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Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci.29(2): 219-226, Juty,2002


Storage treatments on physico-chemical characters and shelf-lite
of mango
M.M. Hossain, M.A. Haque and M.A. Rahim
Department of Horticulture
Bangladesh Agricultural University MATERIALS AND METHODS
The experiment was carried out in the laboratories of Horticulture and Biochemistry
the period from
Received on 27-03-2000 departments ol the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during
in the
May to September, 1999. The maximum and minimum temperature experienced
ABSTRACT: The experiment was carried out to study the effects of ditferent storage treatments from 93% to 63%, recorded
on the pattern of physico-chemical changes and shelf-life of mango during storage and ripening.
storage room were 33oC and 25oC and relative humidity ranges
and Bishawnath
Among the physico-chemical parameters, such as pulp to peel ratio, weight loss and dry matter using a Disital Thermohygrometer. Two mango varieties, namely Amrapali
Seventy two unblemished'
content of mango were increased while moisture and ash content were decreased during mangoes were collected from the mango growers of Chuadanga'
storage of all treated and untreated mango. Wax coated and polythene bagged fruits showed and colour were
minimum weight loss during storage, whereas untreated fruits exhibited maximum. The post- physically Similar fruits of approximately more or less uniform in size, shape
in the experiment were
harvest storage treatment showed highly significant variation in respect of shelf-life. Among the harvested manually from each variety. The storage treatments used
of treatments, the fruits were
treated and untreated mango fruits, wax coated, polythene bag and hot water treatments sequentially assigned to the collected fruits. After the application
showed better storage performance. The wax coated fruits exhibited the highest shelf-life block design
followed by polythene bag treatment, whereas it was the lowest in controlled fruits. kept on a brown paper which was previously laid out in randomized complete
with three replications and placed on the laboratory floor at ambient conditions'
of ripening during the
Key words: Mango (Mangifera indica L.), Storage treatment, Physico-chemical changes, analysis were performed at three stages (pre-ripe, ripe and over-ripe)
storage period. The three stages are discussed as follows:
Pre-ripe stage: Freshly harvested fruits having pale and deep green colour in Amrapali
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an important fruit of the family Anacardiaceae. lt has Bishawnath, respectively and hard textured pulp'
been cultivated for more than 4000 years (Candole, 1984). lt is a commercial crop in many
countries of South-East Asia. ln Bangladesh mango ranks first in terms of area and third in Ripe stage: Peel colour of Amrapali and Bishawnath were yellowish green and
production. According to BBS (1999), Bangladesh produced 184 thousand tons of mangoes respectively. The texture of pulp was soft in both the varieties.
in 1998 in 50.60 hectares of land. lt is a rich sources of vitamins, minerals and also a medium
source of carbohydrate as ripe mango pulp contain 16.9% carbohydrate (Salunkhe and yellow, very Soft textured pulp
Over-ripe stage: Peel colour of both the varieties was deep
Desai, 1984). The minimum dietary-requirements of fruit dayl"head-1 is 85 g, whereas, our
availability is only 30-35 g, which is much lower than recommended daily allowance (Siddiqui
and Scanlan, 1995). Post-harvest loss of fresh fruit is one the important problems in the
tropics. The post-harvest losses of fruits can be reduced considerably by applying improved Treatments: The experiments consist of two factors'
technologies and prolonging the shelf-life of fruit. The postharvest life of any fruits consists of
ripening and senescence. The ripening and subsequence senescence are the sum total of a Factor A: Variety (2) Factor B: Storage treatments (6)
ohlor 5 min)
number of postharvest physical and chemical changes. The prolonging the storage life of a i. Amrapali (v1) i. control (T1) iv. calcium chloride (T4) (@
ii. Bishawnath (V2) ii. Wax coating (T2) v. Hot water
(T5) (at 50t20C for 5 min)
fruit consists of slowing down the process leading to ripening and if possible, stopping the
degradation and fermentation changes that cause senescence after ripening. Hence, it is iii.Polythenebag(T3)vi.Growthregulators(T6)(GA3@200m9/L)
necessary to understand the post-harvest physiology of mango in order to develop and apply
Pulp to peel ratio
adequate post-harvest technologies such as wax coating, mango stored in polythene bag, During storage the fruits were analyzed at three stages of ripening'
dipping in calcium chloride solution, dipping in hot water and growth regulator. Several of mango was deteimined by separating the peel and pulp and weight by using electric
researchers in the world and in Bangladesh have been studied the post-harvest losses and
balance. The weight loss was estimated by weighing the fruits
in each treatment and was
physico-chemical changes in mango. But information based on research work in respect of determined by drying the
expressed as percentage of initial weight. Moisture content was
post-harvest losses and physico-chemical changes in mango varieties Amrapali and content of pulp was
sample in oven at 700C till it gave a constant weight and dry matter
Bishawnath still lacking. Hence, the present study was undertaken to study the pattern of was determined by
physico-chemical changes and shelf-life of Amrapali and Bishawnath which are promising calculated from the data obtained during moisture content. Ash content
of mango fruits as
varieties in some parts of Bangladesh. burning the mango pulp in a muffle furnace at 6OO0C for 4 hours. Shelf-life
influenced by different post-harvest storage treatments was calculated
by counting the
eating qualities'
number of days required to over-ripe and retaining optimum marketing and
The mean of
The collected data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance method.
different parameters was compared by LSD as described by Gomez and
Gomez (1984)'
Hossain et aL 221


