Activity Sheets in Philippine Politics and Governance Quarter 1 Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Mabini St. Brgy. Jugaban, Carigara, Leyte
School ID: 313307


Quarter 1 Week 4

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade Level: _________________________________________ Score: ____________________

Objective: Analyze the nature, dimensions/types, and consequences of power.


A. Learn
 Power
- The ability to achieve a desired outcome and, in politics, is usually thought of as a relationship.
- The capacity of a person, team or organization to influence others.

a. Latent – Power is something that people have and may or may not choose to use. It is a weapon or tool; it
may never be used, and just having it may make its use unnecessary.
b. Relative – The power one person has over another depends largely on thing such as the expertise of one
person to another and the hierarchical level of one relative to the other.
c. Perceived - power is based on one person’s belief that another has certain characteristics
d. Dynamic –power relationships evolve over time as individuals gain or lose certain types of power relative to

- Power in the natural sciences can be easily established through a single equation, which signifies the
quantifiable nature of physical power. Power in society and by extension, the social science on the other
hand, is more complicated because it is continuously being molded by the dynamic nature of society and
the objective and subjective capacity of man.
- Dahl (1950) defined power in society as the ability of person A or institution A to make person B or
institution B, on his/her/its own, would not do. From the said definition, power in society spans a broad
spectrum of meaning that includes force, authority, influence and most of the time, coercion.

 Dimensions of Power
A. Physical Power
- Power derived from material or physical advantage. Individually, it can come from strength or skill,
such as the power of a wrestler. It can also come from having weapons, which can be the ultimate
power of groups and governments
- It also comes from having things that are not designed to hurt people. Owning a building or a
machine or even a sewing needle are forms of physical power.
B. Information Power
- This is derived from knowledge. For example if I know your weaknesses I could leverage this
knowledge when trying to persuade you, or maybe help you learn and shore up those weaknesses.
- Power often comes from the control of access to information, where you can permit or offer access
to others.
C. Emotional Power
- This is the social power of affect, using emotion to get what you want. Charisma is a form of
emotional power, including the power of oratory and the use of subtle body language.
- Threats are often emotional in the effect they have. In fact most interactions between people include
some form of emotional power

 Types of Power
A. Legitimate
-  the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an
organization. Acts as a formalized way of ensuring that there is someone to make a decision and
that someone is responsible.
B. Reward
- power that achieves compliance based on the ability to distributes rewards that others view
as valuable. It is the concept of do this and gets that. If you do this, you will receive something in
C. Coercive 
- the power is based on fear of negative results. It relies on threats, bullying, and “or-else”
language to “motivate” those that are beneath them.
D. Expert 
- the influence is based on special skills or knowledge. It is power that comes from having
insight or information that others don’t have access to.
E. Referent 
- Influence is based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits.
The desire to please. This is the power and ability for an individual to attract others and to
build loyalty within them.

 Consequences: interactions between people include some form of emotional power

A. Compliance
- It is the state of being too willing to conform to the request is more likely if it is perceived to
be within the leader’s scope of authority. An illegitimate request is likely to be ignored, or
otherwise resisted, especially if the requested activity is tedious, dangerous or unpleasant. It
is also the state of being too willing to do what other people want. Reward and Legitimate
powers are most likely to produce compliance.
B. Commitment
- it is an even more desirable outcome because of the trust and emotional pledge that it
engenders. Commitment is most likely when the powers used are expert and referential
C. Resistance
- is the most likely outcome when coercive power is used by a leader. “It is best to avoid using
coercion except when absolutely necessary, because it is difficult to use and it is likely to
result in undesirable side effects such as anxiety and resentment.

Source: R. A. Pawilen, and Reidan M. Pawilen. Philippine Politics and Governance 1st Edition

B. Engage.
 In box 1, identify a person who has power over you; in box 2, a person whom you have power over.
Describe what would happen if one does not respect power or misuses it. Write your answer on space



C. Apply.
C.1 Identify the following as to which dimension of power (Physical, Informational, Emotional)
_______________ 1. Agnes tries to escape a building on fire by breaking the windows.
_______________ 2. Lorraine cried when her mother did not buy her a toy.
_______________ 3. The teacher was able to discuss the lesson well to her class.
_______________ 4. The classroom is clean because the students cleaned after the teacher got angry.
_______________ 5. Manny Pacquiao won the boxing game.

C.2 Identify what type of power was used in the given scenario.
________________ 1. Your mother asks you to buy flour in the bakery.
________________ 2. The stage director threatened to kick the lead actor out of the play after 10 takes.
________________ 3. Rizie completed the puzzle in ten minutes.
________________ 4. The teacher will give five points to those who can submit their projects on time.
________________ 5. Amia looks up to his sister and wanted to be just like her.


Level of Achievement Comprehension
Exemplary(5pts) •Demonstrates an accurate and complete understanding of the
Adequate (3pts) •Demonstrates accurate but only adequate understanding of question
because does not back conclusions with warrants and data.
Needs Improvement (1 pt) •Does not demonstrate accurate understanding of the question.
No Answer (0 pt)





Address: Mabini St. Jugaban Carigara Leyte ________________________________________

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Date: ________________________
Contact #: TM ( 09161562668)
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SHS T-II Master Teacher I

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Head Teacher III Head Teacher I

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Principal III

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