(Slide Pertama Ditayangkan) : Naskah Drama Bing Xii Ips 1 (Sesi 1)

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On a sunny day there is a girl named Via who has completed her education at the college
level. For 3 months she has been unemployed, no income, no income.
Then one night, he was sitting in his room he was contemplating and was thinking about
where he was going to look for a job tomorrow, in between contemplating he suddenly
thought of looking for a job vacancy in the newspaper, he rushed to get ready to buy a
newspaper at a store that didn't away from his home, before he left he took the time to ask
permission to his mother (Sovi).
Via walked to her mother's room.
Via : kreekk (opens the door), mamah, ooo maaahh (while screaming).
Sovi: via (annoyed face), what's the matter, honey, at night you were screaming, wait, wait,
where are you going, how come you just changed clothes.
Via: hehehehe, sorry via want permission in the future, yes, I want to go to the shop, mang Ali
buys newspapers.
Sovi: Newspaper? Why are you looking for a night newspaper, honey?
Via: via want to buy a newspaper to look for job vacancies, who knows via luck tonight, okay
sorry (begging with a pitiful face).
Sovi: Yes, I just bought a newspaper. Ready. You have to go home, don't go anywhere else.
Via: ready, boss (respect like a ceremony). Bay maah (salim sovi and walks out closing the


After saying goodbye to his mother via immediately rushed to buy a newspaper and after
buying he immediately went home to check or find out if there were any vacancies in the
When he got home, he went straight to his room and opened and read each sheet of the
newspaper. He has read 2 newspapers but there has not been a single job vacancy that
matches via. Via is already feeling sleepy and and she wants to sleep soon but there is still
one more newspaper left and she really hopes for it.
Via opened the first page of his last newspaper, he didn't find anything. Via continued to
read every page of the newspaper and he arrived at the fourth page of the newspaper, it
was said that the newspaper was in need of employees.
Via: yeeeyy(happy face) I finally found a vacancy, I have to open the website immediately.
Via rushed to take a laptop and opened the website. After opening the website, he smiled
because the employees he needed were in accordance with Via, namely college graduates
with a major in economics. He immediately saw what files would be attached, after that he
rushed to sleep.



The morning after via found a job vacancy. Mama viaa invites via to chat and discuss,
don't forget in the future
Sovi: "It's been 2 months you have no income, then after this where do you want to continue
(via who is busy with his cellphone immediately turns his head)
Via: "I want to try to apply at the Garuda Indonesia company."
Sovi: "Do you know where the company opened job vacancies?"
Via: "Yesterday I read the newspaper and found a company that opened a job vacancy, the
company opened a vacancy according to my bachelor's degree."
Sovi: ok then, have you prepared the files?
Via: I'm sorry, I've compiled the files, just pray that it works.
Sovi: definitely via, mama always prays for you.


Evening in the room
Via: maybe I should have contacted the Garuda side to see if the vacancy is still available for me
*phone rings*
Via: hello good afternoon.
Receptionist: good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?
Via: is it true that this is from Garuda Indonesia?"
Receptionist: yes, that's right, what's wrong.
Via: I want to ask if it's true that Garuda Indonesia opens job vacancies
Receptionist: yes, that's right, but the quota is very limited. If you are looking for a job, you can
come to the Garuda Indonesia building.
Via: Wow, when will I be able to?"
Receptionist: You can come by a deer with the files listed on the Garuda Indonesia website.
Via: okay sin at 7 am I will go to the Garuda Indonesia building, okay?"
Receptionist: "okay."


Exactly on the appointed day, Via's receptionist got up early and got ready to leave because
the time was already 7 in the morning. While ordering a gojek online, Via wears her high
Via: "maaah, I'm leaving first".
Sovi:*speaks softly* “div for a second, can you buy some medicine for mom, please? Mama is
feverish, I'm really weak, I can't stand up."
Via: "Daddy, why? I hurry it's already half past seven."
Sovi: "but just a moment Via."
Via: "I'll just come back from Garuda Indonesia later, that's also if I'm not tired."
Sovi: "Okay, vi you be careful."
*then via keeps going without saying goodbye and sovi feels very sad to see via getting
farther away*


Arriving at the location, via immediately entered the building. But he was very confused
because the building was very big and spacious, he was confused which door he had to go
through. But fortunately, he saw the security post and immediately approached the post.
Via: "good morning sir"
Security guard: "yes good morning, can I help you?"
Via: "I want to apply for a job sir, yesterday I called the receptionist, he always said that today I
was told to come to give the files"
Security guard: "Oh I see, please come in. The reception room is in the lobby".


