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A (ei) F (ef) K (kei) P (pi:) U (yuw) B (bi:) G (ji:) L (el) Q (kyu) V (vwi) C (ci:) H (eitch) M (em) R (a:) W (dabelyuw) Z (zi: / zed) D (di:) I (ai) N (en) S (es) X (eks) E (i:) J (jei) O (ow) T (ti:) Y (wai)

Note (Keterangan): Tanda : = bunyi vokalnya dipanjangkan bunyinya

Conversation 1 Asking Name and Spelling (Bertanya Nama dan Mengeja)

Ronald Jimmy Ronald Jimmy : : : : Whats your name? What is your name? My name is Jimmy My names Jimmy How do you spell your name? JIMMY
what = apa your name = namamu name = nama spell = mengeja

X : Whats your name? Y: X : How do you spell your name? Y:

Conversation 2 Greetings (Menyapa)

Teacher Students Teacher Students Teacher : : : : : Good morning class! Good morning, Sir/Madam! How are you today? Howre you today? fine / good / great Im fine, and you? Im fine too, thank you thank you / thanks

Good morning = Selamat pagi morning = pagi afternoon = siang evening = sore night = malam fine = baik good = baik

Attention! (Perhatian!) Do you understand? = Apakah kamu / Anda mengerti? Lets start our class today by = Marilah kita mulai kelas kita hari ini dengan Lets end our class today by = Marilah kita akhiri kelas kita hari ini dengan

I. Cardinal Numerals (Bilangan Biasa)
0 = zero 1 = one 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 5 = five 6 = six 7 = seven 8 = eight 9 = nine 10 = ten 11 = eleven 12 = twelve 13 = thirteen 14 = fourteen 15 = fifteen 16 = sixteen 17 = seventeen 18 = eighteen 19 = nineteen 20 = twenty 21 = twenty-one 22 = twenty-two 23 = twenty-three 24 = twenty-four 25 = twenty-five 26 = twenty-six 27 = twenty-seven 28 = twenty-eight 29 = twenty-nine 30 = thirty 31 = thirty-one 32 = thirty-two 33 = thirty-three 34 = thirty-four 35 = thirty-five 36 = thirty-six 37 = thirty-seven 38 = thirty-eight 39 = thirty-nine 40 = forty 50 = fifty 60 = sixty 70 = seventy 80 = eighty 90 = ninety 100 = one hundred

101 = one hundred and one 111 = one hundred and eleven 124 = one hundred and twenty-four 137 = one hundred and thirty-seven 200 = two hundred 300 = three hundred 400 = four hundred 500 = five hundred

1000 = one thousand 2000 = two thousand 5000 = five thousand 5045 = five thousand and forty-five 10004 = ten thousand and four 200000 = two hundred thousand 200500 = two hundred thousand and five hundred 1000000 = one million

Note (Keterangan): Numbers bigger than one hundred should be added with the word and to vocalize the last two digits, e.g. 365 = three hundred and sixty-five. Angka lebih besar dari seratus mendapat tambahan kata and untuk menyebutkan 2 angka terakhir. e.g. = contoh

46 = 53 = 68 = 77 = 92 = 152 = 1.075 = 2.325 = 15.972 = 26.549 = 35.876 = 76.893 = 234.754 = 1.452.678 = 2.876.563 = 3.276.785 =

II. Ordinal Numerals (Bilangan Bertingkat)

None 1st = first 2nd = second 3rd = third 4th = fourth 5th = fifth 6th = sixth 7th = seventh 8th = eighth 9th = ninth 10 = tenth 11 = eleventh 12 = twelfth 13 = thirteenth 14 = fourteenth 15 = fifteenth 16 = sixteenth 17 = seventeenth 18 = eighteenth 19 = nineteenth 20 = twentieth 21 = twenty-first 22 = twenty-second 23 = twenty-third 24 = twenty-fourth 25 = twenty-fifth 26 = twenty-sixth 27 = twenty-seventh 28 = twenty-eighth 29 = twenty-ninth 30 = thirtieth 31 = thirty-first 32 = thirty-second 33 = thirty-third 34 = thirty-fourth 35 = thirty-fifth 36 = thirty-sixth 37 = thirty-seventh 38 = thirty-eighth 39 = thirty-ninth 40 = fortieth 50 = fiftieth 60 = sixtieth 70 = seventieth 80 = eightieth 90 = ninetieth

100 = one hundredth 101 = one hundred and first 111 = one hundred and eleventh 124 = one hundred and twenty-fourth

1000 = one thousandth 2000 = two thousandth 3000 = three thousandth 5000 = five thousandth

137 = one hundred and thirty-seventh 200 = two hundredth 300 = three hundredth 400 = four hundredth 500 = five hundredth 1st = first 2nd = second 3rd = third 4th = fourth

5045 = five thousand and forty-fifth 10004 = ten thousand and fourth 200000 = two hundred thousandth 200500 = two hundred thousand and five hundredth 1000000 = one millionth Examples: 26th February = the twenty-sixth of February July 22nd = July the twenty-second

46th = 53rd = 68th = 77th = 92nd = 152nd = 1.075th = 2.325th = 15.972nd = 26.549th = 35.871st = 76.893rd = 234.754th = 1.452.678th = 2.876.563rd = 3.276.785th =

Conversation 3
Ririn Yana Ririn Yana Ririn Yana Ririn Yana Ririn Yana : : : : : : : : : : Hi! Howre you? Good. Howre you? Im good as well. Im good too. What class are you in? Im in the tenth class. What class are you in? Im in the eleventh class. What date is today? Today is the twenty-sixth of April 2011 Thank you. Youre welcome. You are welcome.

What class are you in? = Kamu kelas berapa? Im in class = Saya kelas

What date is today? = Hari ini tanggal berapa? / Sekarang tanggal berapa? thank you = terima kasih youre welcome = sama-sama

III. Multiplicative Numerals (Bilangan Kelipatan)

1x 2x 3x 4x >4x 100x : : : : : : Once = Sekali / Satu kali Twice = Dua kali Thrice / Three times = Tiga kali Four times = Empat kali n times = n kali a hundred times 1076x : one thousand seventy-six times 1000000x : a hundred thousand times 1000000x : a million times Many times = Banyak kali Several times = Beberapa kali

46x = 53x = 68x = 77x = 92x = 152x = 1.075x = 2.325x = 15.972x = 26.549x = 35.876x = 76.892x = 234.754x = 1.452.678x = 2.876.563x = 3.276.785x =

Conversation 4
Anton Shanti Anton Shanti Anton Shanti Anton Shanti : : : : : : : :

Hello! Howre you? Im great! Howre you? Fine, thanks. Have you had breakfast? Yes, I have. How many times a day do you eat? I eat four times a day, and you? I eat thrice a day. What times do you eat? Anton : I have breakfast in the morning. I have lunch in the afternoon. I have supper in the evening. I have dinner in the night. Sometimes I have brunch after breakfast or before lunch. Shanti : Thank you. Anton : Youre welcome.

Have you had breakfast? = Sudahkah kamu sarapan? How many times a day do you eat? = Berapa kali sehari kamu makan? I eat a day = Aku makan kali sehari What times do you eat? = Kapan saja kamu makan? breakfast = sarapan lunch = makan siang supper = makan malam dinner = jamuan makan malam khusus brunch = breakfast + lunch, makan di antara sarapan dan makan siang before = sebelum after = sesudah / setelah in the morning = di pagi hari in the afternoon = di siang hari in the evening = di petang hari in the night = di malam hari

IV. Mathematical Numerals (Bilangan Matematika)

Numerical Symbol + x or : or / or = nx English plus / added by minus / reduced by / deducted by times / multiplied by divided by equal(s) to plus-minus or approximately n powered by x square root of cube root of fourth root of or >< or <> not equal to identical with > < greater than less than greater than or equal to less than or equal to angle triangle square rectangle circle parallelogram rhombus
or = atau

Indonesian ditambah dikurangi dikali dibagi sama dengan lebih kurang atau kira-kira n pangkat x akar kuadrat dari akar pangkat tiga dari akar pangkat empat dari tidak sama dengan sebanding dengan lebih besar daripada lebih kecil daripada lebih besar atau sama dengan lebih kecil atau sama dengan sudut segitiga bujur sangkar persegi panjang lingkaran jajaran genjang belah ketupat

Examples: 1+1=2 One plus one equals to two 2 x 5 = 10 Two times five equals to ten 10 Plus minus ten 265 260 + 15

Two hundred and sixty five does not equal to two hundred plus fifteen

Answer the mathematical problems and/or change these mathematical statements into English Language statements!
Jawablah soal-soal matematika berikut ini dan/atau ubahlah pernyataan-pernyataan matematis berikut ini ke dalam pernyataan Bahasa Inggris!

14 + 25 = 50 15 = 25 x 25 = 27 / 3 = 900 210 = 765 > 540+3 96 8 = 36 4 = 647+12 < 879 54 9 x 6 121 / 11 = 72 8 x 9

V. Fractional and Decimal Numerals (Bilangan Pecahan dan Desimal)

1/2 = a half 1/4 = a quarter 3/4 = a third quarter / three fourth 1/5 = a fifth 1/11 = an eleventh 12/3 = twelve third

14/7 = fourteen seventh 35/48 = thirty-five forty-eighth 0.3 = zero point three 5.734 = five point seven three four 245.387 = two hundred and forty-five point three eight seven

Change these mathematical statements into English Language statements!
Ubahlah pernyataan-pernyataan matematis berikut ini ke dalam pernyataan Bahasa Inggris!

57/78 = 123/576 = 45/69 = 986/2983 = 24/7 = 67578 / 2345 = 3/4 = 0.9873672 = 7/8 = 2.543 = 78.98364 = 1/2 = 8762.23556 = 1/4 =

Common Instructions
(Perintah-Perintah Umum)
Basic Instructions (Perintah-Perintah Dasar) Come in, please. Come here, please. Sit down, please. Stand up, please Open your book, please. Close your book, please. Dont open your book. Keep silent, please. / Be quiet, please. Do you understand? Yes, I understand. No, I dont understand. Thats fine. / Thats OK Please help me. Please open the door / close the door. Answer my question, please. Listen and repeat. Now read, please. Its time to begin. This is lesson 1. Silakan masuk. Silakan datang kemari. Silakan duduk. Silakan berdiri. Silakan buka bukumu. Silakan tutup bukumu. Jangan buka bukumu. Mohon tetap tenang. Apakah kamu mengerti? Iya. Saya mengerti. Tidak. Saya tidak mengerti. Tidak apa-apa. Tolong bantu aku. Tolong buka / tutup pintu. Silakan / Tolong jawab pertanyaan saya. Dengarkan dan ulangi. Sekarang tolong baca. Sekarang sudah waktunya mulai. Ini pelajaran pertama. Meaning (Arti)

Use above instructions during the class session!
Gunakanlah perintah-perintah di atas selama sesi kelas!

Identifying Objects
(Mengenali Benda)
Using This/That & Here/There (Penggunaan Ini/Itu & Di sini/Di sana)
Singular (Tunggal) This is That is Plural (Jamak / Lebih dari 1) These are Those are Noun (Kata Benda) a / an (sebuah ) s/es (sejumlah ) Here There Meaning (Arti) - menyatakan kata benda - using an for words with vowel a, i, u, e, o as its first letter Meaning (Arti) Apakah ini? Ini adalah / Berikut ini adalah Apakah itu? Itu adalah Related Adverb of Direction (Kata Keterangan Arah terkait)

Usage Example (Contoh Penggunaan) What is this? This is here What is that? That is there What are these? These are here What are those? Those are there

Examples: What is this? This is a book. What is this here? This is a book here. What are these? These are two books. What are these here? These are two books here. What are those there? Those are five pens there.

What is that? That is a pen.

What is that there? That is a pen there.

What are those? Those are five pens.

Conversation 5
X : What is this? Y : That is a bag. X : What is that? Y : This is a pencil. X : What are these? Y : Those are rulers. X : What are those? Y : These are crayons.

Use these vocabularies to make dialogues using this / that, these / those, here / there like the above examples!
Gunakan kosakata berikut ini untuk membuat sebuah percakapan menggunakan ini / itu, disini / disana seperti contoh di atas!

a book a reading book a drawing book a workbook a crayon a marker pen a pencil a pencil case a pencil sharpener a pen a correction pen a ruler a bag an eraser a chair a table a lamp a blackboard a whiteboard a computer a laptop

sebuah buku sebuah buku bacaan sebuah buku gambar sebuah buku latihan sebuah krayon sebuah spidol marker sebuah pensil sebuah kotak pensil sebuah rautan pensil sebuah pena / ballpoint sebuah tip-x sebuah penggaris sebuah tas sebuah penghapus sebuah kursi sebuah meja sebuah lampu sebuah papan tulis hitam sebuah papan tulis putih sebuah computer sebuah laptop

a desk a bench / stool

sebuah meja/bangku (dengan meja) sebuah kursi/bangku

Object Presence (Kehadiran Benda)

Singular (Tunggal) There is a | Noun | Is there ? Yes, there is. No, there is not / isnt
Note (Keterangan): Noun = Kata Benda

Plural (Jamak / Lebih dari 1) There are | Noun | Are there ? Yes, there are. No, there are not.

Meaning (Arti) Ada / Terdapat Adakah / Terdapatkah ? Iya, ada. Tidak ada.

Example: There is a pen. Is there a pen? Yes, there is. Is there a bag? No, there isnt. There are rulers. Are there rulers? Yes, there are. Are there crayons? No, there are not.

