Out of this total expenditure, $9.3 Billion
(25.8%) of the expenditure was accountable for shopping.

Total Muslim Market Expenditure

Total Expenditure $ 145 Billion
Shopping $ 36.3 Billon
Dining $ 26.1 Billion

MTSI 2015 Destinations Expenditure

Total Expenditure $ 36 Billion
Shopping $ 9.3 Billion
Dining $ 6.2 Billion

Total Muslim Market MTSI 2015 Destinations

$ 36.3 $ 9.3
Billion Billion

$ 82.6 $20.5
Billion Billion
$ 6.2
$ 26.1 Billon

Other Other

Dining Dining

Shopping Shopping
MTSI 2015 consumer survey of mainly South-East Asian Muslim travellers provides the follow-
ing insights of Muslim Shopping behaviour while travelling.

1. Importance of Shopping when choosing a Holiday destination

Very Important Important Not so Important Not Important
18.52% 51.85% 26.67% 2.96%

According to the survey, over 70% of Muslim travellers consider shopping as very important
or important consideration when choosing a holiday destination.
2. Types of purchases of Muslim travellers
Souvenirs and local clothing brands were the top purchases of South East Asian travellers.
Depending on the destination, there is also strong interest to purchase Islamic clothing and

Perfumes, cosmetics and branded clothing were also listed by a considerable amount of
respondents as their typical purchases.

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

13 4
3. Preferred shopping locations
Shopping malls, night markets and factory outlets were the three main popular locations for
shopping. 73% responded in favour of Major shopping malls, while night markets and factory
outlets were also preferred by 64% and 46% of participants respectively.
4. Shopping Budget
The shopping budget of 27% of respondents consisting of mainly South East Asian Muslim
travellers were between USD 250 to USD 500, while 24% said their shopping expenditure is
between the ranges of USD 500 to USD 1000. The number of respondents who would spend
more than 1000 USD amounted to approximately 20%.

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

5. Shopping for self and family vs friends
The survey revealed that 47% of the travellers will spend 80% of their shopping expenditure
on themselves and the balance 20% on their friends to purchase gifts or souvenirs. 21% of
the respondents say that they will spend 60% on themselves and family, while 40% will be
allocated for purchases for friends.

6. Concerns when shopping while travelling

Shopping Credit card Halal products Authenticity Excess Other

budget and fraud and and Muslim- and quality of Luggage
price safety concerns friendly facilities products
24% 20% 14% 14% 12% 16%

The budget constraints and price were highlighted by 24% as a concern when shopping while
travelling. Furthermore, 20% were concerned of credit card fraud and raised other safety
concerns such as theft. 14% are concerned of Halal Products and Muslim friendly facilities,
while an equal percentage was concerned of authenticity and quality of products.

MTSI 2015 dining expenditure

and behaviour
The dining expenditure of Muslim travellers at the 40 destinations covered in the MTSI 2015
Index amounted to $ 6.2 Billion and represented 17% of their total travel expenditure. The
survey done by MTSI 2015 Index revealed the following in relation to the dining behaviour of
Muslim travellers.

1. Importance of Halal Dining when choosing a Holiday destination

Very Important Important Not so Important Not Important

80.31% 14.96% 4.72% 0.00%

Halal dining options is a critical aspect for Muslim travellers when choosing a holiday destina-
tion. More than 95% of Muslim travellers consider Halal dining to be a very important or
important when choosing a holiday destination. Therefore, a basic and a key requirement to
attract Muslim travellers is the availability of Halal dining options in destinations.

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

2. Preferred type of restaurant
The respondents were asked to rank the 9 types of restaurants based on their preference
when travelling.

Type of Restaurant Rating average

Halal certified restaurants not serving alcohol 8.58

Muslim owned restaurants serving only Halal food and not serving 7.81
alcohol (not certified Halal)

Halal certified restaurants but serving Alcohol 5.98

Muslim owned restaurants serving only Halal food but serves alcohol 5.31
(not certified Halal)

Non-Muslim owned restaurants assuring that they serve only Halal 5.15
food and not serve alcohol (not certified Halal)

Vegetarian or seafood only restaurants (not certified Halal) 4.81

Non-Muslim owned restaurants assuring that they serve only Halal 3.54
food but serve alcohol (not certified Halal)

Restaurant serving non-Halal beef/chicken/mutton but will arrange 2.62

for Halal meat or seafood/vegetarian dishes on request

Restaurant serving pork but will arrange for Halal meat or 1.19
seafood/vegetarian dishes on request

3. Preferred type of cuisine

80% in the survey pool responded that they prefer to have local cuisine while travelling. It was
followed by 40% of them selecting Middle Eastern cuisine and 39% of the preference for
Indian cuisine.

