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The Relationship Between Motor Proficiency and Physical Activity in Children

Brian H. Wrotniak, Leonard H. Epstein, Joan M. Dorn, Katherine E. Jones and Valerie
A. Kondilis
Pediatrics 2006;118;e1758
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2006-0742

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The Relationship Between Motor Proficiency and

Physical Activity in Children
Brian H. Wrotniak, PT, PhDa,b, Leonard H. Epstein, PhDa,b, Joan M. Dorn, PhDb, Katherine E. Jonesc, Valerie A. Kondilisc

aDepartment of Pediatrics, University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Buffalo, New York; bDepartment of Social and Preventive Medicine,

University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions, Buffalo, New York; cDepartment of Psychology, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York

The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

OBJECTIVES. Youth with better motor abilities may find it easier to be physically active
and may be more likely to engage in physical activity compared with peers with
poorer motor competence. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation- peds.2006-0742
ship between motor proficiency and physical activity in 8- to 10-year-old children. doi:10.1542/peds.2006-0742
Self-efficacy toward physical activity was also assessed.
Key Words
motor abilities, physical activity,
METHODS. Sixty-five children (34 girls and 31 boys) were studied. Children’s physical
accelerometry, children
activity was assessed by the Manufacturing Technologies Incorporated/Computer Abbreviations
Science and Applications Incorporated model 7164 accelerometer, and their motor CSAPPA—Children’s Self-Perceptions of
proficiency was determined by the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical
The Children’s Self-Perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical SES—socioeconomic status
Activity scale measured children’s self-perceptions of adequacy in performing and BOTMP—Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of
Motor Proficiency-Short Form
desire to participate in physical activities. MTI—Manufacturing Technologies Inc
CSA—Computer Science and Applications
RESULTS. Children’s motor proficiency was positively associated with activity counts Inc
and percentage of time in moderate and moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical MVPA—moderate-to-vigorous physical
activity and inversely related to percentage of time in sedentary activity. Children z-BMI—standardized BMI
in the greatest quartile of motor proficiency were the most physically active Accepted for publication Jul 10, 2006
compared with children with lower levels of motor proficiency who had similar Address correspondence to Brian H. Wrotniak,
levels of physical activity. Children with greater standardized BMI were less PT, PhD, The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania
physically active, more sedentary, and had poorer motor proficiency compared School of Medicine, 3535 Market St, Room
with children with a lower standardized BMI. Children’s Self-Perceptions of Ad- 1551, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399. E-mail:
equacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity scores were positively associated
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
with Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency standard score for boys. Chil- Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2006 by the
dren’s motor proficiency explained an additional 8.7% of the variance in physical American Academy of Pediatrics

activity in multiple linear regression after controlling for factors that may influence
physical activity.
CONCLUSIONS. Motor proficiency is positively associated with physical activity and
inversely associated with sedentary activity in children, but there may be a
threshold of motor proficiency above which children may be the most physically
active. Children’s motor proficiency may be an appropriate target for increasing
physical activity in youth.