Gunakan kosakata berikut ini untuk membuat sebuah percakapan menggunakan ini / itu, disini / disana seperti contoh di atas!

Use previous vocabularies to make similar dialogues as the example. Translate them into Indonesian!

A. Self-Introduction (Perkenalan diri)
Good morning. Hi! / Hello my friends. I would like to introduce myself to you. My names Andy. Im from Wot Gandul. Im eleven years old. Im in the fifth year class. I like reading, writing, speaking and listening. Thank you for your attention. Good afternoon. Id like to introduce myself to you. My name is Dina I am from Sampangan. I am twelve years old. I am in the seventh year class. I like reading, writing, speaking and listening. Thank you for your attention.
Selamat pagi. Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya (adalah) Andy. Saya berasal dari Wot Gandul. Usia saya 11 tahun. Saya sekolah kelas 5. Saya suka membaca, menulis, berbicara dan mendengarkan. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.

Selamat siang. Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya (adalah) Dina. Saya berasal dari Sampangan. Usia saya 12 tahun. Saya sekolah kelas 7. Saya suka membaca, menulis, berbicara dan mendengarkan. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.

Introduce yourself along with your name, age, class and hobbies within time evening and night!
Perkenalkan dirimu / Anda sendiri beserta nama, usia, kelas dan hobi dalam kurun waktu sore dan malam!

Conversation 6
Andy Dina Andy Dina Andy Dina Andy Good Afternoon! Good Afternoon! Whats your name? My names Dina, and you? My names Andy. Nice to meet you, Andy. Nice to meet you too, thank you Where are you from? Dina : Im from Kudus. Where are you from? Andy : Im from Surabaya : : : : : : :

Nice to meet you = Senang berkenalan dengan Anda

Dina : How old are you? Andy : Im eleven years old. And you? Dina : Im twelve years old. By the way, what class are you in? Andy : Im in the fifth year class. What about you? Andy : Im in the seventh year class. Dina : Thank you for this conversation Andy : Youre welcome.

How old are you? = Berapa usiamu? What class are you in? = Kamu kelas berapa? What about you? = Bagaimana denganmu?

B. Introducing to Someone else (Memperkenalkan ke Orang Lain)

Conversation 7
Novi : Rufi, this is Jenny. Jenny, this is Rufi. Jenny : How do you do? Rufi : How do you do? Jenny : Im glad to meet you, Rufi. Rufi : Glad to meet you too, Jenny. Novi : Rufi is a student of SASE. Jenny : Im glad to know that. Rufi : Thank you. Subject (Pelaku) He She It I You We They Meaning (Arti) Dia (pria) Dia (wanita) Dia (non manusia) Aku / Saya Kamu / Anda Kami / Kita Mereka
This is = ini (adalah) How do you do? = How are you? = Apa kabarmu? know = mengetahui / mengenal

Nice to meet you, Rufi. Nice to meet you too, Jenny.

to be (Kata bantu to be) is is is am are are are

Create a conversation to greet someone and ask questions about his/her name, coming from, age, class and hobbies. Use these names: Rina, Fani, Daniel!
Buatlah sebuah percakapan untuk menyapa seseorang dan bertanya tentang nama, asal, usia dan hobi. Pergunakan nama-nama berikut: Rina, Fani, Daniel

C. Nationalities and Countries / Where Are You From? (Negara dan Kebangsaan / Dari Mana Kamu Berasal?)
William and Sue are my friends. Williams great. Hes British. Is he from Britain? Yes, he is. Sue is great too. Shes American. Isnt she from Canada? No, she isnt. (William dan Sue adalah teman-temanku. William orangnya baik. Dia berkebangsaan Inggris. Apakah dia berasal dari Inggris? Iya. Sue orangnya juga baik. Dia berkebangsaan Amerika. Bukankah dia berasal dari Canada? Tidak.) He She It Affirmative (Kalimat Positif) I You We They He/She/It Negative (Kalimat Negatif) I You We They Is Questions Affirmative Am (Pertanyaan Positif) Are Isnt Is Questions Negative (Pertanyaan Negatif) he/she/it I you/we/they he/she/it he/she/it not from the States? (dia pria) (dia wanita) (dia non manusia) (aku) (kamu) (kami/kita) (mereka) is (s)

am are


is not (isnt) am not American are not (arent)

Arent I Am I Not

Arent You/we/they Are Short Answers (Jawaban singkat) You/we/they not Yes, I am Yes, you/we/they are

Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isnt

No, Im not No, you/we/they arent





America / USA Argentina Austria Belgium Belarus Bosnia Bolivia Brazil Britain Bulgaria Canada Chile China Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus The Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt England Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany

American Argentinian Austrian Belgian Belarusian Bosnian Bolivian Brazilian British Bulgarian Canadian Chilean Chinese Columbian Costa Rican Croatian Cypriot Czech Danish Ecuadorian Egyptian English Estonian Finnish French Georgian German

Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Malaysia Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Morocco The Netherlands (Holland) Nicaragua Norway Pakistan Panama Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain

Latvian Lebanese Lithuanian Malaysian Mexican Moldovan Mongolian Montenegrin Moroccan Dutch Nicaraguan Norwegian Pakistani Panamanian Peruvian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Saudi Scottish Serbian Singaporean Slovakian Slovenian South African Spanish

Greece Guatemala Honduras Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kenya

Greek Guatemalan Honduran Hungarian Indian Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Kazakh Kenyan

Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Venezuela Wales Yugoslavia

Swedish Swiss Tanzanian Thai Turkish Ukrainian Emirati Uruguayan Venezuelan Welsh Yugoslavian

Conversation 8
Angel Brad Angel Brad Angel Brad Angel Brad Angel Brad Angel Brad Angel Brad Angel : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Hi! How are you? Hello! Im good. Howre you? I am fine. Whats your name? Im Angel. Whats your name? My name is Brad. Where are you from? Im from Britain. Whats your nationality? Im British. Where are you from? Im from Scotland. What is your nationality? Im Scottish. Nice to meet you, Angel. Nice to meet you too, Brad.

Tell about your friend Andreas from Spain and Kovalski from Russia. Use similar story like the above example (William & Sue).
Ceritakan tentng temanmu Andreas dari Spanyol dan Kovalski dari Rusia. Pergunakan cerita yang mirip seperti contoh di atas (William & Sue).

D. Greetings (Ucapan Sapaan / Salam)

Hello! Hullo! Hi! Helo! Halo! Hai!

Good Morning! Good Afternoon! Good Evening! Good Night! Good Noon! Good day!

Selamat pagi! Selamat siang! Selamat petang! / Selamat sore! Selamat malam! / Selamat tidur! Selamat siang! / Selamat tengah hari! Sungguh hari yang baik!

Good morning, Sir! Good morning, Madam / Maam! Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen! Good morning, Mr. Jack! Good morning, Mrs. Jacklyn! Good morning, Ms. Jocelyne! Good morning, Miss. Joan!

Selamat pagi, Pak! Selamat pagi, Bu! Selamat pagi, Tuan dan Nyonya! Selamat pagi, Pak (Tuan) Jack! Selamat pagi, Bu Jacklyn! Selamat pagi, Nona / Ibu Jocelyne! (Formal) Selamat pagi, Nona Joan!

How are you? / Howre you? How do you do?* Whats up? Hows it going? How are things? / Howre things?**

Apa kabar? Apa kabar? Ada apa? Bagaimana kabarnya? Bagaimana keadaan?

Note (Keterangan): Ms. (baca miz) dipakai untuk wanita yang sudah ataupun belum menikah. Mrs. (baca miziz) dipakai untuk wanita yang belum menikah. Miss (baca mis) dipakai untuk wanita yang sudah jelas ketahuan status belum menikah / lajang. * Perkenalan yang dijawab juga dengan How do you do? ** Ketika di rumah, di sekolah, dan lain-lain

E. Gratitude / Thanks (Ucapan Terima Kasih)

Thanks Thank you Thank you so much Thank you very much Thanks very much Thanks a lot Thanks a million* Many thanks Many thanks for your hospitality Thank you for everything Thank you for your kindness Thank you for your help Thank you for all your trouble Thank you, just the same You are welcome Youre welcome RESPONSES for thanks (Balasan untuk terima kasih) It was a pleasure! Dont mention it! Not at all! No problem No worries Terima kasih Terima kasih Terima kasih sekali Terima kasih banyak Terima kasih banyak Banyak terima kasih Terima kasih (luar biasa) banyak Banyak terima kasih Terima kasih atas keramah-tamahannya Terima kasih atas segalanya Terima kasih atas kebaikan anda Terima kasih atas bantuan / pertolongan anda Terima kasih atas jerih payah anda (Biarlah) Terima kasih Terima kasih kembali / Sama-sama Terima kasih kembali / Sama-sama Dengan senang hati / Sama-sama Tak usah diomongkan (untuk bersikap merendah) Tidak apa! Tidak masalah Tak usah kuatir

No, thank you / No, thanks Its very kind of you Thats very nice of you

Tidak, terima kasih (untuk menolak tawaran) Anda benar-benar baik hati / Anda sangat baik hati Anda benar-benar baik hati / Anda sangat baik hati Terima kasih atas pinjaman uangnya pada saya Saya memang wajib ( ungkapan terima kasih) Sudah kewajiban saya (berterima kasih) Saya sangat berhutang budi pada anda Saya sangat bersyukur Saya tidak tahu bagaimana berterima kasih pada anda Saya akan mengingatnya selamanya (ungkapan terima kasih) Saya tidak akan melupakannya; percayalah

Thank you very much for lending me some money Im much obliged Much obliged Im very much obliged to you Im very much grateful I dont know how to thank you Ill remember it forever (Ill = I will = saya akan) I shant forget it; you may be sure (I shant = I shall not = saya tidak akan)

Jack (Teacher) Students Jack Students Jack Lisa Students Lisa Jack : Good morning, class! : : : : : : : : Good morning, ____! How are you today? __________, thank you. ___________, ____? _____________, thanks. This is Ms. Lisa. She is a new English teacher. How are you students? ___________, _________? Thank you for introducing me to the students, ____ Jack. ________________, Ms. Lisa.

F. Excuse & Apology (Permisi & Maaf)

Sorry I am sorry / Im sorry I am very sorry / Im very sorry I am so sorry / Im so sorry I apologize (Ame) / I apologise (Bri) I apologise for what I said Please accept my apology Please dont be angry Its my fault My bad! / Its my bad! Its very regrettable Pardon I beg your pardon Excuse me Please excuse me Its OK Its fine Thats OK Responses for Thats fine Excuse & Apology Thats alright / Thats allright (Balasan untuk Permisi dan Never mind Maaf) Dont worry about it It doesnt matter It wasnt your fault Maaf Maafkan saya / Saya minta maaf / Maaf tolong ulangi Saya benar-benar minta maaf Saya minta maaf Saya mohon maaf Saya mohon maaf atas apa yang telah saya katakan Mohon maafkan saya Mohon jangan marah Ini kesalahan saya Ini salahku! Ini sangat disesalkan Maaf (tolong ulangi) Maaf tolong ulangi Permisi / Maafkan saya Tolong permisi / Tolong maafkan saya Tidak apa-apa Tidak apa-apa Tidak apa-apa Tidak apa-apa Tidak apa-apa Tak apa Jangan kuatirkan hal itu / Tidak apa-apa Bukan masalah / Tidak apa-apa Ini bukan kesalahanmu / Anda

G. Congratulations (Ucapan Selamat)

Congratulations! Congratulations on the birthday of your son/daughter! Congratulations on your anniversary! Selamat! Selamat atas kelahiran putra/putri Anda!

Selamat atas hari ulang tahun pernikahan!

Congratulations on the anniversary of your Selamat atas hari jadi (ultah) perusahaan Anda! company! Congratulations on your success! Congratulations on passing the exam! Let me congratulate you! Congratulations on your engagement! Congratulations on your marriage! Congratulations on your promotion! Congratulations on getting a new job! Congratulations on getting a scholarship! Congratulations on winning the election! I am happy to hear on your success Congratulations on your nomination as manager! Please accept my congratulations! Selamat atas kesuksesan Anda! Selamat atas kelulusan ujian Anda! Ijinkan saya memberi selamat Anda! Selamat atas pertunangan Anda! Selamat atas pernikahan Anda! Selamat atas kenaikan pangkat/jabatan Anda! Selamat atas pekerjaan baru! Selamat atas beasiswa! Selamat Anda memenangkan pemilihan! Saya gembira mendengar keberhasilan Anda Selamat pencalonan sebagai manager!

Terimalah ucapan selamat dari saya!

Happy Birthday! Happy Feast Day! Happy New Year! Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Idul Fitri!

Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun! Selamat Hari Raya! Selamat Tahun Baru! Selamat Tahun Baru Cina! Selamat Hari Thanksgiving! Selamat Idul Fitri!

Happy Idul Adha! Merry Christmas! Happy Vaisak Day! Happy Silence Day! Welcome! Im glad to hear that!

Selamat Idul Adha! Selamat Natal! Selamat Hari Waisak! Selamat Hari Nyepi! Selamat datang! Syukurlah!

H. Parting (Ucapan Perpisahan)

Good bye! Bye-bye! Cherio! Selamat tinggal! Selamat tinggal! Selamat tinggal / jalan!

