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Parts of 

a Research Paper:
Lourdes College
Title page: Select an informative title Cagayan de Oro City

Introduction: What is the study all about?, What is the importance

of the study? Why is the study necessary? Title of your Study

In fulfilment of the requirement for the

Statement of the Problem: What is the purpose of the study? MBA 102

The study aims to: Submitted by:

1. Your name
Course and year
Statement of Hypotheses:
Submitted to:

1. There is no significant relationship between …. Ms. Myrna M. Fantonalgo

2. There is no significant difference between …. Teacher
3. Variable A is independent of ….


Basic rules: up to two pages (double spaced, typed), usage of a

past tense except when referring to established facts, one major
point in organizing ideas with each paragraph

Review of Related Literature

What was the article all about? What was the findings? What knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, what are the
findings and what their strengths and weaknesses? Describe, summarise, evaluate and clarify this literature. What is the
relationships between the literature and your study?


How did you gather the data? Who are your respondents? How did you score? How did you analyse the data? What statistical tools
did you use?

Research Setting: The study was conducted at …

The Respondents of the Study: The respondents of the study were …

Data gathering Procedure: How did you gather the data?

The Scoring Procedure: How was it scored? What is the interpretation?

Statistical Treatment:
What statistical tool did you use? Z-test, t-test, correlation, anova, regression test

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Results:

Basic rules: use past tense. put the results in a logical order, refer to each figure as “figure 1,” “figure 2,”; number your tables, each
figure and table stands on its own, do not include raw data or intermediate calculations in your paper, do not present the same
information more than once.

Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondents according to:1.1 Gender, 1.2 Age, 1.3 Family income
1.4 Academic Performance, 1.5 Grit, Self-Esteem, Empathy, Parents Involvement, Growth Mind Set, Persistence, …

Gender Frequency Percentage

Above 85
Below 85
Educational Qualification of
Post Graduate
High School

Discussion :

  Table 2    
  Results: Prudence    
No. Questions: Mean Interpretation
1 I practice time management 3.5 High
2 I avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 3.9 High
3 I do not smoke 4.4 High
4 I do not engage in activities that might have negative consequences 3.9 High

  MEAN: 4.0 High

Discussion :


No. Mean Interpretation

1 On the whole, I am satisfied with myself 3.9 High
2 I feel that I have a number of good qualities 3.8 High
3 I am able to do things as well as most other people 3.5 High
I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with
3.7 High
4 others
5 I take a positive attitude toward myself 4.0 High
6 I feel I do not have much to be proud of 2.5 Moderately High
7 At times I think I am no good at all 2.4 Poor
8 I certainly feel useless at times 2.5 Moderately High
9 I wish I could have more respect for myself 2.8 Moderately High
10 All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure 3.2 Moderately High
  MEAN: 3.2 Moderately High

Discussion :

Problem 2. Is there a significant difference between …

Table 2.1

What are the results? Did it support previous study? What does each result show? Discuss each result.

Problem 2. Is there a significant relationship between/among …

Table 2.2

What are the results? Did it support previous study? What does each result show? Discuss each result.

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

In this section the results are explained. State what was learned or proved. What are your recommendations based on
the results.

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