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M ANY CHILDREN ARE less physically active than rec-
ommended, and physical activity declines as chil-
dren get older.1,2 There are a number of factors positively
would be more physically active and that children’s self-
adequacy in and predilection for physical activity would
be positively related to their physical activity and motor
associated with physical activity in youth, including self- proficiency. This research has the potential to help us
efficacy in one’s ability to overcome barriers to physical understand the relationship between motor proficiency
activity,3,4 perceptions of physical or sport competence,4,5 and physical activity that could lead to the development
having positive attitudes toward physical education,4 en- of more effective strategies for increasing physical activ-
joying physical activity,4,6 and parent, sibling, and peer ity in youth.
support.4,5 An additional determinant of physical activity
among children and adolescents may be the level of
mastery of the movement skills that are a foundation for
the skills used in common forms of adult physical activ- METHODS
ity.7,8 Movement skills track at low-to-moderate levels Participants
during childhood,9–12 so greater motor proficiency in Children aged 8 –10 years living in Erie County, New
youth may be predictive of later physical activity. Youth York, were recruited via letters mailed to families, flyers
with better motor proficiency may find it easier to be distributed to school systems, and a 1-week ad in local
physically active and may be more likely to engage in newspapers. Children were healthy and free from diag-
physical activity compared with peers with poorer motor nosed orthopedic, neurologic, or developmental condi-
skill competence. Children with poor motor proficiency tions that could create motor proficiency or physical
may subsequently choose a more sedentary lifestyle to activity impairments as determined by telephone screen.
avoid these movement difficulties.13 One parent/guardian participated with each child and
Research has shown significant positive associations agreed to assist children as necessary. Children who
among motor skills,8 visual-motor coordination,13 gross were in the ⱖ95th BMI percentile (overweight)21 were
motor development,14 and self-reported athletic coordi- excluded to avoid potential effects that excess weight
nation15 and physical activity in youth. This effect may may have on physical activity and coordination.
be different for girls and boys based on differences in
social acceptance for physical activity.16 In addition, the
effect may not be linear but may be most important at Experimental Design
the extremes of the distribution.17 Children with the Each child and parent was seen for 2 visits. During the
poorest motor skills may be the most sedentary. Con- first visit, consent and assent forms were completed.
versely, children who are the most coordinated may be Children then completed the Children’s Self-Perceptions
the most physically active.17 of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity
There are several factors that may be related to lower (CSAPPA) scale.22,23 The CSAPPA is a 20-item survey of
levels of coordination in youth. For example, more over- children’s self-perceptions of their adequacy in perform-
weight youth may be less coordinated than leaner ing and desire to participate in physical activities. A total
youth,13–15 and this relationship may extend to infant score and an adequacy, predilection, and enjoyment
weight and motor activity relationships.18 Motor skills factor were computed. This scale is a reliable and valid
may also be related to self-efficacy of confidence in measure of adequacy in and predilection for physical
physical activity.19 Decreased competence and confi- activity in children.19,22–25
dence may lead children with movement difficulties to Parents completed an environmental questionnaire
avoid participating in physical activities as a coping strat- that asked about the number of televisions and children
egy.20 in the home. Each parent also completed the Hollings-
Although motor coordination has been consistently head’s Four-Factor Index of Social Status26 to assess so-
related to both physical activity and body weight, there cioeconomic status (SES). Height and weight were then
are important limitations to these studies. Much of this measured for each child and parent. Weight was mea-
research has relied on self-report rather than objective sured in kilograms to the nearest tenth using a digital
measures of physical activity and has not considered the scale (BF-350; Tanita, Arlington Heights, IL) that was
effects of children’s self-perception and self-adequacy for calibrated before each use against a standard weight.
physical activity. Likewise, there has been an absence of Height was measured in centimeters to the nearest hun-
use of a comprehensive, validated measure of gross and dredth using a digital stadiometer (Digi-Kit, North Bend,
fine motor skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study WA) that was calibrated against a standard height before
was to examine the relationship between motor profi- each use. Height and weight were used to calculate BMI
ciency and physical activity in 8- to 10-year-old children for which the percentage overweight was determined.
using an objective measure of physical activity and a Percentage overweight was calculated by the formula
comprehensive measure of motor proficiency. It was (BMI ⫺ BMI at the 50th BMI percentile)/BMI at the
hypothesized that youth with greater motor proficiency 50th BMI percentile.27