Various parameters regarding the physical changes of mango have been presented 222 Storage treatments on physico-chemical characters and shelf-life of mango
and discussed in the following sub-headings.
Variation in pulp to peel ratio was significant in ripe stage and highly significant in
Pulp to peel ratio: lt is the ratio of pulp and peel of mango fruit, which determines the
over-ripe stage between the two varieties and non-significant at pre-ripe stage (Table 1). The
presence ol edible part of a fruit. Different storage treatments used in this study significantly
interaction effect of storage treatment and variety on pulp to peel ratio was not significant in
influenced pulp to peel ratio of mango. Variations among the treatment means in respect of
pulp to peel ratio were statistically highly significant both at ripe and over-ripe stages during all stages of ripening. But their combined effect was found to be significant both at ripe and
storage (Table 1). However, this variation was not significant at pre-ripe stage. At ripe stage, over-ripe stages (Table 1). Higher rate of transpiration from the peel than pulp was the
the maximum (7.75) pulp to peel ratio was found in control (T1) followed by 7.25 in hot water probable cause of increasing pulp to peel ratio in the later stages. The findings were in
treated fruits (T5). On the other hand, the minimum pulp to peel ratio (4.80) was recorded in agreement with that of Ahmad et a/. (1988)
wax coated fruits (T2) preceded by 4.86 in polythene bag (T3). During over-ripe stage, the
highest pulpto peel ratio (11.44\ was observed in control (T1) followed by 10.49 in hotwater Total weight loss: Post harvest storage treatments used in the present investigation showed
treatment. The lowest pulp to peel ratio (5.78) was found in wax coated fruits, preceded by a marked effect on totalweight loss of mango during storage. The maximum totalweight loss
6.06 with polythene bag. lt was also observed that pulp to peel ratio was gradually increased (10.36%) was observed in control at pre-ripe to ripe stage and minimum total weight loss
during the storage period corresponding in each treatment (Table 1). (2.37%) was found in wax coated fruit, while at ripe to over-ripe stage, the maximum and
Table 1. Effect of varieties and storage treatments on physico-chemical properties ot minimum total weight losses were recorded in control (15.22%) and wax coated (3.67%) fruits
mango \/ (Table 1). Statistically highly significant variation was observed between the varieties in
Pulp to peel ratio at the stage of Weight loss (%) at the MOISIUT9 ConIenI (7o, aI me
respect of total weight loss. The interaction effect of post harvest storage treatments and
Treatments stage of staqe of variety on total weight loss was highly significant in both stages of ripening. From ripe to over-
Pre-ripe Ripe Over ripe Pre-flpe Hrpe to Pre- Ripe Over
to ripe over ripe riPe ripe ripe stages, a sharp increase in total weight loss as observed in control, CaCl2, hot water and
trealmenr GA3. The total weight loss was recorded as least in wax coated and polythene bagged fruits.
T1 3.07 7.75 11.44 10.36 15.22 86.68 81.60 75.22
r2 3.14 4.80 5.78 2.37 J.O / 86.28 83.50 80.78 The reduction of weight loss could be due to the presence of physical barrier in gas diffusion
81 .45
through fruit stomata. The minimum total weight losses in wax coating and polythene bag
