Llamas Assignment1

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The GMA Masterclass Series Reflection

Faith Colin T. Llamas

The GMA Masterclass Series 2022 that was held on Silliman University aims to
provide an opportunity for students all over the Philippines to become part of relevant
discussions on local and national issues and get valuable insights from a panel of experts.
Six speakers shared some tips regarding career and livelihood, also they had a campaign
regarding the wise use of social media which is important for the upcoming election
where the GMA’s advocacy is “ Dapat Totoo”.

Site recommendations are fairly prevalent throughout election season. Every

recommended site should be checked to see if it is legitimate or not. We should be aware
of this and not trust any information that comes from an unreliable source. The youths
can make a change to our country and to the world. We can make a change by using our
votes as power. Voting is no small matter. It's an opportunity to help build the country's
future. As the old adage goes, there is strength in numbers. This is especially true in an
election, because the number of votes cast determines the outcome. Many people are
convinced to take a more active role in national politics by disseminating information
online, whether it's serious political news or humorous memes. Responsible young voters
can now, more than ever, check reliable internet news sources and publications. “ With
our vote, we are going to create the atmosphere in which we are going to live for the next
six years.”, Raffy Tima said.

The GMA News’ mantra is to bring relevant local news and information. They
must be apolitical in order to provide balance and unbiased news coverage. Biased refers
to only being on one side of an argument or circumstance, and favoring more of one
person's viewpoint. Our ability to find political information is hampered by media bias.
To be a reputable news and information source, the news and information they distribute
should not be one-sided and entirely true.

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