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The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency- Analytic Plan
Short Form28 (BOTMP) was then used to assess chil- Descriptive statistics were used to compute the mean
dren’s motor ability. The short form has been validated and SD for family SES, child BMI percentile, parent BMI,
against the full scale and consists of 14 items taken from child and parent age, height, weight, percentage over-
the 8 subtests that correlate highly with the subtest score weight, and standardized BMI (z-BMI). Descriptive sta-
and the total score. The 8 subtests assess gross motor tistics for physical activity and motor proficiency were
development, including running speed and agility, bal- determined, and independent t tests were used to test for
ance, bilateral coordination, and strength; gross and fine differences in descriptive characteristics, physical activ-
motor development, including upper limb coordination; ity, and BOTMP standard score between boys and girls.
and fine motor development, including response speed, Analysis of covariance was used to examine differences
visual-motor control, and upper-limb speed and dexter- between boys and girls for each of the 14 items of the
BOTMP controlling for child age and child z-BMI. Pear-
ity. A total standard score, adjusted for child age, was
son product-moment correlations were computed to ex-
used to interpret test performance. The BOTMP is a
amine relationships between physical activity, motor
standardized, product-oriented assessment commonly
proficiency, and child z-BMI, as well as CSAPPA and
used in the assessment of motor abilities in children.12,29
physical activity and motor proficiency. BOTMP stan-
Before leaving, children were taught how to wear a
dard scores were sorted in quartiles, and the differences
Manufacturing Technologies Inc (MTI) model 7164 Ac- in physical activity between the quartiles were tested
tigraph (formerly Computer Science and Applications using 1-way analysis of variance with linear contrasts to
Inc [CSA]) accelerometer, and each parent and child was examine the distribution of the relationship between
given a habit book to record their physical and sedentary motor proficiency and physical activity. Hierarchical re-
activities, confirm when the accelerometer was worn, gression was then used to establish whether BOTMP
and document sleep. The MTI/CSA has been extensively standard scores accounted for a significant amount of
validated as a measure of physical activity in children.30,31 incremental variance in child mean activity counts per
Accelerometers were placed in a pouch that attached to minute after controlling for child gender, SES, televi-
a belt that children wore around their waist. Children sions in the home, children in the home, child z-BMI,
were instructed to wear the accelerometers for ⱖ6, pref- parent z-BMI, and CSAPPA score.
erably 7, days of the week for 1 week for a minimum of
10 hours/day and to record each time the device is put RESULTS
on and taken off. Each child was instructed to wear the Sixty-nine children initially met the inclusion criteria
accelerometer during “typical days” and told that if it and were given accelerometers to wear. Four children
was not a typical day, to wear the accelerometer during were excluded from the final data set: 1 child broke his
the next typical day, and to make up the missed day so arm during the study, another child participated in a
they would have a week’s worth of activity. On return- school-based physical activity program during the study,
ing to the laboratory after wearing the accelerometer for and 2 children decided not to continue with the study
7 days, it was downloaded, and on and off times for each after a few days of wearing the accelerometer. Therefore,
day were determined. The times were examined and a total of 65 children (31 boys and 34 girls) and parents
discrepancies resolved by review with the parent and (14 fathers and 51 mothers) were included in the final
sample. Baseline descriptive statistics for parents and
child with the aid of their habit books. The average
children are presented in Table 1. There were no statis-
number of minutes that participants wore the activity
tically significant differences between boys and girls or
monitors and the number of activity counts for each
between participating mothers and fathers for any of the
minute (cpm) were calculated. The percentage of time
descriptive characteristics. Physical activity data for the
spent in sedentary (MTI cpm: ⬍800), light (MTI cpm:
children are shown in Table 2. Children wore the accel-
ⱖ800 and ⬍3200), moderate (MTI cpm: ⱖ3200 and
erometer an average of 693.0 minutes (11.6 hours) per
⬍8200), vigorous (MTI cpm: ⱖ8200), and moderate-to- day, and reported sleeping an average of 590.4 minutes
vigorous ([MVPA] MTI cpm: ⱖ3200) physical activity (9.8 hours) per day. The average amount of time that
during the 7 days was determined. These activity thresh- children spent in moderate and in vigorous physical
old counts have been validated in children using the activity per day was 25.8 minutes and 6.3 minutes,
MTI/CSA and are based on activity energy expendi- respectively. There were no differences in the activity
ture.32 The relationship between activity energy expen- data between boys and girls.
diture and activity counts is independent of age and The mean standardized score for the BOTMP was 55.5
gender and is, therefore, appropriate for assessing phys- ⫾ 10.8 and is at approximately the 72nd percentile.28
ical activity in children. The study was approved by the There were no differences (P ⫽ .78) between overall
Children and Youth Institutional Review Board at the BOTMP score for boys (55.9 ⫾ 11.8; range: 24 –73) and
Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. girls (55.2 ⫾ 10.0; range: 35–75). When individual