In the lobby, Via met the receptionist who was working at his desk.
Via: "Excuse me, madam, I called two days ago to apply for a job".
Receptionist: "Oh yes yes. But today I can't get an interview, right, because the files will be
processed first by the party."
Via: "Oh I see, then when can I come for an interview?"
Receptionist: have you included your number in the job application file? We will contact you
later if HRD and the director have set a time.
Via:"yes ok"
Receptionist: "Now you can go home later our party will contact you."
Via: okay thank you very much"

3 weeks later
07.15 via arrived at the Garuda Indonesia building today is a scary day for via because he
will meet HRD and other chief directors. After talking to the receptionist to ask when ya
can be interviewed now who is waiting in the waiting room.

An hour passed.


Receptionist: "Come on, come with me to the interview room."
Interview room
HRD: OK, the interview has started. Please introduce yourself.
Via:" my name is via Pamela Aditama, I was born in Tangerang on November 25, 1995, I live in
HR: why do you want to work in our company?"
Via:mmmmm.... Because...mmm I just want to have some experience."
HRD: just want to gain experience?.
Via: yes, because after graduating from college I was unemployed and had no income."
HRD: what position do you want in this company.
Via: I want to be in the position of main secretary in this company."
HRD: From the job you want, how much salary do you want?
Via: about 10 million."
HRD: hmmm........ What kind of fitback would you give to this company."
Via: (sia is silent and feels herself)
HRD: you did not prepare fitback for this company.
(Via is silent)
HRD: So what motivated you to join the Garuda Indonesia company?
Via: because I think this is a well-known company and I really want to work for a well-known
HRD: OK, let's finish the interview. Please wait in the waiting room to get the results.



While the receptionist gave the files and the decision letter.
Receptionist: whatever happens, don't despair, because opportunities are open anywhere as long
as there is business."
Via (confused) mmmmm yes ma'am, thank you.


While leaving the lobby, via is still thinking about what the receptionist said. Finally
arriving at the outer door, he ventured to read the results of the decision via Garuda
Via: (reading the decision and immediately sad) "Oh my God I was rejected, what am I lacking?.

Finally the diva came home with a heavy heart and with tears continuously running down her
arriving at home
Sovi: (shocked) oh my gosh via you why are you crying like this honey?"
Via: I was not accepted by the Garuda company."
Sovi: oh I see, honey, it's okay, it's really hard to find a job. You can cry now but you can't drag
on for too long. You have to get up."
Via: "but, what's wrong with via, ma'am?"
Sovi: nothing less than you but maybe the company needs someone with work experience."
Via: then what should I do now?
Sovi: you have to get up and try harder, it's okay, life is like a wheel, sometimes we are at the
top, sometimes we are at the bottom, don't give up and of course don't forget to pray.
Via: (slow and uninspired face) huuuff, okay maah."
Sovi: Cheer up, honey, now you have to take a break and then when you're a bit better, try
looking for another job vacancy.
Via: okay, go to the room first, Via wants to rest.
Sovi: yes dear please.


Via walks to her room while thinking about where her fault lies when she gets rejected at the
Via: oh my God, where did I go wrong until I was rejected at the company, I felt useless because
I couldn't get that job that couldn't support my mother. I always depended on Mama. Mama
should depend on me.
* Arriving in the room and he was lying on the bed while talking in his heart
I thought that if I went to college and graduated with a degree, it would be easy for me to get a
job. It turns out that I already have a degree but it is still difficult to find a job.
Via: well I'll be excited and I'll get up and I'll try even harder to get a job to please mom.
Via: Okay, Via you can, you can definitely get excited via

