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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e!

The following text is for number 1-5. d. Future tense

e. Adverbial tense
Barbecue in the park
4. What did the writer and his friends do while they are
Last Sunday, my friend and I went to the waiting for the cook?
park because David’s family invited us a barbecue a. Played football
party in the park. We lived nearby so we just b. Slept
walked there. c. Read
When we got to the park, there were not d. Studied
many people. David’s family was already there. e. Climbed a tree
They arrived there early to get the best picnic spot
with an electronic barbecue grill nearby. When we 5. What is the purpose of the text?
arrived, they were cleaning the barbecue. After a. Retell the picnic experience
making sure the barbecue was clean, they turned the b. To amuse the reader about the legend of picnic
barbecue on by pushing the button. The electric c. To urge people the importance of picnic
stove turned on and the metal plate became hot. d. To discuss the positive and negative side of picnic
David’s mother put some cooking oil on the
metal plate, and after that she put some sausages, The following text is for number 6-10
beef steaks, and some onions on the barbecue.
Meanwhile, David’s father was preparing the bread, Holiday in Jakarta
butter and the drinks. Last holiday, I went to my brother’s home in
While waiting for the meat to cook, David Jakarta. I went to Jakarta with my father. We went to
and I joined other boys playing football. When we Jakarta city by the train. Jakarta it was very
got tired, we stopped and enjoyed the sausages, interesting, but the atmosphere was too hot for me.
steaks, and some cold soft drinks. A few days later, my brother and I went to the
The food was delicious. I think David’s mother is zoo in Jakarta. We went to be zoo by taxi. The zoo
one of the best chef in the world. was very crowded. There were many traders. After
bought the ticket, we went to see the animal in the
First, I saw many pelican birds. They were very
1. When did the writer have a picnic?
hungry, so the zoo keeper fed the bird. Then I saw
a. Last Sunday
many deer eaten many hay. In the same cage, I saw
b. Last Saturday
ostrich. It was very big. It couldn’t fly but could run
c. Last Friday
very fast. Its stomach was very big too. After that, we
d. Last Wednesday
went to take the boat which was pictured with the
e. Last Monday
image of goose.
Before went back home, we bought some drink and
2. Who invited the writer to the park?
food. We rested in a restroom. I was very happy it
a. Brandon
this holiday. I hoped the next holiday would be good
b. Alex
c. David
d. Kumar
e. Neni 6. Where did the writer go?
a. Surabaya
3. What tense do we find mostly in the text above? b. Semarang
a. Present tense c. Bandung
b. Past tense d. Surakarta
c. Perfect tense e. Jakarta
c. Running
7. How did the writer go in vacations? d. Sleeping
a. By foot e. Studying
b. By motorcycle
c. By train 12. What happened to the engine after it took off?
d. By car a. Smoking
e. By cart b. Off
c. Landed
8. How did the writer go to the zoo? d. Flew
a. By train e. Fine
b. By cart
c. By foot 13. What did the writer feel about the experience written
d. By taxi at the text?
e. By motorcycle a. Happy
b. Frightened
9. What did the writer do before went home? c. Relax
a. Slept in the zoo d. Sad
b. Argued with his father e. Contemplative
c. Bought food and drink
d. Went around 14. What was the flight attendant’s expression when
e. Watched the movie explaining the situation within the plane?
a. Calm
10. What kind of the text is that? b. Happy
a. Narrative text c. Sad
b. Recount text d. Cry
c. Discussion text e. Hysteric
d. Hortatory exposition
e. Analytical exposition 15. How did the writer go home after the plane incident?
a. By bus
The following text is for number 11-15. b. On foot
c. By taxi
Traveling By Air d. By plane
I really hate flying. Once something e. By car
happen to me. When I was on board, the
plane started taking off. It seemed that
everything was all right. But suddenly I saw
16. Desi : Ali, I’ve got good news for you. Roy,
smoke coming from engine of the plane. The the crazy guy, has got the personal
engine was on fire and the plane started to manager job.
rattle. Suddenly the captain said to us in a Ali : What?
very calm voice. “Ladies and gentleman, we What does Ali’s expression mean?
are having a little persoalan with one of the a. An agreement
engines. There is no need to panic. Keep b. A surprise
your seat belts fastened. We are going to c. A question
return the airport.” d. A refusal
You can imagine how frightened I was, e. An objection
but the crew was fantastic. The flight
attendants were really calm and told us not 17. Mr. Joy : How is your final Exam, Indra?
to worry. One of them told me to relax and Indra : I passed with flying colors, I got 95
said that everything would be all right. for the test.
A few minutes later, we were coming in Mr. Joy : ___ .
to land, the pilot made a smooth landing on a. I agree with you
the runway. It was over, and we were safe. b. I’m very proud of you
I took a taxi and went home. From that
c. I don’t believe it
d. I’m disappointed with you
day on, I decided not to fly anymore.
e. You are very great

18. Ariel : Do you know the result of the game?

11. What does the writer hate? Sunu : Not yet. The announcement __ twice.
a. Flying a. postponed
b. Walking b. will be postponed
c. was postponed d. I don’t believe it
d. have been postponed e. You are very kind to me
e. was being postponed
20. Isna : What’s wrong with you? You didn’t
19. Dona : Where did you buy this new dress? come to my wedding party yesterday.
Dini : I bought it in “Matahari” Atik : I’m sorry. I have to accompany my
department store. Why? husband to the dentist
Dona : It seems very beautiful and suit on From the dialogue we can conclude that__ .
you. a. Isna invited Atik to her wedding party
Dini : ________. b. Isna didn’t invite Atik to her wedding party
a. Don’t be silly c. Isna will invite Atik to her wedding party
b. Are you sure d. Atik didn’t know it so she didn’t come
c. Thank you e. Atik came to the party with her husband.

B. Read the following text and answer the question!

My Day
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off.
Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly
that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9.30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t
have enough money.
Finially, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope never have a day as I
had yesterday.

1. What happened to the writer yesterday?
Answes ……………………………….
2. Why did he wake up an hour late?
Answes ……………………………….
3. What did he do after having breakfast?
Answes ……………………………….
4. How far did the writer walk?
Answes ……………………………….
5. What does the writer hope?
Answes ……………………………….

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