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TABLE 1 Descriptive Characteristics of Children and Parents TABLE 3 Correlations Between Physical Activity and Motor
Characteristic Data Proficiency and z-BMI
Child Physical Activity Variable BOTMP z-BMI
Gender, male/female 31/34 Standard Score
SES, mean ⫾ SD 51.0 ⫾ 8.6 r P r P
Age, mean ⫾ SD, y 9.6 ⫾ 0.8
Height, mean ⫾ SD, cm 137.1 ⫾ 7.4 Mean accelerometer cpm 0.315 .011 ⫺0.288 .020
Weight, mean ⫾ SD, kg 33.0 ⫾ 6.2 % time in sedentary activity ⫺0.308 .012 0.284 .022
% overweight, mean ⫾ SD 5.0 ⫾ 11.3 % time in light-intensity activity 0.215 .086 ⫺0.183 .144
BMI percentile, mean ⫾ SD 57.5 ⫾ 24.2 % time in moderate-intensity activity 0.329 .008 ⫺0.362 .003
z-BMI, mean ⫾ SD 0.1 ⫾ 0.7 % time in vigorous-intensity activity 0.181 .150 ⫺0.141 .263
Parent % time in MVPA 0.298 .016 ⫺0.304 .014
Gender, male/female 14/51 BOTMP standard score ⫺0.300 .015
Age, mean ⫾ SD, y 40.0 ⫾ 5.2
Height, mean ⫾ SD, cm 167.8 ⫾ 9.2
Weight, mean ⫾ SD, kg 78.1 ⫾ 20.9
% overweight, mean ⫾ SD 25.1 ⫾ 28.2 time in moderate (speed and agility: r ⫽ ⫺0.37, P ⫽ .002;
BMI, mean ⫾ SD 27.5 ⫾ 6.3 broad jump: r ⫽ 0.41, P ⫽ .001), vigorous (speed and
z-BMI, mean ⫾ SD 1.0 ⫾ 1.4
agility: r ⫽ ⫺0.25, P ⫽ .048; broad jump: r ⫽ 0.30, P ⫽
.014), and moderate-to-vigorous (speed and agility: r ⫽
⫺0.36, P ⫽ .004; broad jump: r ⫽ 0.40, P ⫽ .001)
TABLE 2 Physical Activity of Children as Measured by physical activity and the less time they spent in seden-
Accelerometry tary activity (speed and agility: r ⫽ 0.36, P ⫽ .003; broad
Variable Mean SD Range jump: r ⫽ ⫺0.29, P ⫽ .019) compared with children who
(N ⫽ 65)
scored lower in these areas. Children who scored higher
Mean accelerometer cpm 772.94 282.28 385.69–1809.68
on the visual-motor task of copying a picture of over-
% time in sedentary activity 73.43 7.19 47.26–86.11
% time in light-intensity activity 21.93 6.09 11.91–48.86 lapping pencils spent a greater percentage of time in
% time in moderate-intensity activity 3.73 2.06 0.70–9.29 moderate (r ⫽ 0.25; P ⫽ .047) and moderate-to-vigorous
% time in vigorous-intensity activity 0.91 1.27 0.00–6.00 (r ⫽ 0.26; P ⫽ .037) physical activity than children who
% time in MVPA 4.64 3.04 0.72–15.19 scored poorer on this task. There were no differences
between boys and girls in the association of running
speed and agility, broad jump, or copying pencils with
BOTMP items were examined, boys had faster times in physical or sedentary activity.
running speed and agility (P ⫽ .033) and scored higher When motor proficiency was divided into quartiles to
