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070501182 30061

c r i a 3rdEa fan/Electronic Application 01/09/2018 HTa z
Rs 5.00

fate TT 2 /Net Ammount

ig da a/choice/Lok Sewa Kendra a daT

(31 fuE a cu)


Tdc H hH7 070501182 3006460 TFETn{UT ahH

.05. 8-5/ ueuH/4/84, faf 26 HTR, 1984 TT 3HAT fa aT 7r TR A zTE T mO dh

a a e i U aeloi a5 uRYT F 36012/22/93/FT (TH T . E . ) faai5 8-9-93 qT a e a ufrUT FIGAI 36033/3/2004-FT (H U

2008 72HAA TRTHE faTT u r u T hHi T5-9-3/2001/1-3 faT 24-6-2009 h1 H 3 faT TRT

It is hereby certified that Mr/Mrs/Ms AYUSH KUMAR PARGANIHA Father CHANDRABHAN PARGANIHA residentof
TAKSIWA Village tehsil Berla Tehsil District BEMETARA belongs to Other Backward Class caste.This caste has been
recognized as Other Backward Classes vide Notofication no. F-8-5/25/4/84 dated 26th december 1984. s amendeJ fon

time to time by subsequent notiications, and this caste mentioned at se:ill no 13 as.Other Eackward.ass
Chhatrisgarih state. Therefore, MR/Mrs/Ms AYUSH KUMAR PARGANIHA Father CHANDRABHAN PARGANIHA belorgs to
Other Backward Cla ss.
2.This is als0 certified that Mr/Mrs/Ms AYUSH KUMAR PARGANIHA does not belong to the category of creamy ihyer
persons/ classes which have been mentioned in the circular no 36012/22/93/ESTT(SCT) dated 8/09/1993 as omended

notificatio n 36033/3/2004-ESTT
on (Reservation)
dated 14/10/2008 of Gove rnment
of indta,depatment of personnel
training and in column 3 of circular number f-9-3/2001/1-3 dated 24/06/2009 of General Administration Depaitment
a nd

3.This certificate has been issued under the provisions that in case the district level cetificates verification commitee o
high power certification scrutiny commitee during its inquiry inspection finds the claim submited bty Mr/Mre /Ms YUSH
KUMAR PARGANIHA is false or fraudulent,the certificate shall be deemed to be cancelled with im midiate effect and
notwithstanding contained anything under any other law for the time bieng in force, action shall be initiated under
section R-13 of the Chhattisaarh Scheduled Castes Srheduled Trihes and Other Rarkward Classes (Roaiilation of sneal

3tqHaa fI5: 16/09/2018

This Caste Certificate is printed copy of elect ron ic certificate which is recognise as per Chhattisgarh Citizen Service (Electron1G
GOvern an ce) Rule 2003 under the Intorm ation Techndogy Act 2000.

The Electronic Certificate is authenticat ed with the digital sign ature of Competent Autharity.99nalusyiby me
and the infor m ation printed on Certificate is contained in the above m en ti on ed Electron ic CerDigitaly Siane b J A Y
3,3TdE Z rT 3uT 5 TATUT U u a arua atan arrT o
on diting Application Number, validity related be
edistrict.cgst ate r from

QR code Scanning
details of the Certificate can cbtained at website

TY T 0771-25333 50 7 Huh a
o e Gden ial d accept an ce of the Certifi cate by any official or office. inform the nearest CHOCE Center /Lok Swa Keni

HE I 5 16/09/2018 THhd a Fl&T

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