T5 2.84 7.25 10.49 8.51 12.48 85.48 81.25 76.38 treatments supported the findings of Martinez et al. (1997). They reported that application of
Ta 3.11 6.61 9.83 8.99 14.28 85.93 81 .65 77.54
LSL) 0.61 0.66 0.62 U.Y6 o.74 z.zv 2.82 z, to wax coating and polythene bag significantly reduced weight loss due to the inhibition of
0.01 0.82 0.89 0.84 1.33 0.99 3.11 3.29 2.97 transpiration. Oosthuyse (1997) expressed similar opinion that wax coating reduced weight
Level ol siqnifrcant NS NS NS
vanely loss and shrivel and increases shelf-life of mango.
2.96 6.17 8.54 5.74 9.99 85.43 82.04 77.43
3.16 6.57 9.36 8.01 11.43 86.42 B1 .96 78.22
LSD J.U5 u.35 U.3U u.36 u.5 / o.4z 1.32 't.4u 1.26 Moisture contenti Different storage treatments used in the investigation had noticeable
effects on moisture content in mango pulp. The variation among the treatments was
0.01 0.52 0.48 0.77 0.58 1.80 1.90 1.71
Level ol sronrlrcant NS NS NS NS
lnteractron significant a over-ripe stage while it was non-significant at pre-ripe and ripe stages. At over-
VrTr 2.92 7.50 1O.BB 9.74 14.31 86.23 82.50 74.50
VrTz 3.02 4.62 5.57 1.81 3.41 85.57 83.20 80.43 ripe stage, the maximum moisture content.(80.78%) was recorded in wax coated truths
VrTa 2.84 4.72 5.62 2.20 5.13 85.43 82.50 79.17 followed by 79.93% in polythene bagged fruit and the minimum (75.220/") was found in control
V,To 3.30 6.89 9.79 b.cJ 13.34 al:).zJ 81 .37 76.93
V,Ts 2.77 7.00 9.93 6.65 10.41 84.80 81.00 76.00 sample (Table 1). There was no significant variation in moisture content between the varieties
2.90 6.28 9.46 7.48 13.34 85.33 B1.67 77.57
Yzl t 5.ZZ d.UU 1Z.VU lu.vd to,tz dt.tJ 80.70 /5.YJ used. The interaction effects between treatments and verities in respect of moisture content
YzTz 3.25 4.97 6.00 2.93 3.92 87.00 B3.BO 81.13 were found to be non-significant at all stages of ripening and storage. But the combined
VzTs 3.00 5.00 6.50 3.32 5.23 85.90 82.60 80.70
V"To aaa 7.00 10.44 ooE 13.54 85.BO 81 .53 77.37 effect was found to be highly significant at over-ripe stage. The decrease in moislure bontent
86.1 7
during storage was also reported by Joshi and Roy (1988). The decreases in moisture
LSu (U.U5 U.Ut' (J.93 o.d/ .l
.U4 3.24 3.43 IJ.U9 content were probably due to transplantation and evaporation loss and also starch hydrolysis.
(0.01 '1
.16 1.26 1.19 1.87 1.41 4.40 4.66 4.20
Level of siqnificant Nt; NS
Tr = Control Vr = Amrapali NS = Not significant Dry matter content: Dry matter content of mango pulp was calculated from per cent
*- Significant at 0.01 level
Tz = Wax coating Vz = Bishawnath
- == Significant at 0.05 level moisture content. The variation in different storage treatments on dry matter content was
T3 = Polythene bag
T+ = Calcium chloride highly significant at over-ripe stage, non-significant at pre-ripe stage and ripe stage. At over-
Ts = Hot water treatment
To = Gibberellic acid
ripe stage, the highest (24.78'/") and the lowest (19.22%) dry matter contents were found in
control and wax coated fruits, respectively. lt was also observed that per cent dry matter
content was gradually increased during storage period corresponding to each treatment
(Table 2). Non-significant variation was found in per cent dry matter content between
varieties at all stages of ripening (Table 2). The interaction effect between different storage