in throwing a ball at a target (P ⬍ .001) and response assess the distribution of the relationship between move-
speed (P ⫽ .034) compared with girls. Girls sorted a ment abilities and physical activity, significant differ-
greater number of shape cards than boys (P ⫽ .019). ences were noted. Children in the greatest BOTMP stan-
There were significant associations between BOTMP dard score quartile had significantly (P ⬍ .01) greater
standard score and activity counts per minute (r ⫽ 0.32; MTI average activity and percentage of time in MVPA
P ⫽ .011), percentage of time in sedentary physical compared with children in the lower BOTMP quartiles
activity (r ⫽ ⫺0.31; P ⫽ .012), moderate physical activity (Fig 1). There were no significant differences in physical
(r ⫽ 0.33; P ⫽ .008), and MVPA (r ⫽ 0.30; P ⫽ .016) as activity among children in the lower 3 quartiles.
shown in Table 3.There were significant negative corre- There were no significant associations among
lations between z-BMI and activity counts per minute (r CSAPPA total score or adequacy, predilection, and en-
⫽ ⫺0.29; P ⫽ .02), percentage of time in sedentary joyment factors and physical activity. There was a posi-
activity (r ⫽ 0.28; P ⫽ .022), percentage of time in tive association between the predilection factor and
moderate physical activity (r ⫽ ⫺0.36; P ⫽ .003), per- BOTMP standard score (r ⫽ 0.40; P ⫽ .001), as well as
centage of time in MVPA (r ⫽ ⫺0.30; P ⫽ .014), and CSAPPA total score and BOTMP standard score (r ⫽
BOTMP standard score (r ⫽ ⫺0.30; P ⫽ .015). There 0.39; P ⫽ .001). The relationship between CSAPPA total
were no differences in the relationship among motor score and BOTMP was different by child gender.
proficiency, z-BMI, and physical activity by child gender. CSAPPA total score was positively related to BOTMP
Three individual BOTMP items were related to phys- standard score (r ⫽ 0.58; P ⫽ .001) for boys but not for
ical activity: running speed and agility, broad jump, and girls (r ⫽ 0.20; P ⫽ .26).
copying overlapping pencils. The faster that children Stepwise multiple hierarchical regression analysis
completed the running speed and agility task and the showed that BOTMP standard score was independently
farther they jumped, the greater their average MTI associated with MTI activity counts per minute and ex-
counts per minute (speed and agility: r ⫽ ⫺0.39, P ⫽ plained 8.7% of the variance in activity after controlling
.001; broad jump: r ⫽ 0.39, P ⫽ .001) and percentage of for child gender, SES, televisions in the home, children