See you! See you later! See you tomorrow! See you next time! See you on Sunday! See you at school! See you on top! See you then! See you soon See you there

Sampai jumpa! Sampai jumpa lagi! Sampai jumpa besok! Sampai jumpa lain waktu! Sampai jumpa hari Minggu! Sampai jumpa di sekolah! Sampai jumpa di puncak! Sampai ketemu lagi! Sampai ketemu segera Sampai ketemu disana

Good luck! Best of luck! All the best! Have a good trip! Have a good meal! Have a good time! Wish me luck! Bless you! God bless you! / May God bless you! I have to go I gotta go Ive got to go I must be going now I must be leaving now Please, come and see me sometime! Please come again soon!

Semoga berhasil! / Semoga beruntung! Semoga berhasil! Semoga berhasil! Selamat jalan! Selamat makan! Selamat bersenang-senang! Mohon doa restu! Semoga berhasil! Semoga Tuhan memberkatimu! Saya harus pergi Saya harus pergi Saya harus pergi Saya harus pergi sekarang Saya harus berangkat sekarang Datanglah dan berkunjung sekali-kali! Silakan datang kembali!

I. Daily Expression (Ungkapan Sehari-hari)

What happens? What is wrong? / Whats wrong? Ada apa? / Apa yang terjadi? Ada apa? / Apa yang terjadi? / Apa yang salah? Mengapa tidak? Kebetulan saja (Hanya) bercanda Jangan bercanda! Jangan banyak omong!

Why not? Just by chance Just kidding No kidding! Dont drivel!

Its none of your business Shut up! Move a bit! Once more! Have more, please! Please, go ahead! Please, dont! Ouch! Bad luck! Shit! Damn! / Darn! I am full Anything will do! For God sake! Bravo Great! Oh, my God! Oh, my goodness! God is Almighty! Glory my Lord! / Glory is The Lord! Hurry up! Take it easy! Relax! Wait a minute! / Wait a second! Wait a moment! Hang on!

Bukan urusanmu / Jangan ikut campur Diam! Geser sedikit! Sekali lagi! Silakan tambah lagi! Silakan lanjutkan! Tolong jangan! Aduh! Sialan! Brengsek! Brengsek! / Sialan! Saya kenyang Sembarang! / Terserah! Demi Tuhan! Bagus! Hebat! Ya Tuhan! Ya ampun! Tuhan Maha Besar! Terpujilah Tuhan! Cepatlah! Tenanglah! Santai sajalah! Tunggu sebentar! Tunggu sejenak! Bertahanlah!

Telling Time
(Mengatakan Waktu)
Seven Days / One Week (Tujuh Hari / Seminggu)
Name of Day (Nama Hari) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Today / This day Tomorrow After tomorrow Yesterday / Last day The day before yesterday The day after The day before x day(s) after X day(s) before Everyday/week/month/year Every Sunday / Monday Next day Next week/month/year Abbreviation (Singkatan) SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Meaning (Arti) Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Hari ini Besok Lusa / Setelah besok Kemarin Kemarin lusa Setelah hari Sebelum hari x hari setelah hari x hari sebelum hari Setiap hari/minggu/bulan/tahun Setiap hari Minggu / Senin Keesokan harinya/setelah hari Minggu/bulan/tahun depan

Conversation 9
X : What day is today? Y : Today is Wednesday. X : What day is tomorrow? Y : Tomorrow is Thursday. X : What day is after tomorrow? Y: After tomorrow is Friday. X : What day was yesterday? Y : Yesterday was Tuesday. X : What day is after Friday? Y: The day after Friday is Saturday. X : What day is before Monday? Y: The day before Monday is Sunday. X : What day is three days after Wednesday? Y : Three days after Wednesday is Saturday. X : What day is two days before Tuesday? Y : Two days before Tuesday is Sunday.

Twelve Months (Dua Belas Bulan)

Month (Bulan) January February March April May June Meaning (Arti) Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni Month (Bulan) July August September October November December Meaning (Arti) Juli Agustus September Oktober November Desember

this month next month last month the month after the month before

bulan ini bulan depan bulan lalu / bulan kemarin setelah bulan sebelum bulan

Conversation 10
X : What month is this month? Y : This month is April. X : What month is next month? Y : Next month is May. X : What month was last month? Y : Last month was March. X : What month is after July? Y: The month after July is August X : What month is before October? Y : The month before October is September.

Date (Tanggal)
British Style On August 22nd, 2012 American Style On 22nd August, 2012 How to read (Cara baca) On the August twenty-second two thousand twelve How to read (Cara baca) On the twenty-second of August two thousand twelve

Example: X : What date is today? Y : Today is April 30th, 2012

Conversation 11
Andrew Brenda Andrew Brenda Andrew : : : : : Hello! Hello! Whats your name? My names Brenda. Whats your name? Im Andrew. When were you born? I was born on October 22nd, 1996. Where were you born? I was born in London, Britain. How about you? When were you born? I was born on 5th July, 1989 And, where were you born? I was born in Los Angeles, United States of America

Brenda : Andrew : Brenda : Andrew : Brenda : Andrew :

Clock Time (Waktu Jam)

Time (Waktu) o'clock / sharp 07:00 10:00 12:00 Past 03:10 01:25 10:05 08:30 02:15 To 02:40 11:55 04:50 08:30 02:45 (A) Half 06:30 06:30 01:30 11:30 (A) Quarter 09:15 09:45 04:15 04:45
Note (Keterangan): American Style 11:30 = Its eleven thirty 02:45 = Its two forty-five

British Style Tepat Its seven oclock (Ini jam tujuh) Its ten oclock (Ini jam sepuluh) Its twelve sharp (Ini jam dua belas) Lewat Its ten (minutes) past three (Ini jam tiga lewat sepuluh) Its twenty-five (minutes) past one (Ini jam satu lewat dua puluh lima) Its five (minutes) past one (Ini jam sepuluh lewat lima) Its thirty (minutes) past six (Ini jam delapan lewat tiga puluh) Its fifteen (minutes) past two (Ini jam dua lewat lima belas) Kurang (menuju) Its twenty (minutes) to three (Ini jam tiga kurang sepuluh) Its five (minutes) to twelve (Ini jam dua belas kurang lima) Its ten (minutes) to five (Ini jam lima kurang sepuluh) Its thirty (minutes) to nine (Ini jam sembilan kurang tiga puluh) Its fifteen (minutes) to three (Ini jam tiga kurang lima belas) Setengah (jam) Its a half past six (Ini jam enam setengah) Its a half to seven (Ini jam setengah tujuh) Its half past one (Ini jam satu setengah) Its half to twelve (Ini jam setengah dua belas) Seperempat (jam) Its a quarter past three (Ini jam sembilan seperempat) Its a quarter to ten (Ini jam sepuluh kurang seperempat) Its a quarter past four (Ini jam empat seperempat) Its a quarter to five (Ini jam lima kurang seperempat)

am pm 08:00 am 04:21 pm

ante meridiem (00:00 until 12:00) past meridiem (12:00 until 24:00) eight oclock am four twenty-one pm

Note (Keterangan): Midday / Noon = 12:00 am Midnight = 12:00 pm / 00:00 am Exception (Pengecualian)! X : What time do you have dinner? Y : at seven oclock (CORRECT / TEPAT) or Y : at seven oclock pm (INCORRECT / TIDAK TEPAT)

B.C. = Before Christ A.D. = Anno Domini

SM (Sebelum Masehi) M (Masehi)

Example: Gautama Buddha was born in year 624 B.C. (Buddha lahir pada tahun 624 Sebelum Masehi)* Jesus Christ was born in year 7 B.C. (Yesus Kristus lahir pada tahun 7 Sebelum Masehi)* Muhammad SAW was born in 570 A.D. (Nabi Muhammad lahir pada tahun 570 Masehi)* * Source: Wikipedia Common Time Expressions (Ungkapan Waktu Umum) x oclock two hours at about sharp Past To minute(s) second(s) jam x dua jam kira-kira / sekitar tepat Lewat / Lebih Kurang menit detik

Other Time Expressions (Ungkapan Waktu Lain) Times up! / The time is up! Ago next time last time every time / day / week / month / year / etc. Soon a few times [Simple Tense] several times / days / weeks / months / years / etc. [Perfect Tense] Dont waste your time! Its a waste of time! leisure time / spare time anytime / any time on time / punctually in time late early for (two hours) since (five days ago) Waktu sudah habis! lalu / yang lalu waktu berikutnya / lain waktu terakhir kali setiap kali / hari / minggu / bulan / tahun / dll Segera beberapa kali

beberapa kali / hari / minggu / bulan / tahun

Jangan buang-buang waktumu! Hanya buang-buang waktu! waktu senggang / waktu luang sewaktu-waktu tepat waktu / tepat pada waktunya pada saatnya terlambat awal selama (dua jam lalu) sejak (lima hari lalu)

Conversation 12
X : What time is it? Y : (09.51 am) Its nine minutes to ten (am). (British Style) Y : Its nine fifty-one (am). (American Style) or

Frequency of Time (Tingkat Keseringan Waktu)

100% always = selalu usually = biasanya often = sering sometimes = kadang-kadang/terkadang seldom = jarang rarely = jarang sekali/banget 0% never = tidak pernah
Note (Keterangan): any time = kapan saja some time = kapan-kapan

Conversation 13
X : Hello, John. When were you born? Y : I was born on August 8th, 2011 X : What time were you born? Y : I was born at 3.20 a.m. X : What day do you go to school? Y : I always go to school every Monday-to-Saturday. I go to school from Monday to Saturday every week. X : What time do we have English class every Sunday? Y : We have class at eight oclock. X : And what time is it now? Y : Its ten minutes past eight. X : Oh, my God! We are late ten minutes. Y : Lets go now!

Please fill in the blanks with the right answers.
Silakan isi di tempat kosong dengan jawaban yang tepat.

X : Hi, ___________ (your friends name). When were you born? Y : I was born ___________________________. (day & date) X : What time were you born? Y : I was born _____________________. X : What day do you go to school? Y : I _________ go to school ___________. X : ________________________________________? Y : We have class at seven oclock every Tuesday. X : ____________________? Y : Its seven ten.

How to Talk
(Cara Berbicara)
A. Talking Basics: Sentence (Dasar-Dasar Berbicara: Kalimat)
Subject | Verb | Object/Complement | Adverb (optional) Verbal (Berpredikat/kata kerja) S Noun V O Noun Adv

Subyek | Predikat/Kata Kerja | Obyek | Keterangan Subject | To Be / Be | Noun/Adjective (optional)/Adverb (optional) Non-Verbal (Non-Predikat/kata kerja) S Noun Auxiliary Complement Adj

Subyek | Kata Kerja Bantu To Be | Pelengkap | Keterangan

Note (Keterangan): optional = tidak harus Adjective/Adj = Kata Sifat (menjelaskan kata benda)

Example 1: S V O Adv I speak English in the class room. (Saya berbicara Bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas)


S Be Adj. Adv Non-Verbal I am happy in the classroom. (Saya bahagia di dalam kelas)

Example 2: S V O Adv Ann reads a book in the class room. (Ann membaca sebuah buku di dalam kelas)


S Be Noun Non-Verbal Peter is a student. (Peter adalah seorang murid/pelajar)

B. Speaking Structures (Kerangka Berbicara)


3. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS = Tindakan Yang Telah Terjadi

4. TELLING DURATION = Durasi/Tindakan Yang Telah & Masih

ROUTINES/HABITS/GENERAL FACTS* S | V1 (s/es) | O | Adv VERBAL S | Be (Present) | Noun/Adj/Adv NON ON GOING S | Be (Present) | Ving | O | Adv DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS S | has/have | V3 | O | Adv VERBAL S | has/have | been | Noun/Adj/Adv NON TELLING DURATION S | has/have | been | Ving | O | Adv

ROUTINES/HABITS S | will/shall | V1 | O | Adv S | will be | Noun/Adj/Adv ON GOING S | will/shall be | Ving | O | Adv DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS S | will/shall have | V3 | O | Adv VERBAL S | will/shall have | been | Noun/Adj/Adv NON TELLING DURATION S | will/shall have | been | Ving | O | Adv VERBAL NON

ROUTINES/HABITS S | V2 | O | Adv VERBAL S | Be (Past) | Noun/Adj/Adv ON GOING S | Be (Past) | Ving | O | Adv DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS S | had | V3 | O | Adv VERBAL S | had | been | Noun/Adj/Adv NON TELLING DURATION S | had | been | Ving | O | Adv




Note (Keterangan): ON GOING & TELLING DURATION LIMITED NON-VERBAL (limited = terbatas) * GENERAL FACTS PRESENT only (hanya)

Example: Ann speaks English in the class room. I am happy in the classroom.

ROUTINES/HABITS/GENERAL FACTS* Ann speaks English in the class room. I am happy in the classroom. ON GOING Ann is speaking English in the class room. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Ann has spoken English in the class room. I have been happy in the classroom. TELLING DURATION Ann has been speaking English in the class room.

ROUTINES/HABITS Ann will speak English in the class room. I will be happy in the classroom. ON GOING Ann will be speaking English in the class room. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Ann will have spoken English in the class room. I will have been happy in the classroom. TELLING DURATION Ann will have been speaking English in the class room.

ROUTINES/HABITS Ann spoke English in the class room. I was happy in the classroom. ON GOING Ann was speaking English in the class room. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Ann had spoken English in the class room. I had been happy in the classroom. TELLING DURATION Ann had been speaking English in the class room.


Ann can/could speak English in the class room. I can/could be happy in the classroom. Ann should speak English in the class room. I should be happy in the classroom. Ann would speak English in the class room. I would be happy in the classroom. Ann may/might speak English in the class room. I may/might be happy in the classroom. Ann must/has to speak English in the class room. I must/have to be happy in the classroom. Ann dare speak English in the class room. I dare be happy in the classroom.

