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Generator Fundamentals Outline

Course Description:
Consider these statistics. According to Contingency Planning Research power related events such
as blackouts and surges account for 31% of computer downtime episodes lasting more than 12
hours, power failure and surges account for 45.3% of data loss, and according to IDC power
disturbances account for about one third of all server failures. A standby generator is one critical
equipment components that will keep you from becoming one of these statistics. Understanding
the basic functions and concepts of standby generator systems helps provide a solid foundation
allowing IT professionals to successfully specify, install, and operate critical facilities. This course
is an introduction to standby generators and the subsystems that power a facility’s critical electrical
loads when the utility cannot.

Course Outline:
Learning Objectives
 Identify the main components of a standby generator
 Explain the functions of a standby generators prime mover, the alternator and governor
 Describe the various fuel types utilized by standby generators
 Identify resources for on-site power technology guidelines
 Introduction
 Internal Combustion engines: The Prime Mover
 The Alternator
 The Governor
 Regulations
 Summary
Course Content and Material

1) Standby Generators
2) Internal Combustion Engine: The Prime Mover
3) Fuel
4) Diesel
a) Advantages
i) Easy onsite storage
ii) Fewer problems with long term storage
iii) Reduced fire hazard
iv) More operating hours between overhauls
b) Disadvantages

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i) Low volatility at low ambient temperatures
ii) Potentially harmful to the environment
iii) Does not burn as cleanly as other fuels
5) Natural Gas
a) Advantages
i) Cleaner burning fuel
ii) Less exhaust
iii) Exhaust is less harmful to the environment than diesel
iv) Minimum carbon build up
v) Cleaner crankcase oil
vi) No fuel storage problems
vii) Less engine maintenance then diesel or gasoline
b) Disadvantages
i) High cost
ii) Gas generators tend to cost more
iii) Limited generator size
iv) Single source provider
v) Potential of limited supply during emergencies
vi) Safety
vii) Energy content of natural gas is lower than most other fuel sources, so you use more
of it to generate your electricity
6) Liquid Petroleum
a) Advantages
i) Cleaner burning fuel
ii) Less exhaust
iii) Exhaust is less harmful to the environment than diesel
iv) Minimum carbon build up
v) Cleaner crankcase oil
vi) No fuel storage problems
vii) Less engine maintenance then diesel or gasoline
b) Disadvantages
i) Presents the greatest hazard of any of the fuels because any vapors leaked or
released, being heavier than air, will flow to low areas such as basements and create
an explosion hazard
7) Gasoline
a) Advantages
i) Readily available
ii) Gasoline powered engines start easier in cold temperatures
b) Disadvantages
i) Storage is a fire hazard
ii) Long term storage can be detrimental to the engine
8) Cooling

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9) Lubrication
10) Filters: Air & Fuel
11) Starter Motor
12) Brushless and Self Excited Alternators
13) Main Stator/Armature Windings
14) The Governor
15) Voltage Regulator
16) Switchgear & Distribution
17) Grounding
18) Air & Noise Pollution
19) Noise Pollution
20) Regulations
a) EPA
b) Defra
c) MoEF
21) Aesthetics
22) Maintenance Measures
 A standby generator system is a combination of an electrical generator and an engine mounted
together to form a single piece of equipment
 The most commonly used for standby generator systems is the 4-stroke engine
 There are four main fuels used in internal combustion engines or rather to power generators.
These include diesel, natural gas, liquid petroleum (LP), and gasoline
 In order to ensure reliability of you generator, it is advised that a detailed maintenance schedule
is maintained.

Course Assessment: Test Your Knowledge

Course Survey: We Value Your Opinion

©2013 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

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