PEDIATRICS Volume 118, Number 6, December 2006 e1761

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Accelerometer counts per minute and MVPA (mean ⫾ SEM) for quartiles of the BOTMP. Letters that are different indicate quartiles that are significantly (P ⬍ .02) different from each
other on the basis of 1-way analysis of variance with linear contrasts.

in the home, child z-BMI, parent z-BMI, and CSAPPA response speed, and scored lower in sorting shape cards
score (Table 4). compared with girls. Previous research supports gender
differences in motor skills, with boys performance in
DISCUSSION motor tasks of strength (running speed and long jump)
The results of this study indicate that motor proficiency and throwing a ball exceeding that of girls.33,34 Gender
is positively associated with physical activity and nega- differences in motor proficiency can be explained by
tively related to percentage of time in sedentary activity environmental influences, biological factors, or their in-
in children. When this relationship was examined by teraction. Before puberty, the physical characteristics of
quartiles of motor abilities, children in the highest quar- boys and girls are similar, and environmental influences
tile of motor proficiency were the most physically active, are more likely to explain gender differences in motor
with significantly greater MTI activity and percentage of proficiency.33 The type of sports and games that boys and
time in MVPA compared with children in lower BOTMP girls are drawn to participate in give them more oppor-
quartiles. tunity to practice and refine their motor skills and may
Boys had significantly faster running speed and agil- contribute to gender differences. For example, throwing
ity, threw a ball at a target more successfully, had greater and running games, such as baseball, are more popular
among boys than girls.35,36 Despite the important role of
the environment in motor skill development in child-
TABLE 4 Hierarchical Regression Model Predicting Child Mean hood, some biological factors may also be present for
Accelerometer CPM certain skills, such as throwing. For example, compared
Variable B SEB B P ⌬r2 r2 with girls, boys have more midarm muscle tissue and a
Step 1 — 0.171 greater shoulder/hip ratio.33,37
Child gender ⫺38.123 69.608 ⫺0.068 .586 We found that the faster that children completed the
SES 2.941 4.145 0.089 .481 running speed and agility task and the farther they
Televisions in home 4.615 31.121 0.019 .883
Children in the home ⫺27.193 26.605 ⫺0.129 .311 jumped, the more physically active and less sedentary
Child z-BMI ⫺127.548 52.344 ⫺0.315 .018 they were. This suggests that running speed and agility
Parent z-BMI 42.041 25.199 0.212 .101 and broad jump may be important to consider when
CSAPPA score ⫺2.051 4.736 ⫺0.057 .667 examining the motor proficiency-physical activity rela-
Step 2 0.087 0.258
tionship or when attempting to improve motor profi-
BOTMP standard 9.176 3.582 0.351 .013
score ciency in youth. These movement skills may be funda-
B indicates ␤ coefficients; SEB, SEs of B; B, standardized coefficients; r2 are the coefficients of mental tasks that promote increased strength and
determination. endurance for participation in active games and sports.