C. Pronouns & Auxiliaries (Kata Ganti & Kata Bantu)

Subjective Pronouns (Kata Ganti Subyek) I You We They He She It Objective Pronouns (Kata Ganti Obyek) me you us them him her it Helping Verbs / Linking Verbs / To Be Auxiliary (Kata Kerja Bantu To Be) Subject I You We They He She It Past was were were were was was was Do Auxiliary (Kata Kerja Bantu do) Subject I You We They He She It Past Present do do do do does does does Present am are are are is is is Possessive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Milik) my your our their his her its


Example Do Auxiliary: 1. He does the homework. (Dia mengerjakan/melakukan pekerjaan rumah/pr) 2. John did the homework. (John mengerjakan/melakukan pekerjaan rumah/pr waktu lalu)

D. NOT / Negative Sentences (Kalimat Tidak/Negatif) PRESENT

ROUTINES/HABITS/GENERAL FACTS S | do/does not | V1 | O | Adv VERBAL S | Be (Present) not | Noun/Adj/Adv NON ON GOING S | Be (Present) not | Ving | O | Adv DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS S | has/have not | V3 | O | Adv VERBAL S | has/have not | been | Noun/Adj/Adv NON TELLING DURATION S | has/have not | been | Ving | O | Adv

ROUTINES/HABITS S | will/shall not | V1 | O | Adv S | will be not | Noun/Adj/Adv ON GOING S | will/shall not be | Ving | O | Adv DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS S | will/shall not have | V3 | O | Adv VERBAL S | will/shall not have | been | Noun/Adj/Adv NON TELLING DURATION S | will/shall not have | been | Ving | O | Adv VERBAL NON

ROUTINES/HABITS S | did not | V1 | O | Adv VERBAL S | Be (Past) not | Noun/Adj/Adv NON ON GOING S | Be (Past) not | Ving | O | Adv DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS S | had not | V3 | O | Adv VERBAL S | had not | been | Noun/Adj/Adv NON TELLING DURATION S | had not | been | Ving | O | Adv


CAN | COULD not (tidak BISA / DAPAT) SHOULD not (tidak SEHARUSNYA) WOULD not (tidak AKAN) MAY | MIGHT not (tidak MUNGKIN / BOLEH / SEMOGA) NEED not | DO/DOES not HAVE TO (tidak HARUS) DARE not (tidak BERANI)

Example: Ann speaks English in the class room. I am happy in the classroom.

ROUTINES/HABITS/GENERAL FACTS* Ann does not speak English in the class room. I am not happy in the classroom. ON GOING Ann is not speaking English in the class room. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Ann has not spoken English in the class room. I have not been happy in the classroom.

ROUTINES/HABITS Ann will not speak English in the class room. I will not be happy in the classroom. ON GOING Ann will not be speaking English in the class room. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Ann will not have spoken English in the class room. I will not have been happy in the classroom.

TELLING DURATION TELLING DURATION Ann has not been speaking English in the class Ann will not have been speaking English in the room. class room.

ROUTINES/HABITS Ann did not speak English in the class room. I was not happy in the classroom. ON GOING Ann was not speaking English in the class room. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Ann had not spoken English in the class room. I had not been happy in the classroom. TELLING DURATION Ann had not been speaking English in the class room.


Ann can/could not speak English in the class room. I can/could not be happy in the classroom. Ann should not speak English in the class room. I should not be happy in the classroom. Ann would not speak English in the class room. I would not be happy in the classroom. Ann may/might not speak English in the class room. I may/might not be happy in the classroom. Ann need not/does not have to speak English in the class room. I need not/do not have to be happy in the classroom. Ann dare not speak English in the class room. I dare not be happy in the classroom.

E. Forming Negative Auxiliaries (Membentuk Kata Bantu Negatif)

To be (PRESENT & PAST) Subject Positive She He It I You We They Shes Hes Its Im Youre Were Theyre To be (PRESENT) Negative is not is not is not am not are not are not are not Contraction isnt isnt isnt arent arent arent arent To be (PAST) Negative was not was not was not was not were not were not were not Contraction wasnt wasnt wasnt wasnt werent werent werent

Do (PRESENT & PAST) Subject To be (PRESENT) Negative She He It I You We They does not does not does not do not do not do not do not Contraction doesnt doesnt doesnt dont dont dont dont To be (PAST) Negative Contraction

did not


Have (PRESENT & PAST) Subject Contraction (PRESENT) Positive She He It I You We They Shes Hes Its Ive Youve Weve Theyve To be (PRESENT) Negative has not has not has not have not have not have not have not Contraction hasnt hasnt hasnt havent / not havent / not havent / not havent / not To be (PAST) Negative Contraction

had not


F. Modals (Kata Kerja Khusus)

POSITIVE SENTECES Can or Could (Bisa) I can speak English. PRESENT or INFORMAL I could speak English. PAST or FORMAL Should (Seharusnya) I should speak English. Would or Will (Akan) I will speak English. FUTURE or INFORMAL I would speak English. PAST or FORMAL May or Might (Boleh/Mungkin/Semoga) I may/might speak English. (Boleh) I may be at home. (Mungkin) May GOD bless you! (Semoga) Must (Harus) I must speak English. Need to (Perlu) I need to speak English. Have to Must (Harus) NEGATIVE SENTENCES Cant/Can not or Couldnt/Could not (Tidak Bisa) I cant speak English. PRESENT or INFORMAL I could not speak English. PAST or FORMAL Shouldnt/Should not (Tidak Seharusnya) I should not speak English. Wouldnt/Would not or Wont/Will not (Tak akan) I wont speak English. FUTURE or INFORMAL I wouldnt speak English. PAST or FORMAL May not or Might not (Boleh/Mungkin/Semoga) I may/might not speak English. (Tidak boleh) I may not be at home. (Tidak mungkin) May EVIL not bless you! Neednt to/Need not to (Tak Perlu) I need not to speak English. Mustnt/Must not (Dilarang/Jangan) I must not speak English. Doesnt or Dont have to (Tak Perlu) I dont have to speak English. Doesnt or Dont want to (Tak ingin/Tak mau) I do not want to speak English. Dare not (Tak berani) I dare not speak English. Ought not to (Tidak seharusnya) I ought not to speak English.

I have to speak English. Want to (Ingin/Mau) I want to speak English. Dare (Berani) I dare speak English. Ought to Should (Seharusnya)

I ought to speak English.

G. Nouns (Kata Benda)

Singular (Tunggal) (a) one bird one street one rose one dish one match one class one box one baby one city one knife one shelf one tomato one zoo one zero Plural (Jamak) two birds two streets two roses two dishes two matches two classes two boxes two babies two cities two knives two shelves two tomatoes two zoos two zeroes GENERAL: add s (general = umum) -sh, -ch, -ss, -x add es (add = tambah) Rules (Aturan)



-y change to ies (change to = berubah ke) -fe, -f change to -ves



-o change to -oes & -os -oes: tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, echoes, mosquitoes -os: zoos, radios, studios, pianos, sopranos, photos, autos -oes or -os: zeroes/zeros, volcanoes/volcanos, tornadoes/tornados, echoes/echos, mosquitoes/mosquitos IRREGULAR person, woman, man, child: people (orang-orang)


one child one man one woman one foot one goose one mouse one tooth one deer one fish one sheep one offspring one species one bacterium one cactus one crisis one phenomenon

two children two men two women two feet two geese two mice two teeth two deer two fish two sheep two offspring two species two bacteria two cacti two crises two phenomena





H. Classroom & Daily Activities (Kegiatan Harian & Dalam Kelas)

1 read a book {read read read} write a letter {write wrote written} send a letter {send sent sent} listen to the music {listen listened listened} tell a name {tell told told} say a word {say said said} look at me {look looked looked} work hard {work worked worked} ask questions {ask asked asked} answer questions {answer answered answered} check homework {check checked checked} open your book {open opened opened} close your book {close closed closed} have money {have had had} sing a song {sing sang sung} come here membaca sebuah buku

menulis sebuah surat

mengirim sebuah surat

mendengarkan musik

mengatakan/beritahu sebuah nama

mengucapkan sebuah nama

menatap pada saya

bekerja keras

bertanya berbagai pertanyaan / banyak bertanya menjawab pertanyaan



memeriksa pekerjaan rumah/pr


membuka bukumu


menutup bukumu


memiliki/mempunyai uang


menyanyikan sebuah lagu


datang kemari/ke sini

{come came come} 17 repeat sentences after me {repeat repeated repeated} sit down {sit sat sat} stand up {stand stood stood} stay silent {stay stayed stayed} turn on/off the lights {turn turned turned} switch off/on the lights {switch switched switched} complete the sentences {complete completed completed} spell your name {spell spelt spelt} talk with him {talk talked talked} walk on the street {walk walked walked} ride a bike / bicycle {ride rode ridden} take a bus {take took taken} see a picture {see saw seen} learn English {learn learnt/learned learnt/learned} study Mathematics in the school {study studied studied} drink water mengulang kalimat-kalimat setelah saya






tetap tenang / diam / membisa


menyalakan/mematikan lampu-lampu


mematikan/menyalakan lampu-lampu


melengkapi kalimat-kalimatnya


mengeja namamu


berbicara dengannya/dia


berjalan (di jalanan)


mengendarai (sebuah) sepeda


menumpangi (sebuah) bus


melihat sebuah gambar


belajar bahasa Inggris


mempelajari Matematika


meminum air

{drink drank drunk} 33 eat food {eat ate eaten} have breakfast / lunch / dinner / a meal {have had had} understand English {understand understood understood} get up {get got got/gotten} wake up {wake woke waked/woken} get up early {get got got/gotten} get up so late {get got got/gotten} have exercise {have had had} take a bath / take a shower {take took taken} brush your teeth {brush brushed brushed} pray {pray prayed prayed} go to school {go went gone} take a child to school {take took taken} get home {get got got/gotten} sleep {sleep slept slept} take a nap memakan makanan


(melangsungkan) sarapan / makan siang / makan malam / santapan memahami/mengerti bahasa Inggris







bangun awal


bangun terlambat/kesiangan


berolah raga


mandi / mandi (pancuran)


menggosok gigi




pergi sekolah


mengantar seorang anak ke sekolah


tiba di rumah




tidur siang

{take took taken} 49 take a rest {take took taken} help mother {help helped helped} take mother to the market {take took taken} pick up mother {pick picked picked} study Mathematics {study studied studied} read a newspaper {read read read} work in the office {work worked worked} dance tango {dance danced danced} drive a car {drive drove driven} cycle {cycle cycled cycled} buy food {buy bought bought} wear socks, shoes and uniform {wear wore worn} make up {make made made} make the cake {make made made} cook food {cook cooked cooked} build the house beristirahat


menolong ibu


mengantar ibu ke pasar


menjemput ibu


belajar Matematika


membaca koran


bekerja di kantor


menari tango


mengemudi mobil




membeli makanan


mengenakan kaus kaki, sepatu dan seragam berias / berdandan



membuat kue


memasak makanan


membangun rumah

{build built built} 65 have a gymnastic {have had had} go to the gym {go went gone} call up {call called called} take a walk {take took taken} have a look {have had had} look for {look looked looked} wait for {wait waited waited} borrow a book {borrow borrowed borrowed} lend a book / money {lend lent lent} give help {give gave given} receive help {receive received received} ask for a help {ask asked asked} ask for some money {ask asked asked} go shopping {go went gone} go steady {go went gone} visit family senam


pergi ke fitness












meminjam sebuah buku


meminjami sebuah buku / uang


memberi pertolongan


menerima pertolongan


meminta pertolongan


meminta uang


pergi berbelanja




mengunjungi keluarga

{visit visited visited} 81 invite a guest/friend {invite invited invited} swim in the pool {swim swam swum} climb the tree {climb climbed climbed} play a kite {play played played} bring a bag to the school {bring brought brought} understand the lesson {understand understood understood} blow the balloon {blow blew blown} run into the class {run ran run} shut the window {shut shut shut} hang the picture on the wall {hang hung hung} go to bed {go went gone} go to sleep {go went gone} mengundang seorang tamu/teman


berenang di kolam


memanjat pohon


bermain layang-layang


membawa sebuah tas ke sekolah


memahami/mengerti pelajarannya


meniup balon


berlari masuk ke dalam kelas


menutup jendela


menggantung lukisan pada dinding


pergi tidur


pergi tidur

Note (Keterangan): { V1 V2 V3} Verb Forms 1, 2, 3 (Bentuk Kata Kerja 1, 2, 3)

Use above classroom & daily activities to create positive & negative sentences in tenses Past, Present and Future with all subjective pronouns! Translate into Indonesian!
Gunakan aktivitas kelas & harian di atas untuk membuat kalimat positif & negatif dalam tenses Past, Present dan Future dengan semua kata ganti subyek! Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!

I. Expressing Future with Will/Shall and Going to (Ungkapan Masa Depan dengan Will/Shall dan Going To)
I am going to leave at nine tomorrow morning. I will leave at nine tomorrow morning. Marie is going to be at the meeting today. * Marie will be at the meeting today. I shall leave at nine tomorrow morning. We shall leave at nine tomorrow morning. Be going to and will are used to express future time and often give the same meaning, but sometimes the express different meanings. The use shall (with I or We) to express future time is infrequent

Note (Keterangan): * Today, tonight, and this + morning, afternoon, evening, week, etc. can express present, past, or future time. PRESENT : Sam is in his office this morning. PAST : Ann was in her office this morning at eight, but now shes at a meeting. FUTURE : Bob is going to be in his office this morning after his dentist appointment.