Sovi walked to Via's room, and when she got to Via's room, Sofi immediately woke up Via.
Sovi: "via wake up honey, it's late you don't want to take a shower.
Via: yes, I'll be a minute via still sleepy
Sovi: yes honey, you'll clean up first, after that you eat and then you sleep again
Via: ok mah
Sofi came out of Via's room to prepare food and Via was clean and took a shower to clean
herself after that she ate with her mother. After finishing eating via and Sofi talked about what
the next steps via did and and corrected the mistakes that had been made via so that they couldn't
pass the test ( DEVINA & ANGEL MASIH DI MATRAS )
Sovi: Don't be discouraged, honey, you have to be enthusiastic, try to find another job vacancy.
And you enter the vacancy.
Via: yes ma via also thinks like that but I'm confused, for example if there will be a job vacancy
that will open via I'm afraid that via losing, I'll be tested again
Sovi: "Don't think like that, just try it first. Try to think about what you answered during the test.
Don't be like that, you will answer later if there is a test call for you.
Via: okay, sorry, I'll think about it, okay, sorry, I want to go to my room first to see job vacancies
Sovi: okay honey Mama also wants to go to the room excited

After chatting via decided to go straight to his room and open his laptop looking for job
vacancies on the internet he opened the names of companies in his area and saw if the message
had job vacancies after that he also looked at news articles and he looking for job vacancies to
Facebook Instagram Twitter and more.
Via: hufff I'm looking for where else am I * newspapers, magazines, what are you doing, maybe
on Facebook there are job vacancies or IG, so I'll look for them who knows there are*. (in my
heart while taking her cellphone).
On the sidelines via opening his cellphone and opening Instagram he types in the search for the
application job vacancies and there are many vacancies listed along with what files will be
attached to the vacancies he reads one by one vacancies but none of them match him read read
again until where she got a job opening to be a secretary and she was interested.
Via: wow, I got it, oh my god, I hope this is the way for me (smiling).
Via immediately opened the site and entered not the data and the attached files in accordance
with these requirements. After that, via waits for information from the company whether the data
and traces are received after that he will be called for a test to the company.
After everything is done via goes back to rest because it is late at night and via will tell his
mother about the job vacancy.


In the morning via woke up quickly and he immediately woke up his mother he told everything
to his mother his mother was also happy to hear this after that via and Sofi went to the table and
they ate together while talking.
Via: I'm very happy that I have provided personal data via and the requested files and according
to the requirements of the company.
Sovi : good dear I hope this will be your way okay now all you have to do is pray and learn to
improve yourself if later you are called for a test you are ready to take the test.
Via: okay
Sovi: oh yeah, about that later you were notified through what information, dear and when did
you receive the information.
Via: the information will be sent via Gmail and via must wait about 4 or 3 days later the message
sends information on human salary whether it's cream or not, if in 4 days you don't receive any
messages, that's a sign that your application via is rejected.
Sovi: Oh yes, you have prayed a lot and remember what mom said earlier, learn a lot, good boy,
learn from your previous mistakes, dear
Via: yes.
4 days later*
It's been 4 days via waiting for information from the company and today is the 4th day via
waiting for that information.
Via: it's been 4 days today but the information hasn't appeared yet. Oh God is the application via
rejected. ( Sad in the heart)
From morning till noon via restless because he got a message in his Gmail. Via plays HP and
opens the Instagram application again to see if there are more vacancies, when he sees a job
vacancy his cellphone rings and on the screen shows a message from Gmail via surprise and
pleasure he immediately opens the message and reads it after reading the message he excited and
he immediately ran to give the information to his mother, after meeting his mother via
immediately told the news.
Via: mahh
Sovi: he loves what's wrong why are you so happy
Via: Of course, I just received a message from main that the application via yesterday was
accepted and tomorrow via was asked to provide interview information to the decision.
Sovi: seriously dear (while hugging via
Via : yes
Hearing the news, selfie was very stubborn and via Vallen was very happy, shopee told via to
prepare himself for tomorrow and so via can pass the test.