It could be a challenge, especially for non-OIC destinations to satisfy both the Halal food
requirement and local cuisine preference of Muslim travellers as their local cuisines may not
be Halal.

In terms of preferred places of dining, 85% responded in favour of local restaurants, while
47% would also prefer food courts. International fast-food chains were preferred by 40% of
the travellers

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

4. Dining Budget
46% of the respondents said their typical dining budget per meal will be between $ 10 to $
20, while 32% said they will spend less than $ 10 per meal. Only 5% of the respondents said
their expenditure per meal will be above $ 30.

5. Concerns when dining while travelling

Assurance of Halal food Food hygiene Other

72% 21% 7%

The availability and assurance of Halal food was a key concern of 72% of the Muslim
travellers. Food hygiene is also highlighted by a significant portion of respondents as a
concern while travelling.

MTSI 2015 Criteria Overview

1. Overall shopping expenditure by visitors
MTSI 2015 studied the number of overall shopping expenditure by visitors for international
cities. This provided a framework to analyse the overall attractiveness of cities as tourist
destination for shopping and dining.

The scores are based on the:

i.) Number of visitors
ii.) Visitor Expenditure
iii.) Shopping Expenditure

2. Muslim Visitor Shopping Expenditure

Muslim tourist arrivals and their total expenditure was analysed to study the attractiveness of
the cities for Muslim travel market for shopping and dining.

The scores are based on the:

i.) Total Muslim Arrivals
ii.) Total Muslim Expenditure
iii.) Shopping Expenditure

3. Halal Dining Options and Assurance

Availability of Halal food is one of the most important aspects when it comes to attracting
Muslim travel market.

The dining options and Halal assurance score for each destination is based on:
I. The availability of Halal food in the city
II. The presence of a Halal certification bodies in the country.

4. Ease of Access to Prayer Places

Muslim travellers prefer a mosque or a designated place for prayers. Hence, ease of access to
prayer facilities in the destination will make Muslim travellers shopping and dining experience

The scoring methodology for ease of access to prayer places is based on the general
availability of prayer facilities in the selected city.

5. Airport Services and Facilities

Prayer facilities and availability of Halal food at airports located in the selected cities were

The scoring for this criterion was based on the following:

I. Availability of prayer rooms in public and transit areas
II. Availability of proper ablution facilities in public
III. Availability of Halal food/restaurants in both public and transit areas

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

6. Accommodation Options
Muslim-friendly accommodation will typically include access to Halal food, prayer facilities
and other services that would make Muslim travellers stay comfortable at the hotel. Family
friendly accommodation is preferred by Muslim travellers as majority of them travel with

The accommodation score is based on the following -

I. Number of Muslim-friendly Hotels
II. Family friendly accommodation

7. Language Proficiency
Many Muslim inbound travellers speak English, Arabic, Bahasa (Malaysia/Indonesia),Turkish,
Persian and French. Therefore it is important to evaluate the proficiency of these languages in
each MTSI 2015 cities.

The main languages of Muslim travellers and the proficiency were evaluated for each inbound
destination. Since Arabic and English cover the majority of this visitor segment they were
given a higher weightage.

8. Safe Travel Environment

The safe travel environment score is calculated from the perspective of a Muslim traveller.
Two primary factors were considered when calculating the scores:

I. Travel alerts issued on a particular destination by UK, US, Australia and Canada
II. Muslim traveller safety

Travel alerts issued about tourist destinations were used as the primary indicator to ascertain
the general security situation of a particular destination. These travel alerts covers general
safety and security situation of a country, natural disasters, health epidemics, etc.

For the Muslim travel safety metrics, online research was done to check for incidents reported
against Muslims.

9. Visa Requirements

To evaluate the ease of travel for a particular city, visa requirements for citizens of top
outbound countries to travel to MTSI 2015 destinations were studied and scores are assigned
based on the Visa requirement.
MTSI 2015 Scores