Forms with Going to & Will/Shall (Bentuk dari Going to & Will/Shall) We are going to be late. Shes going to come tomorrow.
INCORRECT: Shes going to comes tomorrow.

Be going to and will/shall are followed by the simple form of the verb.

I shall leave tomorrow morning. Am I Is he, she, it Are they, we, you Shall I leave tomorrow? I am not He, she, it is not They, we, you are not I shall not leave tomorrow. Hurry up! Were gonna be late! QUESTION: be + subject + going to

going to be late?

shall/will + subject + going to NEGATIVE: be + not + going to shall/will + not or shant, wont Be going to is more common in speaking and in informal writing than in formal writing. In informal speaking, it is sometimes pronounced gonna. Gonna is not usually a written form.

going to be late.

J. Yes/No Questions & Short Answer (Pertanyaan Iya/Tidak & Jawaban Singkat) PRESENT
ROUTINES/HABITS/GENERAL FACTS* Do/does | S | V1 | O | Adv? VERBAL Answer: Yes, S | do/does No, S | do/does not Be (Present) | S | Noun/Adj/Adv? NON Answer: Yes, S | Be (Present) No, S | Be (Present) not ON GOING Be (Present) | S | Ving | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | Be (Present) No, S | Be (Present) not DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Has/have | S | V3 | O | Adv? VERBAL Answer: Yes, S | has/have No, S | has/have not Has/have | S | been | Noun/Adj/Adv? NON Answer: Yes, S | has/have No, S | has/have not

ROUTINES/HABITS Will/shall | S | V1 | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | will No, S | will not Will be | S | Noun/Adj/Adv? Answer: Yes, S | will No, S | will not ON GOING Will/shall be | S | Ving | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | will No, S | will not DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Will/shall | S | have | V3 | O | Adv? VERBAL Answer: Yes, S | will No, S | will not Will/shall | S | have | been | Noun/Adj/Adv? NON Answer: Yes, S | will No, S | will not TELLING DURATION Will/shall | S | have | been | Ving | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | will No, S | will not VERBAL


TELLING DURATION Has/have | S | been | Ving | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | has/have No, S | has/have not

Note (Keterangan): A yes/no question is a confirmation question that can be answered by yes or no, or other equivalents, such as yeah, nah, and uh huh or huh uh. (Sebuah pertanyaan iya/tidak adalah sebuah pertanyaan ketegasan yang bisa dijawab dengan iya atau tidak, atau jawaban yang serupa, seperti yeah, nah, dan uh huh atau huh uh.)

Example: Ann speaks English in the class room. I am happy in the classroom.

ROUTINES/HABITS/GENERAL FACTS* Does Ann speak English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she does. No, she does not. Are you happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I am. No, I am not. ON GOING Is Ann speaking English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she is. No, she is not. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Has Ann spoken English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she has. No, she has not. Have you been happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I have. No, I have not. TELLING DURATION Has Ann been speaking English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she has. No, she has not.
Note (Keterangan): Correct : Yes, I am. (Benar) Incorrect : Yes, Im. (Salah) The spoken emphasis is on am. (Penekanan bicara pada am) Correct : Yes, she will. (Benar) Incorrect : Yes, shell. (Salah) The spoken emphasis is on will. (Penekanan bicara pada will)

ROUTINES/HABITS Will Ann speak English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she will. No, she will not. Will you be happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I will. No, I will not. ON GOING Will Ann be speaking English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she will. No, she will not. DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Will Ann have spoken English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she will. No, she will not. Will you have been happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I will. No, I will not. TELLING DURATION Will Ann have been speaking English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she will. No, she will not.

ROUTINES/HABITS Did | S | V1 | O | Adv? VERBAL Answer: Yes, S | did No, S | did not Be (Past) | S | Noun/Adj/Adv? NON Answer: Yes, S | Be (Past) No, S | Be (Past) not ON GOING Be (Past) | S | Ving | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | Be (Past) No, S | Be (Past) not DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Had | S | V3 | O | Adv? VERBAL Answer: Yes, S | had No, S | had not Had | S | been | Noun/Adj/Adv? NON Answer: Yes, S | had No, S | had not TELLING DURATION Had | been | Ving | O | Adv? Answer: Yes, S | had No, S | had not




Yes, S | MODAL No, S | MODAL not

Example: Ann speaks English in the class room. I am happy in the classroom.

ROUTINES/HABITS Did Ann speak English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she did No, she did not / didnt Were you happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I was No, I was not / wasnt ON GOING Was Ann speaking English in the class room? Answer: Yes, I was No, I was not / wasnt DONE/FINISHED ACTIONS Had Ann spoken English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she had No, she had not / hadnt Had you been happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I had No, I had not / hadnt TELLING DURATION Had Ann been speaking English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she had No, she had not / hadnt


Can/Could Ann speak English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she can/could No, she can/could not cant/couldnt Should you be happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I should No, I should not / shouldnt Would Ann speak English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she would No, she would not / wouldnt May I be happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, you may No, you may not Must Ann speak English in the class room? Answer: Yes, she must No, she need not Do I have to be happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, you do No, you dont have to Dare you be happy in the classroom? Answer: Yes, I dare No, I dare not

Use classroom & daily activities list to create Yes/No Questions! Translate into Indonesian!
Gunakan daftar aktivitas kelas & harian untuk membuat kalimat tanya! Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!

Write down your own daily activities on a table like example below. Use verbal or non-verbal sentences with or without subject. You may use your own time allocation.
Tulis tentang aktivitas harianmu sendiri dalam sebuah tabel seperti contoh di bawah. Gunakan kalimat-kalimat verbal atau non-verbal dengan atau tanpa subyek. Anda bisa menggunakan pembagian waktu sendiri.

Sunday Time 05.00am get up & ~ 07.00am have exercise 07.00am ride my bike & ~ 09.00am go to school 09.00am study English ~ 11.00 11.00am study Mathematics ~ 01.00pm 01.00pm go home & have a ~ 03.00pm meal 03.00pm take a bus & ~ 05.00pm go to English Zone 05.00pm take a Math course, ~ 07.00pm have dinner 07.00pm pray & ~ 09.00pm go to sleep

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



1. Write down your daily activities in a narrative story from morning to night.
Hi.. My name is Dennis. I study in Theresiana Junior High School. I go to school every day. I wake up every morning at 5.00 am and take a bath soon. I have breakfast at six. __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I go to bed at 9.00 every night.


Write down about your fathers activities from morning to night.

Hi.. My dads name is Anthony. He works in Mandiri Bank. He goes to work every day. He wakes up every morning at 5.00 am and takes a bath soon. He has breakfast at six. _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ He sleeps at 11.00 pm in the night.

3. 4. 5.

Tell about your yesterdays activities. Tell about your tomorrows plan. Read them out in front of your friends.

Asking about Activities (Bertanya tentang Kegiatan/Aktivitas)

What + Form of Do (What + Bentuk dari Do) What + a form of do is used to ask questions about activities. Examples of forms of do: am, doing, will do, are going to do, did, etc. QUESTION What does Bob do every morning? What did you do yesterday? What is your roommate doing? What are you going to do tomorrow? What do you want to do tonight? What would you like to do tomorrow? What will you do tomorrow? What should I do about my headache? ANSWER He goes to class. I went downtown. Shes studying. Im going to go to the beach. I want to go to a movie. I would like to visit Jim. Ill go downtown. You should take an aspirin.

1. A: ______________________________________ right now? B: Im studying. 2. A: ______________________________________ last night? B: I studied. 3. A: ______________________________________ tomorrow? B: Im going to visit my relatives. 4. A: ______________________________________ tomorrow? B: I want to go to the beach. 5. A: ______________________________________ tomorrow? B: I need to go to the library. 6. A: ______________________________________ tomorrow? B: I would like to go to a movie. 7. A: ______________________________________ tomorrow? B: Im planning to stay home and relax most of the day. 8. A: ______________________________________ in class every day?

B: I study English. 9. A: ______________________________________ (for a living)? B: Im a teacher. (I teach.) 10. A: ______________________________________ if it snows tomorrow and you cant get to the airport? B: Ill cancel my reservation and book a flight for the next day. 11. A: ______________________________________ to improve my English? B: You should speak English as much as possible. 12. A: ______________________________________ after class yesterday? B: He (Steve) went to the post office. 13. A: ______________________________________ after class yesterday? B: She (Jane) went swimming. 14. A: ______________________________________ when he stopped you for speeding? B: He (the police officer) gave me a ticket. 15. A: ________________________________________________________________ ? B: She (Yoko) is writing in her book? 16. A: ______________________________________ in the winter? B: It (a bear) hibernates. 17. A: I have the hiccups. ________________________________________________ ? B: You should drink a glass of water. 18. A: Mike is in trouble with the law. ______________________________________ ? B: He should see a lawyer. 19. A: ________________________________________________________________ ? B: He (my husband) is a businessman. He works for General Electric. 20. A: ________________________________________________________________ ? B: She (my wife) is a computer programmer. She works for the telephone company.

Family and Relative (Keluarga dan Kerabat)
Parents Father Mother Daddy / Dad Mummy / Mum Grandfather / Grand Daddy / Grand Dad Grandmother / Grand Mummy / Grand Mum Child / Kid Children Son Daughter Brother Sister Elder brother Elder sister Older brother / sister Younger brother Younger sister Uncle Aunt Cousin Nephew Orang tua Bapak Ibu Ayah Ibu Kakek Nenek Anak Anak-anak Putra / Anak laki-laki Putri / Anak perempuan Saudara laki-laki Saudara perempuan Kakak laki-laki (kandung) Kakak perempuan (kandung) Kakak laki-laki/perempuan (bukan kandung) Adik laki-laki Adik perempuan Paman Bibi Sepupu Keponakan laki-laki

Niece Grand child Grand son Grand daughter Great-grandfather Great-grandmother Step father Step mother Great-grandchild

Keponakan perempuan Cucu Cucu laki-laki Cucu perempuan Kakek buyut Nenek buyut Bapak tiri Ibu tiri Cicit / Cucu buyut

Parent-in-law Father-in-law Mother-in-law Brother-in-law Sister-in-law Son-in-law Daughter-in-law

Mertua Bapak mertua Ibu mertua Saudara ipar laki-laki Saudara ipar perempuan Menantu laki-laki Menantu perempuan

Husband Wife Baby Male Female Boy Girl Boyfriend

Suami Istri Bayi Laki-laki Perempuan Anak laki-laki (umum) Anak perempuan (umum) Pacar laki-laki / Cowok

Girlfriend Fatherless-child Motherless-child Orphan Adopted child Guest Host Clan Name Surname Middle-name Neighbor / Neighbour

Pacar perempuan / Cewek Anak yatim Anak piatu Yatim piatu Anak angkat Tamu Tuan rumah Marga Nama Nama keluarga / belakang Nama tengah Tetangga

Professions (Pekerjaan)
Teacher Librarian Journalist Engineer Doctor Nurse Midwife Street-peddler Army / Soldier Police Officer Guru Pustakawan Wartawan / Jurnalis Insinyur Dokter Perawat Bidan Pemulung Tentara / Prajurit Polisi Pegawai (kantor)

Announcer Trader Blacksmith Hawker Labor Coacher Postman Farmer Fisherman Sailor Driver Pilot Mechanic Gardener Porter / Portman Carpenter Cashier Singer Employee Barber / Hairdresser Photographer Man Woman Baby Male Female

Penyiar Pedagang Tukang besi / Pandai besi Pedagang asongan Tenaga kerja / Buruh Kusir Tukang pos Petani Nelayan Pelaut Supir Pilot Montir Tukang kebun Kuli / Buruh Tukang kayu Kasir Penyanyi Karyawan Tukang cukur (rambut) / Penata rambut Tukang foto Manusia / Laki-Laki / Pria Perempuan / Wanita Bayi Laki-laki / Pejantan (hewan) Perempuan / Betina (hewan)

Broadcaster Close-friend Student Trainer Coach Practitioner Participant Correspondent Lawyer Banker Director Secretary

Penyiar radio Teman dekat / karib Murid Pelatih Pelatih Praktisi Peserta Wartawan penulis Pengacara Banker Direktur (perusahaan) / Sutradara (film) Sekretaris

Asking about People Using Who, Whom & What (Siapa & Apa)
QUESTION S Who came? O S Who(m) did you see? ANSWER S Someone came. S O I saw someone. Who is used as the subject (S) of a question. Who(m) is used as the object in a question. FORMAL : Whom did you see? INFORMAL : Who did you see? What is used as either the subject or the object in a question. CORRECT : Who/What came? INCORRECT : Who/What did come?

S What happened? O S What did you see?

S Something happened. S O I saw something.

1. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: An accident. (I saw an accident.) 2. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: An accident. (Mary saw an accident.) 3. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: Mary. (Mary saw an accident.) 4. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: John. (Mary saw John.) 5. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: Mary. (Mary saw John.) 6. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: An accident. (An accident happened.) 7. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: A new coat. (Aliyah bought a new coat.) 8. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: Aliyah. (Aliyah bought a new coat.) 9. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: A map of the world. (Im looking at a map of the world.) 10. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: Jane. (Im looking at Jane.) 11. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: The secretary. (I talked to the secretary.) 12. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: His problems. (Tom talked about his problems.) 13. A: ________________________________________________________________ B: The board. (The teacher looked at the board.)

