English Assignment: Lecturer: Ms. Natalia Name: Riamawartina NIM: 2019C08b0176

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Lecturer : Ms. Natalia

Name : Riamawartina
NIM : 2019C08b0176

Answer the questions below.

1. An important language to use when we enter the world of work, especially for everyone
who will later work in the fields of communication such as advertising, public relations
and journalism. Fluency in foreign languages in the world is a plus for everyone, this
sentence is the opinion of?
a. DR.Dede Kardaya, M.S. (2011),
b. Gunadi (1998),
c. Sinaga (2010),
d. Ryanto (2011).
Answer : d

2. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY is the study of ..

a. Deeper into human mental, thought, and behavior and this discipline examines the
flow of human thought and the reasons behind these behaviors and actions
b. The shape and structure of the body both as a whole and its parts as well as the
relationship of one organ to another.
c. The spatial distribution of living things, whether they occur in the present or the past.
And the work of every body tissue or part of an organ.
d. Humans as homo sapiens biological entities and social beings within an
interdisciplinary and comprehensive framework. Therefore, anthropology uses the
theory of biological evolution in providing meaning and historical facts in explaining
the journey of mankind on earth since its inception.
Answer : c

3. Analysis is the ability to describe a material into its components so that the
organizational structure is easy to understand. The following includes skills in analyzing,
except ..
a. Identify parts of an information.
b. Analyze junction connections.
c. Create new data to add information.
d. Recognize the organizational principles it contains
Answer : c

4. "Chronologically, the health status and treatment options make it easy for the patient's
doctor to continue the service to determine the right treatment, treatment and diagnosis
and use as evidence in verifying the truth and justice in court if needed as evidence.
According to the proper procedure Prescription drug report The prescription drug report
shows the drug used by the doctor when he prescribed the drug to the patient. ”From this
information it can be concluded that it is a function of?
a. X-rays
b. Medical Records
c. Patient DNA Samples
d. All wrong
Answer : b

5. The basic skills of nursing clinics are of various types, namely…

a. Basic human needs For surgeons, for medical care, for nursing children, for mental
care, community nursing, for family nursing, for nursing care in emergency
b. Helplessness in dealing with patients, communicating not well with colleagues or
family of patients, feeling bored when caring for patients, having a high sense of
c. A and b are correct
d. All wrong
Answer : a

6. Categories that must be owned by a professional nurse is…

a. Must have high skills and knowledge
b. High knowledge and ambition
c. Disrespectful of time and stubborn
d. Lazy to study and have a bad past
Answer : a

7. Which is the correct meaning of the term "nursing intervention"

a. Regulations that require nurses to perform other work that is confidential and
b. Letter of agreement containing the nurse's signature before entering the operating
c. Guidelines for the specific behavior expected of the client and / or actions the nurse
should take.
d. Application when the nurse applies for leave.
Answer : c

8. Pay attention to the following information!

(1.) Use the category heading "Nursing Interventions". Include an evaluation date for
each objective.
(2.) Use medical symbols or standard language and keywords instead of complete
sentences to convey your ideas.
(3.) In particular, nurses are now working 12 hour shifts and 8 hour shifts, so it is
important to determine the expected timing of the intervention
(4.) Date and sign the plan. The date of writing the plan is important for evaluation,
review, and future planning. The nurse's signature indicates the accountability of the
patient and the nursing profession, because the effectiveness of nursing actions can
be evaluated.
(5.) Refer to a procedure book or other source of information, rather than listing all the
steps in a written plan. For example "See unit procedure book for tracheostomy
Arrange according to the correct order from the Planning Steps above ...
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
b. 5, 2, 4, 3, 1
c. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5
d. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5
Answer : c

9. Pay attention to the following information!

(6.) Ensure that the plan contains interventions for ongoing patient assessment (eg,
incision inspection).
(7.) Adapt the plan to the characteristics of the patient unit to ensure that patient options,
such as choices about treatment time and methods used, are included.
(8.) Ensure that the nursing plan includes both preventive and health care aspects and
recovery aspects.
(9.) Include patient discharge plans and home care needs.
(10)Include collaborative and coordinating activities in the plan.
Arrange according to the correct order from the Planning Steps above ...
a. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
b. 7, 8, 6, 10, 9
c. 7, 9, 6, 8, 10
d. 7, 10, 9, 6, 8
Answer : b

10. Before writing a nursing action plan, review all data for which the data source is
satisfactory. Following are Instructions for writing a nursing action plan, except ...
a. List and actual problem types, risks and possibilities
b. Initiating an action plan using "action verbs"
c. Reason specification principles for writing nursing diagnoses
d. Initiating an Action plan without using "action verbs"
Answer : d

11. To produce quality health services, nurses who ...

a. Don't know anything about the medical world
b. Multiple personality
c. Has qualified clinical skills
d. A nurse who can make decisions without prior consideration
Answer : c

12. According to Hunsaker, 2001 Teamwork is…

a. groups with complementary skills and are committed to achieving common goals
effectively and efficiently
b. the group keeps secrets without being noticed by his teammates and is committed to
achieving common goals effectively and efficiently
c. a group with all female members
d. a group with all male members
Answer : a

13. The benefits of teamwork are, except ...

a. Work becomes lighter because it is done together
b. Can know the weakness of one group member
c. Can raise the spirit of togetherness
d. More effective and efficient than doing it yourself. Organizational performance is
further improved.
Answer : b

14. The team building process can include the following set of steps, except
a. Formation
b. Stoming
c. Norming
d. Exfoliation
Answer : b

15. Increasing work productivity in the form of achieving performance targets and feeling
proud, is the understanding of ...
a. Formation
b. Performing
c. Stoming
d. Andjouring
Answer : b

16. Separating gives recognition and satisfaction (Hunsaker, 2001). Is the meaning of ...
a. Andjouring
b. Stoming
c. Performing
d. Exfoliation
Answer : a

17. awareness of shared commitment to forming a team and acceptance of being a team
member. Is the meaning of ...
a. Exfoliation
b. Performing
c. Stoming
d. Formation
Answer : d

18. There has been a storm of conflict over clarification and ownership. Is the meaning of ...
a. Performing
b. Norming
c. Stoming
d. Formation
Answer : b

19. Here are the characteristics of true teamwork, except ...

a. The team mission is clear
b. Informal atmosphere Lots of discussion
c. Raising personal grudges between team members
d. Openness Accept differences of opinion (mutual respect)
Answer : c

20. To build a good team, it takes more than just getting the right people together. This is
because the main test of leadership is to create an environment in which each individual
is willing to work cooperatively and collaboratively. The following tips might help us
build better teamwork, except ...
a. Sharing information
b. Trust
c. Show Enthusiasm
d. Prefer egoism
Answer : d

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