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1. The following sentences are direct speech.

Complete each sentence below

using reported speech.

1. The chief ordered, “Go to the theatre and book the tickets.”
The chief said that I need to go to the theatre and book the tickets
2. She said, “Kent has visited many countries in western Europe.”
3. I said, “Don`t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep.”
4. He read, “The south of England is warmer than the North.”
5. “Are you going to pick up the phone?”, Miranda asked him.
6. He said, “Bring me some water, please.”
7. She was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop”
8. She asked, “Does this film about police and crime?”
9. “Please don`t tell anybody what happened”, Ann said to me.
10. He said, “I can` t move the piano alone.”
11. She said, “Dairy products are useful for little children.”
12. The teacher said, “What do you do to express yourself?”
13. She said, “Doctors don`t advise us to eat chips and chocolate.”
2. Read the text and complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each world
in capitals.
The Benefits of Cooking.
While cooking is not very popular with people who have a hectic
lifestyle, the benefits of preparing your own meals are 1) …… END
endless……….. . People who are pressed for time often eat out or
order takeaway food. However, these choices may also be quite 2)
……expensive……….. and the ingredients they contain are typically HEALTH
high in fat, making them extremely 3) ………unhealthy…….. . Home-
cooked meals, on the other hand, offer many benefits. For one VARY
thing, you can control the ingredients and portions. You have a
greater 4) ……variations……….. in your diet, which is essential in DAY
watching your weight and reducing the risks of a number of
diseases. Cooking on a 5) ………daily…….. basis does not have to be a
laborious task. All it takes is a bit of planning, organisation and
determination. Preparing your own meals might be a challenge, but
it is certainly not 6) ………impossible…….. . The key is experimenting
and testing different kinds of food. After a while, you will be able to
confidently prepare a wide range of meals and enjoy yourself at the
same time.
3.Read the text. For gaps 1-7, choose A, B, C or D to complete each gap
correctly. Circle the answer you choose.
Healthy Living.
With more and more people trying to 1) …D…. their weight, the need for
dieticians has increased significantly over the past few years. As a dietician, I
work with people of all ages. I usually advise them how to maintain healthy
eating 2) …C…. . The best part of my job is educating people about the
importance of good nutrition. I work in a variety of settings, including hospitals
and schools, where I develop nutrition programmes and meal plans. I also work
with people who have special dietary needs. For example, I create special diets
for diabetics and help them 3) …B…. their blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, I
often have to deal with teenage girls who have a lack of self-esteem when it
comes to their 4) …B…. body image. Many young women believe that they are
unattractive or worthless. To make matters worse, they are 5) …D…. to believe
that all their weight problems will be solved if they go on low-calorie diets.
Some of them come to my office and burst 6) …A…. tears because they want to
lose weight even though they are not fat. Of course, the media are said to be
partly responsible for the rise in severe eating disorders in recent years because
they often offer 7) …B…. information about healthy weight loss. Despite all the
difficulties, however, being a dietician is very fulfilling as I help people improve
their overall health and quality of life.
1 A examine B test C check D control
2 A customs B ways C habits D manners
3 A shrink B weaken C reduce D shorten
4 A ideal B model C classic D perfect
5 A led B guided C shown D let
6 A out B into C onto D of
7 A artificial B false C fake D counterfeit

4. Choose the correct item.

1 She became very ...A... when she had to talk about what happened.
A sullen C withdrawn
B tearful D enraged
2 Milly is expected to make a full …C…. from her illness.
A remedy C treatment
B cure D recovery
3 Harriet wasn't getting any better, so her doctor decided to…C……. her
again thoroughly.
A check C examine
B test D control
4 My doctor wrote me a(n) ...C... for some antibiotics .
A instruction C prescription
B recipe D receipt
5 His throat ..B.... is so bad that he can barely speak.
A pollution C infection
B sickness D contamination
6. I sprained my ankle while playing football yesterday and now it's
extremely ...A... .
A swollen C expanded
B enlarged D grown
7.He is a(n)…A…. and loyal employee.
A friendly C talented
B energetic D honest
8.Three men were arrested for possession of ..D..
A artificial C false
B fake D counterfeit
9. When the cake has cooled down, ...A... it with icing sugar.
A sprinkle C fry
B blend D simmer
10. Martin suffered from anorexia nervosa and was dangerously .....D.. .
A skinny C brittle
B pale D underweight

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