Persons Appearance (Penampilan Seseorang)

Complexion (Warna kulit) Fair Dark/Black White Height (Tinggi Badan) Tall Short Of medium height Age (Usia) Old Young Middle age Elderly Figure (Bentuk Badan) Small/Diminutive/Tiny Big/Large Stocky Stout Muscular Straight Bent Skinny Slim/Slender/Slight Plum/Fat/Obese Looks (Penampilan) Attractive/Charming Beautiful/Pretty Handsome Good-looking Kuning langsat Hitam Putih Tinggi Pendek Sedang Tua Muda Setengah baya Usia lanjut Kecil Besar Pendek gemuk Gagah Berotot Tegap Bungkuk Kurus kering Ramping Gemuk Menarik/Berwibawa/Memikat Cantik/Manis Ganteng Kelihatan menarik

Great-looking Cute Cool Sexy Homely/Plain Ugly Hair (Rambut) Long Short Curly Straight Wavy Blond Brunette Frizzy/Afro Face (Wajah) Oval Round Square Sallow Eyes (Mata) Slanted Narrow Wide Round Cross-eyed Nose (Hidung) Small Flat Big

Hebat Imut Keren Seksi Sederhana Jelek/Buruk Panjang Pendek Keriting Lurus Berombak Pirang Kecoklatan Kribo Lonjong Bulat Kotak/Persegi Pucat Sipit Sempit Lebar Bulat Juling Kecil Pesek Besar

Pointed/Long/Sharp Lips (Bibir) Thin Thick Wide Cheek (Pipi) Neck (Leher) Shoulders (Bahu/Pundak) Chubby Dimple Long Short Narrow Wide

Mancung Tipis Tebal Lebar Gemuk Lesung Panjang Pendek Sempit Lebar

Expressing Possession (Mengungkapkan Kepemilikan)

This name belongs to me. (Nama ini kepunyaanku) Possessive Nouns (Kata Benda Kepemilikan) Using Apostrophe () and s Singular the student the students name my baby my babys name a man a mans name Plural the students the students names my babies my babies names men mens names children childrens names * see Nouns Possessive Adjectives (Kata Sifat Kepemilikan) Its my name. I have my name. You have your name. We have our names. They have their names. He has his name. She has her name. I have a book. Its cover is black. Possessive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Pemilik) Its mine. I have mine. You have yours. We have ours. They have theirs. He has his. She has hers.

Using A Friend of Possessive (Menggunakan A Friend of Possessive) Do you know Greg Smith? He is a friend of mine. NORMALLY: He is one of my friends. We ate dinner with a friend Bills. INCORRECT: a friend of Bill. The Smiths are friends of mine.

Asking about Possession Using Whose (Bertanya Tentang Milik/Kepunyaan)

QUESTION Whose (book) is this? Whose (books) are those? Whose car did you borrow? COMPARE: Whos that? Whose is that? Mary Smith Marys ANSWER Its Johns (book). Theyre mine (OR: my books) I borrowed Karens (car). Whos and whose have the same pronunciation. Whos = Who is Whose = ask about possession Whose asks about possession.

1. A: ______________________________________ this? B: Susans. (Its Susans basketball.) 2. A: ______________________________________ this? B: Susan. (This is Susan.) 3. A: ______________________________________ that? B: Erics (Its Erics notebook.) 4. A: ______________________________________ these? B: Erics. (Theyre Erics tapes.) 5. A: ______________________________________ that? B: Eric. (That is Eric.) 6. A: ______________________________________ those? B: Susans. (Theyre Susans clothes.)

Feelings & Situations (Perasaan & Keadaan)

A. Adding ed and ing to Verbs (Penambahan ed dan ing pada kata kerja) Satisfied (puas, terpuaskan) Confused (bingung) Excited (gembira, bergejolak) Disappointed (kecewa) Disgusted (jijik) Terrified (ngeri) Horrified (ketakutan sekali) Frustrated (jengkel) Surprised (terkejut) Exhausted (lelah) Embarrassed (malu) Amazed (takjub) Shocked (terkejut) Satisfying (memuaskan) Confusing (membingungkan) Exciting (menggembirakan, menggejolak) Disappointing (mengecewakan) Disgusting (menjijikkan) Terrifying (mengerikan) Horrifying (menakutkan sekali) Frustrating (menjengkelkan) Surprising (mengejutkan) Exhausting (melelahkan) Embarrassing (memalukan) Amazing (menakjubkan) Shocking (mengejutkan) Interested (tertarik) Impressed (terkesan) Delighted (gembira) Interesting (menarik) Impressing (mengesankan) Delighting (menggembirakan)

Enchanted (terpesona) Amused (terhibur) Discouraged (berkecil hati) Annoyed (kesal) Worried (kuatir) Bored (bosan) Frightened (ketakutan) Fascinated (kagum) Astonished (heran) Depressed (murung, depresi, patah semangat) Tired (lelah)

Enchanting (mempesonakan) Amusing (menghibur, lucu) Discouraging (mengecilkan hati) Annoying (mengesalkan) Worrying (mengkuatirkan) Boring (membosankan) Frightening (menakutkan) Fascinating (mengagumkan) Astonishing (mengherankan) Depressing (mematahkan semangat) Tiring (melelahkan)

Loved (tersayang)

Loving (menyayangi)

B. Other Feelings & Situations (Perasaan & Keadaan Lainnya) Happy (bahagia) Shy (malu-malu) Sad (sedih) Sinful (berdosa) Glad (gembira) Afraid (takut) Nervous (gugup) Sleepy (mengantuk) Ashamed (malu) Ready (siap) Jealous (cemburu, iri) Awkward (kikuk, janggal) Unhappy (tidak bahagia) Anxious (cemas) Clumsy (canggung/kikuk) Painful (ngilu, menyakitkan) Thirsty (haus) Able (mampu) Upset (marah, bingung) Awful (mengerikan)

Suspicious Proud (curiga/mencurigakan) (bangga) Guilty (bersalah) Sorrowful (sengsara) Reluctant (enggan, segan) Lucky (beruntung) Sure (pasti, yakin) Hungry (lapar) Dizzy (pusing) Thankful (bersyukur) Scare (takut) Unsure (tidak pasti/yakin)

Using Adjectives to Describe Nouns (Menggunakan Kata Sifat untuk Menggambarkan Kata Benda)
Bob is reading a good book. (adjective + noun)

The tall woman wore a new dress. The short woman wore an old dress. The young woman wore a short dress. Roses are beautiful flowers. INCORRECT: Roses are beautifuls flowers. He wore a white shirt. INCORRECT: He wore a shirt white. Roses are beautiful. The clown is amusing. The lightning sound is shocking. His shirt was white.

At House
(Di Rumah)
House & Houseware (Rumah & Perangkat Rumah)
House / Home Livingroom/Living Room (Ruang Keluarga/Ruang Tamu) & Waiting Room/Guest Room (Ruang Tunggu/Ruang Tamu) Chimney (Cerobong asap) Aquarium (Akuarium) Couch/Sofa (Sofa) Table (Meja) Desk (Bangku) Vase (vas bunga) Ashray (Asbak) Radio (Radio) Television/TV (Televisi) Tape Player (Pemutar tape/kaset) Tape Recorder (Perekam tape/kaset) DVD/VCD/CD Player (Pemutar DVD/VCD/CD) Newspaper Rack (Rak koran) Buffet (Bufet) Bed (Tempat tidur) Mattress (Kasur) Bed Cloth/Cover (Sprei) Pillow/Cushion (Bantal) Pillow Case (Sarung bantal) Bolster (Guling) Dutch-wife (Guling humor) Mosquito Net (Kelambu) Learning Desk (Bangku belajar) Desk Lamp (Lampu meja/belajar) Lamp Shade (Kap/Tutup lampu) Cupboard (Lemari) Book Case (Tempate buku) Book Shelf (Rak buku) Babys crib (Tempat tidur bayi) Babys cradle (Buaian bayi) Drawer (Laci) Mirror (Cermin) Mirror (Cermin) Coat Hanger (Gantungan baju)

Bedroom/Bed Room (Kamar Tidur) & Library or Study Room (Perpustakaan atau Ruang Belajar)

Fitting Room (Kamar Rias)

Electric Iron (Setrika) Wardrobe (Lemari pakaian) Dining Room (Ruang Makan) Kitchen (Dapur) Gutter (Talang) Dining Table (Meja makan) Table cloth (Taplak meja) Fridge/Refrigerator (Lemari es/kulkas) Freezer (Kulkas pembeku) Trash Basket (Keranjang sampah) Dustbin (Keranjang sampah) Rubbish Box (Kotak sampah) Water Tap (Keran air) Wash Basin (Wastafel) Toilet/Restroom (Kamar Kecil) Closet (WC) Towel (Handuk) Shower Room (Kamar mandi pancuran) Gutter (Talang) Water Tap (Keran air) Bathroom sink (Wastafel) Dipper (Gayung air) Bathtub (Bak mandi) Hose (Selang) Veranda (Halaman) Well (Sumur) Flower (Bunga) Grass (Rumput) Carpet (Karpet) Rug (Permadani) Tapestry (Permadani dinding) Moqutte (Permadani tebal dari wool) Wallpaper (Wallpaper/Kertas hiasan dinding) Broom (Sapu) Mop (Kain pel) Water Bucket (Timba air) Pail (Ember) Basket (Keranjang) Household (Rumah tangga/RT) Garage (Garasi)

Bathroom (Kamar Mandi)

Yard & Garden (Halaman & Taman/Kebun)

Decoration (Hiasan)

Shed (Gudang)

House Miscellaneous (Aneka Hal Di Rumah)

Balcony (Balkon) Floor (Lantai) Door (Pintu) Shutter (Daun pintu) Window (Jendela) Doorknob (Gagang pintu) Doormat (Keset pintu) Windowpane (Kaca jendela) Key (Kunci) Key hole (Lubang kunci) Lock (Gembok) Hinge (Engsel pintu) Pillar (Tiang bangunan/rumah) Wall (Dinding/tembok) Ceiling (Langit-langit rumah) Ventilation (Lubang angina/ventilasi) Curtain (Gorden) Roof (Atap) Roof tile (Genteng) Tile (Ubin) Story (Loteng) Furniture (Mebel) Electric Switch (Saklar) Electric Fan (Kipas Angin) Air Conditioner/Aircon (AC) Watch (Jam) Wall-Clock (Jam dinding) Stairs (Tangga mendaki) Ladder (Tangga memanjat) Pool (Kolam renang) Dwellers (Penghuni) Parents (Orang tua) Children/Kids (Anak-anak) Housemaid (Pembantu RT) Housekeeper (Pengurus Rumah) Cook (Juru masak/Koki) Security (Satpam) Driver (Supir)

Kitchen Utensils (Peralatan Dapur)

Stove Pan Cooking-pot Frying-pan Frying-skillet Stir-fry-pan Spatula Rice-spatula Strainer Spoon Fork Plate Glass Cup Soup-ladle Saucer Bowl Mortar Pestle Sifter Tea-pot Chopping-block Bamboo-steamer Knife Kompor Panic Panci masak Wajan Wajan tipis Wajan besar Sutil Sendok nasi Saringan goreng/Serok Sendok Garpu Piring Gelas Cangkir Sendok sayur Cawan Mangkuk Cobek/cowek Mutu/uleg-uleg Ayakan Moci/Poci Teh Talenan Kukusan Pisau

Rice-cooker Tooth-pick Spice container Tooth-pick holder Match Kerosene Mixer Grinder Grater Vacuum Flask Blender

Penanak nasi Tusuk gigi Tempat bumbu Wadah tusuk gigi Korek api Minyak tanah (Alat) pengaduk (Alat) penggiling Parut Termos (Alat) pencampur

Tools (Perkakas/Perlengkapan)
Pen Ruler Eraser Chalk Calipers Protractor Glue Knife Hammer Nail Needle Yarn/Thread Pena Penggaris Penghapus Kapur tulis Jangka Busur derajat Lem Pisau Palu Paku Jarum Benang

Brush Paper Rope Paint Drill Nut Baut Pincers Sand paper Screw Screwdriver Scissors Saw File Square String Varnish Wax Fan/Blower Gear Spring Cotton Pulley Rubber Solder Grease

Sikat Kertas Tali Cat Bor Mur Bolt Tang Kertas amplas Sekrup Obeng Gunting Gergaji Kikir Siku-siku Senar Pernis Lilin Kipas angin Gir Pir/Pegas Kain kapas Kerek/Katrol Karet Solder Pelumas

Lubricating oil Grindstone Crowbar Spade Cotter pin/Peg Cutter Pin Ring spanner Workshop garage

Minyak pelumas Gerinda/Asah Linggis Sekop Pasak Mesin potong Pines Kunci gelang Bengkel

House Work (Pekerjaan Rumah)

Sweep the floor Mop the floor Wipe the glass Dust the table Arrange the furniture Wash up Wash the cloth Dry the cloth Iron the cloth Sew the cloth Mend the trousers Steam the rice Cook the food Fry the chicken Menyapu lantai Mengepel lantai Mengelap kaca Membersihkan debu di meja Mengatur perabot rumah tangga Mencuci Mencuci pakaian Menjemur/mengeringkan pakaian Menyetrika pakaian Menjahit pakaian Menambal celana Menanak nasi Memasak makanan Menggoreng ayam

Boil the water Roast the corn Mix the pastry Pour the tea into teapot Pare the fruit Butcher the chicken Sharpen the knife Lit the stove Clean the room Grind the spices Switch the light on / Turn the light on Switch the light off / Turn the light off Put off the flag Put up the flag Polish the shoes Scoop the water Pump out the water Drain the tub Pamper the child Prepare the dinner Shut the door Lock the door Hang the clothes Paint the house Water the flower Live in the house

Merebus air Membakar jagung Mengaduk adonan Menuang teh ke ceret Mengupas buah Menyembelih ayam Mengasah pisau Menyalakan kompor Membersihkan kamar Menguleg bumbu Menyalakan lampu Mematikan lampu Menurunkan bendera Memasang bendera Menyemir sepatu Menimba air Memompa air Menguras bak mandi Menimang bayi Menyiapkan makan malam Menutup pintu Mengunci pintu Menggantung pakaian Mengecat rumah Menyirami bunga Tinggal di dalam rumah

Using Nouns as Adjectives (Menggunakan Kata Benda sebagai Kata Sifat)

I have a flower garden. The kitchen store also sells tools. INCORRECT: a flowers garden INCORRECT: the kitchens store

Pointing Back Action to Subject (Mengarahkan Kembali Tindakan Terhadap Subyek/Pelaku)

myself yourself herself himself itself ourselves yourselves themselves I saw myself in the mirror. You (one person) saw yourself. She saw herself. He saw himself. It (e.g. the kitten) saw itself. We saw ourselves. You (plural) saw yourselves. They saw themselves. by + a reflexive pronoun = alone (sendirian)

INCORRECT: I saw me in the mirror.