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In fact, children involved in extracurricular organized activity in youth,3 and because even a small increase in
physical activities had better motor fitness as measured physical activity can be beneficial for health,48 these data
by a standing broad jump compared with children who are particularly important for providing insight into mo-
indicated not participating in organized physical activi- tor proficiency as a determinant of physical activity in
ties even after adjusting for age, height, body mass, and youth.
organized extracurricular physical activities.38 The corre- Children with lower self-perceptions of their abilities
lation between copying a picture of overlapping pencils in physical activity have poorer coordination and report
and physical activity suggests that visual-motor skills lower levels of physical activity than their peers.19,23 In
may be another important determinant of physical ac- our study, children who scored lower on the predilection
tivity in youth in addition to gross motor proficiency. factor of the CSAPPA had significantly poorer motor
This finding is supported by previous cross-sectional re- proficiency compared with children who scored higher
search that found that children who were obese com- in predilection. However, children’s self-perception of
mitted ⬃50% more errors on a visual-motor drawing physical activity was not associated with their measured
task compared with their normal weight peers.13 physical activity. Other possible mediators of the rela-
Some studies have demonstrated improvements in tionship between motor proficiency and physical activity
movement skills through interventions, such as specially could be neurologic or physiologic in nature. Coordi-
programmed physical and health education for school nated movement requires biomechanical and neuro-
children,39–41 but much of the research examining muscular systems that provide activation, sequencing,
changes in motor proficiency after intervention strate- timing, and scaling of muscle activity.49 Children with
gies has been in children with disability or movement greater motor proficiency may, therefore, have more
impairment conditions.42–46 Additional research is opportunities for and choose to participate in more var-
needed to investigate how much movement skills can be ied physical activities, because they are better at activat-
increased in youth without these conditions. ing and sequencing movement patterns. More efficient
Although the children in this study were not over- movement patterns may also result in less energy ex-
weight, children with greater z-BMI had significantly penditure and lower levels of fatigue that may conse-
lower activity counts, less time in moderate and MVPA, quently lead to greater amounts and intensity of physical
more time in sedentary activity, and poorer motor pro- activity. Additional research is needed to more fully
ficiency. These results are consistent with previous find- understand the psychosocial and neurophysiological
ings that have reported negative associations between mechanisms that may explain the association between
childhood obesity and physical activity,47 as well as physical activity and motor abilities.
childhood obesity and motor proficiency.13,14 This study, in combination with previous re-
Motor proficiency explained an additional 8.7% of search,8,14,15,17,19 provides support for the relationship be-
the variance in physical activity after controlling for tween motor proficiency and physical activity in youth.
child gender, SES, televisions in the home, children in The MTI accelerometer has been validated in youth, and
the home, child z-BMI, parent z-BMI, and CSAPPA pediatric cut points that provide a valid measure of ac-
score. This is larger than the 3% of the variance in time tivity based on free-living activity were used. There are,
spent in organized physical activity explained by move- however, several methodologic points to consider in in-
ment skills reported previously by Okely et al.8 Their terpreting these results. Because of the cross-sectional
lower value may be the result of physical activity being nature of this research, the direction of the relationship
self-reported rather than objectively measured, a limited between physical activity and motor proficiency cannot
range of movement skills being tested, and that their be determined. The short form of the BOTMP was ad-
study sample was adolescents rather than children. ministered, but further research is needed to provide a
Although the results of this and other research8,17 more detailed assessment of how motor proficiency may
suggest that the association between physical activity be related to physical activity. Furthermore, because the
and movement skills may be relatively weak to moder- BOTMP is a product-oriented assessment tool, the po-
ate, there may be a threshold of motor proficiency at tential for accurately detecting specific aspects or com-
which this relationship is most important. Our findings ponents of motor skill difficulties and determining
indicate that children in the greatest quartile of motor where improvement needs to occur is limited. To im-
proficiency were the most physically active compared prove specific motor skills, a process oriented-test (eg,
with children with lower levels of motor proficiency the Test of Gross Motor Development50) that breaks
who had relatively similar levels of physical activity. down skills, such as the run and broad jump, into spe-
Children with motor proficiency in the highest quartile cific observable components that can be taught and prac-
had an average of 17.8 minutes per day more MVPA ticed would be appropriate. The accelerometer is a
than youth in the lower quartiles, who averaged 27.9 widely used tool to measure physical activity but may
minutes in MVPA. Because relatively little is known not assess all physical activities, such as swimming. Fi-
about the modifiable factors associated with physical nally, the sample included primarily white children, and

PEDIATRICS Volume 118, Number 6, December 2006 e1763

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research is needed on diverse samples to establish the 10. Malina R. Tracking of physical fitness and performance during
generalizability of the findings. growth. In: Buenen G, Ghesquiere J, Reybrouck T, Classens A,
eds. Children and Exercise. Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke;
CONCLUSIONS 11. Malina R. Tracking of physical activity and physical fitness
The findings from this study indicate that motor profi- across the lifespan. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1996;67:S48 –S57
ciency is positively associated with physical activity and 12. Burton A, Miller D. Movement Skill Assessment. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics; 1998
inversely associated with sedentary activity. There may
13. Petrolini N, Iughetti L, Bernasconi S. Difficulty in visual motor
be a threshold of motor proficiency above which chil- coordination as a possible cause of sedentary behaviour in
dren may be the most physically active. Future research obese children. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1995;19:928
is needed to further examine the relationship between 14. Graf C, Koch B, Kretschmann-Kandel E, et al. Correlation
motor proficiency and physical activity. Longitudinal between BMI, leisure habits and motor abilities in childhood
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PEDIATRICS Volume 118, Number 6, December 2006 e1765

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The Relationship Between Motor Proficiency and Physical Activity in Children
Brian H. Wrotniak, Leonard H. Epstein, Joan M. Dorn, Katherine E. Jones and Valerie
A. Kondilis
Pediatrics 2006;118;e1758
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2006-0742
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