The next day*
Exactly today via will go test. Via got up first and he immediately cleaned the house and he
prepared himself the company that had called him. The clock showed 06.00, he immediately
took a shower and he immediately got ready to go, after he was ready he immediately said
goodbye to his mother.
Via: mas, it's already half past seven, it's less than leaving, ma'am, because I don't want to be
late, it's okay, I go quickly

Sovi: Yes, honey, it's okay, you have to be careful, remember to be enthusiastic.
Via: but I'm sure that Mama's stay is not sick anymore, right? I feel guilty because yesterday she
left Mama.
Sovi: No, honey, I'm not sick, you can go quickly, you'll be late, unfortunately, your test is at 7,
Via: ok, let's go first, ma'am, if there's anything, mommy will contact you via okay.
Sovi: yes dear


After saying goodbye to his mother via immediately rushed to the company after a journey of
approximately 15 minutes via until it was ordered after arriving that month he went straight to
the security post to ask where he should go. Once at the security post, the security guard directed
to the receptionist's room so that the receptionist delivered via the HRD room.
Arriving at the reception, the receptionist immediately delivered via HRD finance and via is now
waiting in front of the room because it turns out that it's not only via that will be tested, it turns
out that there are several people who will be tested at the company

Via: *Oh my God, it turns out that there are also those who will be tested, I hope I pass, O Lord*
(in my heart)


After the meaning that several people had finished being tested, finally it was their turn to be
tested via entering the room and he was nervous for the test this time, when he got inside he
immediately sat on the chair that had been determined and he was immediately tested.
HRD: good afternoon".
Via: afternoon sir.
HRD: please state your biodata
Via:" my name is via Pamela Aditama, I was born in Tangerang on November 25, 1995, I live in
HR; ok fine, please tell me what you know about this company
Via: ( nervous in his heart and tries to answer what he knows ) this company is Aan's company
which produces machines for making objects or equipment such as coffee machines, blenders
and others. This company was founded in 1982.
HRD: it's good that you know about this company then what part do you want to be in this
Via: I want a secretary job sir,
HRD: big enough too the part you want are you sure you can.
Via: I'm sure I can, sir
HRD: okay fine if you are sure why you want to work in this company.
Via: if I am interested in this company, And I want to work in this company.
HRD: what is your purpose for working in this company and what will this message get if you
work here.
Via: my goal is to work in this company to finance my life and I will work hard for this company
and really do my job well and correctly.
HRD: OK, I'm satisfied with your answer. The interview is over. Please come out. Wait for the
results for about 1 hour and the results will be announced later.
Via: okay sir, thank you.


Via left the HRD room and he returned to the waiting room provided by the company called
according to what HRD said was loyal to wait for less than 1 hour and while waiting he prayed
that the results were as desired after a long wait finally arrived where the moment was ready to
wait, yes, listen announcements were read by the receptionist from several people who were
tested today via happy because their names were recorded on the people who would come to
work at the company.
Receptionist: please pay attention I will announce the information. After the discussion by HRD,
the names that will be accepted in this company. There are 3 people who are accepted by name;
Receptionist: Wijaya (Please go to the HRD room)
Wijaya: Ready ma'am
Receptionist: -Via Pamela (please go to HRD room)
Via: ready ma'am
Receptionist: family (please go to HRD room)
Family: ready ma'am

After the receptionist reads the announcement that was successfully received in the message, he
is directed to the room that has been provided to sign the company's work contract.
HRD: okay all of you please about Nani the contract that is in front of each of you.
Via, Wijaya, and Mila: ready sir (while signing the contract)
HRD: okay, the information is finished for you guys, you can work starting tomorrow and I beg
you not to be late on the first day.
Via, Wijaya, and Mila: ok sir
HRD: okay you guys can get out
Via: mama (while screaming)
Sovi: Via what's wrong, why are you shouting, honey, you're home. the room and you can go
After everything was finished, it was time for noon he immediately rushed home and told his
mother but before he went home he bought his mother food for them to eat at home while talking
about the information that was received via work.
* Arriving at home he immediately met his mother


Via; I'm sorry, there's good news, I've been accepted to work at the company, now and via
tomorrow it's starting to work.
Sovi: seriously via Mama, I'm glad to hear that fi dear, have you cleaned up so I can cook for
Via: no need to bother, sorry, I bought delicious food for us to eat today, just don't bother Mama,
let's eat, let's eat now, but don't want to clean up first, Mom. This is the food, Mama, just prepare
it on the plate
Sovi: okay honey, please change your clothes first, I'll wait.
After that he rushed to the main to change clothes and Sofi prepared food after changing clothes
via and Sofi ate happily.

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