Greg lives by himself. I sat by myself on the park bench. I enjoyed myself at the fair

Enjoy and a few other verbs are commonly followed by a reflexive pronoun. See the list below.

VERBS AND PHRASES COMMONLY FOLLOWED BY A REFLEXIVE PRONOUN believe in yourself (percaya pada) blame yourself (menyalahkan) cut yourself (memotong) enjoy yourself (menikmati) feel sorry for yourself (menyesali) help yourself (menolong) hurt yourself (menyakiti) give yourself (something) (memberi) introduce yourself (memperkenalkan) kill yourself (membunuh) pinch yourself (mencubit) be proud of yourself (bangga) take care of yourself (merawat) talk to yourself (berbicara pada) teach yourself (mengajar) tell yourself (memberitahu) work for yourself (bekerja untuk/mandiri) wish yourself (luck) (mendoakan)

(Arahan / Pengarahan)
Compass (Arah Mata Angin)



N = North S = South E = East W = West Central

Utara Selatan Timur Barat Tengah

NW = North West SW = South West NE = North East SE = South East

Barat Laut Barat Daya Timur Laut Tenggara

Example: South Africa = Afrika Selatan South East Asia = Asia Tenggara East Java = Jawa Timur Central Java = Jawa Tengah West of my house = sebelah barat rumahku

Adverb of Place (Keterangan Tempat)

in front of me before me behind me in the back of me in the right of him in the left of her on your left side on your right side under the table below the table in the room on the table above the table at the top of the hill beside my house between me and him among the children in the corner of the classroom next to me around me across the street over the sea beyond the sky along the beach di depanku di depanku di belakangku di belakangku di sebelah kanan dia (pria) di sebelah kiri dia (wanita) di sebelah kirimu di sebelah kananmu di bawah meja di bawah meja di dalam ruangan di (atas) meja di atas meja (berjarak) di puncak bukit di samping rumahku di antara aku dan dia (dua orang/benda) di antara anak-anak (banyak orang/benda) di sudut / pojok ruang kelas di sebelahku di sekitarku di seberang jalan melewati/melebihi lautan melampaui langit sepanjang pantai

Where is / Where are (Dimana)

Where is | Noun (singular)? Where are | Noun (plural)?

Example: Where is Rita? Rita is on the way. Where is my pen? Your pen is in my bag. Where are my friends? Your friends are in the class. Where are my books? Your books are on the table

Asking For & Giving Directions (Bertanya & Memberi Petunjuk Arah)
Expressions used to ask for directions (Ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk bertanya arah) Could you tell me the way to (the) ? Can you tell me how to get to (the) ? Can you direct me to (the) ? Can you give me directions to (the) ? Where is (the) ? Which way is to ? How do I get to (the) ? Whats the best way to get to (the) ? Dapatkah Anda memberitahu saya jalan ke ? Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya jalan ke ? Dapatkah Anda mengarahkan saya ke ? Bisakah Anda memberi arah ke ? Di manakah ? Jalan yang mana ke ? Bagaimana saya menuju ke ? Apakah jalan terdekat ke ?

Giving Directions (Memberi arah) Go down / up until you get to Keep going on / keep straight. Go straight away / Go straight (American). Go right away. Turun/naik hingga anda sampai di Lurus saja. Jalan lurus saja. Jalan lurus saja.

Turn left / right. Go / Stop! Pull over. Follow this street until you come to

Belok kiri / kanan. Jalan / Berhenti! Menepilah. Ikutilah jalan ini hingga anda sampai di

Other Expressions for Directions (Ungkapan-ungkapan lain untuk arah) Traffic light Intersection / junction Cross-junction T-junction Lampu lalu lintas Persimpangan jalan Perempatan pertigaan

Conversation 14
Tourist : Could you tell me the way to the post office, Sir? Passer-by : Sure. From here, follow this street until you come to the traffic light. Then turn left. Its about 500 meters. You will come to the T-junction. Are you with me? Tourist : Yupe. How far is it from the T-junction? Passer-by : Not so far. Its ten minutes walk. From the T-junction, go straight on and take the right turn on the second traffic light. From the traffic light you will see the Bank of Indonesia in the corner. The post office is next to the bank. Do you get it? Tourist : Yes, its clear. Thank you. Passer-by : Not at all.

Give your friend direction how to get to your home from our school.

Around Us
(Sekitar kita)
Colour / Color (Warna)
Basic Color (Warna Dasar) Black White Red Pink Blue Green Yellow Orange Brown Gray Purple Violet Blackish Reddish Pinky Bluish Greenish Yellowish Brownish Purplish Grayish Hitam Putih Merah Merah pink Biru Hijau Kuning Oranye Coklat Abu-abu Ungu Silver Transparent Light red Maroon Light blue Light green Light yellow Golden Light brown Light gray Light purple Coklat muda Abu-abu muda Ungu muda Ungu terang muda Biru muda Hijau muda Kuning muda Merah muda Derivative Colors (Warna Turunan) Perak Transparan / Tak berwarna Dark red Merah Marun Dark blue Dark green Dark yellow Biru tua Hijau tua Kuning tua Merah tua

Emas / Keemasan Dark brown Dark gray Dark purple Dark violet Coklat tua Abu-abu tua Ungu tua Ungu terang tua

Ungu terang Light violet

(agak) Kehitaman (agak) Kemerahan (agak) Merah Pink (agak) Kebiruan (agak) Kehijauan (agak) Kekuningan (agak) Kecoklatan (agak) Keunguan (agak) Keabu-abuan

Attributes of Things (Sifat-Sifat Benda)

A. Dimensions (Dimensi) Size (Ukuran) Enormous Huge Big / Large Mid-sized Small / Little Tiny Sangat besar tak terkira Sangat besar Besar Sedang Kecil Mungil / Kecil sekali

Heights (Ketinggian) High Low Tall Small Tinggi Rendah Tinggi (badan) Pendek (badan)

Thickness (Ketebalan) Thick Thin Tebal Tipis

Width (Lebar) Wide Narrow Lebar Sempit

Tightness (Keketatan) Tight Loosen Ketat Longgar

Length (Panjang) Long Short Panjang Pendek

Distance (Jarak) Far Near / Close by Jauh Dekat

Quantity (Jumlah) A few (countable) A little (uncountable) Many (countable) Much (uncountable) Empty Full Colossal None Sedikit Sedikit Banyak Banyak Kosong Penuh Banyak sekali Tak ada

B. Quality of Things Good / Well Bad Old New Obsolete Contemporary / Modern Lovely Baik Buruk Tua / Lama / Lalu Baru Usang Terkini / Jaman sekarang Indah

Beautiful Funny Expensive Cheap Clean Dirty Dark Bright Soft Hard Smooth Rough / Coarse Sharp Blunt Comfortable Uncomfortable Favourable / Favorable Unfavourable / Unfavorable Qualified Non-Qualified / Shitty Out of order Expire

Cantik / Indah Lucu Mahal Murah Bersih Kotor Gelap Terang Lunak / Lembut / Empuk Keras / Kasar Halus Kasar Tajam Tumpul Nyaman Tak nyaman Menguntungkan Tak menguntungkan Bermutu / Berkualitas Tak bermutu Rusak Kadaluarsa

Nature & Environment (Alam & Lingkungan)

World Earth Island Archipelago Continent Ocean Sea Gulf Promontory / Cape Strait Beach / Shore Abyss Lake River Bank Land Field Rice-field Ground / Soil Dessert Mount / Mountain Hill Slope Cliff Dunia Bumi Pulau Kepulauan Benua Samudera Laut Teluk Tanjung Selat Pantai Ngarai / jurang laut Danau Sungai Tepi sungai Daratan Ladang, Lapangan Sawah Tanah Padang pasir Gunung / Pegunungan Bukit Lereng Tebing

Ravine / Gorge / Chasm Gulch Canyon Peak Lava Crater Volcano Valley Marsh Stream Drainage / Gutter Pool Pond Dam Spring Waterfall Cave Forest Jungle Protective forest Forester Forest fire Sanctuary Botanical Garden Park Garden

Jurang kecil yang curam Jurang terjal Lembah/ngarai/jurang yang luas & curam Puncak Lava Kawah Gunung berapi Lembah Rawa Parit Selokan / Got Kolam Empang (kolam perikanan) Bendungan Mata air Air terjun / curug Gua Hutan Hutan rimba Hutan lindung Penjaga hutan Kebakaran hutan Cagar alam Kebun raya Taman Kebun

Meadow Rock Stone Coral Sand Top soil Mud Ash Tree Water Fire Air Wind Metal Natural disaster Storm Earth-quake Erosion Cyclone Typhoon Pollution Air pollution Water pollution Pollute (Verb) Rubbish / Garbage Garbage man

Padang rumput Batu karang Batu Kerikil Pasir Humus Lumpur Abu Pohon Air Api Udara Angina Logam Bencana alam Badai Gempa bumi Tanah longsor Angin puyuh Angin topan Pencemaran / polusi Pencemaran udara Pencemaran air Mencemari Sampah Tukang sampah

Garbage truck Garbage bin Way / street Road Landscape / Scenery / Panorama Sunrise Sunset Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse Sun Moon Star Sky Cloud Rain Rainbow Wave

Truk sampah Tong sampah Jalan Jalan raya Pemandangan Matahari terbit Matahari terbenam Gerhana matahari Gerhana bulan Matahari Bulan Bintang Langit Awan Hujan Pelangi Ombak

Translate the above vocabularies of nature and environment from Indonesian into English.

Natural Changes (Perubahan-Perubahan Alam)

Season Weather Climate Tropical climate Temperature Cloudy Spring Summer Autumn / Fall Winter Dry season Rainy season Musim Cuaca Iklim Iklim tropis Suhu Berawan Musim semi Musim panas Musim gugur Musim dingin Musim kemarau / kering Musim hujan

Common Weather Expressions (Ungkapan-Ungkapan Cuaca Umum) Its raining Its raining heavily / Its heavy rain Its drizzling Its sprinkling Its sunny Its clearing up Its cloudy Its foggy Its windy Its misty Its snowy / sleet Hujan Hujan deras Gerimis (butir air besar & agak deras) Gerimis (butir air kecil dan kurang deras) Cuaca cerah Sudah reda (hujannya) Mendung Berkabut Berangin Berembun Bersalju / Hujan es campur salju

Its shady Its muddy Its watery Its moisty Its humid Its flood Its ebb tide Its high tide Its storm / rainstorm Its stormy Its lightning / flash Its rainbow Its typhoon Its cyclone Its shower Its hail Its blizzard Its hot Its cold Its chilly Its warm Its cool Its fresh Its freezing Its breezy Its smoggy

Teduh Berlumpur Berair / Becek (jalannya) Basah Lembab Banjir Gelombang surut Gelombang pasang Badai / Hujan badai Penuh badai Kilat Pelangi Angin topan Angin puyuh Hujan angina Hujan es Badai salju Panas (udaranya) Dingin (udaranya) Agak dingin (udaranya) Hangat (udaranya) Sejuk (udaranya) Segar (udaranya) Sangat dingin (membeku) Beranging sepoi-sepoi Berkabut campur asap

Other Weather Expression How is the weather today? Its fine (today) Its a fine day Its a nice day Its a lovely day Its a wonderful day Its a bad weather Its rather hot today Its very hot / cold What a lovely day! What a nice day! What a wonderful day! What a terrible day! What a day! The weather is changing What is the temperature today? Its below zero Its five below zero Its twenty-five degrees Celsius Bagaimana cuacanya hari ini? Cerah (cuacanya hari ini) Hari yang bagus Hari yang baik Hari yang indah Hari yang sungguh indah Cuaca yang buruk Agak panas hari ini Sangat panas / dingin Betapa indahnya hari ini! Betapa baiknya hari ini! Betapa sungguh indahnya hari ini! Betapa buruknya hari ini! Betapa buruknya hari ini! Cuacanya berubah-ubah Berapa suhunya hari ini? Di bawah nol Lima derajat di bawah nol 25o Celcius / 25 derajat Celcius

Conversation 15
X : How is the weather today? Y : Its fine today X : What a lovely day! What is the temperature? Y : its thirty degrees Celsius.