2015 MTSI Score

Airport Services
Muslim Visitor

Ease of Access

Halal Dinning

and facilities

Safe Travel
2015 Rank

for Prayer


Ease of


Dubai 1 79.5 52.8 88.1 80.0 100.0 86.7 60.0 73.0 67.0 100.0
Kuala Lampur 2 73.3 53.7 37.4 90.0 100.0 100.0 65.0 71.8 94.0 100.0
Singapore 3 71.6 74.1 55.1 80.0 70.0 66.7 44.0 78.2 76.0 100.0
London 4 64.7 100.0 30.5 60.0 70.0 46.7 35.0 78.9 46.0 88.0
Istanbul 5 64.2 41.3 48.6 75.0 100.0 86.7 48.0 40.0 58.0 83.2
Antalya 6 61.2 41.9 34.5 75.0 100.0 86.7 48.3 33.5 58.0 83.2
Doha 7 59.6 12.4 17.6 90.0 100.0 100.0 55.0 73.0 73.0 100.0
Manama 8 59.5 5.1 54.4 70.0 100.0 86.7 41.7 74.0 67.0 86.0
Riyadh 9 59.3 6.1 31.4 95.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 54.5 64.0 86.0
Bali 10 58.2 47.0 14.8 75.0 90.0 60.0 48.6 54.5 79.0 89.5
Penang 11 56.9 9.5 8.7 80.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 71.8 94.0 100.0
Sharjah 12 55.3 3.5 8.8 90.0 100.0 86.7 60.0 73.0 67.0 100.0
Abu Dhabi 13 54.8 5.1 12.3 80.0 100.0 86.7 60.0 73.0 67.0 100.0
Jakarta 14 54.3 11.4 9.6 80.0 100.0 100.0 48.6 54.5 79.0 89.5
Malacca 15 52.8 7.9 14.5 80.0 100.0 0.0 60.0 71.8 94.0 100.0
Paris 16 52.7 84.6 25.8 40.0 50.0 50.0 37.0 44.4 52.0 79.0
Amman 17 52.4 0.0 12.5 80.0 100.0 85.0 40.1 77.0 76.0 89.5
Bangkok 18 51.1 53.7 16.3 55.0 55.0 86.7 50.0 49.9 79.0 73.0
New York 19 49.9 84.5 18.8 45.0 30.0 41.7 30.0 77.5 40.0 85.0
Marrakech 20 48.7 7.0 10.2 75.0 100.0 50.0 42.2 65.0 76.0 73.0
Barcelona 21 46.6 71.3 25.6 40.0 25.0 41.7 27.0 16.0 76.0 94.0
Seoul 22 43.5 72.8 10.1 40.0 15.0 38.3 45.0 37.8 52.0 100.0
Phuket 23 41.8 29.0 10.6 50.0 50.0 53.3 50.0 49.9 79.0 73.0
Cape Town 24 39.4 4.3 13.1 55.0 65.0 63.3 21.3 56.1 52.0 82.5
Hong Kong 25 39.0 32.7 12.1 50.0 30.0 50.0 32.0 52.5 52.0 87.0
Johannesburg 26 38.5 8.1 4.5 60.0 65.0 50.0 21.3 56.1 52.0 82.5
Tokyo 27 37.4 43.0 7.9 35.0 30.0 56.7 28.7 24.3 40.0 100.0
Shenzhen 28 36.5 55.5 10.3 35.0 25.0 20.0 31.8 21.0 40.0 87.0
Berlin 29 35.6 20.3 4.3 40.0 35.0 70.0 33.0 51.7 52.0 91.0
Sydney 30 35.2 29.2 8.7 40.0 25.0 43.3 28.1 76.4 40.0 85.0
Amsterdam 31 34.5 15.2 5.0 45.0 45.0 38.3 25.0 51.8 55.0 85.0
Mumbai 32 33.5 10.8 6.1 50.0 50.0 50.0 32.1 43.0 40.0 68.5
Pattaya 33 32.5 8.1 4.2 40.0 45.0 20.0 50.0 49.9 79.0 73.0
Nairobi 34 31.9 15.4 9.7 45.0 40.0 56.7 21.1 34.6 46.0 62.0
Beijing 35 31.8 20.8 7.3 40.0 30.0 46.7 31.8 21.0 40.0 87.0
Shanghai 36 29.5 23.3 7.3 35.0 25.0 20.0 31.8 21.0 40.0 87.0
Milan 37 29.3 21.9 5.5 30.0 15.0 41.7 42.3 34.6 52.0 85.0
Rome 38 29.1 23.5 3.8 30.0 15.0 38.3 42.3 34.6 52.0 85.0
Moscow 39 26.6 4.0 10.7 30.0 25.0 43.3 26.0 37.5 46.0 78.0
Guangzhou 40 24.4 4.2 3.8 35.0 25.0 10.0 31.8 21.0 40.0 87.0

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015


Footnotes and Data Sources



Pew Research Center

Tourism Boards Data

Corporate Overview

MasterCard is a technology company in the global payments industry. We are leading the
way toward a world beyond cash with the power to expand connectivity, opportunity and
prosperity for individuals, businesses and communities.

