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Ribose is monosaccharide has five carbon atoms

2. the aldehyde group with the formula CHO
3. Disaccharidecarbohydrate molecules are made by two monosaccharide molecules joining
4. maltose is derived from two α-glucose molecules
5. ionic bond the bond that holds two monosaccharide units together
1.which one of the following is true.
A disaccharides with molecules that contain six carbon atoms
B monosaccharides with molecules that contain six oxygen atoms
C monosaccharides with molecules that contain six carbon atoms
D disaccharides with molecules that contain six oxygen atoms
2. The main advantage of the high level of branching in a molecule of amylopectin is that:
A the many ‘ends’ allow rapid hydrolysis
B much can be stored in a small space
C there are no osmotic effects
D it is insoluble
3. The secondary structure of a protein can be:
A a globular or a fibrous structure
B a specific sequence of amino acids
C a dipeptide
D an α-helix or a β-pleated sheet
4. Condensation involves:
A the creation of new bonds with the addition of a molecule of water
B the creation of new bonds with the loss of a molecule of water
C the breaking of existing bonds with the addition of a molecule of water
D the breaking of existing bonds with the loss of a molecule of water
5. A food gives a positive result when tested with the Biuret test, and an initial negative result when
tested with Bendict’s solution. Following acid hydrolysis and neutralisation, the food gave a negative
test with Benedict’s solution. The food contains:
A protein and a non-reducing sugar
B protein and a reducing sugar
C protein, a reducing sugar and a non-reducing sugar

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