\. l:b
Hossain ef aL 223
of mango
224 Storage treatments on physico-chemical characters and shelf-life
treatments and varieties were non-significant at all the stages of ripening, while their
combined effect was highly significant at over-ripe stage. ln this stage ,the highest (2S.51o/o) (pre-ripe, ripe and
and the lowest (18.87%) dry matter contents were observed in V1T1 and V2T2, respectively Ash content: Ash content of mango pulp was determined at three stages
significant variation a
(Table 2). The increase in dry matter content with increasing storage period may be due to over-ripe) of ripening. Di{ferent storage treatments exhibited highly
At over-ripe stage' the
osmotic withdrawal of water from the pulp to peel through transpiration and evaporation. over-ripe stage but it was non-significant at pre-ripe and ripe stages'
by 0'31% and 0'27"/" in
highest (o.35%) ash content was found in wax coated fruits followed
(o'22%) was
Table 2. Effect of varieties and storage treatments on physico-chemicat properties of poytn"n" bag and GAs treated fruits. on the other hand , the lowest ash content
found in untreated fruits (Table 2). Ash contents from pre-ripe to over-ripe
mango stages during
effects between
Treatments Dry matter (%) at the stage of
storage were in declining rained for all the treatments. The interaction
Ash (%) at the stage of pre-ripe stage, but
combination Pre-ripe Ripe Over ripe Pre-ripe Ripe Over ripe
different storage treatments and varieties were highly significant at
the combined effects were
Treatment statistically insignificant both at ripe and over-ripe stages, But
T1 13.32 19.90 24.78 highly significant at over-ripe stage. During this stage T2V1 and
Trvz combinations had the
0.56 0.45 0.22
The overall decrease in per
Tz 13.72 16.50 19.22 0.63 0.60 0.35 maximum (0.38%) and minimu m (0.21%) ash contents (Table 2)'
of mineral salts
cent ash content in treated and control fruits may be due to translocation
Ts 14.17 I t.45 20.07 0.51 0.50 0.31
T4 14.48 nAo pulp to skin' Yadav ef
with transpiration and osmotic withdrawal of water from the fruit
18.55 22.85 0.49 0.25
14.52 18.75 23.62 0.58 0.53 0.23
al. (1982) observed deCreased ash content during
storage of mangoes.
To 14.07 18.35 22.50 0.59 0.50 0.27
LSD (0.05) 2.26 2.30 2.18 0.11 0.1 0.05
significant in respect of
(0.01) 3.08 3.13 2.97 0.15 0.1 5 0.07 shelf-life of mango: The effects of different treatments were highly
Level of significant NS NS prolonging shelf-life of mango. The maximum shelf-life (23.33 days)
was observed in wax
whereas the minimum shelf-
coated fruits followed by 19.67 days in polythene bagged fruits,
(16'00 days) and CaCl2
14.51 18.46 22.57 0.60 0.50 0.29 life (14.50 days) was recorded in control fruits preceded by GA3
v2 13.58 18.04 21.78 0.56 0.52 0.25
(16.67 days) treated fruits (Fig. 1). The shelf-life of mango fruits were
extended by 1'5'2j7'
LSD (0.05) 1.33
1.31 t.zo 0.06 0.06 bag and wax coated fruits'
3.83, 5.17 and 8.83 days in GA3, CaCl2, hot water' polythene
(0.01) 1.78 1.81 1.71 0.09 0.08 0.04 variation was obtained on
Level of significant NS NS NS NS NS NS
respectively over control sample (14.50 days). Highly significant
lnteraction shelf-life in two varieties of mango. The shelf-life of Amrapali
was 19.11 days and that of
V,TT 13.77 20.50 25.50 0.59 0.45 o.22 Bishawnath was 17.06 days (Fig. 1). The interaction effects between
V,T, 14.43 16.80 19.57 0.74 0.62 0.38 and variety were highly significant on shelf-life. The longest
shelfj-life (25.67 days) was found
'14.23 (14'00 days) was recorded
in T2V2 (21.0 days) combinations' whereas the shortest shelf-life
V,Ts 17.50 20.83 0.54 0.51 0.32
VrTo 14.77 23.07 0.59 0.48 had the higher shelf-life (19'11
in T1V2 combination (Fig.2). lt was observed that Amrapali
VrTs 15.20 19.00 24.O0 0.49 0.47 present experiment is in partial
days) than Bishawnath (17.06 days). The results of the
V,To 14.67 18.33 22.43 0.63 0.50 0.29 (1989)' Zambrano and Manzano
VeTr 12.87 19.30 24.07 0.54 0.46 0.21 agreement with the research findings of Wavhal and Athale
by 7 days compared
V,T, 13.00 16.20 18.87 0.51 0.59 0.31 (1g95) reported that calcium chloride treated fruits extended shelf-life
VrTs 14.10 17.40 19.30 untreated fruits. The increase in shelf-life was probably due
to the reduction of various
0.48 0.49 0.30 with
storage materials'
gases (o2, co2) exchange from inner and outer atmosphere by different
VzTo 14.20 18.47 22.63 0.60 0.49 Aaa

VrTu 13.83 18.50 23.23 0.67 0.59 0.22

VrTu 13.47 18.37 22.57 0.56 0.49 0.25
LSD (0.05) 3.20 3.26 3.09 0.15 0.15 0.08
(0.01) 4.35 4.43 4.20 0.21 0.21 0.10
Level of siqnificant NS NS NS NS
Tr.= Control Vr = Amrapali NS = Not significant
Tz = Wax coating Vz = Bishawnath .. = Significant at 0.01 level
Ts = Polythene bag .= Significant at 0.05 level
Ta = Calcium chloride
Ts = Hot water treatment
To = Gibberellic acid
Hossain ef a/.
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a w Sishswnxth
(E ryl.r
o 1,5
=o 1il
T1 T} Y3 T4 T$ TS

Storage treatments

Fig. 2. Combined effects of different storage treatments and variety

on shelf-life of mango

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