We operate the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, finan-
cial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and
territories. Our products and solutions make everyday commerce activities - such as shop-
ping, travelling, running a business, and managing finances - easier, more secure and more
efficient for everyone. Through our payment solutions, we deliver value and connect close to
two billion cardholders with tens of millions of merchants around the world. With our
state-of-the-art network, MasterCard is in a prime position to roll out the next generation of
products and services - whether it’s the EMV migration in the United States, data analytics for
merchants, or advancing mobile wallets around the world. Our network maintains a process-
ing performance of 130 milliseconds per transaction, two times faster than the blink of an eye
and nearly four times faster than our main competitor.

The MasterCard brand is among the most recognized in the world. We offer a wide range of
payment solutions, including credit, debit, prepaid and commercial programs, through a
family of well-known brands, including MasterCard®, Maestro®, and Cirrus®. And since we
launched Priceless Cities® in 2011, we have expanded that program to more than 30 cities
around the globe, enabling our cardholders - from New York to Singapore, and from London
to Rio - to enjoy exclusive experiences.

We generate revenue based on the volume of activity on cards that carry our brands, and the
number of transactions we process for our customers as well as other payment-related
services that we provide.

As we move toward a world beyond cash, we are helping to secure a better, more inclusive
future for everyone. We are committed to continuing to use our technology and expertise to
deliver better ways to pay, creating a more connected world.

MasterCard-CrescentRating Muslim Travel Shopping Index 2015

Corporate Overview

CrescentRating is the world’s leading authority on Halal travel.

The company uses insight, industry intelligence. Lifestyle, behaviour and research on the
needs of the Muslim traveller to deliver authoritative guidance on all aspects of Halal-friendly
travel to organizations across the globe.

CrescentRating was founded in 2008 and its services are now used by every tier of the
tourism industry globally, from government bodies and tourism agencies to hospitality
service providers, to inform how they can meet and serve the needs of the Muslim traveller.
Its unique rating service, which combines detailed analysis, assessment and benchmarking, is
now established as the premier Halal friendly standard for the industry.

HalalTrip is one of the world’s leading online travel specialists catering specifically to the
needs of the Muslim travellers. The platform makes place discovery and trip planning easier,
fun and more intuitive for those looking for a Halal-friendly travel experience. Its vision is to
become the trusted trip advisor for Muslim travellers around the globe.

HalalTrip uses the latest technology to allow consumers to book flights, hotels and holiday
packages to destinations across the world via its online platforms. Halal Trip has a mobile
application available for iPhone/iPad and Android devices and it has created a series of
must-have features to help Muslims travellers. was launched in May 2015 by CrescentRating as the world’s

first global online B2B marketplace for Muslim / Halal Travel products and services. Muslim
Travel Warehouse connects suppliers of tour packages and activities with travel agents from
around the world.
Muslim Travel Warehouse works with suppliers to help them adopt their products to the
growing market of Muslim tourists. The company provides comprehensive search and book-
ing capabilities on a full portfolio of Muslim friendly tour packages, excursions and activities.

Disclaimer & Copyright Notices

Any exploitation and usage which is not explicitly allowed by copyright law, in particular
reproduction, translation, storage in electronic database, on the internet and copying onto
CD-ROMs of this print work requires prior consent of the publisher. All information contained
in this publication has been researched and compiled from sources believed to be accurate
and reliable at the time of publishing. However, in view of the natural scope for human
and/or mechanical error, either at source or during production, CrescentRating and
MasterCard accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from errors,
inaccuracies or omissions affecting any part of the publication. All information is provided
without warranty, CrescentRating and MasterCard or their affiliates make no representation of
warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of any information hereto contained.
Descriptions of, or references to products, publications, organizations or individuals within
this publication does not imply endorsement of any product or publication, organization or

CrescentRating Pte. Ltd. MasterCard Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

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T: +65 6255 2896 T: +65 6390 5971

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2015 Report

Global Muslim Travel

Index 2015 (GMTI 2015)
The Top 10 OIC
destinations of GMTI 2015
1 Malaysia
2 Turkey
3 United Arab Emirates
4 Saudi Arabia

MasterCard-CrescentRating 5 Qatar
6 Indonesia
Global Muslim Travel Index 2015 7 Oman

By MasterCard & CrescentRating

8 Jordan
9 Morocco
10 Brunei

The Top 10 non-OIC

destinations of GMTI 2015
1 Singapore
2 Thailand
3 United Kingdom
4 South Africa
5 France
6 Belgium
7 Hong Kong
8 United States
Download 9 Spain
FREE 10 Taiwan

The “MasterCard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI)

2015” is the most comprehensive research that has ever been
released on the Muslim travel market .

It looks at in-depth data covering 100 destinations across the world

creating an overall Index, based on a number of criteria.

Or visit
Scan here with your QR Reader App
to download report
Presented By
MasterCard & CrescentRating

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