Conversation 16
Stranger Pedestrian Stranger Pedestrian Stranger Pedestrian Stranger Pedestrian Stranger Pedestrian Stranger Pedestrian : : : : : : : : : : : : How was the weather yesterday? It was nice. Hows the weather today? Its nice. Well. Its so cloudy. I think it will rain. Are you sure? Yes, Im sre. Look at the sky. Th cloud is running so fast and very thick. If rain is very heavy, this town will be flood. Whats the temperature outside? Its about ten degree. Wont you wear a jacket? Its very cold. Yes, I will.

Write down information about the climate and seasons of your country, current season, todays weather and temperature. Read out your writing in front of your classmates.

Building and Place (Gedung dan Tempat)

House Home School Bank Hospital Clinic Office Police office / Police station Police post Post office Bus station Bus stop Bus terminal Railway station Hotel Restaurant Mosque Church Theater / Theatre Caf Shop / store Sport hall Stadium Market Rumah Rumah (lebih makna abstrak) Sekolah Bank Rumah sakit Klinik / Puskesmas Kantor Kantor Polisi Pos polisi Kantor pos Stasiun bus Halte bus Terminal bus Stasiun kereta api Hotel Restoran / Rumah makan Masjid Gereja Teater Kafe Took Gedung olahraga Stadion Pasar

Supermarket Department store Book store Stationary Inn Factory Hall Library Pharmacy / Dispensary / Drug Store Court-house Repair station Workshop Town hall Village hall Tower Sky-scraper Temple Monastery Cottage Boarding school Prison / jail Store room Warehouse Museum Palace Castle

Pasar swalayan Pasar swalayan (baju) Toko buku Toko alat-alat tulis / alat-alat tulis Losmen / Kedai Pabrik Balai / Aula Perpustakaan Apotik / Rumah obat Pengadilan Bengkel Tempat kerja / Bengkel Balai kota Balai desa Menara Gedung pencakar langit Candi / kuil Biara Pondok Sekolah asrama/Pondok pesantren Penjara Gudang Gudang Musium Istana Istana (besar)

Fortress Igloo Conference hall Convention hall

Benteng Igloo (rumah orang Eskimo) Balai konperensi / Balai sidang Balai konperensi / Balai sidang

Floor (Lantai)
Lower Ground / LG Under Ground / UG Basement / Ground Floor / GF Second Floor Third Floor Top Floor 1 Lantai Bawah Tanah 2 Lantai Bawah Tanah Lantai 1 / Dasar Lantai ke 2 Lantai ke 3 Lantai Teratas

Description (Gambaran) The place you live in The place you study The place you save money The place of medical treatments The place of a doctor The place you work in (bekerja di dalam) The place policemen (para polisi) work (bekerja) The place policemen stay on the street (jalanan) The place you send post mails (mengirimkan benda-benda pos) The place you take a bus (naik bus) Building or Place

The small place you take a bus The big place you take a bus The place you take a train The place you stay in the night on vacation (selagi liburan) The place you buy luxurious dishes (beli hidangan mewah) The place Muslims pray (berdoa) The place Christians pray The place to watch movies (menonton film) The place to chill and buy beverages (bersantai dan beli minuman The place to buy stuff (barang-barang) The place to do sport activities (aktivitas olahraga) The big place to do sport activities especially soccer (terutama sepakbola) The place to buy food ingredients (bahan baku makanan) The big place to buy daily needs (kebutuhan harian) The place to buy clothes (pakaian) The place to buy books The place to buy office tools (perlengkapan kantor) The place to stay in the night on traveling (selagi perjalanan) The place to manufacture products (memabrikkan produk) The place many people gather for a certain occasion (berkumpul untuk sebuah acara tertentu) The place to keep knowledge books (menyimpan buku pengetahuan) for later reading The place to buy drugs (obat-obatan) The place to take someone (seseorang) on court

(pengadilan) The place to repair vehicles (memperbaiki kendaraan) or stuff (barang-barang) The place to work on projects (mengerjakan proyek) The place to gather people in a town (mengumpulkan orang-orang di sebuah kota) The place to gather people in a village (mengumpulkan orang-orang di sebuah desa) A building with many stories up high to the sky A very large building with more stories than a tower The place to pray or do rituals for Buddhist monks or Hindu priests The place of Catholic priests A small house The place to study and live in the same place The place to put criminals for punishment The place to store things (menyimpan benda-benda) A large building to store goods (barang dagangan/jualan) The place to store and display (memajang) historical things A large house A king lives in this very large house A large strong wall to defend the area within from invasion (serangan) The house of Eskimo made of blocks of snow A large room for a formal meeting A large room for a formal meeting of the members of a society (perkumpulan) or political party (partai politik)

Animal (Binatang/Hewan)
ANIMAL (Binatang/Hewan) Lion Tiger Panther Cheetah Cube Monkey Ape Chimpanzee Kangaroo Gorilla Elephant Swine Rhinoceros Deer Bear Fox Wolf Squirrel Bison Zebra Hippopotamus Beaver Chevrotain Porcupine Giraffe Singa Harimau Macan Hitam Macan Tutul Anak singa Kera/Monyet Kera Simpanse/Kera berdiri Kangguru Gorilla Gajah Celeng Badak bercula Rusa/Kijang/Kancil Beruang Rubah Serigala Tupai Bison Zebra Kuda nil Musang Pelanduk/Kancil Landak Jerapah

WILD ANIMAL (Binatang Liar)

FARM ANIMAL / CATTLE (Binatang Ternak)

Cow Milky-cow Buffalo Bull Horse Ox Sheep Goat Camel Pig Donkey Marmot Lamb Calf Colt / Foal Mare She camel Chicken * Cock * Fighting-cock * Hen * Broiler * Laying hen * Pheasant * Goose * Duck * Duckling * Guinea fowl * Snake Comodo Crocodile Alligator Turtle Tortoise Frog Iguana Chameleon Lizard Cobra Worm Eel Caterpillar

Sapi Sapi perah Kerbau Banteng Kuda Lembu Domba Kambing Unta Babi Keledai Marmut Anak biri-biri Anak sapi Anak kuda Kuda betina Onta betina Ayam (muda) Ayam jantan Ayam aduan/jago Ayam betima Ayam pedaging Ayam petelur Ayam hutan Angsa potong Bebek/Itik Anak bebek/itik (meri) Ayam mutiara Ular Komodo Buaya (air) Buaya (darat) Kura-kura air/Penyu Kura-kura darat Katak Iguana/Biawak Bunglon Kadal Ular kobra Cacing Belut Ulat

REPTILE (Binatang Melata)

BIRD (Burung)

Eagle Hawk Bat Dove Pigeon Peacock Turkey Paradise bird Cassowary Starling Owl Woodpecker Stork Crane Crow Sparrow Parrot Cockatoo Parakeet Swallow Pelican Sea-gull Penguin Finch Swan Love-bird Condor Scissors tail Canary Flamingo Fire-horse Fire-fly Ostrich Fish Shark Whale Dolphin Eel Cat fish Snail Leech Blood sucker Octopus

Elang/Rajawali Elang Kelelawar Merpati putih Merpati Merak Kalkun Cendrawasih Kasuari Jalak Burung hantu Burung pelatuk Bangau Bangau Burung gagak Burung gereja Betet Kakatua Parkit Sriti/Walet Burung pelikan Camar Pinguin Pipit Angsa Nuri Rajawali Srigunting Kanari Flamingo Kuda terbang Kunang-kunang Burung Onta Ikan Ikan hiu Ikan paus Lumba-lumba Belut Lele Siput Lintah Lintah Gurita

MARIAQUA (Binatang Air & Laut)

Gold fish Shrimp Crab Trout Jelly fish Squid Anemone Sea cucumber Oyster Mermaid Seal Walrus Tarsier INSECT (Serangga) Ant Bee Beetle Fly Mosquito Termite Cricket Grasshopper Caterpillar Butterfly Louse Bug Cockroach Spider Centipede Scorpion Millipede Big insect Cocoon

Ikan emas Udang Kepiting Ikan air tawar Ubur-ubur Cumi-cumi Bunga karang Teripang Kerang Putri duyung Anjing laut Singa laut Kukang Semut Lebah Kumbang Lalat Nyamuk Rayap Jangkrik Belalang Ulat Kupu-kupu Kutu Kutu busuk Kecoa Laba-laba Kelabang Kalajengking Kaki seribu Walang sangit Kepompong

Note (Keterangan): * It is part of the Fowl animal (Bagian dari binatang Unggas)

Parts of Animal Body (Bagian-Bagian Tubuh Binatang/Hewan) Trunk (Belalai) Ivory (Gading) Tusk (Gading/Taring) Horn (Tanduk) Fangs (Taring) Wings (Sayap) Tail (Ekor) Sting (Sengat) Feather (Bulu) Fur (Bulu/rambut) Fin (Sirip) Paw (Cakar kaki) Claw (Cakar) Spur (Jalu/Cakar) Tentacle (Sungut) Elephant



Elephant, Walrus

Deer, Bull, Buffalo, Hippopotamus, etc.

Fox, Wolf

Bird, Fowl

Many animals


Bird, Fowl

Cat, Dog


Cat, Dog, Lion

Bird, Fowl, Lion



Animal House (Rumah Binatang) Nest Stable Bee-hive Cage Enclosure Aviary Sarang burung Kandang kuda Sarang lebah Sangkar burung, unggas, binatang buas Kerangkeng binatang besar Sangkar besar

Actions about Animal (Tindakan terkait Binatang) Cage Trap Lay the egg Brood Hatch Sting Crow Bark Meow Extinct Rare Mengurung Menjerat, memperangkap Bertelur Mengerami Menetas Menyengat Berkokok Menyalak, menggonggong Mengeong Punah Langka

Other Knowledge about Animal (Pengetahuan Lain tentang Binatang) Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore Tame animal Mammals Quadrupeds Pets Dinosaur Karnivora Herbivora Omnivora Binatang jinak Binatang mamalia Binatang berkaki empat Binatang peliharaan Binatang purba

Human Body (Tubuh Manusia)
Head (Kepala) hair forehead temple brain face eye(s) eyelid eyelash(es) eyebrow(s) ear ear lobe nose rambut dahi pelipis otak wajah/muka mata kelopak mata bulu mata alis mata telinga cuping telinga hidung nostrils cheek chin mouth lip(s) tooth/teeth tongue moustache beard neck tear jakun lubang hidung pipi dagu mulut bibir gigi lidah kumis jenggot leher air mata Adams apple

Chest (Dada) breast(s) back upper torso nipple(s) payudara/buah dada punggung batang tubuh atas putting susu

Stomach/Belly (Perut) abdomen navel hip buttock/bottom lower torso

Note (Keterangan): Torso is all parts of chest and stomach/belly

perut pusar pinggang pantat batang tubuh bawah

Hand (Tangan) arm armpit upper arm elbow lower arm wrist palm lengan ketiak lengan atas siku lengan bawah pergelangan tangan telapak tangan

Finger (Jari) thumb fore finger / pointing finger middle finger ring finger little finger / pinkie nail ibu jari jari telunjuk jari tengah jari manis kelingking kuku

Foot (Kaki) feet (plural) thigh knee calf ankle heel sole toe kaki (jamak/kiri kanan) paha lutut betis pergelangan kaki/mata kaki tumit telapak kaki jari kaki

Entrails (Isi/Bagian Dalam Tubuh) throat pharynx larynx heart small intestine spleen pancreas stomach lung(s) large intestine kidney(s) bladder liver tenggorokan/kerongkongan gall bladder kerongkongan tenggorokan jantung usus kecil limpa pancreas lambung paru-paru usus besar ginjal kandung kemih hati/liver bile flesh tissue muscle artery vein blood fat appendix urine saliva diaphragm empedu cairan empedu daging jaringan otot urat (pembuluh nadi) urat (pembuluh balik) darah lemak usus buntu air seni air ludah diafragma/selaput pelindung paru-paru, perut bawah dan organ reproduksi

Skeleton (Kerangka) bone rib gum grinder/molar tulang tulang rusuk gusi geraham upper jaw lower jaw nerve backbone rahang atas rahang bawah urat saraf tulang punggung/belakang tulang punggung/belakang tulang kering


gigi taring


milk teeth palate jaw

gigi susu langit-langit mulut rahang


knuckle/knucklebone tulang buku jari

Skin (Kulit) sweat body hair fasciae keringat bulu/rambut tubuh jaringan/lapisan pelindung/penutup kulit, tulang dan setiap organ dalam tubuh

Human Character (Sifat Manusia)

diligent determined kind clever smart intelligent honest/fair polite humble low profile modest careful careless helpful generous just brave calm innocent rajin tekun/rajin baik hati pintar cerdas cerdik jujur sopan rendah hati rendah hati rendah hati/sederhana berhati-hati/teliti ceroboh/sembrono/tidak teliti dermawan/suka menolong dermawan/suka memberi adil berani tenang/pendiam lugu skillful wise discipline creative courtly bad stupid foolish silly lazy/dull arrogant boastful unfair unjust stingy/miserly impolite bad tempered stern cruel unable rude bold spite naughty terampil bijaksana disiplin kreatif sopan-santun jahat/nakal bodoh tolol dungu malas sombong/angkuh sombong curang tidak adil/pilih kasih pelit kurang ajar/tidak sopan pemarah bengis kejam tidak bisa/mampu kasar perkasa/berani bandel nakal

tender/gentle lemah lembut funny able capable thrifty lucu bisa/mampu cakap hemat/cermat

greedy fussy coward extravagant selfish

serakah/tamak/rakus cerewet pengecut/penakut boros egois

spoiled flirtatious heartbreaker suspicious fishy/compromising

manja genit mata keranjang curiga mencurigakan

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